Retail Market Week 5 - 2022




The national cut for Week 4 of 2022 was 447,369 cartons which represented a 3% decrease on the week prior or 13,888 cartons fewer. The heat, sunshine and plentiful rain have again been a constant again this week in far north Queensland. Morning temperatures have continued to be rather balmy across all NQ regions with early a.m. temps falling within a range of 19 to 24.4C; day time temperatures have been pushing close to a top of 32C with a range of 27 to 32.8C. In terms of rainfall up to Wednesday all major North Qld growing regions received moderate to heavy falls with Tully seeing 116mm; Innisfail receiving 199.4mm; and Mareeba receiving 159mm throughout the week; Walkamin topped the regions with a total of 207mm. Cavendish banana bunch age is now at 14-15 weeks, with fruit quality generally found to be good overall in the packshed. With the warm days coupled with the rainfall the rate of fruit growth has certainly quickened and it is important for all farms to stay on top of girth measurements to ensure overall fruit length and girth is not exceeding specification.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $2.29 to $2.99/kg this week. The markets all have good supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $6-$20 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

Cavendish in general this week presented well, though the Aldi displays again seemed to be worse affected by heat stress, though there was a presence of some heat affected fruit on Coles shelves as well. With the extremes of heat in the various growing regions over the last month; depending farm location, elevation and the irrigation programme being followed etc some farms have a percentage of heat stressed plants which subsequently produce heat stressed bunches. To minimise the impact of heat stress on plants, Rockridge ensures irrigation programmes are adjusted and undertaken at suitable times of the day. Fruit at these stores had a presence of low level minor dry scar; rust thrip damage; bronzing; small rub marks; rub marking and sap staining seen - also some very long clusters presents, extending the shelf perimeter. Colour was generally good with more plentiful supplies of fruit ready to eat. A presence of some dull fruit found throughout - suggest this is from the elevated heat in the growing regions over the last fortnight.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $2.99/kg; whilst both Coles offered fruit at $3.50/kg and Woolies offered fruit at $2.50/kg.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows:

  • Week 4 - 616,202 trays which is the biggest week of the WA season and represents a massive increase of 29%( or some 138,168 trays) on Week 3 2022 production - WA production accounted for 53% of this; NZ contributed 45% (again shipping delays have impacted this proportional supply) and the remaining 2% came from a combination of the following regions: Tristates and Central NSW.

  • The average industry dispatch per week over the last four week period has been 503,276 trays, which if continued will see the industry fall short by approximately 750-850K trays for the season’s original forecast.

  • It is forecast that a total of 532K trays will be despatched this week nationally.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $1.19- $1.50 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $1.50-$2.00/piece or 3 large pieces for $5 depending upon quality/size. Within the markets things have remained relatively unchanged, premium trays of WA hass are selling in the range of $16 -$23/tray depending upon size and quality of each line; whereas premium NZ fruit is fetching $14-$18.  Pricing for class one fruit has remained stable (main sales) is ranging $6 -$14per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $5 to $14 (2nds) --$15-$26/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. 

With the primary production state continuing to be Western Australian it is pertinent to consider the weather in this region. The weather in Manjimup has seen early somewhat milder morning minimum temps ranging 9.6 to 17.6C and daytime maximum temps of 22.6 to 36.2C. The weather this week whilst still hot some days is quite a contrast to the weather in the last two weeks again with minimal rain with only 1.4mm falling across two days. The available meteorological data for the Pemberton region shows milder early mornings temps of 11.6-13.3C; but days have warmed up with averages of 20.7 to 24.5C with minimal rain with a total fall for the week of 0.2mm. The flooding over the last week in SA has understandably caused major disruption to transit times, the farm continues to pack with the major impact being longer lead times for transport and subsequent ripening. We have been keeping all informed and have our ripening partners confirming when each load has been received.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing with pricing being the main variable in the major supermarkets based upon store location; sizing stocked and banner. The majority of stores this week were stocking NZ stock, with Hass fruit age in all stores was found to be ranging 15 to 27 days.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld Hass avos selling with a ticket price of $1.19ea and these were featured in the Aldi catalogue this week;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.30 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass (large sizes) ticketed at $1.30 to $1.50ea depending upon fruit size and store location. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to firm.

Shhh!…. the Shepard Avocados are almost ready.

