Retail Market Week 29 - 2022




National transport figures for last week was 412,371 cartons, an increase of 4.5% on the previous week or some 17,838 additional cartons. In the last week, morning temperatures have been noticeably cooler - winter has finally come to North Qld with minimums falling within a range of 4.7- to 18.5C; whilst day time temperatures have only seen a top of 26.9C -within a range of 19.1 to 26.9C across the week which for NQld is indeed mild. The weather has continued to have cold overnight temps and early mornings of 3.0-7.7C.   In terms of rainfall, most regions had light falls ranging 0.2 to 13.4mm, though Innisfail was the exception with a total of 39.8mm falling across the week. Cavendish banana bunch age is now falling in the vicinity of 16-17 weeks, with fruit quality generally good overall in our packshed though we now seeing the presence of underpeel chill after the last two weeks of cold overnight and morning lows as well as some light scarring. Fruit bloom will be impacted by the weather we have been experiencing - such lows cause a temporary cessation of sap flow which results in the sub-epidermal layer greying/browning which reflects outward through the peel with the fruit having a dull appearance. Whilst this does impact the fresh appeal of the banana, it in no way negatively impacts the flavour or eating quality of the fruit - in fact, winter grown fruit is normally a little sweeter as it takes longer to grow.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $2.99 to $3.49/kg this week.  The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $14-$28 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

The presentation of Cavendish presented reasonably well and fruit generally exhibiting good bloom - though there is a growing presence of winter chill affected fruit. There was a presence of minor dry scar; minor neck damage; as well as bronzing; bruising; small rub marks and sap staining.  Colour was generally good.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas was fairly uniform this week in comparison to the week prior with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.49/kg; whilst Woolies offered fruit $3.50 - $3.90/kg and Coles also offered fruit at $3.50 - $3.90/kg depending upon location of the stores visited. Fruit was presenting well with bright bloom and just minor skin marking.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 28 - A total of 429,536 trays were harvested and transported last week which represents a significant increase of 68% ( or just over 174,000 trays) on Week 27, 2022 production – Central Qld maintained the lead in production accounting for 50% of this volume and North Qld in second place contributed 35% of this; 5% from Central NSW and 5% from South Qld. The remaining 5% is made up of contributions from WA (yes that’s right, a low volume is already trickling in) Northern Rivers/Tamborine and Sunshine Coast.

·       It is forecast that a total of 383K trays will be despatched this week nationally. The Hass forecast for the next two weeks to three weeks is for similar quantities of 380K to 384K trays per week and in the next fortnight after this it is forecast figures to drop to 350K. The current four week average dispatch as of this week is 366,406 trays.

Major supermarkets were united in terms of avo pricing this week with premium Hass ticketed at $1.20 to $1.29ea .  Hass market pricing has remained relatively steady this week. Prices ranging between $10-$19/tray for premium and a range of $8 -$12/tray for class one.  There continues to be very few bulk Hass on the market currently as what is available is being used for prepacking to service the supermarkets predominantly.

The weather in North Qld for our avocado crop has seen daytime temperatures ranging 4.7 to 26C whilst there have been some frosty mornings on the Tablelands with single digit temperatures experienced in low lying areas on a few mornings. Fruit quality from our packing shed has been good and we are still harvesting a major proportion of our crop in the count 14-18 sizing.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing though a couple of lines of hass had a low level presence of light lenticel/nodule damage relating to recent rain in the growing region. Fruit age ranged 8 to 16 days. 

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Hass selling this week at a ticket price of $1.29ea;  Coles Qld had NQ Hass ticketed at $1.20ea, and Gmax selling at $2.00ea; whilst Woolworths Qld had Hass selling at $1.00 to $1.20/piece depending upon store location and Gmax selling at $2.00ea.  The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to just about ready to eat. 



Left to Right: Top Woolworths Hass and Woolworths Gmax; Bottom left -Aldi Shepard and Right -Coles Hass Avocados






  • A full display of Cavendish Bananas ticketed at $3.49/kg. Fruit had developing colour, most clusters had minimal scarring.


  • A display of Cavendish were priced at $3.49/kg. A mix of colour on this display including some semi-colour in terms of condition. Some neck creasing present and odd finger found to be splitting.

  • Lady Fingers at this store priced at $5.99/kg. A degree of rub, minor bruising found.


  • A display of Cavendish were priced at $3.49/kg- a low level presence of some light minor skin marks and dry sap staining noted. Most of the display was green and dull.

  • Lady Fingers at this store priced at $5.99/kg.




  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $3.50/kg - fruit that was displayed in single layer on each step. Fruit supplied by DBM. A light presence of underpeel chill noted.

  • ‘Eco’ Red Tips at $5.50/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg. Organic at $4.90/kg.


  • Cavendish on display priced at $3.90/kg, as Kid’s packs also at $3.90. Majority of fruit had good colour. A few odd clusters found with dull bloom. Some minor skin marking present.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.90/kg. Organic also at $4.90/kg.




  • Cavendish priced at $3.50/kg - display tidy but a considerable amount of stock in cartons as front spillover. Kids packs at $2.50ea. Fruit presented cleanly and had bright bloom.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg, Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Organic bananas at $5.50/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.90/kg - a neatly presented display- a low level presence of minor scarring and bloom was good. Kids packs at $2.50ea. Eat now and eat later options in the correct locations.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg, Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Organic variety at $5.50/kg.


  • Cavendish priced at $3.00-3.50/kg - two different price tickets on display?? - display was tidy. Kids packs at $2.50ea.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.90/kg with neck damage and minor skin marking.


  • Cavendish priced at $3.49/kg.




  • HASS Avocados count 23’s supplied by Purpleskin at $1.29ea. Fruit packed 8th July so fruit age was 12 days.

  • Both the Hass 5 piece and 1kg Net packs at $4.49ea.


  • Dual displays of Purpleskins Hass Avocado Count 23/25 Hass - priced at $1.29 ea. Fruit packed 5th July therefore 15 days old.

  • 1kg and 5 piece packs at $4.49ea.


  • Purpleskin HASS Avocados count 23s at $1.29ea. Fruit packed 8th July so 13 days old.

  • Both the Hass 5 piece supplied by Simpsons and 1kg Net packs at $4.49ea.




  • Dual displays of Count 23 Hass Avocados supplied by various growers including Rock Ridge Farms, Simpsons and Delroy grower were presented on a table top display and also on two ends - ticketed at $1.20ea. All fruit presented well - good selection of maturities available for customers. Did find a couple of pieces of Simpson fruit with copper residue.

  • Fruit packed dates range 2nd to 8th July so 12 to 15 days.

  • 5 piece prepacks priced at $5.50ea and 1kg ImPerfects on special at $4.00ea.


  • On offer Count 28 Hass grown and supplied by Simpson Farms; Purpleskin; Costa Avocado; Delroys (NQ fruit packed by Massaso’s) - displayed on a table top and on an end opposite store entry priced at $1.20ea. GMAX Avocados at $2.00ea.

  • Multiple grower stickers present. Good mix of condition. Costa packed dates of 4th to 6th July so fruit age 14 to 16 days.

  • 5pk prepacks priced at $5.50ea and 1kg IM Perfect prepacks on special at $4.00ea.




  • Hass in count 23/25’s were ticketed at $1.00ea, displayed on A Frame single sided display just inside the entrance to the produce department. Fruit supplied by Howe Farming (APP) packed 12th July so 8 days old, most were very firm and Poggioli.

  • Prepacks: 1kg packs at $4.00ea.


  • Purpleskin Count 20 Hass Avocados ticketed at $1.20 each - fruit packed 8th July so avos age was 12 days - a nice mix of maturities.

  • 5 piece nets at $5.00ea and 1kg Odd Bunch at $4.00ea.


  • Hass Ct 18 and 20’s were ticketed at $1.20ea, displayed on A Frame double sided display just inside the entrance to the produce department. Growers included Purpleskin; Howe Farming and Poggioli’s fruit packed 6th to 8th July so fruit age 12 to 14 days old. GMAX at $2.00ea.

  • Prepacks: 5piece packs at $5.00ea and 1kg Odd Bunch at $4.00ea.


  • Hass Avocados at 3 for $5.00.


Retail Market Week 28 - 2022




National transport figures for last week was 394,533 cartons, a decrease of 3.1% on the previous week or some 12,585 fewer cartons. In the last week, morning temperatures have been noticeably cooler - winter has finally come to North Qld with minimums falling within a range of 8.6.0- to 15.9C; whilst day time temperatures have only seen a top of 25C -within a range of 21.2 to 25C across the week which for NQld is indeed mild. The weather has continued to be cool this week with some record breaking lows of -3.6C experienced on the Tablelands this week and the presence of frosts in low lying areas.   In terms of rainfall, all regions were much drier with minimal falls of 0.2-0.8mm throughout the week. Cavendish banana bunch age is still in the vicinity of 15-16 weeks, with fruit quality generally good overall in our packshed though we continue to grade out some light scarring. Fruit bloom will be impacted by the weather we have been experiencing last week and this week - such lows cause a temporary cessation of sap flow which results in the sub-epidermal layer greying/browning which reflects outward through the peel with the fruit having a dull appearance. Whilst this does impact the fresh appeal of the banana, it in no way negatively impacts the flavour or eating quality of the fruit - in fact, winter grown fruit is normally a little sweeter as it takes longer to grow.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $2.49 to $3.29/kg this week.  The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $10-$26 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

The presentation of Cavendish presented reasonably well and fruit generally exhibiting good bloom - few odd clusters starting to show a presence of dull peel but believed not to be due to growing conditions at this stage. There was a presence of minor dry scar; minor neck damage; as well as bronzing; bruising; small rub marks and sap staining.  Colour was generally good.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas was fairly uniform this week in comparison to the week prior with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $2.99/kg; whilst Woolies offered fruit $3.00/kg and Coles also offered fruit at $3.00/kg depending upon location of the stores visited. Fruit was presenting well with bright bloom and just minor skin marking.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 27 - A MUCH LIGHTER HARVEST OF 254,918 trays LAST WEEK and consigned this week which represents a significant decrease of 38% ( or just over 153,000 trays) on Week 26, 2022 production – Central Qld maintained the lead in production accounting for 56% of this volume and North Qld in second place contributed 30% of this; 7% from Central NSW and 4% from South Qld. The remaining 3% is made up of contributions from WA (yes that’s right, a low volume is already trickling in) Northern Rivers/Tamborine and Sunshine Coast.

·       It is forecast that a total of 347K trays will be despatched this week nationally. The Hass forecast for the next two weeks to three weeks is for between 360K to 375K trays per week. The current four week average dispatch as of this week is 365,533 trays.

Major supermarkets were united in terms of avo pricing this week with premium Hass ticketed at $0.9 to $1.00ea .  Hass market pricing has remained relatively steady this week. Prices ranging between $10-$18/tray for premium and a range of $6 -$10/tray for class one.  There continues to be very few bulk Hass on the market currently as what is available is being used for prepacking to service the supermarkets predominantly.

The weather in North Qld for our avocado crop has seen daytime temperatures ranging 8 to 25C whilst there have been some frosty mornings on the Tablelands with sub-zero temperatures experienced in low lying areas on a few mornings. Fruit quality from our packing shed has been good and we are still harvesting a major proportion of our crop in the count 14-18 sizing.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing though some of the hass had a low level presence of light lenticel/nodule damage relating to recent rain in the growing region. Fruit age ranged 6 to 14 days. 

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Hass and Gmax avos selling this week at a ticket price of only $0.99ea as featured in their weekly catalogue;  Coles Qld had NQ Hass ticketed at $1.00ea, and Gmax selling at $2.00ea; whilst Woolworths Qld had larger counts Hass selling at $1.00-$1.20/piece depending upon store location and Gmax selling at $2.00ea to $2.20ea.  The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to soft (especially amongst the hass, any piece with a dull hue and sun blemish tended to be quite soft). 



Left to Right: Top Woolworths Hass and Woolworths Gmax; Bottom left -Aldi Shepard and Right -Coles Hass Avocados






  • A full display of Cavendish Bananas ticketed at $2.99/kg. Fruit had developing colour, most clusters had minimal scarring.

  • Lady Fingers for $5.99/kg.


  • A display of Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg. A mix of colour on this display including some semi-colour in terms of condition. Some neck creasing present and odd finger found to be splitting.

  • Lady Fingers at this store priced at $5.99/kg. A degree of rub, minor bruising found.


  • A display of Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg- a low level presence of some light minor skin marks and dry sap staining noted. Odd dull cluster found.

  • Lady Fingers at this store priced at $5.99/kg. Low stock.




  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $3.00/kg - fruit that was displayed in single layer on each step. Fruit supplied by DBM. Kids packs at $3.00ea.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg- no stock on display.


  • Cavendish on display priced at $3.00/kg, as Kid’s packs also at $3.00. Majority of fruit had good colour. A few odd clusters found with dull bloom. Some minor skin marking present.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.90/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $3.00/kg and Kids packs priced the same. Bloom was good at this store though a higher level of minor skin marking, sap stains and rub found throughout.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg. Organic was also at $4.90/kg.




  • Cavendish priced at $3.00/kg - display tidy. Kids packs at $2.50ea. Fruit presented cleanly and had bright bloom.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg, Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Organic bananas at $5.50/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.00/kg - a neatly presented display- a low level presence of minor scarring and bloom was good. Kids packs at $2.50ea. Eat now and eat later options in the correct locations though Eat later area needed a refill.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg, Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Organic variety at $5.50/kg.


  • Cavendish priced at $3.00/kg on special - display tidy and almost needing a top up. Kids packs at $2.50ea.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.90/kg with neck damage and minor skin marking. Organic at $5.50/kg with some minor and major skin marking and bruising noted.


  • Cavendish priced at $2.99/kg.




  • HASS Avocados count 25’s supplied by Purpleskin and Greenskins GMAX both at $0.99ea.

  • Both the Hass 5 piece and 1kg Net packs at $4.49ea.


  • Dual displays of Purpleskins Hass Avocado Count 23/25 Hass - priced at $0.99 each and Greenskins GMAX also priced at $0.99ea. Fruit packed 30th June therefore 13 days old.

  • 1kg and 5 piece packs at $4.49ea.


  • Purpleskin HASS Avocados count 23s at $0.99 and Greenskins GMAX at $0.99ea. Fruit packed 30th June so 13 days old.

  • Both the Hass 5 piece supplied by Simpsons and 1kg Net packs at $4.49ea.




  • Dual displays of Count 23 Hass Avocados supplied by various growers including Rock Ridge Farms were presented on a table top display and also on an end - ticketed at $1.00ea. All fruit presented well - good selection of maturities available for customers.

  • GMAX priced at $2.00ea. Both prepacks priced at $5.00ea.


  • On offer Count 25 Hass grown and supplied by Simpson Farms; Costa Avocado; Delroys (NQ fruit packed by Massaso’s) - displayed on a table top and on an end opposite store entry priced at Fresh Special of $1.00ea. GMAX Avocados at $2.00ea. Disappointing to find Coles staff using the table top display as a dump point for packaging etc as they refill other displays

  • Multiple grower stickers present. Good mix of condition. Fruit packed 28th to 30th June - so 13 to 15 days old.

  • 5pk and 1kg IM Prepacks both priced at $5.00ea.

  • Organic Avocados selling at $4.00 each - every piece on display was dark purple hued; light in weight and very soft.


  • Dual displays of Hass Avocados in count 23/25 supplied by multiple growers including Simpson Farms and Costa’s; presented on a table top display and also on an end - ticketed at $1.00ea. Fruit packed 29th June to 5th July so fruit age 8 to 14 days.




  • Hass in count 23/25’s were ticketed at $1.20ea, displayed on A Frame double sided display just inside the entrance to the produce department. GMAX at $2.00ea on the opposite side of the display.

  • Prepacks: 1kg packs at $5.00ea.


  • Howe Farming Count 28 Hass Avocados ticketed at $1.00 each - avos age is 13-16 days - majority quite firm. Love the header card usage concept. Whilst display is set up on an A Frame display unit only the front side has avocados displayed upon it.

  • GMAX variety priced at $2.00ea.

  • 5 piece nets and 1kg Odd Bunch both priced at $5.00ea.


  • Hass Ct 16 and 18’s mainly grown by Tinnaro Falls (Simpson Farms) and one tray from Poggioli Farming were ticketed at $1.00ea, displayed on A Frame double sided display just inside the entrance to the produce department. Ct 14 GMAX at $2.00ea. Fruit packed 27th June to 30th June so aged 13 to 16 days.

  • Prepacks: 5piece packs and 1kg Odd Bunch both at $5.00ea.


  • Hass Avocados at 3 for $5.00 or packs at $2.50ea.


Retail Market Week 27 - 2022




National transport figures for last week was 407,118 cartons, an increase of 7.2% on the previous week or some 27,000 additional cartons. In the last week, morning temperatures have been noticeably cooler falling within a range of 12.0- to 20.5C; whilst day time temperatures have been similar to last week with a top of 27.6C -within a range of 16.2 to 27.65C across the week which for NQld is mild.  In terms of rainfall, all regions had plentiful rain as did most of the state and NSW. Mareeba received some 94mm, Walkamin 136.7mm; whilst Tully and Innisfail had falls across the week totalling 225 to 250mm. With these weather patterns industry - farm work varied according to conditions on any given day in the week. Cavendish banana bunch age is still in the vicinity of 15-16 weeks, with fruit quality generally good overall in our packshed though we continue to grade out some light scarring. Fruit bloom at this stage is still bright but as the weather continues to cool; not only will we will see bunch age increase over the coming weeks but we may now start seeing a dulling/greying of fruit appearance. This is due to cold temperatures (usually under 10C for a few hours) causing a slowing or temporary cessation of sap flow which results in the sub-epidermal layer browning/greying which reflects outward through the peel, the result is fruit with dull bloom and in more extreme cases the fruit looks grey.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $1.99 to $2.99/kg this week.  The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $10-$26 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

The presentation of Cavendish presented reasonably well and fruit generally exhibiting good bloom - few odd clusters starting to show a presence of dull peel but believed not to be due to growing conditions at this stage. There was a presence of minor dry scar; minor neck damage; as well as bronzing; bruising; small rub marks and sap staining.  Colour was generally good.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas was fairly uniform this week in comparison to the week prior with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $2.99/kg; whilst Woolies offered fruit $3.00/kg and Coles also offered fruit at $3.00/kg depending upon location of the stores visited.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 26 - 408,074 trays harvested and consigned this week which represents a moderate increase of 9% ( or almost 35,000 trays) on Week 25, 2022 production – last week saw a lead change in terms of production with Central Qld accounting for 48% and North Qld slipping to second, accounting for 40% of this; with 5% from South Qld. The remaining 7% is made up of contributions from WA (yes that’s right, a low volume is already trickling in) Central NSW and Northern Rivers/Tamborine and Sunny coast.

·       It is forecast that a total of 289K trays will be despatched this week nationally. The Hass forecast for the next two weeks to three weeks is for between 335K to 370K trays per week. The current four week average dispatch as of this week is 402,380 trays.

Major supermarkets were quite varied in their approach to avo pricing this week with premium Hass ticketed at $1.00 to $1.50ea .  Hass market pricing has tidied up somewhat with an improvement in pricing of $1 to $2 per tray after the “blood bath” that was last week within the market. Prices ranging between $10-$18/tray for premium and a range of $6 -$10/tray for class one.  There continues to be very few bulk Hass on the market currently as what is available is being used for prepacking to service the supermarkets predominantly.

The weather in North Qld for our avocado crop has seen daytime temperatures ranging 12 to 27C with rather heavy falls last week in all growing regions associated with the tropical lows and cold snap being experienced down the east coast. Fruit quality from our packing shed has been good and we are still harvesting a major proportion of our crop in the count 14-18 sizing. A light presence of lenticel damage is noted but we continue to grade out anything with heavier marking to ensure fruit is in spec at store level.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing though some of the hass had a low level presence of light to moderate lenticel/nodule damage relating to recent rain in the growing region and a couple of lines with blackened skin areas indicating body rot. Fruit age ranged 6 to 14 days.  A few of the GMAX avos were found to be soft with bruising.

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Hass and Gmax avos selling this week at a ticket price of only $1.19ea;  Coles Qld had NQ Hass ticketed at $1.00ea, and Gmax selling at $2.00ea; whilst Woolworths Qld had larger counts Hass selling at $1.00-$1.40/piece depending upon store location and Gmax selling at $2.00ea to $2.20ea.  The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to soft (especially amongst the hass, any piece with a dull hue and sun blemish tended to be quite soft). 



Left to Right: Top Woolworths Hass and Woolworths Gmax; Bottom left -Aldi Shepard and Right -Coles Hass Avocados






  • A full display of Cavendish Bananas ticketed at $2.99/kg. Fruit had developing colour, most clusters had minimal scarring.

  • Lady Fingers for $5.99/kg, these were full in terms of girth measurements at this store.


  • A display of Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg- a low level presence of some light minor skin marks and dry sap staining noted. A mix of colour on this display including some semi-colour in terms of condition.

  • Lady Fingers at this store priced at $5.99/kg, no stock on display.


  • A display of Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg- a low level presence of some light minor skin marks and dry sap staining noted. Odd dull cluster found.

  • Lady Fingers at this store priced at $5.99/kg. Low stock.


  • A display of Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg- a range of colour

  • Lady Fingers at this store priced at $5.99/kg. No stock on display.




  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $3.00/kg - fruit that was displayed in single layer on each step. Fruit supplied by DBM. Kids packs at $3.00ea.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg.


  • Cavendish on display, no price ticket but assumed priced at $3.00/kg, as Kid’s packs also at $3.00. Majority of fruit had good colour. A few odd clusters found with dull bloom. Some minor skin marking present.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.90/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $3.00/kg and Kids packs priced the same. Bloom was good at this store.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $3.00/kg and Kids packs priced the same.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg.




  • Cavendish priced at $3.00/kg - display tidy. Kids packs at $2.50ea. Fruit presented cleanly and had bright bloom.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Organic bananas at $5.50/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.00/kg - a neatly presented display- a low level presence of minor scarring and bloom was good. Kids packs at $2.50ea. Eat now and eat later options in the correct locations.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg, Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Organic variety at $5.50/kg.


  • Cavendish priced at $3.00/kg on special - display tidy and almost needing a top up. Kids packs at $2.50ea.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.90/kg with neck damage and minor skin marking. A number of the red tip clusters were found to be spotting. Organic at $5.50/kg with some minor and major skin marking and bruising noted.


  • Cavendish priced at $3.00/kg - display tidy and full. Kids packs at $2.50ea.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg, Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Organic at $5.50/kg.


  • Cavendish priced at $2.49/kg.




  • HASS Avocados count 23’s supplied by Purpleskin and Greenskins GMAX both at $1.19ea.

  • Both the Hass 5 piece and 1kg Net packs at $4.49ea.


  • Dual displays of Avocado Estates Count 23/25 Hass - priced at $1.19 each and Greenskins GMAX also priced at $1.19ea.

  • 1kg and 5 piece packs at $4.49ea.


  • Purpleskin HASS Avocados count 25’s at $1.19 and Greenskins GMAX at $0.99ea. Fruit packed 28th to 30th June so aged 6-8 days - most pieces very firm to the touch.

  • Both the Hass 5 piece supplied by Simpsons and 1kg Net packs at $4.49ea.


  • Purpleskin HASS Avocados count 23’s at $1.19 packed 28th June so 8 days old and Greenskins GMAX at $1.19ea.

  • Both the Hass 5 piece supplied by Simpsons and 1kg Net packs at $4.49ea.




  • Dual displays of Hass Avocados supplied by various growers were presented on a table top display and also on an end - ticketed at $1.00ea.

  • GMAX priced at $2.50ea packed 23rd June so 14 days old.


  • On offer Count 23 Hass - displayed on a table top aligning store entry and also on an end, priced at Fresh Special of $1.00ea. Multiple grower stickers present. Good mix of condition.

  • 5pk and 1kg IM Prepacks both priced at $5.00ea.


  • Dual displays of Hass Avocados supplied by multiple growers including Serra Farms supplied by MBM; Rockridge Farming; and numerous others were presented on a table top display and also on an end - ticketed at $1.00ea. Pieces found with blackened skin area indicative of rots.

  • GMAX green skinned avos ticketed at $2.20ea with the majority firm. Fruit age ranging 13 to 14 days.

  • 1kg prepacks at $5.00ea and 5pk at $5.00ea.


  • Dual displays of Hass Avocados supplied by various growers presented on a table top display and also on an end - ticketed at $1.00ea.

  • GMAX green skinned avos ticketed at $2.20ea.

  • 1kg prepacks at $5.00ea and 5pk at $5.00ea. Organic at $4.00/kg.




  • Hass in count 23/25’s were ticketed at $1.00ea, displayed on A Frame double sided display just inside the entrance to the produce department.

  • Prepacks: 1kg packs at $3.90ea.


  • Purpleskin Count 20 Hass Avocados ticketed at $1.00 each - avos age is 13-16 days - majority quite firm.

  • GMAX variety priced at $2.00ea.

  • 5 piece nets and 1kg Odd Bunch both priced at $5.00ea.


  • Hass mainly grown by Tinnaro Falls and one tray from Howe Farming were ticketed at $1.00ea, displayed on A Frame double sided display just inside the entrance to the produce department.

  • Prepacks: 5piece packs at $3.90ea and 1kg packs at $3.90ea.


  • Purpleskin Hass were ticketed at $1.00ea, displayed on A Frame double sided display just inside the entrance to the produce department. GMAX on the opposite side priced at $2.00ea.

  • Prepacks: 5piece packs at $5.00ea and 1kg packs on special at $3.90ea.


  • Hass Avocados at $1.50ea.


Retail Market Week 26 - 2022




National transport figures for last week was 379,808 cartons, a touch more than last week by some 2,000 cartons. In the last week, morning temperatures have been noticeably cooler falling within a range of 12.5- to 20.7C; whilst day time temperatures have been similar to last week with a top of 26.3C -within a range of 19.3 to 26.35C across the week which for NQld is mild.  In terms of rainfall, Mareeba and Walkamin had no rain or just under 1mm; whilst Tully and Innisfail had falls across the week totalling 19-23mm, though heavier rain is predicted for late this week. With these weather patterns industry production should be similar this week. Cavendish banana bunch age is still in the vicinity of 15-16 weeks, with fruit quality generally good overall in our packshed though we continue to grade out some light scarring. Fruit bloom at this stage is still bright but as the weather continues to cool; not only will we will see bunch age increase over the coming weeks but we may now start seeing a dulling/greying of fruit appearance. This is due to cold temperatures (usually under 10C for a few hours) causing a slowing or temporary cessation of sap flow which results in the sub-epidermal layer browning/greying which reflects outward through the peel, the result is fruit with dull bloom and in more extreme cases the fruit looks grey.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $1.99 to $2.49/kg this week.  The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $10-$24 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

The presentation of Cavendish presented reasonably well and fruit generally exhibiting good bloom - few odd clusters starting to show a presence of dull peel but believed not to be due to growing conditions at this stage. There was a presence of minor dry scar; minor neck damage; as well as bronzing; bruising; small rub marks and sap staining.  Colour was generally good.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas was fairly uniform this week in comparison to the week prior with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $2.99/kg; whilst Woolies offered fruit $3.00/kg and Coles offered fruit at $2.80/kg depending upon location of the stores visited.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 25 - 373,096 trays harvested and consigned this week which represents a moderate decrease of 12% ( or almost 53,000 trays) on Week 24, 2022 production – North Qld maintains the lead in production accounting for 46% of this; followed by Central Qld with 45%; 5% from South Qld. The remaining 4% is made up of contributions from WA (yes that’s right, a low volume is already trickling in) Central NSW and Northern Rivers/Tamborine and Sunny coast.

·       It is forecast that a total of 374K trays will be despatched this week nationally. The Hass forecast for the next two weeks to three weeks is for between 340K then dropping to 320K trays per week. The current four week average dispatch as of this week is 411,953 trays.

Major supermarkets were quite varied in their approach to avo pricing this week with premium Hass ticketed at $0.99 to $1.40ea .  Hass market pricing has been awful with some marketers sitting on a lot of old fruit in the system bringing prices down unnecessarily on fresh, good quality lines. Prices ranging between $8-$16/tray for premium and a range of $4 -$9/tray for class one.  There continues to be very few bulk Hass on the market currently as what is available is being used for prepacking to service the supermarkets predominantly.

The weather in North Qld for our avocado crop has seen daytime temperatures ranging 12 to 25C with minimal rain during last week but considerable rain forecast for late this week. Fruit quality from our packing shed has been good and we are still harvesting a major proportion of our crop in the count 14-18 sizing. There is still a presence of light lenticel damage but we continue to grade out anything with heavier marking to ensure fruit is in spec.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing though some of the hass had a low level presence of light to moderate lenticel/nodule damage relating to recent rain in the growing region. Fruit age ranged 14 to 19 days.  A few of the GMAX avos were found to be soft with bruising.

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Hass and Gmax avos selling this week at a ticket price of only $0.99ea;  Coles Qld had NQ Hass ticketed at $1.00ea, and Gmax selling at $2.00ea; whilst Woolworths Qld had larger counts Hass selling at $1.00-$1.40/piece depending upon store location and Gmax selling at $2.50ea.  The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to soft (especially amongst the hass, any piece with a dull hue and sun blemish tended to be quite soft). 



Left to Right: Top Woolworths Hass and Woolworths Gmax; Bottom left -Aldi Shepard and Right -Coles Hass Avocados






  • A full display of Cavendish Bananas ticketed at $2.99/kg. Fruit had developing colour, most clusters had minimal scarring. There were a few clusters that were quite dull thrown into the mix as well as a few heavier marked clusters (perhaps carry-over from the previous days trade).

  • Lady Fingers for $5.99/kg but no stock.


  • A display of Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg- a low level presence of some light minor skin marks and dry sap staining noted. Bulk of the display was semi-colour in terms of condition.

  • Lady Fingers at this store priced at $5.99/kg.


  • A display of Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg- a low level presence of some light minor skin marks and dry sap staining noted. Odd dull cluster found.

  • Lady Fingers at this store priced at $5.99/kg. Marking along ridges and some sap stains.




  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $2.80/kg - fruit that was displayed in single layer on each step. Fruit supplied by DBM. Kids packs at $2.80ea.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg.


  • Cavendish priced at $2.80/kg, Kid’s packs also at $2.80. Majority of fruit had good colour. Steps needed to be swept and cleaned.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.90/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $2.80/kg and Kids packs priced the same. Fruit from Lizzio and Ferraro Farming supplied by DBM. Bloom was good at this store.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg. Organic variety at $4.90/kg.




  • Cavendish priced at $3.00/kg - display tidy and full. Quality of fruit was definitely the best at this store. Kids packs at $2.50ea. Packed on date 14th June so fruit age 15 days.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg minimal stock on show and Red Tips at $4.90/kg. Organic bananas at $5.50/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.00/kg - a neatly presented display- a low level presence of minor scarring. Kids packs at $2.50ea. Eat now and eat later options in the correct locations.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Organic variety at $5.50/kg. No Red Tips at this store.


  • Cavendish priced at $2.50/kg on special - display tidy and full. Kids packs at $2.50ea. Growers Howe Farming; Mackays and Collins - packed date of 14th June so fruit age 15 days.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg minimal stock and Red Tips at $4.90/kg with neck damage and minor skin marking. Organic at $5.50/kg with some minor and major skin marking and bruising noted.


  • Cavendish priced at $2.49/kg and Lady Fingers at $6.99/kg.




  • HASS Avocados count 23’s supplied by Dorian and DBM (Grower: Ferraro Farming) and Greenskins GMAX both at $0.99ea.

  • Both the Hass 5 piece and 1kg Net packs at $5.99ea.


  • Dual displays of Purpleskin Count 23/25 Hass - priced at $0.99 each and Greenskins GMAX also priced at $0.99ea.

  • Front of this week’s Aldo catalogue acknowledging the Costa growers who supply avocados on special at $0.99ea.

  • 1kg and 5 piece packs at $5.99ea.


  • Purpleskin HASS Avocados count 25’s and Greenskins GMAX both at $0.99ea. Hass packed 14th June so 15 days old and GMAX packed 23rd June so 6 days old. Some of the Purpleskin Hass did not present well.

  • Both the Hass 5 piece supplied by Simpsons and 1kg Net packs at $5.99ea.




  • Dual displays of Hass Avocados supplied by various growers were presented on a table top display and also on an end - ticketed at $1.00ea.

  • 1kg prepacks at $4.90ea and 5pk at $6.50ea. Found some of the 5 packs containing 1 or 2 cocktail sized fruit which had netted bag weight at only 600g???


  • On offer Count 23 Hass packed by Massaso’s (numerous growers); Blue Lagoon (supplied by Delroys) and Costa’s - displayed on a table top aligning store entry and also on an end, priced at Fresh Special of $1.00ea. GMAX priced at $2.20ea. Packed dates ranged 10th, 13th and 16th June with oldest fruit at 19 days.


  • Dual displays of Hass Avocados supplied by various growers including Blue Lagoon supplied by Delroy’s were presented on a table top display and also on an end - ticketed at $1.00ea. Pieces found with blackened skin area indicative of rots. GMAX green skinned avos ticketed at $2.20ea were all very hard. Fruit packed 14th to 16th June so fruit age ranging 13 to 15 days.

  • 1kg prepacks at $4.90ea and 5pk at $6.50ea.




  • Hass in count 20’s grown by Purpleskin and packed 16th June were ticketed at $1.40ea, displayed on A Frame double sided display just inside the entrance to the produce department.

  • Greenskin GMAX avos Ct 14 priced at $2.50ea, displayed just inside the produce department on opposite side to the Hass, packed 14th June so 15 days old. Odd piece found with soft spots/potential bruising.

  • Prepacks: 5piece packs at $5.00ea and 1kg packs also at $5.00ea.


  • Howe Farming Count 25 Hass Avocados supplied by Aust. Produce Partners ticketed at $1.00 each - avos age is 13-16 days - majority quite firm. A few pieces found with nodule damage or skin marks.

  • GMAX variety priced at $2.50ea.

  • 5 piece nets and 1kg Odd Bunch both priced at $5.00ea.


  • Hass mainly grown by Tinnaro Falls and one tray from Howe Farming were ticketed at $1.20ea, displayed on A Frame double sided display just inside the entrance to the produce department.

  • Greenskin GMAX avos priced at $2.50ea, displayed just inside the produce department on opposite side to the Hass.

  • Prepacks: 5piece packs at $5.00ea and 1kg packs at $5.00ea.


  • Hass Avocados at 3 for $3.00 or $3.99/bag.


Retail Market Week 24 - 2022




National transport figures for last week was 387,606 cartons, some 13,000 less than the week prior. In the last week, morning temperatures have been noticeably cooler falling within a range of 9.2- to 20.5C; whilst day time temperatures have been similar to last week with a top of 25.5C -within a range of 19.8 to 25.5C across the week which for NQld is mild.  In terms of rainfall, all major North Qld growing regions have had their first dry week in a long time. Cavendish banana bunch age is still in the vicinity of 15-16 weeks, with fruit quality generally good overall in our packshed though we continue to grade out some light scarring. Fruit bloom at this stage is still bright but as the weather continues to cool; not only will we will see bunch age increase over the coming weeks but we may now start seeing a dulling/greying of fruit appearance. This is due to cold temperatures (usually under 10C for a few hours) causing a slowing or temporary cessation of sap flow which results in the sub-epidermal layer browning/greying which reflects outward through the peel, the result is fruit with dull bloom and in more extreme cases the fruit looks grey.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $1.99 to $2.99/kg this week.  The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $0-$26 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

The presentation of Cavendish presented reasonably well and fruit generally exhibiting good bloom - few odd clusters starting to show a presence of dull peel but believed not to be due to growing conditions at this stage. There was a presence of minor dry scar; minor neck damage; as well as bronzing; bruising; small rub marks and sap staining.  Colour was generally good.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas has come back a little this week in comparison to the week prior and amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $2.49/kg; whilst both Woolies offered fruit at $2.50 to $3.00/kg and Coles offered fruit at $2.00 to $3.00/kg depending upon location of the stores visited.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 23 - 402,307 trays harvested and consigned this week which represents a decrease of 10% ( or some 44,000 or so less cartons) on Week 22, 2022 production – North Qld maintains the lead in production accounting for 56% of this; followed by Central Qld with 37%; 3.8% from South Qld and the remaining 3.2% is made up of a contribution from Central NSW and Northern Rivers/Tamborine and Sunny coast.

·       It is forecast that a total of 397K trays will be despatched this week nationally. The Hass forecast for the next two weeks to three weeks is for between 340-371K trays per week. The current four week average dispatch as of this week is 449,580 trays.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass  at $1.20 to $1.60ea .  Hass market pricing is comparable to last week, with prices ranging between $14-$18/tray for premium and a range of $10 -$14/tray for class one.  There continues to be very few bulk Hass on the market currently as what is available is being used for prepacking to service the supermarkets predominantly.

The weather in North Qld for our avocado crop has seen daytime temperatures ranging 10.6 to 25.5C with no rain this week at all. Fruit quality from our packing shed has been good, still seeing some light lenticel damage but we continue to grade out anything with heavier marking to ensure fruit is in spec. We are still experiencing a significant proportion of our crop being count 16’s - we sure do know how to grow them big!

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing though some of the hass had a presence of light to moderate lenticel/nodule damage relating to recent rain in the growing region. Fruit age ranged 9 to 16 days. 

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Hass and Gmax avos selling this week at a ticket price of $1.29ea;  Coles Qld had NQ Hass ticketed at $1.20ea and Gmax selling at $2.00ea; whilst Woolworths Qld had larger counts Hass selling at $1.60/piece depending upon store location and Gmax selling at $2.50ea.  The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to soft (especially amongst the hass, any piece with a dull hue and sun blemish tended to be quite soft). 



Left to Right: Top Woolworths Hass and Woolworths Gmax; Bottom left -Aldi Shepard and Right -Coles Hass Avocados






  • A full display of Cavendish Bananas ticketed at $2.49/kg. Fruit had developing colour, most clusters had minimal scarring.

  • No Lady Fingers on display.


  • A display of Cavendish were priced at $2.49/kg. range of colour at this store, a low level presence of some light minor skin marks and dry sap staining noted.

  • Lady Fingers at this store priced at $5.99ea.


  • A half display of Cavendish priced at $2.49/kg. A few clusters found with rub marking. Display about to be refilled.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.




  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $2.00/kg - fruit that was displayed in single layer on each step. Fruit supplied by DBM. with some cartons showing a pack date of 26th May - so fruit age is 20 days.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg. Minimal stock on display.


  • Cavendish priced at $2.00/kg, Kid’s packs also at $2.00. Majority of fruit was semi colour condition - also noted piling of fruit on the bottom layer which can tend to cause bruising of the bottom layer.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg

  • Organic Variety at $4.90/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas, display priced at $3.00/kg - approximately 1/3 of stock was semi colour in condition - a little bronzing and scarring observed. Kid’s packs priced at $3.00ea.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg supplied by DBM - quite a number of clusters with rub marking and bronzing. Red Tips at $4.90/kg - most clusters with rub marking/bronzing. Organic bananas also at $4.90/kg.




  • Cavendish priced at $2.50/kg - display reasonably tidy, a few clusters with creased necks and some minor skin marking observed. Kids packs at $2.50ea.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.90/kg. Organic Variety at $5.50/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $2.50/kg - a neatly presented display- a presence of minor neck damage and scarring - odd cluster found with bat/bird scratches. Kids packs at $2.50ea.

  • Red Tips ticketed at $4.90/kg, Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Organic variety at $5.50/kg.


  • Display of Cavendish were priced at $3.00/kg. Display was predominantly clean. Fruit supplied by Mackays; Collins with packed dates of 1st June, so fruit age 14 days. Quite a large spillover display of full cartons.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $7.90/kg, Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Organics at $5.50/kg quite clean.


  • Cavendish priced at $2.99 per kg, some developing fruit, all minimal marking.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.99/kg and Cavendish prepacks at $1.99ea.


  • Cavendish priced at $2.50/kg.




  • HASS Avocados count 25’s supplied by Dorian and DBM (Grower: Ferraro Farming) and Greenskins GMAX both at $1.29ea. Packed date 2nd June - so fruit age is 13 days.

  • Both the Hass 5 piece and 1kg Net packs at $5.99ea.


  • Dual displays of Purpleskin Count 23/25 Hass - priced at $1.29 each and Greenskins GMAX ct 20’s also priced at $1.29ea. Hass with some skin blemishes. Fruit packed 31st May through to 6th June so age ranging 9 days to 15 days.

  • 1kg and 5 piece packs at $5.99ea.


  • Ct 23 Purpleskin Hass and Greenskins GMAX Ct 23 Avocados on display - priced at $1.29 each.

  • 1kg packs at $5.99ea and 5 piece packs also at $5.99ea.




  • Dual displays of Hass Avocados supplied by various growers including Ferraro Farming supplied by Freshmax were presented on a table top display and also on an end - ticketed at $1.20ea.

  • 1kg prepacks at $6.50ea and 5pk at $7.50ea.


  • On offer Count 23 Hass packed by Massaso’s (numerous growers) and Costa’s - displayed on a table top aligning store entry and also on an end, priced at Fresh Special of $1.20ea. GMAX priced at $2.20ea. Some of the fruit has been packed 1st June so fruit age is 14 days.

  • Both prepacks priced at $6.50ea. Organics avos ticketed at $4.00ea.


  • Two full displays of loose Count 23 Hass Avocados featured at this store - ticketed at $1.20ea - table top located at entry visible from the external entry and display end. Growers on display included Ferraro Farming and Rock Ridge with packed dates of 30th May to 2nd June so fruit age 13 to 16 days. The majority of fruit presented well, a few pieces found with lenticel/nodule damage or dark skin blemishes. GMAX variety at $2.20ea in count 18, packed 31st May so 15 days old.

  • $7.50 for the Coles 5pk or $6.50ea for the 1kg I’m Perfect nets.




  • Hass in count 18’s grown by Tinnaro Falls and Pogglio’s were ticketed at $1.60ea, displayed on A Frame double sided display just inside the entrance to the produce department. Most lines packed 31st May so fruit age is 15 days.

  • Greenskin GMAX avos Ct 16 priced at $2.50ea, displayed just inside the produce department on opposite side to the Hass.


  • Count 16 Hass Avocados supplied by Poggioli ticketed at $1.60 each - avos were good, packed 2nd June so age is 13 days - majority quite firm. An very good display though it would be better if there was a greater choice of fruit maturity.

  • Count 14 and 16 GMAX variety priced at $2.50ea.

  • 5 piece nets and 1kg Odd Bunch both priced at $6.50ea.


  • A frame bed display of Simpson Farm Hass Ct23s priced at $1.60. Greenskins GMAX Avos in count 14 and 16’s priced at $2.50ea. GMAX packed 31st May so fruit age is 15 days.

  • 5 piece packs were priced at $6.50ea and 1kg packs were also priced at $6.50ea.


  • Hass Avocados priced 2 for $4.00, all similar quality with good choice of ready to eat and firmer pieces.


  • Count 25 Hass Avocados priced at just $1.00ea, supplied by Costa.


Retail Market Week 23 - 2022




National transport figures last week fell within the low 400K cartons. In the last week, morning temperatures have been noticeably cooler falling within a range of 13.2- to 21.8C; whilst day time temperatures have been similar to last week with a top of 28.9C -within a range of 25 to 28.9C across the week which for NQld is mild.  In terms of rainfall, all major North Qld growing regions have been experiencing light rain in most growing regions. Both Tully and Innisfail regions received 41.2mm to 61.6mm accumulatively throughout the week. Mareeba and Walkamin experienced more sporadic falls totalling 11.2 TO 24.4mm for the week. Cavendish banana bunch age is still in the vicinity of 15-16 weeks, with fruit quality generally good overall in our packshed though we continue to grade out some light scarring. Fruit bloom at this stage is still bright but as the weather continues to cool; not only will we will see bunch age increase over the coming weeks and months but if field temperatures fall below 10C we may start to see a dulling of fruit in appearance.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $1.99 to $3.29/kg this week.  The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $0-$26 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has. There was one agent in particular in the Brisbane market that was giving fruit away today which is a sign that they are in trouble, but the downside of this is that it degrades the market overall.