For those who love the creamy texture of the Shepard and appreciate the fact that the flesh does not oxidise when cut, then you will be very pleased to know that the North Queensland Shepard crop is looking GOOD - fruit is presenting cleanly, size is variable with approximately 3 to 4 flower sets experienced on most farms so the 2022 season is looking very promising indeed. We are aiming to commence harvest mid-February after dry matter testing confirms fruit maturity is ready.

Some of the region has been experiencing more than their fair share of rain in the last two-three weeks (ranging 116 to 190mm), we are hoping this is well and truly passed by the time we are due to commence picking, so that nodule damage and body rots do not become a potential issue.


Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $2.99/kg - some marking on a few clusters including bronzing, rust thrip marking, scarring and rub - fruit colour was generally good.


  • A full display of Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg with fruit presenting with minimal marking. Display was quite full, few clusters found with rub, scarring, neck injury and bronzing.

  • Lady Fingers at $5.99



  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge with fruit selling at $3.50/kg

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg


  • Cavendish displayed at $3.50/kg. Again some light rub marking, sap stains and scarring - but generally good bloom at this store

  • Red tips at $4.90 and Lady Fingers $7.90/kg



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $2.50/kg. The majority of fruit presented well and fairly free of marking - small rub, light scars - bloom was better

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg a number of clusters found with developing bronzing; Kids packs $2.50ea and Red tips ticketed at $4.90/kg. Organic clusters $5.50/kg presented very cleanly.


  • Cavendish were priced at $2.50/kg - fruit presented quite cleanly, odd cluster with scarring. Display was neat. Kids banded clusters selling at $2.50 - odd clusters with light skin marking.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Organics at $5.50/kg a few of which appeared dull.



  • Count 23 NZ Skylark Hass priced at $1.19 each on special. Displayed in two locations. Fruit was of mixed maturity. Packed 10TH January - therefore fruit age is 22 days

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) on special were priced at $4.49ea


  • Hass were on display- Count 23 and 25 NZ Skylark Hass Avocados packed 5th-10th January (22-27 days old) were priced at $1.19 each - majority of which were just yielding to gentle pressure.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $4.99ea.



  • On offer Count 23 NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark on offer priced at $1.30ea.

  • 5 piece packs at $5.50ea


  • NZ Skylark Count 23 and 25 Hass Avocados ticketed $1.30 ea . A mix of maturities - Fruit packed 4th to 6th January therefore fruit age was 26 to 28 days. Sealed trays at the rear of the display contained fruit that was rock hard. Display was positioned on the third, right hand end.

  • Coles 5 piece packs retailing at $5.50ea - using NZ fruit



  • Count 20 WA Avocado Collective Hass with ticket price of $1.50 ea displayed on the A frame display just inside the entrance to the produce department. Fruit packed 17th January so fruit age was 15 days old. Fruit yielding to gentle pressure.

  • 5 piece packs at $6.00ea!!


  • Another neat display of NZ Team Avocado fruit in count 23, priced at $1.30 a piece Fruit ripeness - a mix of maturities on offer. Fruit packed 6th January so fruit age is 26 days.


Retail Market Week 4 - 2022




The national cut for Week 3 of 2022 was 461,257 cartons which represented a 11.6% decrease on the week prior or 60,370 cartons fewer. The heat, sunshine and plentiful rain have been a constant again this week in far north Queensland. Morning temperatures have continued to be rather balmy across all NQ regions with early a.m. temps falling within a range of 20 to 24.2C; day time temperatures have been pushing close to a top of 32C with a range of 27.1 to 32C. In terms of rainfall up to Wednesday all major North Qld growing regions received moderate to heavy falls with Tully seeing 165mm and Innisfail receiving 109mm throughout the week; whilst both Walkamin and Mareeba received approximately 60mm each. More rain is expected this week with a potential for severe thunderstorms and even flooding due to the amount of rain the region has been receiving over the last fortnight. Cavendish banana bunch age is now at 14-15 weeks, with fruit quality generally found to be good overall in the packshed. With the warm days coupled with the rainfall the rate of fruit growth has certainly quickened and it is important for all farms to stay on top of girth measurements to ensure overall fruit length and girth is not exceeding specification.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $2.29 to $2.99/kg this week. The markets all have good supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $6-$20 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