The presentation of Cavendish presented reasonably well and fruit is exhibiting good bloom - few odd clusters starting to show a presence of dull peel but believed not to be due to growing conditions at this stage. There was a presence of minor dry scar; minor neck damage; as well as bronzing; bruising; small rub marks and sap staining.  Colour was generally good.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas has come back a little this week in comparison to the week prior and amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $2.99/kg; whilst both Woolies offered fruit at $2.50 to $3.00/kg and Coles offered fruit at $3.00 to $3.50/kg depending upon location of the stores visited.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 22 - 446,364 trays harvested and consigned this week which represents a decrease of 3% ( or some 15,000 or so less cartons) on Week 21, 2022 production – North Qld maintains the lead in production accounting for 55% of this; followed by Central Qld with 38%; 4.3% from South Qld and the remaining 2.7% is made up of a contribution from Central NSW and Northern Rivers/Tamborine and Sunny coast.

·       It is forecast that a total of 388K trays will be despatched this week nationally. The Hass forecast for the next two weeks is for between 374-382K trays per week and then supply is forecast to lighten to approximately 336K trays/week by early July. The current four week average dispatch as of this week is 438,273 trays.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass  at $1.39 to $1.50ea .  Hass pricing has come back somewhat this week, with prices ranging between $14-$20/tray (a top of $18 is probably a better indication) for premium and a range of $10 -$14/tray for class one.  There continues to be very few bulk Hass on the market currently as what is available is being used for prepacking to service the supermarkets predominantly.

The weather in North Qld for our avocado crop has seen daytime temperatures ranging 13.2 to 28C with a little more rain around in the last week with total falls of 11 to 40mm accumulatively in the main growing regions. Fruit quality from our packing shed has been good, still seeing some lenticel damage but we are grading to ensure this is not too heavy. We are still experiencing a significant proportion of our crop being count 16’s - we sure do know how to grow them big!

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing though some of the new season hass had a presence of moderate lenticel/nodule damage relating to recent rain in the growing region. Fruit age ranged 7 to 15 days. 

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Hass and Gmax avos selling this week at a ticket price of $1.39ea;  Coles Qld had NQ Hass ticketed at $1.50ea and Gmax selling at $2.00ea; whilst Woolworths Qld had Hass selling at $1.50-$1.70/piece depending upon store location and Gmax selling at $2.50ea.  The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to soft (especially amongst the hass, any piece with a dull hue and sun blemish tended to be quite soft). 



Left to Right: Top Woolworths Hass and Woolworths Gmax; Bottom left -Aldi Shepard and Right -Coles Hass Avocados






  • A full display of Cavendish Bananas ticketed at $2.99/kg. Fruit had developing colour, whilst most clusters had minimal scarring there were random clusters that were heavily marked and a few that were quite dull in appearance.

  • No Lady Fingers on display.


  • A display of Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg. range of colour at this store, a low level presence of some light minor skin marks noted. A full, well presented display.

  • Lady Fingers at this store priced at $5.99ea.


  • A full display of Cavendish priced at $2.99/kg. A few clusters found with rub marking, rust thrip damage an scarring.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.

  • Both lines had some semi-colour fruit.




  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $3.00/kg - fruit that was displayed in single layer on each step, Kid’s packs at $3.00ea.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg (these were green) and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg.


  • Cavendish priced at $3.00/kg, Kid’s packs also at $3.00.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg a couple of clusters with neck damage and green in colour and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg (minimal bruising)

  • Organic Variety at $4.90/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas, display priced at $3.50/kg - approximately 1/3 of stock was semi colour in condition - a little bronzing and scarring observed - also some quite dull clusters present. Kid’s packs priced at $3.50ea.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg supplied by DBM. Red Tips at $4.90/kg - most clusters with rub marking/bronzing.




  • Cavendish priced at $3.50/kg - display reasonably tidy, a few clusters with creased necks and some minor skin marking observed. Kids packs at $2.50ea.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.90/kg. Organic Variety at $5.50/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $2.50/kg - a neatly presented display, a little light on the ‘Eat Now’ stock - a presence of minor neck damage and scarring. Kids packs at $2.50ea - clusters with skin markings.

  • Red Tips ticketed at $4.90/kg on special - no fruit, Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg - also no fruit and Organic variety at $5.50/kg (full stock).


  • Display of Cavendish were priced at $3.00/kg. Display was predominantly clean.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $7.90/kg, low stock levels, Red Tips at $4.90/kg, quite marked and needing a refill and Organics at $5.50/kg quite clean.


  • Cavendish priced at $1.99 per kg, some developing fruit, all minimal marking.




  • Purpleskin HASS Avocados count 25’s packed 1st June meaning fruit was just 7 days old and Greenskins GMAX both at $1.39ea.

  • Hass 5 piece packs at $5.99ea.


  • Purpleskin Count 25 Hass - priced at $1.39 each and Greenskins GMAX ct 20’s also priced at $1.39ea. Hass with some skin blemishes. Hass packed 26th May meaning fruit age was 13 days old.

  • 1kg and 5 piece packs at $5.99ea.


  • Ct 23 Hass and Greenskins GMAX Ct 23 Avocados on display - priced at $1.39 each. GMAX packed 24th May so 15 days old.

  • 1kg packs at $5.99ea and 5 piece packs also at $5.99ea.




  • Hass Avocados supplied by various growers including Ferraro Farming supplied by Freshmax were presented on a table top display, ticketed at $1.50ea. Fruit packed 25th May so 14 days old.

  • Both prepacks at $6.50ea.


  • On offer Count 25-28 Hass displayed on a table top, priced at Fresh Special of $1.50ea. Fruit supplied by Murray Brothers included Googa Farms and Makhona Farms; also present were a tray of Kureen Farming; and Blue Sky Produce. Fruit packed dates ranged 24 to 27th May so age ranged 12-15 days.

  • GMAX on display for $2.00ea. Stock needed replenishing.

  • Both prepacks priced at $6.50ea.


  • Two full displays of loose Hass Avocados featured at this store - ticketed at $1.50ea - table top located at entry visible from the external entry and display end. In part the supply was from Simpson Farms - Ct25 Hass packed 28th May meaning fruit was 11 days old. The majority of fruit presented well, a few pieces found with heavier lenticel/nodule damage or dark skin blemishes. GMAX Avocados presented separate Hass priced at $2.00ea.

  • $6.50 for either the Coles 5pk or the 1kg I’m Perfect nets. Organic Avos priced at $4.00ea.




  • Purpleskin Hass were ticketed at $1.70ea, displayed on A Frame double sided display just inside the entrance to the produce department.

  • Greenskin GMAX avos priced at $2.50ea, displayed just inside the produce department.

  • Prepacks had some questionable fruit, with heavy marking on some pieces.


  • Count 25-28 Hass Avocados supplied by Howe Farming (APP) and Simpson Farms for $1.50 each, packed 27th to 28th May (11-12 days old) - avos were good - majority quite firm. An excellent display with well tied in header cards and promo material.

  • 5 piece nets and 1kg Odd Bunch both priced at $6.50ea.


  • A frame bed display of Purpleskin Hass Ct16s priced at $1.50. Greenskins GMAX Avos in count 14 and 16’s priced at $2.50ea.

  • 5 piece packs were priced at $6.50ea and 1kg packs were also priced at $6.50ea.


  • Hass Avocado Prepack priced at $3.99ea, all similar quality and colour. Stage of ripeness within the packs varied giving the customer a selection of staged fruit.


Retail Market Week 22 - 2022




In the last week, morning temperatures have been noticeably cooler falling within a range of 12.8- to 20C; whilst day time temperatures have been similar to last week with a top of 29.6C -within a range of 26.8 to 29.6C across the week which for NQld is mild.  In terms of rainfall, all major North Qld growing regions have been experiencing light rain in most growing regions experienced. Both Tully and Innisfail regions received 1.4mm to 4.2mm accumulatively throughout the week. Walkamin and Mareeba experienced more sporadic light falls totalling 3.8mm for the week. Cavendish banana bunch age is still in the vicinity of 16 weeks, with fruit quality generally good overall in our packshed though we continue to grade out some light scarring. Fruit bloom at this stage is still bright but as this week we officially start winter and from here on in the weather will continue to cool and not only will we will see bunch age increase over the coming weeks and months but if field temperatures fall below 10C we may start to see a dulling of fruit in appearance.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $1.99 to $3.29/kg this week.  The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $15-$29 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

The presentation of Cavendish presented reasonably well and fruit is exhibiting good bloom. There was still a presence of minor dry scar; minor neck damage; as well as bronzing; bruising; small rub marks and sap staining.  Colour was generally good.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas has come back a little this week in comparison to the week prior and amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $2.99/kg; whilst both Woolies offered fruit at $3.00 to $3.50/kg and Coles offered fruit at $3.00 to $3.50/kg depending upon location of the stores visited.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 21 - 462,012 trays harvested and consigned this week which represents a significant decrease of 5% ( or some 25,000 or so less cartons) on Week 20, 2022 production – North Qld maintains the lead in production accounting for 65% of this; followed by Central Qld with 30%; 2.9% from South Qld and the remaining 2.1% is made up of a contribution from Central NSW and Northern Rivers/Tamborine.

·       It is forecast that a total of 421K trays will be despatched this week nationally. The Hass forecast for the next two weeks is for between 385-400K trays per week and then supply is forecast to lighten to approximately 370K trays/week by mid-late June. The current four week average dispatch as of this week is 427,922 trays.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass  at $1.49 to $1.70ea .  Hass pricing has steadied somewhat this week, with prices ranging between $18-$24/tray for premium and a range of $14 -$18/tray for class one.  There continues to be very few bulk Hass on the market currently as what is available is being used for prepacking to service the supermarkets predominantly.

The weather in North Qld for our avocado crop has seen daytime temperatures ranging 12.8 to 29.6C with lighter, more sporadic rain in the last week which has been welcomed. Unfortunately as our fruit travels and time passes we are seeing the development of some nodule damage - despite the fact that every care has been taken to avoid picking fruit when wet and to treat the fruit with due care to minimise damage - a level of lenticel/nodule damage is present. We have our ripening partners assessing fruit to specification and raising a flag if the level exceeds permissible levels to enable us to either seek a temporary variance to spec or move fruit to the market floor depending upon the severity.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing though some of the new season hass had a presence of moderate lenticel/nodule damage relating to recent rain in the growing region. Fruit age ranged 10 to 14 days. 

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Hass and Gmax avos selling this week at a ticket price of $1.49ea;  Coles Qld had NQ Hass ticketed at $1.50ea and Gmax selling at $2.00ea; whilst Woolworths Qld had Hass selling at $1.70/piece depending upon store location and Gmax selling at $2.50ea.  The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to soft (especially amongst the hass, any piece with a dull hue and sun blemish tended to be quite soft). 



Left to Right: Top Woolworths Hass and Woolworths Gmax; Bottom left -Aldi Shepard and Right -Coles Hass Avocados






  • A full display of Cavendish Bananas ticketed at $2.99/kg. Fruit had developing colour (about 50% on display was semi colour in condition), with minimal scarring.

  • Lady Fingers on display at $5.99/kg.


  • A display of Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg. good colour at this store, though a presence of some light minor skin marks noted. Odd dull cluster present.

  • Lady Fingers at this store priced at $5.99ea - a few fingers were quite thin, not filled out enough.


  • A full display of Cavendish priced at $2.99/kg.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.




  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $3.00/kg - fruit that was displayed in single layer on each step, a number of dry flower ends on display unit, Kid’s packs at $3.00ea.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg (minimally marked). Note Red Tips were positioned between the price ticket for them and ladyfingers, minimal lady finger stock.


  • Cavendish priced at $3.50/kg, no stock and yet steps still had dry flower ends present. Kid’s packs also at $3.50. Perhaps waiting on arrival of truck? visited 9.30am.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg a couple of clusters with neck damage and severe bruising and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg (no stock)

  • Organic Variety at $4.90/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas, display priced at $3.00/kg - majority of stock was semi colour in condition - a little bronzing and scarring observed. Kid’s packs priced at $3.00ea.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg supplied by DBM most clusters with rub marking/bronzing. Red Tips at $4.90/kg.




  • Cavendish priced at $3.50/kg - display reasonably tidy, a few clusters with creased necks and some minor skin marking observed. Kids packs at $2.50ea.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips on special at $4.50/kg. Organic Variety at $5.50/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.50/kg - a neatly presented display - odd cluster or two with fingers that are starting to spot; a presence of minor neck damage, rust thrip damage and scarring. Kids packs at $2.50ea - a few clusters with skin markings.

  • Red Tips ticketed at $4.50/kg on special - odd cluster spotting, neck damage and scarring impacting fruit, Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg - very clean, presented in hands for customers to pull apart and Organic variety at $4.90/kg.


  • Display of Cavendish were priced at $3.00/kg. Display was predominantly clean. Kids packs at $2.50ea.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $7.90/kg, Red Tips at $4.50/kg on special, quite heavily marked and Organics at $5.50/kg quite clean but display looked rummaged.




  • HASS Avocados supplied by Dorian and Greenskins GMAX both at $1.49ea.

  • Hass 5 piece packs at $4.99ea.


  • Purpleskin Count 23 Hass packed 18th May so fruit age is 14 days old - priced at $1.49 each and Greenskins GMAX ct 20’s also priced at $1.49ea. Hass with a presence of lenticel/nodule damage and some skin blemishes.

  • 1kg packs at $5.99ea.


  • Dorrian Ct 23 Hass and Greenskins GMAX Ct 23 Avocados on display - priced at $1.49 each. GMAX packed 19th May so 13 days old. Avos featured in the Aldi Catalogue this week, image featured a hass and greenskin varietal with sale price the same.

  • Also noted in the catalogue Aldi are celebrating “National Avocado Toast Day”- promoting the well known concept of smashed avo on toast with a squeeze of lemon, a sprinkle of salt and a kick of paprika!

  • 1kg packs at $5.99ea and 5 piece packs at $4.99ea.




  • Hass Avocados supplied by various growers including Rock Ridge Farming were presented on a table top display and an end, ticketed at $1.50ea. GMAX Avos priced at $2.00ea.

  • Both prepacks at $6.50ea.


  • On offer Count 25-28 Hass displayed on a table top, priced at Fresh Special of $1.50ea - NOTE old signage of $1.70 ea or 2 for $3.00 was present on the end unit. Maturity of fruit varied.

  • GMAX on display for $2.00ea.

  • Both prepacks priced at $6.50ea.


  • Two displays of loose Hass Avocados featured at this store - ticketed at $1.50ea - table top located at entry visible from the external entry and first end opposite entry. The majority of fruit presented well, a few pieces found with heavier lenticel/nodule damage or dark skin blemishes. GMAX Avocados presented beside Hass priced at $2.00ea.

  • $6.50 for either the Coles 5pk or the 1kg I’MPerfect nets.




  • Purpleskin Hass count 18’s, were ticketed at $1.70ea, displayed on A Frame double sided display just inside the entrance to the produce department. Promo signage presented well.

  • Greenskin GMAX Ct 16 avos priced at $2.50ea, displayed on the reverse side of the A frame just inside the produce department. Quite a number of these had darkened skins, some bruising and soft spots.


  • Count 25 Hass Avocados supplied by Howe Farming (APP) for $1.50 each - this display was only half full but avos were good - majority quite firm.

  • Purpleskin 5 piece nets and 1kg Odd Bunch both priced at $7.00ea.

  • Empty bags sitting on the display of Hass, for over ripe fruit value offer, but none filled?


  • A frame bed display of Purpleskin Hass Ct18s priced at $1.70 packed 19th May so 13 days old. Greenskins GMAX Avos in count 14 and 16’s priced at $2.50ea - packed 18th May so 14 days old.

  • 5 piece packs were priced at $7.00ea and 1kg packs were also priced at $7.00ea.


Retail Market Week 21 - 2022




In the last week, morning temperatures have been falling within a range of 16.6- to 21.7C; whilst day time temperatures have been similar to last week with a top of just under 28C -within a range of 24.7 to 27.4C across the week which for NQld is mild.  In terms of rainfall, all major North Qld growing regions have been experiencing precipitation of light to moderate falls with increasing precipitation across latter part of the week. Both Tully and Innisfail regions received 104mm to 126mm accumulatively throughout the week. Walkamin and Mareeba experienced more sporadic light falls totalling 0.6mm to 2.1mm for the week. Cavendish banana bunch age is still in the vicinity of 15 weeks, with fruit quality generally good overall in our packshed though we continue to grade out some light scarring. Fruit bloom at this stage is still bright but as we are now in the autumnal season the weather will continue to cool and not only will we will see bunch age increase over the coming weeks and months but if field temperatures fall below 10C we may start to see a dulling of fruit in appearance.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $3.29 to $3.99/kg this week.  The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $16-$30 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

The presentation of Cavendish presented reasonably well and fruit is exhibiting good bloom. There was still a presence of minor dry scar; minor neck damage; as well as bronzing; bruising; small rub marks and sap staining.  Colour was generally good.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas with little variance this week in comparison to the week prior and amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.49/kg; whilst both Woolies offered fruit at $3.50 to $3.90/kg and Coles offered fruit at $3.00 to $3.50/kg depending upon location of the stores visited.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 20 - 487,639 trays harvested and consigned this week which represents a significant increase of 37% ( or some 130,000 or so extra cartons) on Week 19, 2022 production – North Qld maintains the lead in production accounting for 67% of this; followed by Central Qld with 29%; 2% from South Qld and the remaining 2% is made up of a contribution from Sunshine Coast, Central NSW and Northern Rivers/Tamborine.

·       It is forecast that a total of 421K trays will be despatched this week nationally, with the last few weeks continuing to be impacted by reduced harvestable days due to inclement weather across North Qld. The Hass forecast for the next two weeks is for between 400-420K trays per week and then supply is forecast to lighten to approximately 360K trays/week by mid June. The current four week average dispatch as of this week is 381,415 trays.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass  at $1.49 to $1.80ea .  Hass pricing has steadied somewhat this week, with prices ranging between $24-$30/tray for premium and a range of $17 -$25/tray for class one.  There continues to be very few bulk Hass on the market currently as what is available is being used for prepacking to service the supermarkets predominantly.

The weather in North Qld for our avocado crop has seen daytime temperatures ranging 16.6 to 27.8C with lighter, more sporadic rain in the last week which has been welcomed. Unfortunately as our fruit travels and time passes we are seeing the development of some nodule damage - despite the fact that every care has been taken to avoid picking fruit when wet and to treat the fruit with due care to minimise damage - a level of lenticel/nodule damage is present. We have our ripening partners assessing fruit to specification and raising a flag if the level exceeds permissible levels to enable us to either seek a temporary variance to spec or move fruit to the market floor depending upon the severity.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing though some of the new season hass had a presence of moderate presence of nodule damage relating to recent rain in the growing region. Pricing this week varied with Hass unit pricing differing by $0.20 to $0.30 per unit between retailers.  Fruit age ranged 8 to 14 days. 

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Hass and Gmax avos selling this week at a ticket price of $1.49ea;  Coles Qld had NQ Hass ticketed at $1.70 ea and Gmax selling at $1.90 - $2.20ea; whilst Woolworths Qld had Hass selling at $1.70 to $1.80/piece depending upon store location and Gmax selling at $2.50ea.  The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to soft (especially amongst the hass, any piece with a dull hue and sun blemish tended to be quite soft). 



Left to Right: Top Woolworths Hass and Woolworths Gmax; Bottom left -Aldi Shepard and Right -Coles Hass Avocados






  • A full display of Cavendish Bananas ticketed at $3.49/kg. Fruit has good colour, with minimal scarring.

  • No Lady Fingers on display.


  • A display of Cavendish were priced at $3.49/kg. approximately 20% of the display were semi-colour in condition - fruit was reasonably clean though some light neck creasing and small marks on skin found.

  • Lady Fingers at this store very clean, priced at $5.99ea.


  • A full display of Cavendish priced at $3.49/kg.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.




  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $3.00/kg - fruit that was displayed had minor skin marking. Kid’s packs at $3.00ea.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg (full stock and minimally marked).


  • Cavendish displayed at $3.50/kg, slightly dull. Kid’s packs also at $3.50.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas, display priced at $3.00/kg - a percentage of the fruit was found to be full colour and spotting. Kid’s packs priced at $3.00ea.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg - minimal skin markings. Red Tips at $4.90/kg, these were quite marked.




  • Cavendish priced at $3.50/kg - display reasonably tidy, a few clusters with creased necks and some minor skin marking observed, small quantity of fruit in the eat later section. Kids packs at $2.50ea.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.90/kg. Organic Variety at $5.50/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.50/kg - a neatly presented display, but a section of the fruit was very long and exhibited signs of being chilled (dull and grey) - small rub, light scar and neck damage present. Kids packs at $2.50ea - a few clusters starting to spot.

  • Red Tips ticketed at $4.90/kg and Organic variety at $4.90/kg - all semi-colour condition.


  • Display of Cavendish were priced at $3.90/kg. Display was predominantly clean. Kids packs at $2.50ea.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $7.90/kg, Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Organics at $5.50/kg.




  • No stock of any avocado variety at this store!


  • Count 23 Hass supplied from DBM - Ferraro Farming Hass packed 13th May so fruit age is 12 days old - priced at $1.49 each.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.99ea supplied by Simpson Farms and 1kg packs at $5.99ea.


  • Ct 23Hass - Ferraro Faming supplied by DBM and GMAX Avocados supplied by Greenskins on display - priced at $1.49 each.

  • 1kg packs at $5.99ea and 5 piece packs at $4.99ea.




  • Hass Avocados supplied by various growers including Rock Ridge and Ferraro Farming were presented on a table top display and an end, ticketed at $1.70ea. GMAX Avos priced at $1.90ea.

  • Both prepacks at $6.50ea.


  • On offer Count 25-28 Hass, from Costa’s and Dorian, priced at $1.70ea. Presented on a table top display, fruit packed 9th May so fruit age was 16 days. Mix of maturity on offer, the majority were still quite firm. A few GMAX Ct18’s to be unpacked.


  • Two displays of loose Hass Avocados at this store in sizes 18 and 23’s - ticketed at $1.70ea - table top and first end opposite entry. Fruit grown by Ferraro Farming supplied by DBM - a light to moderate presence of nodule damage noted.




  • Purpleskin Hass and Simpson Farms Hass count 25’s, were ticketed at $1.70ea, displayed on an table top bin display just inside the entrance to the produce department with a spillover. Greenskin GMAX Ct 16 avos priced at $2.50ea, also displayed on a table top just inside the produce department. Most lines packed 17th May so fruit is 8 days fresh.

  • Organic Prepacks at $7.00ea.


  • Count 16 Hass Avocados for $1.80 each - this display was good. Fruit supplied by Purpleskins and Rock Ridge Farming packed on 13th May meaning an age of 12 days. Count 16 GMAX variety priced at $2.20ea packed 17th May so 8 days fresh.


  • A display of Howe Farming and Rock Ridge Hass priced at $1.80. GMAX Avos in count 16’s priced at $2.50ea.

  • 5 piece packs were priced at $7.00ea and 1kg packs were also priced at $7.00ea.


  • Avocado Hass priced 2 for $5.00, well stocked, neat display - great selection of ready to eat and ready in a few days on offer.


Retail Market Week 20 - 2022




As we know the weather has a significant impact on cropping. In the last week, morning temperatures have been falling within a range of 15.7- to 22.4C; whilst day time temperatures have been similar to last week with a top of just under 30C -within a range of 26.6 to 30.4C across the week.  In terms of rainfall, all major North Qld growing regions have been experiencing precipitation of light to moderate falls with increasing precipitation across latter part of the week. Both Tully and Innisfail regions received 72.8mm to 74.4mm accumulatively throughout the week. Walkamin and Mareeba experienced falls totalling 32m to 32.4mm for the week. Cavendish banana bunch age is still in the vicinity of 15 weeks, with fruit quality generally good overall in our packshed though we continue to grade out some light scarring. Fruit bloom at this stage is still bright but as we are now in the autumnal season the weather will continue to cool and not only will we will see bunch age increase over the coming weeks and months but if field temperatures fall below 10C we may start to see a dulling of fruit in appearance.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $2.99 to $3.99/kg this week.  The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $16-$30 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

The presentation of Cavendish presented reasonably well and fruit is exhibiting good bloom. There was still a presence of minor dry scar; minor neck damage; as well as bronzing; bruising; small rub marks and sap staining.  Colour was generally good.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas with little variance this week in comparison to the week prior and amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.49/kg; whilst both Woolies offered fruit at $3.90/kg and Coles offered fruit at $3.50/kg in the stores visited.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 19 - 357,081 trays harvested and consigned this week which represents a  decrease of 12% ( or some 47,000 or so cartons) on Week 18 -2022 production – North Qld maintains the lead in production accounting for 72% of this; followed by Central Qld with 25%; 2% from Central NSW and the remaining 1% is coming from a combination of South Qld and Northern Rivers/Tamborine.

·       It is forecast that a total of 459K trays will be despatched this week nationally, with the last few weeks impacted by reduced harvestable days due to inclement weather across North Qld. The Hass forecast for the next few weeks is for between 400-420K trays per week.. Whilst plenty of fruit is forecast, we just have to hope that the rain we have been experiencing in recent weeks, lessens or at very least the showers are either early/later in the day, allowing the harvest to be undertaken in dry conditions. The forecast however is for more of the same conditions.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass  at $1.00 to $1.70ea .  Hass pricing has continued to increase on last week, with prices ranging between $24-$32/tray for premium and a range of $17 -$25/tray for class one.  There are very few bulk Hass on the market currently as what is available is being used for prepacking to service the supermarkets predominantly.

The weather in North Qld for our avocado crop has seen daytime temperatures ranging 15.7 to 29.5C with light to moderate to rain since last weekend with accumulative weekly falls of 32-75mm - this has continued to impact harvesting with a number of days this week whereby there has been no picking, or only a light pick later in the day. These continued wet conditions have also resulted in a presence of lenticel damage to fruit - every care is taken to avoid picking fruit when wet and to treat the fruit with due care to minimise damage.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing though some of the new season hass looked rather ordinary. Pricing this week varied with Hass unit pricing differing by $0.20 to $0.80 per unit between retailers.  Fruit age ranged 7 to 16 days. 

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Hass and Gmax avos selling this week at a ticket price of $1.49ea;  Coles Qld had NQ Hass ticketed at $1.00 to $1.70 ea depending upon store location and Gmax selling at $2.00ea; whilst Woolworths Qld had Hass selling at $1.50 to $1.80/piece depending upon store location and Gmax selling at $2.50ea, depending upon location.  The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to soft (especially amongst the hass, any piece with a dull hue and sun blemish tended to be quite soft). 



Left to Right: Top Woolworths Hass and Woolworths Gmax; Bottom left -Aldi Shepard and Right -Coles Hass Avocados






  • A full display of Cavendish Bananas ticketed at $3.49/kg. Fruit has good colour, with minimal scarring.

  • Lady Fingers at $5.99/kg, in clusters for customers.


  • A display of Cavendish were priced at $3.49/kg. approximately 80% of the display were semi-colour in condition - fruit was reasonably clean though some light neck creasing and small marks on skin found.

  • Lady Fingers at this store slightly marked, priced at $5.99ea.


  • A full display of Cavendish priced at $3.49/kg. Light skin marking could be found but generally fruit was presenting better than in recent weeks in this chain, 40% green however.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.




  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $3.50/kg - display needing a refill; fruit that was displayed had minor skin marking. Kid’s packs at $3.50ea.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg (quite green) and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg (minimal stock and heavily marked).


  • Cavendish displayed at $3.50/kg. Half of these were green. Kid’s packs at $3.50.


  • Cavendish bananas, display priced at $3.50/kg. Kid’s packs priced at $3.50ea.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg - minimal skin markings.

  • Organic variety at $4.90/kg - questionable condition.




  • Cavendish priced at $2.50/kg - well stocked fruit presented stacked with marking, odd cluster green also. Kids packs at $2.50ea.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.90/kg. Organic Variety at $4.90/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.90/kg - a neatly presented display, definite 'Eat Now’ and 'Eat Later’ sections but needing a refill - small rub, light scar and neck damage present. Kids packs at $2.50ea - needing stock.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg and Organic variety at $5.50/kg.


  • Display of Cavendish were priced at $3.90/kg. Display was predominantly clean. Kids packs at $2.50ea.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $7.90/kg, Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Organics at $5.50/kg.


  • Beautiful display of Cavendish were priced at $3.99/kg. Cavendish Packs priced at $3.50ea and Lady Fingers at $7.99/kg.

  • Displays had good bloom and relatively clean.




  • Count 25 Purpleskin Hass and Greenskin Gmax both at $1.49ea, packed 12th May, fruit 6 days old.


  • Count 25 Hass supplied from Purpleskins packed 12th May were on display - priced at $1.49 each. Count 23 GMAX also at $1.49ea packed 5th May.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.99ea and 1kg packs at $4.99ea.


  • Hass and GMAX Avocados on display - priced at $1.49 each.

  • 1kg packs at $4.99ea for both lines.




  • Hass Avocados supplied by various growers were presented on a table top display and an end, ticketed at $1.70ea. GMAX Avos priced at $2.00ea.

  • Both prepacks at $6.50ea.


  • On offer Count 25-28 Hass, from Costa’s and Purpleskin, priced at $1.00ea (featured on the specials board). Presented on a table top display and on an end. Both lines of fruit packed 29th April so fruit age was 19 days and this was evident.

  • GMAX fruit supplied by Greenskins priced at $2.00ea.

  • 5 piece packs at $6.50ea and I’m Perfect 1kg packs also at $6.50ea.


  • Two displays of loose Hass Avocados at this store in sizes 18 and 23’s - ticketed at $1.70ea - table top and first end opposite entry. Fruit grown by Ferraro Farming supplied by DBM.

  • GMAX priced at $2.00ea.

  • $6.50 for 5 piece packs.




  • Purpleskin Hass count 25’s, were ticketed at $1.70ea, displayed on an table top bin display just inside the entrance to the produce department with a spillover.

  • Prepacks at $6.00


  • Count 23-28 Hass Avocados for $1.50 each - this display was good. Fruit supplied by Purpleskins and Howe Farming packed on 6th May meaning an age of 12 days.

  • 5 piece packs at $6.50ea and 1kg on special at $6.00ea.


  • A display of Howe Farming and Rock Ridge Hass priced at $1.60. Gmax Avos in count 20’s priced at $2.50ea.

  • 5 piece packs were priced at $6.90ea and 1kg packs were on special priced at $6.00ea.


  • Avocado Hass priced 2 for $5.00, well stocked, neat display - great selection of ready to eat and ready in a few days on offer.


Retail Market Week 17 - 2022




Last week total banana industry production was again in the vicinity of 410K cartons. The weather patterns are showing signs of change with slightly cooler mornings and peaks under 31C in the far North this week.  Morning temperatures have been falling within a range of 18.1- to 23.5C; whilst day time temperatures have been similar to last week with a top of just 30C -within a range of 24.9 to 31.1C across the week.  In terms of rainfall, all major North Qld growing regions receiving moderate to heavy falls with increasing precipitation across last weekend and early this week. Both Innisfail and Tully regions received 271mm to 334mm accumulatively throughout the week. Walkamin and Mareeba experienced falls totalling 75mm to 86mm for the week. Cavendish banana bunch age is still in the vicinity of 15 weeks, with fruit quality generally found to be good overall in our packshed though we continue to grade out some light scarring.   As we are now in the autumnal season the weather will continue to gradually cool and we will see bunch age increase over the coming weeks and months.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $1.99 to $3.49/kg this week.  The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $12-$26 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

The presentation of Cavendish presented reasonably well, in fact if making a generalised statement across all major banners there was considerable improvement with cleaner fruit with good bloom. There was still a presence of minor dry scar; minor neck damage; as well as bronzing; bruising; small rub marks and sap staining but less significant in comparison to the the preceding four week period.  Colour was generally good; though notably a number of stores seemed to have a higher proportion of semi-colour fruit at all three stores visited this week.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas with little variance this week in comparison to the week prior and amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $1.99/kg; whilst both Woolies and Coles offered fruit at $2.00-$2.50/kg depending upon location visited.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays

First harvest of the 2022 Hass season for Rock Ridge Farming....



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 16 - 230,512 trays harvested and consigned this week which represents a  significant 32% decrease ( or some 109,531 less cartons) on Week 15 -2022 production – North Qld maintains the lead in production accounting for 67% of this; followed by Central Qld with 29%; then WA at 3%; and the remaining 1% coming from South Qld.

·       The average industry dispatch per week over the last four week period has been 344,201 trays.

·       It is forecast that a total of 242K trays will be despatched this week nationally, lower volumes indicating that the Shepard season is nearing its end but also been impacted by reduced harvestable days due to Anzac day and Labour Day public holidays in North Qld, This week Shepards are forecast to make up appoximately half of this total and Hass the balance. Hass volumes are expected to double in week 18 and are forecast to be in the early 300,000’s trays per week through until the end of May.

Hass Avocado projections for the next few weeks according to industry figures supplied by Avocados Australia by week number with forecasts as follows: Week 17 W/E 29/4 - 129K; Week 18 W/E 6/5- 256K; Week 19 W/E 13/5 - 315K and Week 20 W/E 20/5 - 305K. By these industry projections, fruit supplies from Week Ending 13th May will be starting to reach numbers that will ensure a consistent supply of Hass.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Shepards’  at $0.99 to $1.40ea .  Hass, new season NQ fruit, were found at Woolworths stores selling these at $1.80 per piece and Coles for $1.20 (where in stock), though there is a difference in size of fruit; whilst independents were selling larger class one NQ Shepards for up to 2/$4.00 - depending upon variety/quality/size.   Hass pricing remained steady with a top now of $18/tray and a range of $14 -$18/tray for premium.  Shepard’s are only fetching  a top of $10.00-$13.00/tray for premiums in the market; with class one Shepards’ back to $6-$9/tray and Bulks $3 to $12 depending upon grade and quality.

The weather in North Qld for our avocado crop has seen daytime temperatures ranging 17.5 to 31C with moderate to heavy rain since last weekend with accumulative weekly falls of 75-200mm - this has significantly impacted harvesting with a number of days this week whereby there has been no picking, or only a light pick later in the day. Rock Ridge have harvested the last of our Shepards this week, though we may have a very light pick of small fruit for prepacks this coming Tuesday. We are also very excited to announce that we have commenced our Hass harvest with a light pick across Thursday/Friday - the first harvest is looking very nice (see image above), we are very conscious of the impact of the recent rainfall can have on fruit and are treating fruit very gently throughout the harvest/packing process and watching for the development of lenticel and nodule damage throughout our processes.

All of our farms have had Hass tested for dry matter percentages and I am very pleased to report that all growers have at least some of their farms that are ready to commence harvesting with results of 23.2 to 27.1% dry matter, there are a couple with results in the early to mid 22 percentiles that we will not harvest for another couple of weeks and have further dry matter testing before harvest commences on these blocks.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing. Pricing this week varied was once again a little more uniform across all major supermarkets in relation to Shepards, though there was a greater variance in Hass pricing and whether these were stocked as yet or not.  Fruit age for Shepards age ranged 7 to 21 days; whilst new season Hass tended to be around 7-14 days old.  Both Woolworths stores and Coles stores are stocking NQ Autumn varieties of Hass as well as the green skin Shepards; with half of the display devoted to each varietal in most cases.  Woolworths offer the different varieties at different price points; whilst Coles are offering both varieties at the same price point.

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Shepard avos selling again this week at a hot ticket price of $0.99ea;  Coles Qld had both NQ Shepards and new season Autumn Hass ticketed at $1.20 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays Shepards  at $1.40ea and new season NQ Hass ticketed at $1.50-$1.80ea, depending upon location.  The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to firm.  There was a greater proportion of Hass yielding to gentle pressure in comparison with Shepards in general.



Left to Right: Top Woolworths Shepard and Woolworths Hass'; Bottom left -Aldi Shepard and Right -Coles Shepard Avocados






  • A full display of Cavendish Bananas ticketed at $1.99/kg - Neck injury and scarring common. Fruit bloom was generally very good at this store, just the odd cluster that was quite dull.

  • Lady Fingers at $5.99/kg, in clusters for customers.


  • A display of Cavendish were priced at $1.99/kg. approximately 40% of the display were semi-colour in condition - fruit was reasonably clean though some light neck creasing and small marks on skin found.

  • No Lady Fingers at this store.


  • A full display of Cavendish priced at $1.99/kg. Most stock at this store was semi-colour in condition. Light skin marking could be found but generally fruit was presenting much better than in recent weeks in this chain.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.




  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $2.00/kg - a fairly well presented display; some minor skin marking but generally good bloom. Kid’s packs at $2.50ea.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg. Ladyfingers were quite thin and also a little backward in condition.


  • Cavendish displayed at $2.00/kg - a predominance of semi colour fruit on this display. Kid’s packs at $2.50.

  • Red tips at $4.90/kg, Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg - both of these lines presented green.


  • Cavendish bananas, display priced at $2.00/kg. Display was completely bare, waiting for stock refill. Kid’s packs priced at $2.50ea. Lost sales opportunity.

  • Red tips in stock at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg - both little to no stock on display.




  • Cavendish priced at $2.00/kg - fruit presented quite cleanly, odd cluster with scarring; definite eat now and eat later sections found on this display. Kids packs at $2.50ea. Display was neat. A lot of fruit in cartons on the floor. Neck damage evident.

  • Lady Fingers at $6.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.90/kg. Organic Variety at $4.90/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $2.00/kg - a very neatly presented display through more semi condition fruit than ready to eat - small rub, light scar and neck damage present. Kids packs at $2.50ea.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $6.90/kg.

  • Red Tips priced at $4.90/kg and Organic variety at $4.90/kg.


  • Display of Cavendish in single layer, needing a refill, were priced at $2.00/kg. Display was predominantly clean.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $6.90/kg and Organics at $4.90/kg.


  • Display of Cavendish were priced at $3.49/kg. Display was on the greener side, but relatively clean.




  • Count 23 Shepards from Greenskins priced at $0.99 each. Packed 20th April so fruit age was 7 days - fruit was very firm.

  • 5 piece Shepard packs (supplied by Simpsons) introduced recently to the Aldi range priced at $4.49ea whilst the original 1kg Market Buy packs priced at $3.99ea.


  • Count 25 Shepards supplied from Simpson Farms were on display - priced at $0.99 each.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.49ea.


  • Count 25 Shepards with supplies from Simpsons freshly on display - priced at $0.99 each. Packed date of 13th April so fruit age 14 days.




  • Shepard Avocados supplied by various growers were presented on a table top display and an end, ticketed at $1.20ea. Howe Farming supplied by Aust Produce Partners with some light skin marking; whilst the Greenskin Shepards were more heavily marked with rots forming.

  • I’m Perfect 1kg packs priced at $3.80ea. 5 piece packs were priced at $5.00 each.


  • On offer Shepards, from a mix of suppliers including Rockridge, priced at $1.20ea and Autumn Hass also at $1.20ea. Presented on a table top display and on an end. 5 piece packs at $5.00ea and I’m Perfect 1kg packs for $3.80ea.


  • Two displays of loose Shepard Avocados at this store in sizes 25 and 28’s - ticketed at $1.20 ea - table top and first end opposite entry. Fruit was firm to yielding in terms of maturity. Packed on dates ranged from 6th April through to 11th April so fruit age ranged 16 days to 21 days.

  • $3.80 on 1kg packs and $5.00 for 5 piece packs.




  • Greenskin Shepards and Purpleskin Hass, both in count 20’s, were ticketed at $1.40 and $1.80ea respectively, displayed on A frame displays just inside the entrance to the produce department. Packed on date 20th and 8th April respectively so age of each ranged 7-19 days. Some nodule damage/lenticel present on the Purpleskin hass, also a percentage of this fruit with sun blemish; a percentage also quite soft.

  • 1kg Odd Bunch packs at $5.00ea. 5 piece packs also in stock but no price ticket.


  • Count 23 Purpleskin Hass Avocados for $1.50 each, some with superficial markings. Greenskin Shepard and Simpson Shepards displayed on special at $1.40ea - this display was good. Both lines presented well and packed from 7th-11th April, meaning an age range of 16-20 days. Some sun blemish/colouration found amongst the hass.

  • 1kg at $5.00ea.


  • A display of Count 25 Purpleskin Avocado Hass packed 7th April (20 days old) priced at $1.50. Greenskin Shepards both in count 20’s priced at $1.40ea a packed on 13th April so 14 days old.

  • 5 piece packs were priced at $5.50ea and 1kg packs were priced at $5.00ea.


  • ‘PREMIUM JUMBO’ Shepard Avocados at 2 for $4.00 or $2.50ea.


Retail Market Week 16 - 2022




Last week we saw the total banana industry production reduce slightly to 403K cartons, which represented a decrease of 2,300 cartons on the week prior. The weather patterns are showing signs of change with slightly cooler mornings and peaks under 30C in the far North this week.  Morning temperatures have been be a touch cooler across all NQ regions with early a.m. temps falling within a range of 17.1- to 22C; whilst day time temperatures have been similar to last week with a top of just 30C -within a range of 26.1 to 30C across the week.  In terms of rainfall, all major North Qld growing regions receiving light to moderate falls with increasing precipitation predicted for late this week. Both Innisfail and Tully regions received 58.8mm down to 53.6mm throughout the week with falls of up to 100mm predicted from Friday. Walkamin and Mareeba had much lighter rainfall ranging 3.4mm to 5.8mm for the week. Cavendish banana bunch age is still in the vicinity of 14-15 weeks, with fruit quality generally found to be good overall in our packshed though we continue to grade out some light scarring.   As we are now in the autumnal season the weather will continue to gradually cool and we will see bunch age increase over the coming weeks and months.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $1.99 to $2.99/kg this week.  The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $12-$22 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

The presentation of Cavendish presented reasonably well, in fact if making a generalised statement across all major banners there was considerable improvement with cleaner fruit with good bloom. There was still a presence of minor dry scar; minor neck damage; as well as bronzing; bruising; small rub marks and sap staining but less significant in comparison to the the preceding four week period.  Colour was generally good; though notably Aldi stores seemed to have a higher proportion of semi-colour fruit at all three stores visited this week.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas with little variance this week in comparison to the week prior and amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $2.99/kg; whilst both Woolies and Coles offered fruit at $3.00-$3.50/kg depending upon location visited.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 15 - 340,043 trays harvested and consigned this week which represents a  12% decrease ( or some 44,581 less cartons) on Week 14 -2022 production – North Qld maintains the lead in production accounting for 68% of this; followed by Central Qld with 23%; then WA at 5%; 3% from Central NSW and the remaining 1% coming from South Qld.

·       The average industry dispatch per week over the last four week period has been 406,370 trays.

·       It is forecast that a total of 270K trays will be despatched this week nationally, lower volumes indicating that the Shepard season is nearing its end but also been impacted by reduced harvestable days due to Easter and Anzac day public holidays, The week after the forecast is for a further 200K Shepard trays to be harvested nationally.