Cavendish in general this week presented well, though the Aldi displays seemed to be worse affected by heat stress. Fruit was presenting quite cleanly though there was a presence of low level minor dry scar; rust thrip damage; bronzing; small rub marks; rub marking and sap staining seen. Colour was generally good with more plentiful supplies of fruit ready to eat. A presence of some dull fruit found throughout - suggest this is from the elevated heat in the growing regions over the last fortnight.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s featuring bananas as a back to school special on the front page of their weekly catalogue at $2.49/kg; whilst both Coles offered fruit at $2.50/kg and Woolies also offered fruit at $2.50/kg.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows:

  • Week 3 - 478,034 trays which was a decrease of 11%( or some 105,678 trays) on Week 2 2022 production - WA production accounted for 80% of this; NZ contributed 17% and the remaining 3% came from a combination of the following regions: Tristates and Central NSW.

  • The average industry dispatch per week over the last four week period has been 443,243 trays, which if continued will see the industry fall short by approximately 750-850K trays for the season’s original forecast.

  • It is forecast that a total of 501K trays will be despatched this week nationally.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $1.29- $1.40 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $1.50-$2.00/piece or 3 large pieces for $5 depending upon quality/size. Within the markets things have remained relatively unchanged, premium trays of WA hass are selling in the range of $16 -$22/tray depending upon size and quality of each line; whereas premium NZ fruit is fetching $14-$18.  Pricing for class one fruit has remained stable (main sales) is ranging $6 -$14per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $5 to $14 (2nds) --$15-$26/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. 

With the primary production state continuing to be Western Australian it is pertinent to consider the weather in this region. The weather in Manjimup has seen early morning minimum temps ranging 13.3 to 19.4C and daytime maximum temps of 23.7 to 39.7C. The heat in this region has continued with minimal relief from rain with only 1.8mm fallings in the last two days. The available meteorological data for the Pemberton region shows early mornings temps of 13.6-18.6C; the days have also warmed up with averages of 24-37.2C with minimal rain with a total fall for the week of 0.4mm in the last two days.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing with pricing being the main variable in the major supermarkets based upon store location; sizing stocked and banner. The majority of stores this week were stocking NZ stock, with Hass fruit age in all stores was found to be ranging 20 to 29 days.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld Hass avos selling with a ticket price of $1.29ea whilst they have featured their 6 piece nets in their weekly catalogue for $4.49 ea;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.30 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass (large sizes) ticketed at $1.30ea. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to firm.

Shhh!…. the Shepard Avocados are almost ready.

For those who love the creamy texture of the Shepard and appreciate the fact that the flesh does not oxidise when cut, then you will be very pleased to know that the North Queensland Shepard crop is looking GOOD - fruit is presenting cleanly, size is variable with approximately 3 to 4 flower sets experienced on most farms so the 2022 season is looking very promising indeed. We are aiming to commence harvest mid-February after dry matter testing confirms fruit maturity is ready.

Some of the region has been experiencing more than their fair share of rain in the last two weeks (ranging 58 to 140mm), we are hoping this is well and truly passed by the time we are due to commence picking, so that nodule damage and body rots do not become a potential issue.


Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $2.49/kg - some heavier marking on a few clusters including bronzing, rust thrip marking, scarring and rub - fruit colour was generally good.

  • Lady Finger bananas at $5.99/kg, in clusters.


  • A full display of Cavendish were priced at $2.49/kg with fruit presenting with a considerable amount of skin marking. Display was quite full, few clusters found with rub, scarring, neck injury and bronzing.

  • Lady Fingers at $5.99, needed to be refilled


  • Cavendish Bananas at $2.49/kg, some ugly clusters present affected by heat stress, scarring present, mixed condition.

  • Lady Finger bananas at $5.99/kg

  • Bananas featured on front page of their weekly catalogue as a back to school special even though school in Qld is now not returning until 7th February due to Covid.

  • Also noted that for every 1kg sold from 26 January, Aldi are donating $0.20 to Camp Quality!



  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge with fruit selling at $2.50/kg and kids packs were ticketed at $2.50/kg. Some clusters green

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg displayed off location in an aluminium washing tub.


  • Cavendish displayed at $2.50/kg. Again some light rub marking, sap stains and scarring - but generally good bloom at this store

  • Red tips at $4.90 and Lady Fingers $7.90/kg


  • Cavendish bananas were displayed on the barge at $2.50/kg opposite the refrigerated Egg display unit- whilst Kids banded clusters were also $2.50. A few clusters with light rub marking observed and a few dull clusters present.

  • Red tips at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Organic clusters at $7.00/kg.



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $2.50/kg. The majority of fruit presented well and fairly free of marking - small rub, light scars - bloom was better - a couple of clusters found with surface crown end mould.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg a number of clusters found with developing bronzing; Kids packs $2.50ea and Red tips ticketed at $4.90/kg. Organic clusters $5.50/kg presented very cleanly.


  • Cavendish were priced at $2.50/kg - fruit presented quite cleanly, odd cluster with scarring. Display was neat. Kids banded clusters selling at $2.50 - odd clusters with light skin marking.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg many of which had more severe bronzing, Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Organics at $5.50/kg a few of which appeared dull.


  • Cavendish at this store were retailing at $3.50/kg - neat presentation with some small minor scars, light sap etc on a few clusters

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg; Kids packs at $2.50 and Red Tips $4.90/kg - all presented well.



  • Count 23 NZ Skylark Hass priced at $1.29 each. Fruit was of mixed maturity. Packed 29TH December - therefore fruit age is 28 days

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) on special were priced at $4.49ea or $0.75 a piece.


  • Hass were on display- NZ Sjkylark Hass Avocados were priced at $1.29 each - majority of which were just yielding to gentle pressure.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $4.49ea.


  • Skylark Count 23 Hass at $1.29ea and 6 piece packs at $4.49 each



  • On offer Count 20 NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark on offer priced at $1.30ea. Fruit packed 28th December meaning fruit is 29 days old.

  • 5 piece packs at $5.50ea


  • NZ Skylark Count 23 Hass Avocados ticketed $1.30 ea . A mix of maturities - Fruit packed 31st December therefore fruit age was 26 days. A full display.

  • Coles 5 piece packs retailing at $5.50ea - using NZ fruit


  • On offer NZ Hass priced at $1.30ea. Fruit predominantly yielding to firm.

  • $5.50 on the Coles 5 packs.



  • Count 23 Team NZ Avocado Hass with ticket price of $1.30 ea displayed on the A frame display just inside the entrance to the produce department. Fruit packed 29th December so fruit age was 28 days old. Fruit yielding to gentle pressure.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.50ea - two different suppliers and 1kg Odd Bunch nets also ticketed at $5.50/bag.


  • Another neat display of NZ Team Avocado fruit in count 23, priced at $1.30 a piece Fruit ripeness - a mix of maturities on offer.

  • Avocado 5 pack $4.50ea


  • WA The Avocado Collective Hass Avocados in count 18 packed January 5 so fruit age is 20 days as well as some Team Avocado NZ stock on display, with ticket price of $1.80ea. Fruit yielding to slightly firm.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.50ea


Retail Market Week 3 - 2022




The national cut for Week 2 of 2022 was 521,627 cartons which represented an 11.7% increase on the week prior or an additional 55,012 cartons. The heat, sunshine and rain have been a constant again this week in far north Queensland. Morning temperatures have continued to be rather balmy across all NQ regions with early a.m. temps falling within a range of 18.5 to 24.2C; day time temperatures have been pushing close to a top of 35C with a range of 30.2 to 34.6C. In terms of rainfall up to Wednesday all major North Qld growing regions received moderate to heavy falls with Tully seeing 256mm and Innisfail receiving 176mm throughout the week; whilst both Walkamin and Mareeba received approximately between 8 to 17.8mm. Cavendish banana bunch age is now at 14-15 weeks, with fruit quality generally found to be good overall in the packshed. With the warm days coupled with the rainfall the rate of fruit growth has certainly quickened and it is important for all farms to stay on top of girth measurements to ensure overall fruit length and girth is not exceeding specification.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $2.49 to $3.49/kg this week. The markets all have good supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $6-$20 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

Cavendish in general this week presented well. Fruit was presenting quite cleanly though there was a presence of low level minor dry scar; rust thrip damage; bronzing; small rub marks; rub marking and sap staining seen. Colour was generally good with more plentiful supplies of fruit ready to eat. For those supermarkets offering an Eat Later line there was minimal fruit available in this condition. A presence of some dull fruit found throughout - suggest this is from the elevated heat in the growing regions over the last fortnight.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s ticket price at $3.49/kg; whilst Coles offered fruit at $3.50/kg depending upon store location and Woolies also offered fruit at $3.50/kg. Interestingly, the Aldi catalogue featured a grower on the front page holding a hand of bananas - no price special or other mention of the this line in the catalogue - perhaps this is to stimulate customer interest and is indicative of future pricing special??