Whilst we are not quite there yet, it is important to look ahead to the new season, should I say TRUE Hass Avocado projections for the next few weeks according to industry figures supplied by Avocados Australia by week number with forecasts as follows: Week 15W/E 15/4 - 36K; Week 16 W/E 22/4 - 63K; Week 17 W/E 29/4 - 136K; Week 18 W/E 6/5- 214K; Week 19 W/E 13/5 - 258K. By these industry projections, fruit supplies from Week Ending 13th May will be starting to reach numbers that will ensure a consistent supply of Hass.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Shepards’  at $1.19 to $1.20ea .  Hass, new season NQ fruit, were found at Woolworths stores selling these at $1.50-$1.80 per piece and Coles for $1.20, though there is a difference in size of fruit; whilst independents were selling larger class one NQ Hass for $2.00/piece or 3 large pieces for $5 and loose Shepards at $0.99 cents each and a 4 piece prepack for $2.99 - depending upon variety/quality/size.   Hass pricing remained steady with a top now of $18/tray and a range of $14 -$18/tray for premium.  Shepard’s are only fetching  a top of $10.00-$13.00/tray for premiums in the market; with class one Shepards’ back to $6-$9/tray and Bulks $7 to $15 depending upon grade and quality.

The weather in North Qld for our Shepard crop has seen daytime temperatures ranging 17.1 to 30.2C with light rain at the start of the week and increasing rain towards the latter part of the week with predicted falls of 50-100mm across this coming weekend. A number of our growers have finished picking their Shepard crop and are preparing for their Hass season. Rock Ridge will be be harvesting Shepard again this coming week in an effort to complete our Shepard season, though we may have a very light pick into the first full week of May in order to complete this task. We are aiming to commence our Hass harvest either late this week or early the following week.

Whilst we have seen early season or autumn Hass on the market for some weeks, true hass crop is looking good - we have sent fruit off for dry matter testing this week from different farms with results ranging 22.3 to 24.1%. The industry guideline is to reach a minimum of 23% dry matter to ensure fruit maturity, so whilst a couple of farms are ready to commence harvest, others will have further fruit samples sent for dry matter testing in another couple of weeks.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing. Pricing this week varied greatly across major supermarkets - as well as a variation noted in the sizing stocked by each banner.  Fruit age for Shepards age ranged 9 to 20 days; whilst new season Hass tended to be around 12-14 days old.  Both Woolworths stores and Coles stores are stocking NQ Autumn varieties of Hass as well as the green skin Shepards; with half of the display devoted to each varietal in most cases.  Woolworths offer the different varieties at different price points; whilst Coles are offering both varieties at the same price point.

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Shepard avos selling at a hot ticket price of $0.99ea;  Coles Qld had both NQ Shepards and new season Autumn Hass ticketed at $1.20 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays Shepards  at $1.00-$1.40ea and new season NQ Hass ticketed at $1.50-$1.80ea, depending upon location.  The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to firm. There was a notable increase in skin marking and bruising this week as noted in each store visited below. There was a greater proportion of Hass yielding to gentle pressure in comparison with Shepards in general.



Left to Right: Top Woolworths Shepard and Woolworths Hass'; Bottom left -Aldi Shepard and Right -Coles Shepard Avocados






  • A full display of Cavendish Bananas ticketed at $2.99/kg - Neck injury and scarring common - a few clusters found to be spotting. Fruit bloom was good.

  • Lady Fingers at $5.99/kg, in clusters for customers.


  • A display of Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg. approximately 60% of the display were semi-colour in condition - fruit was reasonably clean though some light sap stains and small marks found.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99. These were also slightly green.


  • A full display of Cavendish priced at $2.99/kg. Most stock at this store was semi-colour in condition, in both Cavendish and Lady Finger lines. Light skin marking could be found but generally fruit was presenting much better than in recent weeks in this chain.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.




  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $3.00/kg - a fairly well presented display; some minor skin marking but generally good bloom.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg.


  • Cavendish displayed at $3.50/kg - a predominance of semi colour fruit on this dispaly - a few clusters with slightly dull hue. Kid’s packs also at $3.50.

  • Red tips at $4.90/kg, Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg - both of these lines presented well.


  • Cavendish bananas, display priced at $3.00/kg. A presence of skin marking including, sap stains, small skin scars, superficial and major bruising observed - but again an improvement on recent weeks.

  • Red tips in stock at $4.90/kg, a few clusters quite green, Organic at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg.




  • Cavendish priced at $3.00/kg - fruit presented quite cleanly, odd cluster with scarring; definite eat now and eat later sections found on this display. Kids packs at $2.50ea. Display was neat.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.90/kg. Organic Variety at $4.50/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.50/kg - small rub, light scar and neck damage - bloom was good. Kids packs at $2.50ea.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg.

  • Red Tips priced at $4.90/kg and Organic variety at $4.50/kg.


  • Display of Cavendish in single layer, needing a refill, were priced at $3.00/kg. Display was predominantly clean.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.90/kg. Organics were also in stock at $4.50/kg - a few clusters found to be spotting.




  • Count 18 Shepards from Greenskins priced at $0.99 each.

  • 5 piece Shepard packs (supplied by Simpsons) introduced recently to the Aldi range priced at $4.49ea whilst the original 1kg Market Buy packs priced at $3.99ea.


  • Count 25 Shepards supplied from Simpson Farms packed 6th April (14 days old) were on display - priced at $0.99 each. Whilst a large percentage of the fruit displayed well, there was a presence of fruit with rots, bruising, nodule damage and a few pieces suffering dehydration and thereby shrivelling.

  • 1kg packs at $3.99ea and 5 piece packs at $4.49ea.


  • Count 25 Shepards with supplies from Simpsons on display and selling well - priced at $0.99 each. Packed date of 1st April so fruit age 19 days. A presence of lenticel damage, some copper residue and dehydration noted.

  • 5 piece Shepard packs were ticketed at $4.49ea and 1kg Market Buy packs at $3.99ea.




  • Count 25 Shepard Avocados supplied by various growers were presented on a table top display and an end, ticketed at $1.20ea.

  • I’m Perfect 1kg packs priced at $4.90ea.


  • On offer new season Shepards, from a mix of suppliers including Howe Farming and Cardorin’s priced at $1.20ea and Autumn Hass also at $1.20ea. Presented on a table top display and on an end. Found a few pieces with bruising and skin marking.


  • Two displays of loose Shepard Avocados and Autumn Hass at this store in sizes 23 and 25’s - ticketed at $1.20 ea - table top and first end opposite entry. Fruit was firm to yielding in terms of maturity. Fruit grown and supplied by Simpsons (own tray and Manbulloo ( a few bruises and a cut to skin noticed on this label)) Australian Produce Partners (Obie) and Costas (Adil) - packed on dates ranged considerably with fruit packed 31st March through to 11th April so fruit age ranged 9 days to 20 days.

  • $4.90 on 1kg packs and $3.90 for 5 piece packs.




  • Howe Farming Shepards and Purpleskin Hass, both in count 20’s, were ticketed at $1.40 and $1.80ea respectively, displayed on A frame displays just inside the entrance to the produce department. Packed on date 7th April so age 13 days. We did find a number of softer pieces throughout the early season hass and appearance of some pieces were not appealing.

  • 1kg packs at $4.50ea.


  • Count 20 Purpleskin Hass Avocados for $1.80 each, some with superficial markings. Greenskin Shepard displayed on special at $1.40ea - this display was great. Both lines presented well and packed from 6th-11th April, meaning an age range of 9-14 days.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $5.00ea and 1kg at $4.50ea.


  • A display of Count 23/20 Purpleskin Avocado Hass packed 5th April (15 days old) priced at $1.30 a piece according to header board signage but $1.50ea on bin signage. Simpson Farm and Howe Farming Shepards both in count 25’s priced at $1.00ea (these were selling well/low in stock) a packed on 6th and 7th April so 13 to 14 days old.

  • 5 piece packs were priced at $5.00ea and 1kg packs were priced at $4.50ea.


Retail Market Week 15 - 2022


Wishing you all a Happy Easter 🥑


Wishing you all a Happy Easter 🥑 〰️



Last week we saw the total banana industry production lift slightly to 406K cartons, which represented an increase of just over 17K cartons on the week prior. The weather patterns are showing signs of change with slightly cooler mornings and peaks under 32C in the far North this week.  Morning temperatures have been be a touch cooler across all NQ regions with early a.m. temps falling within a range of 17.6- to 24.2C; whilst day time temperatures have been similar to last week with a top of just 31.6C -within a range of 29.5 to 31.6C across the week.  In terms of rainfall, all major North Qld growing regions were again relatively dry with only the Tully region receiving 12.8mm and Innisfail receiving 21.4mm across the week.  Cavendish banana bunch age is still in the vicinity of 14-15 weeks, with fruit quality generally found to be good overall in our packshed though we continue to grade out some light scarring.   As we are now in the autumnal season the weather will continue to gradually cool and we will see bunch age increase over the coming weeks and months.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $1.49 to $2.99/kg this week.  The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $12-$22 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

The presentation of Cavendish presented reasonably well.   Fruit at the stores visited this week were found to have a presence of minor dry scar; minor neck damage; as well as bronzing; bruising; small rub marks and sap staining.  Colour was generally good; definitely more ready to eat fruit now, than eat later options.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas with little variance this week in comparison to the week prior and amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $2.49/kg; whilst both Woolies and Coles offered fruit at $3.00-$3.50/kg depending upon location visited.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 14 - 384,624 trays harvested and consigned this week which represents a  9% decrease ( or some 37,000 less cartons) on Week 13 -2022 production – North Qld maintains the lead in production accounting for 68% of this; followed by Central Qld with 24.5%; then WA at 5.5% and the remaining 2% coming from Sunshine Coast.

·       The average industry dispatch per week over the last four week period has been 441,606 trays.

·       It is forecast that a total of 325K trays will be despatched this week nationally, a little lighter with the impact of Easter public holidays,

All major supermarkets are selling premium Shepards’  at $1.19 to $1.30ea .  Hass, new season NQ fruit, were found at Woolworths stores selling these at $1.50-$1.80 per piece and Coles for $1.20, though there is a difference in size of fruit; whilst independents were selling larger class one NQ Hass for $2.00/piece or 3 large pieces for $5 and loose Shepards at $0.99 cents each and a 4 piece prepack for $2.99 - depending upon variety/quality/size.   Hass pricing remained steady with a top now of $18/tray and a range of $14 -$18/tray for premium.  Shepard’s are only fetching  a top of $10.00-$13.00/tray for premiums in the market; with class one Shepards’ back to $6-$9/tray and Bulks $7 to $15 depending upon grade and quality.

The weather in North Qld for our Shepard crop has seen daytime temperatures ranging 17.6 to 31.6C with dry conditions which is great for picking. 

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing with pricing being a consistent offer across major supermarkets - the variation this week was noted in the sizing stocked by each banner.  Fruit age for Shepards age ranged 13 to 15 days; whilst new season Hass tended to be around 8 days old.  Both Woolworths stores and Coles stores are stocking NQ Autumn varieties of Hass as well as the green skin Shepards; with half of the display devoted to each varietal in most cases.  Woolworths offer the different varieties at different price points; whilst Coles are offering both varieties at the same price point.

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Shepard avos selling with a ticket price of $1.19ea;  Coles Qld had both NQ Shepards and new season Autumn Hass ticketed at $1.20 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays Shepards  at $1.30ea and new season NQ Hass ticketed at $1.50-$1.80ea, depending upon location.  The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to firm. There was a greater proportion of Hass yielding to gentle pressure in comparison with Shepards in general.



Left to Right: Top Woolworths Shepard and Woolworths Hass'; Bottom left -Aldi Shepard and Right -Coles Shepard Avocados






  • A full display of Cavendish Bananas ticketed at $2.49/kg - Neck injury and scarring common - a few clusters found to be spotting.

  • Lady Fingers at $5.99/kg, in hands customers had to pull apart.


  • A display of Cavendish were priced at $2.49/kg. approximately 60% of the display were slightly green - fruit was reasonably clean.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99. Display looked untidy with packaging disheveled.


  • A full display of Cavendish priced at $2.49/kg. Poor display with some heavily spotting fruit; some clusters extremely dull and marked. Not enticing at all.

  • Lady Fingers exhibiting some bronzing and light marking priced at $5.99/kg.




  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $3.00/kg - a well presented display; some minor skin marking but generally good bloom. Kids banded clusters also ticketed at $3.00 ea.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg, Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Organic variety at $4.90/kg (the front section of this display was very dull and grey as if they had been kept in a fridge).


  • Cavendish displayed at $3.00/kg - a predominance of semi colour fruit on this dispaly - a few clusters with slightly dull hue. Some light rub marking and minor scarring. Kid’s packs also at $3.00.

  • Red tips at $4.90/kg, Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg - both of these lines presented well and Organic variety (very green) at $4.90/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas, display priced at $3.50/kg. A presence of skin marking including, sap stains, neck injuries and superficial bruising observed. Again a few dull clusters throughout.

  • Red tips in stock at $4.90/kg, a few clusters at the front of the display that had minor skin marking and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg.




  • Cavendish priced at $3.00/kg - fruit presented quite cleanly, odd cluster with scarring; definite eat now and eat later sections found on this display. Kids packs at $2.50ea. Did find a few clusters with crowns that show signs of age and superficial mould developing and a dullness to the skin hue of some. Display was nevertheless, neat.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.90/kg. Organic Variety at $4.50/kg. All these lines presented well.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.50/kg - small rub, light scar and neck damage - bloom was good. Kids packs at $2.50ea. Display was in need of a refill - plenty of fruit in the cartons on the floor, just not on the shelves.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg.

  • Red Tips priced at $4.90/kg and Organic variety at $4.50/kg.


  • Display of Cavendish in single layer, needing a refill, were priced at $3.00/kg. Display was predominantly clean - a presence of minor scarring and rub.

  • Lady Fingers low in stock priced at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.90/kg. Organics were also in stock at $4.50/kg - odd cluster with neck injury.




  • Count 25 Shepards from Simpson Farms and Delai’s supplied by Simpsons priced at $1.19 each - packed 25th; 30th March and 4th April so fruit age range was 9 - 19 days. Some lenticel damage on fruit, also some evidence of dehydration on a few pieces.

  • 5 piece Shepard packs(supplied by Simpsons) introduced recently to the Aldi range (note new swing tag) priced at $4.49ea whilst the original 1kg Market Buy packs on special at $3.79ea were featured in this week’s Aldi catalogue. Also noted this week was the different netting colour used on both the Aldi 5 pack and their 1kg options.


  • Count 25 Shepards supplied from Simpson Farms were on display - priced at $1.19 each. Majority of fruit was quite heavily bruised/had significant skin marking.

  • This was the only avocado display in this store.


  • Count 25 Shepards with supplies from Greenskins were on display and selling well - priced at $1.19 each. Packed date of 29th March so fruit age 15 days.

  • 5 piece Shepard packs were ticketed at $4.49ea and 1kg Market Buy packs on special (and featured in the ALDI catalogue) at $3.79ea.




  • Signage at entry to store with avocados as a feature.

  • Count 25 Shepard Avocados and Count 25 Autumn Hass supplied by various growers were presented on a table top display just inside the front store entry as well as on the third end, ticketed at $1.20ea. Packed dates range 25th - 30th March so fruit age range is 14 to 19 days. Nodule damager and a little bruising as well as some dehydration noted.


  • On offer new season Shepards, from a mix of suppliers including Howe Farming, priced at $1.20ea and Autumn Hass also at $1.20ea. Presented on a table top display and on an end.

  • 5 piece Shepard packs at $3.90ea and I’m Perfect 1kg packs at $4.90ea.


  • Two displays of loose Shepard Avocados and Autumn Hass at this store - ticketed at $1.20 ea - table top and first end opposite entry. Fruit was firm to yielding in terms of maturity.




  • Howe Farming and Greenskin Shepards and Purpleskin Hass were ticketed at $1.30 and $1.50ea (on special) respectively, displayed on A frame displays just inside the entrance to the produce department. A little rub and light lenticel noted on a couple of pieces. Hass were more forward and did not look as attractive. Packed on dates ranged 30th March to 4th April so age ranged 9 to 14 days.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $5.00ea and 1kg packs at $5.00ea. Found 3 different BB date codes on the 1kg Odd Bunch stock - indicating daily stocks not fully clearing.


  • Count 25 Purpleskin Hass Avocados for $1.80 each, some with superficial markings. Greenskin Shepard displayed on special at $1.30ea. The shepards presented well.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $5.00ea and 1kg at $5.00ea.


  • A display of Count 18/20 Purpleskin Avocado Hass packed 30th March (13 days old) priced at $1.80 a piece and Greenskin Avocado Shepards priced at $1.30ea (these were selling well/low in stock). Both displays in need of a refill.

  • Both 5 piece packs and 1kg packs were priced at $5.00ea, however minimal stock of both.


Retail Market Week 14 - 2022




Last week we saw the total banana industry production lift slightly to 389K cartons, which represented an increase of just over 9K cartons on the week prior. The weather patterns are showing signs of change with slightly cooler mornings and peaks under 33C in the far North this week.  Morning temperatures have been be a touch cooler across all NQ regions with early a.m. temps falling within a range of 16.2- to 22.9C; whilst day time temperatures have been similar to last week with a top of just 33.6C -within a range of 28.7 to 33.6C across the week.  In terms of rainfall, all major North Qld growing regions were relatively dry with only the Tully region receiving a light 1.2mm across the week.  Cavendish banana bunch age is still in the vicinity of 14-15 weeks, with fruit quality generally found to be good overall in our packshed though we continue to grade out some fruit speckle.   As we are now in the autumnal season the weather will continue to gradually cool and we will see bunch age increase over the coming weeks and months.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $0.99 to $3.00/kg this week.  The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $12-$22 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

The presentation of Cavendish presented reasonably well.   Fruit at the stores visited this week were found to have a presence of minor dry scar; minor neck damage; as well as bronzing; bruising; small rub marks and sap staining.  Colour was generally good; definitely more ready to eat fruit now, than eat later options.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas with little variance this week in comparison to the week prior and amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $2.49/kg; whilst both Woolies and Coles offered fruit at $2.50/kg at the stores visited.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 13 - 421,626 trays harvested and consigned this week which represents a  12% decrease ( or some 57,563 less cartons) on Week 12 -2022 production – North Qld maintains the lead in production accounting for 63% of this; followed by WA with 22%; then Central Qld at 14.8% and Central NSW with the remaining 0.2%.

·       The average industry dispatch per week over the last four week period has been 441,606 trays.

·       It is forecast that a total of 363K trays will be despatched this week nationally,

All major supermarkets are selling premium Shepards’  at $1.19 to $1.30ea .  Hass, new season NQ fruit, were found at Woolworths stores selling these at $1.80 per piece and Coles for $1.20, though there is a difference in size of fruit; whilst independents were selling class one larger WA fruit/NQ Hass for $2.00/piece or 3 large pieces for $5 and loose Shepards at $0.99 cents each and a 4 piece prepack for $2.99 - depending upon variety/quality/size.   Hass pricing did remained steady with a top now of $20/tray and a range of $16 -$20/tray for premium.  Shepard’s are still only fetching  a top of $10.00-$14.00/tray for premiums in the market; with class one Shepards’ back to $7-$10/tray.

The weather in North Qld for our Shepard crop has seen daytime temperatures ranging 16.2to 33.6C with dry conditions which is great for picking. 

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing with pricing being a consistent offer across major supermarkets - the variation this week was noted in the sizing stocked by each banner.  All three major supermarkets are now stocking new season Shepards,  Fruit age for Shepards age was 13 to 15 days; whilst new season Hass tended to be around 8 days old.  A number of Woolworths stores are stocking NQ Hass and new season Shepards; with half of the display devoted to each varietal.  Coles likewise are offering both new season Autumn Hass (NQ) and Shepards side by side at the same price.

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had new season Shepard avos selling with a ticket price of $1.19ea;  Coles Qld had both NQ Shepards and new season Autumn Hass ticketed at $1.20 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays Shepards  at $1.30ea and new season NQ Hass ticketed at $1.80ea.  The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to firm. There was a greater proportion of Hass yielding than the Shepards in general.



Left to Right: Top Woolworths Shepard and Woolworths Hass'; Bottom left -Aldi Shepard and Right -Coles Shepard Avocados






  • A full display of Cavendish Bananas ticketed at $2.49/kg - a few dull clusters found throughout the display; also a presence of minor skin marking and bronzing - a few very long clusters.

  • Lady Fingers at $5.99/kg, in hands customers had to pull apart.


  • A display of Cavendish were priced at $2.49/kg. approximately 40% of the display were very gray and marked which detracted from the entire presentation - again a presence of skin marking noticed.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99 in the ‘super saver’ section, these had rub marking and skin scarring.


  • A full display of Cavendish priced at $2.49/kg. Display was dull in respects to colour - a presence of some minor skin marking and minor neck damage noticed. Display was rather jumbled. Mixed condition of fruit.

  • Lady Fingers again quite bruised and priced at $5.99/kg.


  • A full display of Cavendish Bananas ticketed at $2.49/kg - 50% green clusters; also a presence of minor skin marking, but overall an improvement on other Aldi displays this week.

  • Lady Fingers at $5.99/kg, these were also green but beautiful condition, in hands customers had to pull apart.




  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $2.50/kg - a few very dull clusters observed scattered throughout this display; some minor skin marking including bronzing, rub and scarring. Kids banded clusters also ticketed at $2.50 ea.


  • Cavendish displayed at $2.50/kg - display needed to be refilled with stock; bloom was good though there was a few clusters with a dull hue. Some light rub marking and minor scarring. Kid’s packs also at $2.50.

  • Red tips at $4.90/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas, display priced at $2.50/kg. A low level presence of skin marking including, sap stains, neck injuries and superficial bruising observed.

  • Red tips in stock at $4.90/kg, a few clusters at the front of the display that were very dull and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg.

  • Organic variety were also on display, priced at $4.50/kg, these were slightly green.




  • Cavendish priced at $2.50/kg - fruit presented quite cleanly, odd cluster with scarring; definite eat now and eat later sections found on this display.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.90/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.00/kg - small rub, light scar and neck damage - bloom was good. Kids packs at $2.50ea.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg - low stock.

  • Red Tips priced at $4.90/kg and Organic variety at $4.50/kg.


  • A neat, single layer display of Cavendish were priced at $2.50/kg. Display was predominantly clean - low level presence of minor scarring. Kids banded packs with some minor scarring priced at $1.00ea!!

  • Lady Fingers in stock priced at $7.90/kg with noticeable bronzing, rub and scarring and Red Tips at $4.90/kg.