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week was as follows:

  • Week 2 - 583,712 trays which was a solid increase of 74% on Week 1 2022 production - WA production accounted for 67% of this; NZ contributed 30% (a catch up from delayed shipments) and the remaining 3% came from a combination of the following regions: Tristates and Central NSW.

  • The average industry dispatch per week over the last four week period has been 455,918 trays, which if continued will see the industry fall short by approximately 700-800K trays for the season’s original forecast.

  • It is forecast that a total of 540K trays will be despatched this week nationally.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $1.19- $1.50 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $1.29-$2.00/piece or 3 large pieces for $5 depending upon quality/size. Within the markets things have remained relatively unchanged, premium trays of WA hass are selling in the range of $16 -$22/tray depending upon size and quality of each line; whereas premium NZ fruit is fetching $14-$18 (anything with colour or out-of-date spec is selling for $6-$10).  Pricing for class one fruit has remained stable (main sales) is ranging $6 -$14per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $5 to $14 (2nds) --$14-$25/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. 

With the primary production state continuing to be Western Australian it is pertinent to consider the weather in this region. The weather in the south west corner of WA has been early morning minimum temps ranging 11.2 to 21C and daytime maximum temps of 24.7 to 40.5C. In fact the region experienced 4 plus days of 40C which not only can stress the trees, it understandably slows the work rate of the picking and packing crews as well. The Manjimup region experienced minimal rainfall for the week with a fall of 0.2mm. The available meteorological data for the Pemberton region shows early mornings warmer with temps of 13-16.6C; the days have also warmed up with averages of 27.4-39C with minimal rain with a total fall for the week of 1.8mm.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing with pricing being the main variable in the major supermarkets based upon store location; sizing stocked and banner. The majority of stores this week were stocking NZ stock, with Hass fruit age in all stores was found to be ranging 15 to 31 days.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld featured Hass avos in their weekly catalogue with a ticket price for Hass of $1.19ea;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.30 to $1.40 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass (large sizes) ticketed at $1.50ea. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with a higher percentage of fruit being very firm compared to fruit on shelf just prior to Christmas.

Shhh!…. the Shepard Avocados are almost ready.

For those who love the creamy texture of the Shepard and appreciate the fact that the flesh does not oxidise when cut, then you will be very pleased to know that the North Queensland Shepard crop is looking GOOD - fruit is presenting cleanly, size is variable with approximately 3 to 4 flower sets experienced on most farms so the 2022 season is looking very promising indeed. We are aiming to commence harvest mid-February after dry matter testing confirms fruit maturity is ready.


Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $3.49/kg - some heavier marking on a few clusters including bronzing, rust thrip marking, scarring and rub - fruit colour was generally good though a few clusters were quite dull (perhaps heat affected).

  • Lady Finger bananas at $5.99/kg, in hands that customers had to pull apart - mostly green in colour


  • A full display of Cavendish were priced at $3.49/kg with fruit presenting well. Display was very full, few clusters found with rub, scarring and light bronzing.

  • Lady Fingers at $5.99, needed to be refilled


  • Cavendish Bananas at $3.49/kg, minor scarring present.

  • Lady Finger bananas at $5.99/kg



  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge with fruit selling at $3.50/kg and kids packs were ticketed at $3.50/kg. Some clusters with light scarring - including some bat marking.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg with odd cluster spotting, Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Organic were priced at $7.00/kg


  • Cavendish displayed on a smaller barge at this store were ticketed at $3.50/kg. Again some light rub marking, sap stains and scarring - odd bruise observed.


  • Cavendish bananas were displayed on the barge at $3.50/kg- whilst Kids banded clusters were also $3.50. A few clusters with light rub marking observed and some very dull clusters present.

  • Ladyfingers at $7.90/kg presented cleanly; Red Tips likewise presented well and ticketed at $4.90/kg.



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.50/kg. The majority of fruit presented well and fairly free of marking - small rub, light scars - bloom was bright.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg; Kids packs $2.50ea (some minor skin marking found on the one only cluster pack present) and Red tips ticketed at $4.90/kg. Organic clusters $5.50/kg presented very cleanly.


  • Cavendish were priced at $3.50/kg - fruit presented quite clean, odd cluster with some light scarring and sap stains. Display was neat. Kids banded clusters selling at $2.50 - odd clusters with bat/bird marking.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg - some clusters with light scarring and developing maturity bronzing, Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Organics at $5.50/kg.


  • Cavendish at this store were retailing at $3.50/kg - neat presentation but some small minor scars, light sap etc on a few clusters

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg, a few clusters with maturity bronzing; Kids packs at $2.50 and Red Tips $4.90/kg also with some slightly minor skin marking.



  • Count 23 NZ Hass priced at $1.19 each. Fruit was of mixed maturity, majority however was firm. Packed 22nd December - therefore fruit age is 27 days

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) were priced at $4.49ea


  • Count 25 Hass were on display- NZ Hass Avocados were priced at $1.19 each - majority of which were yielding to pressure.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $4.49ea.


  • Skylark Count 23 Hass and Darling Avos from JH Leavy ticketed at $1.19ea and 6 piece packs at $4.49 each - good mix of maturity.



  • On offer NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark on offer priced at $1.40ea. A few pieces with skin marking including skin blemish, ridging and and possible temperature injury

  • 5 piece packs at $4.50ea were surprisingly in stock at this store - all NZ stock.


  • NZ Skylark Count 23 Hass Avocados ticketed $1.30 ea . A mix of maturities - a presence of nodule damage and skin scars visible. Fruit packed 22nd December therefore fruit age was 27 days.

  • Coles 5 piece packs retailing at $4.50ea - using NZ fruit


  • On offer NZ Hass priced at $1.30ea. Fruit predominantly firm to very firm.

  • $4.50 on the Coles 5 packs.



  • Customers were greeted with a display of neatly arranged count 16-18 Hass supplied by Team NZ and Darling Group with ticket price of $1.50 ea. A degree of skin marking present on some fruit. Fruit packed between 19th and 23rd December so fruit age was 27 to 31 days old. Fruit yielding to gentle pressure.

  • 5 piece packs at $5.50ea


  • Another display of Team NZ Avocado Hass in count 18, priced at $1.50 a piece Fruit ripeness - a mix of maturities on offer.

  • Avocado 5 pack $5.50ea


  • WA The Avocado Collective Hass Avocados in count 16 packed January 4 so fruit age is 15 days, with ticket price of $1.50ea. Fruit yielding to slightly firm.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.50ea


Retail Market Week 2 - 2022




The national cut for Week 1 of 2022 was 466,615 cartons which represented a 53.6% increase on the week prior or an additional 162,993 cartons. The heat, sunshine and rain have been a constant again this week in far north Queensland. Morning temperatures have continued to be rather balmy across all NQ regions with early a.m. temps falling within a range of 20.5 to 24.7C; day time temperatures have been pushing close to a top of 36C with a range of 27.6 to 36C. In terms of rainfall up to Wednesday all major North Qld growing regions received moderate to heavy falls with Tully seeing 100mm and Innisfail receiving 102mm throughout the week; whilst both Walkamin and Mareeba received approximately 78mm each. Cavendish banana bunch age is now at 14-15 weeks, a couple of blocks still at 16 weeks, with fruit quality generally found to be good overall in the packshed. With the warm days coupled with the rainfall the rate of fruit growth has certainly quickened and it is important for all farms to stay on top of girth measurements to ensure overall fruit length and girth is not exceeding specification.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $2.49 to $3.49/kg this week. The markets all have good supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $6-$20 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

Cavendish in general this week presented well. Fruit was presenting quite cleanly though there was a presence of low level minor dry scar; rust thrip damage; bronzing; small rub marks; rub marking and sap staining seen. Colour was generally good with more plentiful supplies of fruit ready to eat. A presence of some dull fruit found throughout - suggest this is from the elevated heat in the growing regions over the last fortnight.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s ticket price at $3.49/kg; whilst Coles offered fruit at $3.48-$3.50/kg depending upon store location and Woolies also offered fruit at $3.50/kg.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week was as follows:

  • Week 1 - 335,159 trays which was a slight decrease on Week 52, 2021 production - WA production accounted for 87% of this; NZ contributed 6% and the remaining 7% came from a combination of the following regions: Tristate; Central NSW and Tamorine/N Rivers.

  • The average industry dispatch per week over the last four week period has been 456,907 trays, which if continued will see the industry fall short by approximately 700-800K trays for the season.