  • Cavendish were priced at $1.49-$1.99/kg- well presented.




  • Count 25 Simpson Farms Shepards priced at $1.19 each on special. Shepards featured in Aldi’s weekly catalogue as a product in season awareness spot.

  • 5 piece Shepard packs introduced priced at $4.49ea. 1kg Market Buy packs at $3.99ea.


  • Count 25 Shepards with supplies from Greenkins were on display and selling well - priced at $1.19 each. Fruit packed 23rd March so fruit age is 13 days old.

  • 5 piece Shepard packs were ticketed at $4.49ea.


  • Count 23 Shepards with supplies from Greenskins were on display and selling well - priced at $1.19 each.

  • 5 piece Shepard packs were ticketed at $4.49ea and 1kg Market Buy packs at $3.99ea.


  • Count 25 Simpson Farms Shepards priced at $1.19 each on special. Packed 24th March so fruit age is 13 days.

  • 5 piece Shepard packs priced at $4.49ea - as well and 1kg Market Buy packs at $3.99ea.




  • Count 25 Shepard Avocados and Count 25 Autumn Hass supplied by various growers were presented on a table top display just inside the front store entry as well as on the third end, ticketed at $1.20ea. Packed dates range 22nd - 29th March so fruit age range is 8 to 15 days.

  • I’m Perfect packs at $3.99 and 5 piece packs at $5.50ea.


  • On offer new season Shepards priced at $1.20ea and Autumn Hass also at $1.20ea. Presented on a table top display and on an end.

  • 5 piece Shepard packs at $4.90ea and I’m Perfect 1kg packs at $5.50ea.


  • Two displays of loose Shepard Avocados and Autumn Hass at this store - ticketed at $1.20 ea - table top and first end opposite entry. Fruit was firm to yielding in terms of maturity.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $5.50ea.




  • Greenskin Shepards and Purpleskin Hass were ticketed at $1.30 and $1.80ea respectively, displayed on A frame displays just inside the entrance to the produce department. A little rub and light lenticel noted on a couple of pieces.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $5.00ea and 1kg packs at $4.00ea.


  • Count 25 Purpleskin Hass Avocados on special for $1.80 each, some with superficial markings. Greenskin Shepard displayed with no price?? Fruit packed dates of 24th and 23rd March so fruit age is 13 to 14 days.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $5.00ea and 1kg at $4.00ea.


  • A display of Count 20 Greenskin Avocado Shepard packed 29th March (8 days old) priced at $1.30 a piece.

  • 1kg packs were priced at $4.00ea.


  • Avocados at 99c each.

  • Pre-packs were priced at $2.99ea.


Retail Market Week 13 - 2022




Last week we saw the total banana industry production drop to 379K cartons, which represented a decline of just over 100K cartons on the week prior. The weather patterns are showing signs of change with slightly cooler mornings and peaks under 35C in the far North this week.  Morning temperatures have been be a touch cooler across all NQ regions with early a.m. temps falling within a range of 17.9- to 23.1C; whilst day time temperatures have been similar to last week with a top of just 34C -within a range of 27.8 to 34C across the week.  In terms of rainfall, all major North Qld growing regions experienced much lighter falls with Mareeba recording just 0.8m; Walkamin receiving 0.5mm; whilst both Innisfail and Tully receiving around 15mm across the week each.  Cavendish banana bunch age is still in the vicinity of 14-15 weeks, with fruit quality generally found to be good overall in our packshed though we have been grading out some fruit speckle.   As we are now in the autumnal season the weather will continue to gradually cool and we will see bunch age increase over the coming weeks and months.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $1.50 to $2.49/kg this week.  The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $16-$26 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

The presentation of Cavendish presented reasonably well though there has still been a lower level presence of heat stressed fruit on a number of shelves.   Fruit at the stores visited this week were found to have a presence of minor dry scar; minor neck damage; as well as bronzing; bruising; small rub marks and sap staining.  Colour was generally good; definitely more ready to eat fruit now, than eat later options.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas with little variance this week in comparison to the week prior and amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $2.49/kg; whilst both Woolies and Coles offered fruit at $2.50/kg at the stores visited.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 12 - 479,189 trays harvested and consigned this week which represents an  0.37% decrease ( or some 1,798 less cartons) on Week 11 -2022 production – North Qld maintains the lead in production accounting for 61.5% of this; followed by WA with 21.4%; then Central Qld at 16.8% and Central NSW with the remaining 0.3%.

·       The average industry dispatch per week over the last four week period has been 465,813 trays.

·       It is forecast that a total of 404K trays will be despatched this week nationally,

All major supermarkets are selling premium Shepards’  at $1.00 to $1.20ea .  Hass, new season NQ fruit, were found at Woolworths stores selling these at $1.80 per piece and Coles for $1.20, though there is a difference in size of fruit; whilst independents were selling class one larger WA fruit for $2.00/piece or 3 large pieces for $6 depending upon variety/quality/size.   Hass pricing did remained steady with a top now of $20/tray and a range of $16 -$20/tray for premium.  Shepard’s are still only fetching  a top of $10.00-$14.00/tray for premiums in the market; with class one Shepards’ back to $7-$10/tray.

The weather in North Qld for our Shepard crop has seen daytime temperatures ranging 17.9 to 33.5C with rain showers being isolated throughout the week.  There continues to be varying levels of rainfall across regions like Mareeba who received a total of 0.8mm across the week and yet other regions receiving 2mm-6mm.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing with pricing being a consistent offer across major supermarkets - the variation this week was noted in the sizing stocked by each banner.  All three major supermarkets are now stocking new season Shepards,  Fruit age for Shepards age was 6 to 18 days; whilst new season Hass tended to be around 8 days old.  A number of Woolworths stores were continuing to stock both Hass (WA) and new season Shepards; with half of the display devoted to each varietal.  Coles this week were also found to be stocking new season Autumn Hass.

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had new season Shepard avos selling with a ticket price of $1.19ea;  Coles Qld had both NQ Shepards and new season Autumn Hass ticketed at $1.20 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays Shepards  at $1.00 to $1.20ea and new season NQ Hass ticketed at $1.80ea.  The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to firm. 



Left to Right: Top Woolworths Shepard and Woolworths Hass'; Bottom left -Aldi Shepard and Right -Coles Shepard Avocados






  • A full display of Cavendish Bananas ticketed at $2.49/kg - a few dull clusters found throughout the display; also a presence of minor skin marking, but overall an improvement on recent displays..

  • Lady Fingers at $5.99/kg, no stock on display


  • A display of Cavendish were priced at $2.49/kg. approximately 40% of the display was slightly backward - again a presence of minor skin marking noticed.

  • Lady Fingers no where to be found.


  • A full display of Cavendish priced at $2.49/kg. Display was good in respects to colour - a presence of some minor skin marking and minor neck damage noticed.

  • Probably the cleanest stock of the three stores this week.




  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge at the rear of the produce department with fruit selling at $2.50/kg - a few very dull clusters observed scattered throughout this display; some minor skin marking including bronzing, rub and scarring. Kids banded clusters also ticketed at $2.50 ea.

  • Red Tips ticketed at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers with some bruising at $7.90/kg.


  • Cavendish displayed at $2.50/kg - display consisted of approximately 55% some semi-colour fruit and 45% coloured; bloom was good though there was a few clusters with a dull hue. Some light rub marking and minor scarring. Kid’s packs also at $2.50.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red tips at $4.90/kg - both slightly green.


  • Cavendish bananas, single layer display priced at $2.50/kg. A low level presence of skin marking including, sap stains, neck injuries and superficial bruising observed.

  • Red tips in stock at $4.90/kg (again a couple of clusters with major bruising) and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg.




  • Cavendish priced at $2.50/kg - fruit presented quite cleanly, odd cluster with scarring; definite eat now and eat later sections found on this display.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.90/kg - also a number of clusters with rub and skin marking.

  • Organic variety priced at $4.50/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $2.50/kg - small rub, light scar and neck damage - bloom was good.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg - generally clean and presented in hands

  • Red Tips priced at $4.90/kg and Organic variety at $4.50/kg.


  • A neat, single layer display of Cavendish were priced at $2.50/kg. Display was predominantly clean - low level presence of minor scarring. Kids banded packs with some minor scarring also priced at $2.50.

  • Lady Fingers in stock priced at $7.90/kg with noticeable bronzing, rub and scarring, Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Organics at $4.50/kg.


  • Cavendish were priced at $1.50/kg- well presented, some slightly green.




  • Count 23 Simpson Farms Shepards priced at $1.19 each on special. Shepards featured in Aldi’s weekly catalogue as a product in season awareness spot.

  • 6 piece Market Buy packs priced at $5.49ea - now contain shepard as well.


  • Count 25 Shepards with supplies from Simpsons were on display and selling well - priced at $1.19 each. Fruit packed 17th March so fruit age is 13 days old.

  • 6 piece Market Buy packs of shepards were ticketed at $5.49ea.


  • Count 25 Shepards with supplies from Simpsons were on display and selling well - priced at $1.19 each, packed 24th March (6 days old). Some nodule damage present.

  • 6 piece Market Buy packs of shepards were ticketed at $5.49ea.




  • Count 25 Shepard Avocados supplied by various growers(including Howe Farming from Aust. Produce Partners packed 15th March so 15 days old) were presented on a table top display just inside the front store entry as well as on the third end, ticketed at $1.20ea. Store also had Autumn Hass on display also selling at $1.20 per piece - these were very small ranging Count 28 to 30 in size.

  • Shepards featured on the ‘specials’ signage at store entry.


  • On offer new season Count 23 Shepards priced at $1.20ea displayed on an end together with Autumn Hass and Coles 5pk Avocados. Some of the stock supplied by Murray Bros - Blue Sky Produce packed 12th March so 18 days old and Aust PRoduce Partners (Obie Fresh).

  • 5 piece Shepard packs at $4.90ea and I’m Perfect 1kg packs at $5.50ea.


  • Two displays of loose Shepard Avocados at this store - ticketed at $1.20 ea - table top and first end opposite entry. Fruit was firm to yielding in terms of maturity. Packed dates ranged 17th to 22nd March, so age was 8 to 13 days. Fruit supplied by Aust Produce Partners (Obie); Rockridge Fresh and Costa Farms (Gunnado). Fruit quality was good, majority was firm to just yielding.




  • Greenskin Shepards packed 17th March (13 days old) and Purpleskin Hass packed 22nd March (8 days old) were ticketed at $1.20 and $1.80ea respectively, displayed on A frame displays just inside the entrance to the produce department. A little rub and light lenticel noted on a couple of pieces.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $5.00ea and 1kg packs at $4.00ea.


  • Count 25 Purpleskin Hass Avocados on special for $1.80 each, some with superficial markings.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $5.50ea.


  • A display of Count 23/25 Greenskin Avocado Shepard packed 17th March (13 days old) and some grown by Adil Farming supplied by Favco all priced at $1.00 a piece.

  • Both 5 piece packs and 1kg packs were priced at $5.50ea.

  • Great Shepard Head board teaching customers about the Shepard variety. Two sided.


Retail Market Week 12 - 2022




Last week the total banana industry production was in the vicinity of 470K cartons. The weather patterns of heat and sunshine have definitely continued but so has the rain in the far North this week.  Morning temperatures have continued to be a touch cooler across all NQ regions with early a.m. temps falling within a range of 18.6- to 23.8C; whilst day time temperatures have definitely been a little milder with a top of just 30.8C -within a range of 26.2 to 30.8C across the week.  In terms of rainfall, all major North Qld growing regions experienced varying falls with Mareeba recording a total fall of 20mm; Walkamin receiving 24mm; whilst both Innisfail and Tully had much heavier total falls of 262mm and 282mm respectively across the week.  Cavendish banana bunch age is still in the vicinity of 14-15 weeks, with fruit quality generally found to be good overall in our packshed.   As we are now in the autumnal season the weather will continue to gradually cool and we will see bunch age increase over the coming weeks and months.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $0.99 to $2.29/kg this week.  The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $14-$24 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

The presentation of Cavendish presented reasonably well though there has still been a lower level presence of heat stressed fruit on a number of shelves.   Fruit at the stores visited this week were found to have a presence of minor dry scar; minor neck damage; as well as bronzing; bruising; small rub marks and sap staining.  Colour was generally good; definitely more ready to eat fruit now, than eat later options.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas with little variance this week in comparison to the week prior and amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $1.99/kg; whilst both Woolies and Coles offered fruit at $2.00 to $2.50/kg at the stores visited.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays

Coles Produce Feature in their March Magazine…. Avocados in a few tempting recipes….



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 11 - 480,987 trays harvested and consigned this week which represents a  4% increase ( or some 18,642 more trays) on Week 10-2022 production – North Qld maintains the lead in production accounting for 61.2% of this; followed by WA with 25.8%; then Central Qld at 12.8% and Central NSW with the remaining 0.2%.

·       The average industry dispatch per week over the last four week period has been 453,487 trays.

·       It is forecast that a total of 427K trays will be despatched this week nationally with approximately 73% of these expected to be new season Shepards.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Shepards’  at $1.19 to $1.20ea .  Hass, new season NQ fruit, were only found at Woolworths stores selling these at $1.50 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit for $2.00/piece or 2 or 3 large pieces for $6 depending upon variety/quality/size.   Hass pricing did come back a little with a top now of $20/tray and a range of $16 -$20/tray for premium.  Shepard’s are still only fetching  a top of $15.00/tray for premiums in the market; with class one Shepards’ back to $8-$10/tray.

The weather in North Qld for our Shepard crop has seen daytime temperatures ranging 19 to 30C with rain showers being scattered throughout the week.  There continues to be varying levels of rainfall across regions like Mareeba who received a total of 20mm across the week and yet other regions receiving 24mm-40mm - with this in mind,  we structure our harvesting programme on our farms to suit the prevailing weather conditions ie if it has been raining overnight, we don’t commence picking until mid-morning to allow the fruit time to dry off all in an effort to reduce the likelihood of lenticel damage; on days with heavier falls we do not pick at all.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing with pricing being a consistent offer across major supermarkets - the variation this week was noted in the sizing stocked by each banner.  All three major supermarkets are now stocking new season Shepards,  Fruit age for WA Hass was found to be in the vicinity of 16 days - whilst  Shepards age was 7 to 13 days.  A number of Woolworths stores were continuing to stock both Hass (WA) and new season Shepards; with half of the display devoted to each varietal. 

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had new season Shepard avos selling with a ticket price of $1.19ea;  Coles Qld had Shepards ticketed at $1.20 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays Shepards  at $1.20 and new season NQ Hass ticketed at $1.50ea.  The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to firm. 




Left to Right: Top Woolworths Shepard and Woolworths Hass'; Bottom left -Aldi Shepard and Right -Coles Shepard Avocados






  • A very full display of Cavendish Bananas ticketed at $1.99/kg - a few dull clusters found throughout the display; also a presence of minor skin marking.

  • Lady Fingers at $5.99/kg, these were also semi colour


  • A neat, single layer display of Cavendish were priced at $1.99/kg. Display was predominantly just slightly backward - again a presence of minor skin marking noticed.

  • Lady Fingers in stock priced at $5.99/kg - some of the cleanest hands seen in weeks - Insta worthy you might say.




  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge at the rear of the produce department with fruit selling at $2.50/kg - a definite eat now and eat later sections; a few very dull clusters observed scattered throughout this display; some minor skin marking. Kids banded clusters also ticketed at $2.50 ea.

  • Red Tips ticketed at $4.90/kg with rub and skin marking; and Lady Fingers with some bruising at $7.90/kg.

  • Organic variety also on offer at $4.00/kg


  • Cavendish displayed at $2.50/kg. A better display in terms of fruit bloom being brighter though still a presence of some semi-colour fruit with a dull hue. Some light rub marking and minor scarring. Kid’s packs also at $2.50.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red tips at $4.90/kg - but no display of these.


  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $2.00/kg. A low level presence of skin marking including neck injuries and major bruising observed.

  • Red tips in stock at $4.90/kg (again a couple of clusters with major bruising) and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg - better bloom in this store.

  • Bananas featured on the ‘Specials’ board at the front of the store.




  • Cavendish priced at $2.50/kg - fruit presented quite cleanly, odd cluster with scarring; definite eat now and eat later sections found on this display.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg were heavily marked, Organic at $5.50/kg and Red Tips at $3.90/kg - also a number of clusters with rub and skin marking.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.00/kg - small rub, light scar and neck damage - bloom was good. Found some very long clusters on show.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg - generally very clean and presented in hands


  • Cavendish were priced at $0.99/kg- well presented but all slightly green.




  • Count 23 Greenskin Shepard and Simpson Farms Shepards priced at $1.19 each on special, packed 15th March (8 days old). Shepards featured on the front page of Aldi’s weekly catalogue with one of the Costa Farm growers.

  • 6 piece Market Buy packs priced at $5.49ea - now contain shepard as well.


  • Count 25 Shepards with supplies from Greenskin and Simpsons were on display and selling well - priced at $1.19 each, packed 11th March (12 days old). Some lenticel damage found on a few of the Greenskin pieces.

  • 6 piece Market Buy packs of shepards were ticketed at $5.49ea.




  • Count 23/25 Shepard Avocados supplied by various growers were presented on a table top display just inside the front store entry as well as on the third end, ticketed at $1.20ea. Supplies from Zebra Avos (Murray Bros); Ferraro Farms (from Freshmax); and Greenskins were observed. Fruit packed dates varied from 8th to 11th March with fruit age therefore ranging 12 to 15 days. Fruit maturity was found to be yielding to firm.

  • 5 piece packs at $5.50ea and 1kg I’mPerfect packs on special for $3.90ea.


  • On offer new season Count 23 Greenskin Shepards priced at $1.20ea displayed on a table top to the right inside store entry as well as on the end of the second row and Count 23 Hass at $1.20ea on a separate display.

  • 5 piece Shepard packs at $5.50ea.


  • Two end displays of loose Shepard Avocados at this store - ticketed at $1.20 ea. Fruit supplied by Howe Farming (Aust Produce Partners), Kureen Farming (Rockridge) and Dorian Consultancy (Majestic Fruit Co). Fruit was firm to yielding in terms of maturity. Packed dates ranged 11th to 16th March, so age was 7 to 12 days.

  • Good colour but quite firm. 5 piece shepard packs at $5.50ea and 1kg I’mPerfect nets on special for $3.90 ea. Quick weight check of the 1kg packs showed weights up to 1.25kg.




  • Greenskin Shepards packed 10th March (13 days old) and Leadwood Ct 20 Shepards (Aust Produce Partners) packed 10th March and Ct 25 Shepards from Nature’s Fruit Co packed 11th March were ticketed at $1.20 displayed on A frame displays just inside the entrance to the produce department. A little rub and light lenticel noted on a couple of pieces.

  • How to “select” a Shepard card present on front of display - with a notation that this avocado stays green longer.


  • Count 25 Avocados on special for $1.20 each, some with superficial markings.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $5.50ea, these also had fruit with decent skin marking.


  • A display of Count 16 Purpleskin Avocado Hass packed 15th March (8 days old and very firm) priced at $1.50 a piece. Count 20 Greenskin Shepards and Leadwood Shepards (Aust Prod Partners) packed 8th to 10th March (13-15 days old) at $1.20 per piece.

  • Both 5 piece packs and 1kg packs were priced at $5.50ea.


  • Large Hass priced at 3 for $5.00 or $2.00ea. Shepards priced at 3 for $3.00 or $1.19ea.

  • Good selection of maturities on offer.

  • Shepard prepacks priced at $2.99ea - 5 to a bag.


Retail Market Week 11 - 2022




In the aftermath of the flooding in the South East corner of Qld there is still a lot of work being done within the market precinct.  The majority of sites have removed and dumped flood affected produce and equipment/furniture; sites have been cleaned and sanitised; pest prevention programmes/treatments are being reinstated; dock levellers are being repaired/replaced etc.  Power is gradually being restored to various sites across the markets, and in some instances are having to be re-energised again as a result of further faults being found in the lines.  Our office is located in the commercial centre at the front of the markets – the switchboard has been destroyed by the floods and so we are still waiting for this to be repaired and for power to be restored – hoping by this Friday.  Considering everything, it has been a remarkable effort by all parties to clean and restore the Brisbane Market operation back to a position that full trading has been even possible, in a relatively short period of time.

Last week the total banana industry production was in the vicinity of 476K cartons which included a resumption of supply to the Brisbane market in the mix. The weather patterns of heat and sunshine have definitely continued but from Sunday on, the rain has returned in the far North this week.  Morning temperatures have continued to be a touch cooler across all NQ regions with early a.m. temps falling within a range of 20- to 24.8C; whilst day time temperatures have also been a little milder with a top of 34.8C -within a range of 24.5 to 34.8C across the week.  In terms of rainfall, up until Friday of last week, all major North Qld growing regions were relatively dry, however things changed on the weekend with Mareeba recording a total fall of 40mm; Walkamin receiving 42mm; whilst both Innisfail and Tully had much heavier total falls of 217mm and 197mm respectively from Sunday on.  Cavendish banana bunch age is still in the vicinity of 14-15 weeks, with fruit quality generally found to be good overall in our packshed.  

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $1.99 to $3.29/kg this week.  The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $14-$26 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

I am pleased to say that in general, Cavendish presented better than the week prior.  Still a presence of heat stressed fruit on a number of shelves.   Fruit at the stores visited this week were found to have a presence of low level minor dry scar; minor neck damage was prevalent; as well as bronzing; bruising; small rub marks and sap staining.  Colour was generally good; definitely more ready to eat fruit now, than eat later options.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas with little variance this week in comparison to the week prior and amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $2.99/kg; whilst both Woolies and Coles offered fruit at $3.00/kg at the stores visited.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 10 - 462,345 trays harvested and consigned this week which represents a  5% increase ( or some 21,615 more trays) on Week 9-2022 production – North Qld has now surpassed WA in terms of production accounting for 66% of this; followed by WA with 31% (143K). The remaining 3% came from Central Qld, Tristate and Central NSW.

·       The average industry dispatch per week over the last four week period has been 462,692 trays.

·       It is forecast that a total of 426K trays will be despatched this week nationally with approximately 77% of these expected to be new season Shepards.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Shepards’  at $1.19 to $1.50ea .  Hass were only found at Woolworths stores selling these at $1.50 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit for $2.00/piece or 2 or 3 large pieces for $6 depending upon variety/quality/size.   There has been a slight easing of volumes in the southern markets but not much change to pricing post the impact of the floods.  Hass pricing did come back a little with a top now of $20/tray and a range of $16 -$20/tray for premium.  Shepard’s are still only fetching  a top of $15.00/tray for premiums in the market; with class one Shepards’ back to $9-$13/tray.

The weather in North Qld for our Shepard crop has seen daytime temperatures ranging 24.5 to 34C with rainfall being more prevalent since the weekend.  There continues to be some rainfall with regions like Mareeba receiving a total of 40mm across the week and yet other regions receiving more (42mm-91mm)- with this in mind,  we structure our harvesting programme on our farms to suit the prevailing weather conditions ie if it has been raining overnight, we don’t commence picking until mid-morning to allow the fruit time to dry off all in an effort to reduce the likelihood of lenticel damage; on days with heavier falls we do not pick at all – it becomes a juggling act - where we try to manage the best we can with prevailing conditions.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing with pricing being one of the main variables in the major supermarkets offering based upon store location; sizing stocked and banner.  All three major supermarkets are now stocking new season Shepards,  Fruit age for WA Hass was found to be in the vicinity of 16 days - whilst  Shepards age was 7 to 13 days.  A number of Woolworths stores were continuing to stock both Hass (WA) and new season Shepards; with half of the display devoted to each varietal. 

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had new season Shepard avos selling with a ticket price of $1.19ea;  Coles Qld had Shepards ticketed at $1.20 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays Shepards  at $1.30 to $1.50ea (which tended to be fruit  of larger size).  The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to firm.  Notable rots found amongst the Greenskin Shepards on display at one Woolworths store in particular.




Left to Right: Top Woolworths Shepard and Woolworths Hass'; Bottom left -Aldi Shepard and Right -Coles Shepard Avocados






  • A mixed display of Cavendish Bananas priced at $2.99/kg - some fruit found that was very dull and suffering from heat stoke; a few clusters were spotting and other clusters that were semi-colour.


  • A full display of Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg. Display was full, a small quantity of slightly backward fruit present.

  • Lady Fingers in stock priced at $5.99/kg - most clusters with a presence or bronzing and rub.


  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $2.99/kg. Minor skin marking observed, around half the display was slightly green, but the rest had good colour. A presence of some heat stressed fruit.

  • $5.99/kg for Lady Fingers.




  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge aligning the entry with fruit selling at $3.00/kg - some minor skin marking, a number of clusters with minor neck damage. Kids banded clusters also ticketed at $3.00 ea.

  • Red Tips ticketed at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers (Posma’s) with some bronzing/bruising at $7.90/kg.


  • Cavendish displayed at $3.00/kg. A better display with bloom of fruit brighter though still a presence of some semi-colour fruit with a dull hue. Some light rub marking and minor neck creasing.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red tips at $4.90.


  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $3.00/kg. A low level presence of skin marking observed.

  • Red tips in stock at $4.90/kg some clusters of which were spotting and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg - a few clusters with light marking and sooty mould.

  • Organic variety priced at $5.50/kg.




  • Cavendish priced at $3.00/kg - fruit presented quite cleanly, odd cluster with scarring; odd cluster found spotting and odd clusters with sooty mould. Display was neat and full. Kids banded clusters selling at $3.00.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg, Organic at $5.50/kg and Red Tips at $4.50/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.00/kg - small rub, light scar and neck damage - bloom was good. Found some very long clusters on show.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg - generally very clean and presented in hands; Red Tips $4.50/kg needing to be refilled; Kids packs $2.50ea and Organic $5.50/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.00/kg generally with good bloom though some clusters a little dull and some with light skin marking. A few clusters found to be spotting.

  • Kids packs priced at $2.50ea, Lady Fingers priced at $7.90/kg (some clusters with rub), Organic at $5.50/kg and Red tips at $4.50/kg.


  • Cavendish were priced at $1.99/kg and Lady Fingers at $3.99/kg - well presented.




  • Count 25 Greenskin Shepard priced at $1.19 each on special. Packed 8th March - therefore fruit age is 8 days.

  • 6 piece Market Buy packs priced at $4.99ea - now contain shepard as well.


  • Shepards were on display and selling well - priced at $1.19 each

  • 6 piece Market Buy packs of shepards were ticketed at $4.99ea.


  • Count 23 Greenskin Shepards priced at $1.19 each. Fruit packed 8th March so 8 days old.

  • 6 piece Market Buy packs of shepards were priced at $4.99ea.




  • Count 23 Rockridge Shepard Avocados were presented on a table top display just inside the front store entry ticketed at $1.20ea. Rockridge fruit - quality was good.

  • Second display of loose shepards on the second end together with the 5 packs.

  • 5 piece packs at $5.00ea and 1kg packs at $5.50ea


  • On offer new season Shepards supplied by Rockridge Farming priced at $1.20ea and Hass at $1.30ea on a separate display.


  • Only stock of loose Shepard Avocados at this store on a table display - ticketed at $1.20 ea.

  • Good colour but quite firm.




  • WA Avocado Collective Hass packed 22nd Feb (22 days old) were ticketed at $1.50 displayed on A frame displays just inside the entrance to the produce department. Greenskin Shepards priced at $1.50ea - a lot of rots throughout this display - fruit packed 1st and 2nd March - so 14 and 15 days old.

  • Floor display next to the A frame of new season Maluma Hass, which were just yielding, packed 8th March, so 8 days old, count 16 supplied by Purpleskins.

  • 5 piece packs of Hass at $5.50ea and 1kg packs also at $5.50ea (spme packs with evidence of breakdown within).


  • A display of Avocado Hass priced at $1.20 a piece - Greenskin fruit, lots of rots present. Both 5 piece packs and 1kg packs were priced at $5.50ea.


  • Greenskin Shepards count 20 packed 8th March (age 8 days) with ticket price of $1.20ea - neat display and fruit quality was much better and WA Avocado Collective Hass at $1.20ea packed on 22nd Feb so age is 22 days - clear that some of this fruit was too old and starting to dehydrate.

  • 5 piece packs at $5.50ea and 1kg packs on special at $5.00ea.


  • Large Hass priced at 3 for $6.00. Good selection of maturities on offer.


Retail Market Week 10 - 2022




Whilst the mammoth task of clean up post the flooding in the South East corner of Qld and Northern NSW is well underway it by no means complete. A number of the Brisbane Market wholesalers have managed to re-open for trade, even if it is in a restricted version, since Monday 7th March; however many are operating in recovery mode with further tasks involving cleaning, sanitising, having power restored, equipment cleaned, serviced and or replaced be undertaken; and as such it will be a few weeks until things are truly back to normal.

Last week the total banana industry production was in the vicinity of 420K cartons and as a result of the recent floods in Brisbane, road closures and market agents busy with clean up, a higher percentage of the fruit was directed to southern markets as was the case with many other commodities. The weather patterns of heat and sunshine have definitely continued but the rain has slowed somewhat in the far North this week. Morning temperatures have continued to be rather balmy across all NQ regions with early a.m. temps falling within a range of 21 to 25.8C; whilst day time temperatures have been hot and humid with a top of 36C within a range of 33 to 36.1C. In terms of rainfall, up to Wednesday, all major North Qld growing regions received only scattered showers, if any, with Walkamin receiving the most rain with 9mm recorded; Mareeba receiving 1.2mm; whilst both Innisfail and Tully surprisingly had no rain at all last week. Cavendish banana bunch age is now at 14-15 weeks, with fruit quality generally found to be good overall in the packshed.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $2.99 to $3.49/kg this week. The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $14-$26 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

Cavendish in general this week presented rather poorly. Again there was a stronger presence of heat stress fruit on a number of shelves. Fruit at the stores visited this week were found to have a presence of low level minor dry scar; minor neck damage was prevalent; as well as bronzing; bruising; small rub marks and sap staining. Colour was generally mixed as a number of displays were marred by heat stress; definitely more ready to eat fruit now, before we have to throw it in the bin.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas with little variance this week in comparison to the week prior and amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.49/kg; Woolies offered fruit at $3.50/kg - though Coles were offering fruit at $3.00/kg at the stores visited.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows:

  • Week 9 - 440,730 trays harvested and consigned this week which represents a 3% increase ( or some 10,843 more trays) on Week 8 2022 production - WA production still narrowly accounted for the majority at 47.2% of this; followed by North Qld with new season Shepards accounting for 47.02% (161K). The remaining 6% came from Central Qld and NZ.

  • The average industry dispatch per week over the last four week period has been 470,690 trays.

  • It is forecast that a total of 416K trays will be despatched this week nationally with approximately 63.8% of these being new season Shepards.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Shepards’ at $1.19 to $1.50ea - though Coles were offering a multibuy deal of 2 for $2.00. Hass were only found at Woolworths stores selling at $1.80 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit for $1.50-$2.00/piece or 2 or 3 large pieces for $5 depending upon variety/quality/size. Whilst the Brisbane markets are still getting back on their feet, the southern markets are struggling with the volume of fruit that have been directed their way as a result of the floods and as such the pricing has fallen on Shepard’s in particular. Hass pricing continues to be in the range of $18 -$22/tray for premium but this is not expected to hold. Shepard’s are fetching a top of $15.00/tray for premiums; with class one Shepards’ back to $9-$13/tray and we are waiting on new pricing for market bulks.

The weather in North Qld for our Shepard crop has been hot and humid with scattered showers in most growing regions. Day time maximums of up to 36C has not been uncommon, whilst overnight the temperature has dropped to 20 to 25C which is still quite balmy. There continues to be some rainfall with regions like Mareeba receiving a total of 43mm across the week and yet other regions have only received 5-10mm - with this in mind, we structure our harvesting on our farms to suit the prevailing weather conditions ie if it has been raining overnight, we don’t commence picking until mid-morning to allow the fruit time to dry off all in an effort to reduce the likelihood of lenticel damage.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing with pricing being one of the main variables in the major supermarkets offering based upon store location; sizing stocked and banner. All three major supermarkets are now stocking new season Shepards, Fruit age for WA Hass was found to be in the vicinity of 16 days - whilst Shepards age was 7 to 13 days. A number of Woolworths stores were continuing to stock both Hass (WA) and new season Shepards; with half of the display devoted to each varietal.

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had new season Shepard avos selling with a ticket price of $1.19ea; Coles Qld had Shepards ticketed at $1.30 ea or a multibuy deal of 2/$2.00; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays Shepards at $1.50ea which tended to be fruit of larger size. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to firm.

North Queensland Shepard Avocados season is here….

The variety that does not change skin colour as it ripens, nor does it go brown/oxidise as quickly when cut making it the perfect selection for fresh salads and beautiful desserts.

Some of the region has been experiencing rainy periods over the last two-three weeks (in the last week ranging 43mm to 65mm) and unfortunately the forecast for the next few weeks is for more intermittent rain. We will of course be monitoring conditions and adjusting our harvest schedule accordingly, to avoid picking fruit in the rain in an effort to minimise lenticel damage.


Left to Right: Top Woolworths Shepard and Woolworths Hass'; Bottom Aldi Shepard and Coles Shepard Avocados






  • An abhorrent display of Cavendish Bananas priced at $3.49/kg - fruit was spotting, very dull, and blackening with heavily marked clusters - fruit was quite ripe.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg - a few semi-colour clusters present.


  • A full display of Cavendish were priced at $3.49/kg. Display was full, a small quantity of slightly backward fruit present.

  • Lady Fingers in stock priced at $5.99/kg - most clusters with a presence or bronzing and rub.


  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $3.49/kg with some clusters spotting - display was in need of a tidy and refill. Minor skin marking and light neck creasing also observed.

  • $5.99/kg for Lady Fingers - were backward and being sold in hands that customers would have to break apart. There appeared to be a little sooty mould present.




  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge with fruit selling at $3.00/kg - a lot of dull fruit with neck injuries and skin marking - some clusters very dark in appearance.

  • Red Tips also quite heavily marked at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers with some bronzing at $7.90/kg.


  • Cavendish displayed at $3.00/kg. A better display with bloom of fruit brighter though still a presence of some semi-colour fruit with a dull hue. Some light rub marking and minor neck creasing.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/k and Red tips at $4.90.


  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $3.00/kg and kids packs also priced the same. A low level presence of early stage crown end mould on some clusters, minor skin marking also observed.

  • Red tips in stock at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg - a few clusters with light marking.




  • Cavendish priced at $3.50/kg - fruit presented quite cleanly, odd cluster with scarring. Display was neat but a little bare. Kids banded clusters selling at $2.50.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg, Organic at $5.50/kg and Red Tips at $4.50/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.50/kg - small rub, light scars and again a presence of neck creasing- bloom was good.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg; Kids packs $2.50ea and Organic $5.50/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.50/kg generally with good bloom though some clusters a little dull and some with light skin marking.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $7.90/kg (some clusters with rub), Organic at $5.50/kg and Red tips at $4.50/kg.




  • Count 23 Greenskin Shepard priced at $1.19 each on special. Packed 22nd Feb - therefore fruit age is 17 days. Fruit was very firm.

  • 6 piece Market Buy packs priced at $4.99ea

  • Shepard Avocados featured in this week’s catalogue as a ‘Super Saver’.


  • Shepards were on display and obviously selling well - priced at $1.19 each - only minimal stock left.

  • 6 piece Market Buy packs of NZ Hass were ticketed at $5.99ea - no stock.


  • Count 23/25 Greenskin Shepards priced at $1.19 each. Displayed in two areas. Fruit packed 22nd Feb so 17 days old - but very firm.

  • 6 piece Market Buy packs of NZ Hass were priced at $5.99ea.




  • Count 23 Rockridge Shepard Avocados had been hand stacked and ticketed at $1.30ea or 2 for $2.00. Great presentation.


  • On offer Count 23 new season Shepards supplied by Rockridge Farming priced at $1.30ea or 2 for $2.00. Fruit packed 1st March so 8 days old.


  • Only stock of loose Shepard Avocados at this store on a table display - ticketed at $1.30 ea or 2 for $2.00.

  • Count 23 Costa Shepards grown by DBC Farming packed 24th Feb (13 days old)

  • Good colour but quite firm.




  • WA Avocado Collective Hass were ticketed at $1.80 displayed on A frame displays just inside the entrance to the produce department. A mix of Greenskin Shepards and Cobra Hill Shepards priced at $1.50ea - a pieces found to have rots.

  • 5 piece packs of Hass at $5.50ea and 1kg packs also at $5.50ea.


  • A lack lustre display of Costa Avocado Hass in count 20, priced at $1.20 a piece. Both 5 piece packs and 1kg packs were priced at $5.50ea.

  • Fruit packed: Shepard packed 5th Feb - Date unclear.

  • Considerable damage within a couple of 1kg packs.


  • Greenskin Shepards and Cobra Hill Shepards with ticket price of $1.50ea and WA Avocado Collective Hass at $1.80ea packed on 22nd Feb (16 days old). Greenskin shepards with a higher prevalence of rots in comparison to the Cobra Hill offering.

  • 5 piece packs at $5.50ea.


Retail Market Week 9 - 2022


Brisbane Markets under water

Brisbane Produce Markets are closed due to another devastating flood

27th February, 2022

Followed by the clean up.....

And the aftermath… some 1,500 tonnes of produce waste to dispose of and all hands are on deck for the massive clean up.

From 3pm 1st March, 2022

The heavens opened and it just keep coming…… persistent rainfall of moderate to heavy falls, day and night, across 4 days saw storm water drains fill quickly, the river and creeks swell and before we knew, it brown waters were covering our roadways and rising. Despite this flood not being of quite the same level as the 2011 Flood, (approximately 1 metre lower than 2011) the volume of water that rained down across a relatively short window ensured water moved with pace and seemed to cause more damage. Whilst roadways were starting to close on the evening of Friday 25th February; a flood watch was issued on 26th February and it was declared on the morning of Sunday 27th February that all access points into the markets were unavailable due to the water levels continuing to rise and by later that same day it was deemed the markets were closed. Flood waters started to slowly recede Monday 28th February and by 3pm Tuesday 1st March the BML were allowing tenants access to the markets for a review of the damage and to commence the mammoth task of cleaning up so that the vital heart of Queensland’s fresh Fruit and Vegetable supply, could again start pumping.



Despite what was taking place in the south east corner of the state, our crops continue to grow and need be harvested in the far north. Last week the total industry production was just shy of 442K cartons which is some 10,927 cartons less than the previous week. The weather patterns of heat, sunshine and plentiful rain have again been a constant this week in far north Queensland. Morning temperatures have continued to be rather balmy across all NQ regions with early a.m. temps falling within a range of 19.5 to 25.3C; whilst day time temperatures have been hot and humid with a top of 36.1C within a range of 29.5 to 36.1C. In terms of rainfall up to Wednesday all major North Qld growing regions received moderate falls with Walkamin receiving the most rain with some 69.4mm; Mareeba receiving 43mm; Innisfail receiving 6mm; and Tully just 0.2mm falling across the week. Cavendish banana bunch age is now at 14-15 weeks, with fruit quality generally found to be good overall in the packshed. With the warm days coupled with the rainfall this will continue to promote hastened fruit growth so it is important for all farms to stay on top of girth measurements to ensure overall fruit length and girth is not exceeding specification.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $2.99 to $3.49/kg this week. The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $14-$26 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

Cavendish in general this week presented reasonably well. Again there was a presence of heat stress fruit on a number of shelves. Fruit at the stores visited this week were found to have a presence of low level minor dry scar; minor neck damage; bronzing; bruising; small rub marks and sap staining. Colour was generally good but marred by heat stress in some instances, with more plentiful supplies of fruit that was ready to eat.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas with little variance this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.49/kg; Woolies offered fruit at $3.50/kg and Coles also offered fruit at $3.50/kg.


Left to Right: Coles, Aldi and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows:

  • Week 8 - 429,887 trays harvested and consigned this week which represents a significant 16% decrease ( or some 84,590 fewer trays) on Week 7 2022 production - WA production still accounted for the majority at 62% of this; followed by North Qld with new season Shepards accounting for 33% (154K) and Central Qld at 2%. The remaining 3% came from NZ, Central NSW and Tristate.

  • The average industry dispatch per week over the last four week period has been 489,076 trays.

  • It is forecast that a total of 424K trays will be despatched this week nationally with approximately 43.8% of these being new season Shepards.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $1.19- $1.50 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit for $1.50-$2.00/piece or 2 or 3 large pieces for $5 depending upon variety/quality/size. Shepards were selling at $1.19 to $1.50ea. Sadly there were a few Shepards seen in store with stings and developing body rots. Within the markets at the start of the week we were seeing good volumes of Hass/Shepards with pricing continuing to be in the range of $18 -$22/tray for premium fruit depending upon size and quality of each line; whereas premium NZ fruit is fetching $16-$18.  Pricing for class one fruit has remained stable (main sales) is ranging $10 -$16per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $8 to $16 (2nds) --$18-$26/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. However by the end of the week with the Brisbane Markets closed to receivals from 26th February due to impending flooding, a number of parties elected to divert their stock to southern markets which have in effect created a flood of another type. Some agents in both the Sydney and Melbourne markets have more avocados than they need and as such the pricing has come back to a top of $15.00/tray for premium Shepards; with class one Shepards back to $9-$13/tray and we are waiting on new pricing for market bulks.

The weather in North Qld for our Shepard crop has been hot and humid with scattered showers in most growing regions. Day time maximums of up to 36C has not been uncommon, whilst overnight the temperature has dropped to 20 to 25C which is still quite balmy. There continues to be some rainfall with regions like Mareeba receiving a total of 43mm across the week and yet other regions only receiving 5-10mm - as such we structure our harvesting on farms that are dry and if it has been raining overnight, we don’t commence picking until mid-morning to allow the fruit time to dry off all in an effort to reduce the likelihood of lenticel damage.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing with pricing being one of the main variables in the major supermarkets offering based upon store location; sizing stocked and banner. Both Aldi and Woolworths stores this week were now stocking Shepards but also a few WA/NZ Hass still on offer. Coles stocking NZ hass in stores visited. Fruit age in all stores for Hass was found to be ranging 26 to 29 days - whilst Shepards age was 7 to 9 days. A number of Woolworths stores were found to be stocking both Hass (NZ and WA) and new season Shepards; with half of the display devoted to each varietal all week.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld NZ Hass and new season Shepard avos selling with a ticket price of $1.19ea; Coles Qld had NZ Hass ticketed at $1.20 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass (large sizes) ticketed at $1.50 and Shepards also at $1.50ea depending upon fruit size and store location. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to firm.

North Queensland Shepard Avocados season is here….

The variety that does not change skin colour as it ripens, nor does it go brown/oxidise as quickly when cut making it the perfect selection for fresh salads and beautiful desserts.

Some of the region has been experiencing rainy periods over the last two-three weeks (in the last week ranging 43mm to 65mm) and unfortunately the forecast for the next few weeks is for more intermittent rain. We will of course be monitoring conditions and adjusting our harvest schedule accordingly, to avoid picking fruit in the rain in an effort to minimise lenticel damage.


Left to Right: Woolworths Shepard, Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $3.49/kg - some marking on a few clusters - fruit colour was generally good.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg - no stock.


  • A full display of Cavendish were priced at $3.49/kg. Display was full, a small quantity of slightly backward fruit present fruit bloom somewhat dull and some minor marking present.

  • Lady Fingers in stock priced at $5.99/kg with rub and bronzing.


  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $3.49/kg. Minor skin marking and light neck creasing observed. Also odd cluster with superficial crown end mould developing. Again fruit bloom is dull which tends to suggest heat stress.




  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge with fruit selling at $3.50/kg. Generally good colour - presence of minor neck damage and skin marking.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg, Organic at $5.50/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg.


  • Cavendish displayed at $3.50/kg. Some light rub marking and scarring - approx. 20% of clusters with very dull bloom, neck damage and overall darkening of skin colour which is detracting from entire display - remainder of display is cleaner and of semi-colour condition.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red tips at $4.90/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $3.50/kg. Rear of display needed refilling, a number of minor skin marks including some bruising, cut to neck and minor neck creasing.

  • Red tips in stock at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg - a few clusters with developing maturity bronzing. Organic clusters present but no price ticket.




  • Cavendish were priced at $3.50/kg - fruit presented well though there is a presenc of some minor skin marking - bloom definitely brighter. Display was neat. Kids banded clusters selling at $2.50.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.50/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.50/kg - small rub, light scars - bloom was good - display needed to be topped up.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg; Kids packs $2.50ea.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $1.00/kg!! Some stock with heavy bronzing and skin marking - couple clusters found with bruising. Store is perhaps clearing the previous day’s order?? Full cartons on the floor, Howe Farming, packed 14th Feb so stock was 16 days old.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $7.90/kg (some clusters with rub), Organic at $5.50/kg and Red tips at $4.50/kg.


  • Cavendish Bananas priced at $2.99/kg and Lady Fingers at $6.99/kg




  • Count 25 Greenskin Shepards priced at $1.19 each on special. Packed 23rd Feb - therefore fruit age is 7 days. Little lenticel damage noted, fruit was very firm.


  • Shepard were on display- priced at $1.19 each - only minimal stock.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were priced at $5.99ea - no stock.


  • Count 23/25 NZ Skylark Hass packed 3rd Feb so 27 days old and priced at $1.19 each and new season Greenskin Shepards also priced at $1.19ea packed 23rd Feb so 7 days old.

  • 6 piece packs of NZ Hass were priced at $5.99ea.




  • On offer Count 23 NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark on offer priced at $1.20ea. Fruit packed 2nd Feb so 29 days old.

  • 5 piece packs at $5.50ea.




  • Count 23 Hass Avocados ticketed at $1.20ea, packed 3rd Feb, which means fruit was 28 days old.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $5.50ea.




  • WA Avocado Collective Hass were ticketed at $1.50 displayed on A frame displays just inside the entrance to the produce department. Fruit yielding to gentle pressure.

  • 5 piece packs of Hass at $4.50ea on special and 1kg packs at $5.50ea.


  • Another neat display of WA Avocado Hass in count 20, priced at $1.50 a piece Fruit ripeness - a mix of maturities on offer. 5 piece packs were priced at $4.50ea.

  • Fruit packed: Hass packed 10th Feb - so fruit age is 20 days.


  • Hass and Shepards both with ticket price of $1.50ea - shepards were very firm but again the finding of some rots.

  • 5 piece packs at $5.50ea.


  • Hass priced at 3 for $6.00 and Shepard packs (3 or 4) at $3.49ea.


Retail Market Week 8 - 2022




Last week the total industry production was just shy of 453K cartons which is some 11,211 cartons less than the previous week. The weather patterns of heat, sunshine and plentiful rain have again been a constant this week in far north Queensland. Morning temperatures have continued to be rather balmy across all NQ regions with early a.m. temps falling within a range of 20 to 24.9C; whilst day time temperatures have been somewhat milder close to a top of 32C within a range of 28.5 to 32.2C. In terms of rainfall up to Wednesday all major North Qld growing regions received moderate falls with Tully receiving the most rain with some 137mm; Innisfail receiving 116mm; Walkamin receiving 12mm; and Mareeba with a total of 79mm falling across the week. Cavendish banana bunch age is now at 14-15 weeks, with fruit quality generally found to be good overall in the packshed. With the warm days coupled with the rainfall this will continue to promote hastened fruit growth so it is important for all farms to stay on top of girth measurements to ensure overall fruit length and girth is not exceeding specification.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $2.99 to $3.49/kg this week. The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $14-$26 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

Cavendish in general this week presented reasonably well. Again there was a presence of heat stress fruit on a number of shelves. With the extremes of heat in the various growing regions over the last month; depending farm location, elevation and the irrigation programme being followed etc some farms have a percentage of heat stressed plants which subsequently produce heat stressed bunches. To minimise the impact of heat stress on plants, Rockridge ensures irrigation programmes are adjusted and undertaken at suitable times of the day. Fruit at the stores visited this week were found to have a presence of low level minor dry scar; rust thrip damage; bronzing; bruising; small rub marks and sap staining. Colour was generally good with more plentiful supplies of fruit that was ready to eat.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas with little variance this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.49/kg; Woolies offered fruit at $3.50/kg and Coles also offered fruit at $3.50/kg.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows:

  • Week 7 - 517,807 trays harvested and consigned this week which represents a 5% increase ( or some 23,473 additional trays) on Week 6 2022 production - WA production accounted for 64% of this; NZ contributed 18% (again shipping delays have impacted this proportional supply); 15% from North Qld (new season Shepards equating to a little over 131K trays) and the remaining 3% came from Central NSW and Tristate.

  • The average industry dispatch per week over the last four week period has been 535,656 trays.

  • It is forecast that a total of 534K trays will be despatched this week nationally with approximately 32% of these being new season Shepards.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $1.19- $1.80 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit for $1.50-$2.00/piece or 2 or 3 large pieces for $5 depending upon variety/quality/size. It should be noted that Woolworths stores visited were stocking Hass as well as Shepards which were selling at $1.50ea whilst larger Hass (both NZ and WA) were selling at $1.80ea. Sadly there were a number of Shepards seen in store with stings and developing body rots. Within the markets we are still seeing good volumes of Hass with pricing continuing to be in the range of $18 -$24/tray for premium fruit depending upon size and quality of each line; whereas premium NZ fruit is fetching $16-$20.  Pricing for class one fruit has remained stable (main sales) is ranging $10 -$16per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $8 to $16 (2nds) --$18-$28/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. The markets are receiving North Qld Shepards with some farms electing to commence spot picking their larger Shepards ; supplies on the market are of mixed quality this week with a presence of a couple of lines that are immature; there were also some lines with a number of stings with potential to develop rots. Demand for Shepards is slowly attracting attention, with a number of independents now stocking both Hass and Shepard alongside each other in their stores.

With the primary production state continuing to be Western Australian it is pertinent to consider the weather in this region. The weather in Manjimup has seen early somewhat milder morning minimum temps ranging 11.6 to 16.2C and daytime maximum temps of 20.4 to 35.4C. The available meteorological data for the Pemberton region shows milder early mornings temps of 11.2-13.7C; unfortunately there were no recordings for day time temperatures in this region this week though there was 1 mm of rain recorded since the previous Wednesday. Our hass supply from WA has seen the curtain drawn to a close for the WA season - not due to the cessation of fruit but rather an end to the availability of sufficient labour to pick the remaining fruit. The quality throughout the period has been excellent with just the last week or two marred by the presence of some nodule damage/lenticel which we believe to be attributable to the extreme heat. Our focus will now turn to our North Qld Shepard crop which promises to be a good season…. though Mother Nature is threatening with the forecast of some wet weather over the next couple of weeks which may slow the harvest.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing with pricing being one of the main variables in the major supermarkets offering based upon store location; sizing stocked and banner. The majority of stores this week were still stocking NZ Hass, with fruit age in all stores was found to be ranging 20 to 26 days. A number of Woolworths stores were found to be stocking both Hass (NZ and WA) and new season Shepards; with half of the display devoted to each varietal. At Carindale, the Shepards were positioned on the rear of the A Frame display - count 20’s selling for $1.50ea whilst the front display of Hass count 16/18’s were selling at $1.80ea. A number of the Greenskin Shepards had stings and there were also a number of body rots found throughout the display.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld Hass avos selling with a ticket price of $1.19ea; Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.30 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass (large sizes) ticketed at $1.80 and Shepards at $1.50ea depending upon fruit size and store location. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to firm.

Announcing the North Queensland Shepard Avocados season is here….

The North Queensland Shepard season is finally underway. All of our farms have had their fruit tested for dry matter composition with the goal for all results to be 21% or greater. We are pleased to confirm that a range of sizes were submitted and the results were found to be ranging 20.9% to 26.2%. This is very promising indeed and should present customers with an excellent eating experience. This is just want we want - a positive experience so that repeat purchases are encouraged. After a successful light first week to enable training of new staff and testing of all our systems, we will again undertake a light pick this week and ramp harvesting up from the following week.

Some of the region has been experiencing rainy periods over the last two-three weeks (ranging 12mm to 116mm) and unfortunately the forecast for the next couple of weeks is for more rain. We will of course be monitoring conditions and adjusting our harvest schedule accordingly, to avoid picking fruit in the rain in an effort to minimise lenticel damage.


Left to Right: Woolworths Shepard, Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $3.49/kg - some marking on a few clusters - fruit colour was generally good.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg - no stock.


  • A full display of Cavendish were priced at $3.49/kg with some clusters presenting with considerable marking - mix of bronzing and rub marking. Display was full, a small quantity of slightly backward fruit present.

  • No Lady Fingers in stock.


  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $3.49/kg with minimal marking a mix of ready to eat and some backward clusters. Minor skin marking and light neck creasing observed.

  • Lady Fingers were displayed at $5.99/kg - these had been clustered.




  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge with fruit selling at $3.50/kg, Kids packs (only four clusters present) were also priced at $3.50/kg.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg - very clean presentation.


  • Cavendish displayed at $3.50/kg. Some light rub marking - a percentage of clusters with dull bloom.

  • Kids packs also at $3.50ea, slightly backward in colour, Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg some quite green and others with heavy rub, Red tips at $4.90 and Organic variety at $5.50/kg, these were very dull possibly refrigerated?


  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $3.50/kg with some slightly green - in fact majority of fruit on display was semi condition.

  • Red tips in stock at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg - a few clusters with light bat scratching and light bronzing.

  • Kids banded clusters also ticketed at $3.50 - a few packs contained bananas the same size as the standard line.




  • Cavendish were priced at $3.50/kg - fruit presented quite cleanly, odd cluster with scarring - a percentage of the display was quite dull, perhaps heat affected. Display was neat. Kids banded clusters selling at $2.50.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.50/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.50/kg. The majority of fruit presented well and fairly free of marking - small rub, light scars - bloom was good. Howe Farming fruit packed on 8th Feb - so fruit age 15 days.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg; Kids packs $2.50ea and Red tips ticketed at $4.90/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.50/kg with good bloom and some with light marking - couple found with superficial development of crown mould. A neat display.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $7.90/kg (some clusters with rub and developing maturity bronzing) and Red tips at $4.90/kg.


  • Cavendish Bananas at $3.49/kg or packs at $2.99ea

  • Lady Fingers at $7.99/kg - note both loose and prepack option showing maturity bronzing and rub marking.




  • Count 23 NZ Skylark Hass priced at $1.19 each on special. Fruit was of mixed maturity. Packed 24th January - therefore fruit age is 30 days.

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) were priced at $5.99ea.


  • Hass were on display- Count 23 NZ Skylark Hass Avocados packed 24th January (30 days old) were priced at $1.19 each - majority of which were just yielding to gentle pressure.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $5.99ea.


  • Count 23 NZ Skylark Hass priced at $1.19 each.

  • 6 piece packs of NZ Hass were priced at $5.99ea.




  • On offer Count 20 NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark on offer priced at $1.30ea. A neat and well stocked display. Fruit packed 2nd Feb so 21 days old. Table display along front entry to store as well as an end within the department.

  • 5 piece packs at $5.50ea.


  • NZ Skylark Count 20 Hass Avocados ticketed $1.30 ea . A mix of maturities - Fruit packed 27th January therefore fruit age was 27 days.

  • Coles 5 piece packs retailing at $5.50ea - using NZ fruit.


  • Count 25 Hass Avocados ticketed at $1.30ea, packed 26th January, which means fruit was 28 days old.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $5.50ea.




  • Count 18 WA Avocado Collective Hass were ticketed at $1.80 AND Count 18 Greenskin Shepard Avocados with ticket price of $1.50 ea displayed on A frame displays just inside the entrance to the produce department. Fruit packed - Hass packed 27th Jan and 3rd Feb. Greenskin Shepards had a number of pieces with body rots and a few stings also found. Fruit yielding to gentle pressure.

  • 5 piece packs of Hass at $5.50ea.


  • Another neat display of WA Avocado Hass in count 20, priced at $1.50 a piece Fruit ripeness - a mix of maturities on offer. 5 piece packs were priced at $5.50ea.

  • Fruit packed: Hass packed 2nd Feb - so fruit age is 22 days.


  • Hass and Shepards both with ticket price of $1.50ea - shepards were very firm but again the finding of some rots.

  • 5 piece packs at $5.50ea.


  • Both Hass and Shepard Avocados at 2 for $5.00 at one store; upstairs retail outlet had Shepards 3 for $5.00.


Retail Market Week 6 - 2022




The weather patterns of heat, sunshine and plentiful rain have again been a constant again this week in far north Queensland. Morning temperatures have continued to be rather balmy across all NQ regions with early a.m. temps falling within a range of 19 to 24.6C; day time temperatures have been pushing close to a top of 34.4C with a range of 26.2 to 34.4C. In terms of rainfall up to Wednesday all major North Qld growing regions received moderate to heavy falls with Tully receiving the most rain with some 201mm; Innisfail receiving 167mm; Walkamin receiving 112mm; and Mareeba with a total of 112mm falling across the week. Cavendish banana bunch age is now at 14-15 weeks, with fruit quality generally found to be good overall in the packshed. With the warm days coupled with the rainfall will continue to promote hastened fruit growth so it is important for all farms to stay on top of girth measurements to ensure overall fruit length and girth is not exceeding specification.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $2.49 to $3.49/kg this week. The markets all have good supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $10-$26 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

Cavendish in general this week presented reasonably well. Whilst we saw a presence of heat stress fruit on most shelves there seemed to be more on both the Aldi and Coles displays this week. With the extremes of heat in the various growing regions over the last month; depending farm location, elevation and the irrigation programme being followed etc some farms have a percentage of heat stressed plants which subsequently produce heat stressed bunches. To minimise the impact of heat stress on plants, Rockridge ensures irrigation programmes are adjusted and undertaken at suitable times of the day. Fruit at these stores had a presence of low level minor dry scar; rust thrip damage; bronzing; small rub marks; rub marking and sap staining. Colour was generally good with more plentiful supplies of fruit ready to eat.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $2.49/kg; Woolies offered fruit at $3.00/kg and Coles offered fruit at $3.50 to $3.90/kg.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows:

  • Week 5 - 514,277 trays harvested and consigned this week which represents a significant decrease of 17%( or some 101,925 trays) on Week 4 2022 production - WA production accounted for 76% of this; NZ contributed 10% (again shipping delays have impacted this proportional supply); 9% from NQ (new season Shepards) and the remaining 5% came from Central NSW.

  • The average industry dispatch per week over the last four week period has been 548,056 trays, which if continued will see the industry fall short by approximately 200K trays for the season’s original forecast.

  • It is forecast that a total of 546K trays will be despatched this week nationally.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $1.19- $1.50 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $1.50-$2.00/piece or 3 large pieces for $5 depending upon quality/size. Within the markets we have seen a slight lift in Hass pricing with premium trays of WA hass are selling in the range of $18 -$24/tray depending upon size and quality of each line; whereas premium NZ fruit is fetching $16-$20.  Pricing for class one fruit has remained stable (main sales) is ranging $10 -$16per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $8 to $16 (2nds) --$18-$28/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. The markets are receiving the early North Qld Shepards with some farms electing to commence spot picking their larger Shepards ; supplies on the market are of good quality though there is sadly the presence of a couple of lines that are immature; talking to a number of agents indicates that demand for Shepards is somewhat lacking at this point with plentiful supplies of Hass still available.

With the primary production state continuing to be Western Australian it is pertinent to consider the weather in this region. The weather in Manjimup has seen early somewhat milder morning minimum temps ranging 9.6 to 20.2C and daytime maximum temps of 20.4 to 41.9C. The weather this week saw some real extremes in terms of maximum temperatures reached with only 11.4mm since the previous Monday. The available meteorological data for the Pemberton region shows milder early mornings temps of 11.2-13.7C; unfortunately there were no recordings for day time temperatures in this region this week though there was 17.1 mm of rain recorded since the previous Monday. We have noted the presence of a little more nodule damage in the last couple of weeks and we are trying to evaluate if the severe periods of dry heat we are experienced are a potential cause?? Our WA season is almost at an end, so whilst we are keen to investigate our theories on the relationship of extreme field heat as a causation effect relatable to nodule damage, we may run out of time this season.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing with pricing being the main variable in the major supermarkets based upon store location; sizing stocked and banner. The majority of stores this week were stocking NZ stock, with Hass fruit age in all stores was found to be ranging 15 to 27 days. A number of Woolworths stores were found to be stocking both Hass and new season Shepards; with half of the display devoted to each varietal. Interestingly, the Shepards were positioned in prime position, ie first visible line in the department and at one store visited (Kenmore) the number of pieces sold by 9.15am on the Wednesday morning were 22 x Shepards and 23 x Hass; both ticketed at $1.50ea.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld Hass avos selling with a ticket price of $1.19ea; Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.20 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass (large sizes) ticketed at $1.30 to $1.50ea depending upon fruit size and store location. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to firm.

Shhh!…. the Shepard Avocados are here….

For those who love the creamy texture of the Shepard and appreciate the fact that the flesh does not oxidise when cut, then you will be very pleased to know that the North Queensland Shepard season is finally underway. A few of our farms have had dry matter tests undertaken in the last week upon their new season Shepards ( a range of sizes were submitted for testing); with results ranging 20.9% to 26.2%. This is very promising indeed and should present customers with an excellent eating experience. This is just want we want - a positive experience so that repeat purchases are encouraged. Armed with this information, our own farms will commence harvest next week, with spot picking of larger sizes at this stage - a slow start so that we can test all systems and train new staff members.

Some of the region has been experiencing more than their fair share of rain in the last two-three weeks (ranging 79 to 110mm), we are hoping this is well and truly passed by the time we are due to commence picking, so that nodule damage and body rots do not become a potential issue.


Left to Right: Woolworths Shepard, Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $2.49/kg - some marking on a few clusters including bronzing, rust thrip marking, scarring and rub - fruit colour was generally good.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg - in hands customers had to pull apart.


  • A full display of Cavendish were priced at $2.49/kg with fruit presenting with minimal marking. Display was full, few clusters found with rub, but otherwise good range of colour and bloom.

  • No Lady Fingers in stock.


  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $2.49/kg with minimal marking.

  • Lady Fingers were displayed at $5.99/kg - these were in hands customers had to pull apart.




  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge with fruit selling at $3.90/kg, Kids packs were also priced at $3.90/kg.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg, Organics at $5.50/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg.


  • Cavendish displayed at $3.50/kg. Some light rub marking - but generally good bloom at this store.

  • Kids packs also at $3.50ea, good colour.


  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $3.50/kg with some marking, scarring and bruising. A presence of heat stressed fruit found at this store with underpeel discolouration and outward darkened/dull appearance.

  • Red tips in stock at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg - a few clusters with light bat scratching and light bronzing.




  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.00/kg. The majority of fruit presented well and fairly free of marking - small rub, light scars - bloom was good. Packed on 24th Jan - so fruit age 16 days.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg; Kids packs $2.50ea and Red tips ticketed at $4.90/kg.

  • Organic clusters $5.50/kg presented very cleanly.


  • Cavendish were priced at $3.00/kg - fruit presented quite cleanly, odd cluster with scarring. Display was neat. Kids banded clusters selling at $2.50.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg, Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Organics at $5.50/kg a few of which appeared dull.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.00/kg with good bloom and some with light marking - couple found with superficial development of crown mould.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $7.90/kg (some clusters with rub and developing maturity bronzing), Red tips at $4.90/kg and Organic variety at $5.50/kg.




  • Count 23 NZ Skylark Hass priced at $1.19 each on special. Displayed in two locations. Fruit was of mixed maturity. Packed 13th January - therefore fruit age is 26 days.

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) on special were priced at $4.49ea.


  • Hass were on display- Count 23 NZ Skylark Hass Avocados packed 17th January (22 days old) were priced at $1.19 each - majority of which were just yielding to gentle pressure.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $4.49ea.


  • Count 23 NZ Skylark Hass priced at $1.19 each, packed 17th January therefore fruit is 24 days old.

  • 6 piece packs of NZ Hass were priced at $4.49ea.




  • On offer NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark on offer priced at $1.20ea. A neat and well stocked display though the majority of fruit was quite firm.

  • 5 piece packs at $5.50ea.


  • NZ Skylark Count 25 Hass Avocados ticketed $1.20 ea . A mix of maturities - Fruit packed 10th January therefore fruit age was 28 days.

  • Coles 5 piece packs retailing at $5.50ea - using NZ fruit.


  • Count 25 Hass Avocados ticketed at $1.20ea, packed 13th January, which means fruit was 27 days old.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $5.50ea.




  • Both Count 18 WA Avocado Collective Hass AND Count 20 Greenskin Shepard Avocados with ticket price of $1.50 ea displayed on A frame displays just inside the entrance to the produce department. The shepards were positioned on the front of the display unit which greeted customers as they entered the store and included a spillover display. Fruit packed - Hass packed 19th; Sheps packed 31st January so fruit age was 9-19 days old. Fruit yielding to gentle pressure. Isolated findings of body rot on new season Shepards.

  • 5 piece packs of Hass at $5.50ea and Organic packs at $4.00ea.


  • Another neat display of both NZ Team Avocado Hass in count 20 and Greenskin Shepards count 23, priced at $1.50 a piece Fruit ripeness - a mix of maturities on offer.

  • Fruit packed: Hass packed 25th January - Shepards packed 1st February so fruit age is 8-10 days.

  • A few stings found amongst the Shepard display.


  • Hass and Shepards both with ticket price of $1.20ea, Hass packed 25th January meaning fruit was 16 days old and Shepards packed 1st Feb so 8 days old - shepards were very firm, again a presence of a few stings in this variety.

  • 5 piece packs at $5.50ea, a special in comparison to last week ($6.00/pack).

  • Organic 5 mini packs of Hass ticketed at $7.50 ea