  • There was a significant disparity for what was forecast to be arriving from NZ last week and what actuated by some 100,000 trays - this can only be put down to shipping delays.

  • It is forecast that a total of 545K trays will be despatched this week nationally.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $1.19- $1.50 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $1.29-$2.00/piece or 3 large pieces for $5 depending upon quality/size. Within the markets things have remained relatively unchanged, premium trays of WA hass are selling in the range of $16 -$22/tray depending upon size and quality of each line; whereas premium NZ fruit is fetching $14-$18 (anything with colour or out-of-date spec is selling for $6-$10).  Pricing for class one fruit has remained stable (main sales) is ranging $6 -$14per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $5 to $14 (2nds) --$14-$25/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. 

With the primary production state continuing to be Western Australian it is pertinent to consider the weather in this region. The weather in the south west corner of WA has started to warm up a little with early morning minimum temps ranging 11 to 15.6C and daytime maximum temps of 22.5 to 31.2C. The Manjimup region did not have any rain in the last week. The available meteorological data for the Pemberton region shows early mornings warmer with temps of 11.5-?C; the days have also warmed up with averages of 30-32C with no rain for the week.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing with pricing being the main variable in the major supermarkets based upon store location; sizing stocked and banner. The majority of stores this week were stocking NZ stock, though all three of the Woolworths stores visited had Australian hass on offer. Hass fruit age in all stores was found to be ranging 16 to 30 days.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld featured Hass avos in their weekly catalogue with a ticket price for Hass of $1.19ea;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.20 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass also ticketed at $1.20 to $1.50ea. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with a higher percentage of fruit being very firm compared to fruit on shelf just prior to Christmas.

Shhh!…. the Shepard Avocados are almost ready.

For those who love the creamy texture of the Shepard and appreciate the fact that the flesh does not oxidise when cut, then you will be very pleased to know that the North Queensland Shepard crop is looking GOOD - fruit is presenting cleanly, size is variable with approximately 3 to 4 flower sets experienced on most farms so the 2022 season is looking very promising indeed. We are aiming to commence harvest mid-February after dry matter testing confirms fruit maturity is ready.


Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $3.49/kg - some heavier marking on a few clusters including bronzing, rust thrip marking, scarring and rub - fruit colour was generally good though a few clusters were quite dull (perhaps heat affected). Some very long clusters present. Also one double finger found.

  • Lady Finger bananas at $5.99/kg, in hands that customers had to pull apart - mostly green in colour


  • A full display of Cavendish were priced at $3.49/kg with fruit presenting well. Display was very full, few clusters found with rub, scarring and light bronzing.

  • No Lady Fingers stocked


  • Cavendish Bananas at $3.49/kg, about half of the fruit was on the backward side, bat/bird marking present and minor scarring.

  • Lady Finger bananas at $5.99/kg



  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge with fruit selling at $3.48/kg and kids packs were ticketed at $3.50/kg. Some clusters with light scarring - fruit did appear dull in appearance and there were some very long clusters extending well beyond shelving perimetre. Kids banded clusters too were very long - XL fruit had been used for these packs???

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg with odd cluster spotting and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg with a couple of random clusters heavily marked.


  • Cavendish displayed on a smaller barge at this store were ticketed at $3.50/kg - A better mix of condition at this store though some very full and long fingers found. Again some light rub marking, sap stains and scarring - odd bruise and one puncture wound observed. Kids Packs also ticketed at $3.50.


  • Cavendish bananas were displayed on the barge at $3.50/kg- whilst Kids banded clusters were also $3.50. With respect to the Kids banded clusters - again XL fruit had been used and well oversize for range. A few clusters with light rub marking observed and some very dull clusters present.

  • Organic priced at $3.48/kg



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.50/kg. The majority of fruit presented well and fairly free of marking - small rub, light scars - bloom was better, though still a presence of some dull clusters.. A little superficial crown mould developing.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg; Kids packs $2.50ea (some minor skin marking found on these clusters) and Red tips ticketed at $4.90/kg. Organic clusters $5.50/kg presented very cleanly.


  • Cavendish were priced at $3.50/kg - fruit presented quite clean, odd cluster with some light scarring/rub. Display was very neat. Kids banded clusters selling at $3.50 - odd clusters with bat/bird marking.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg ( a few clusters with marked skins), Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Organics at $5.50/kg.


  • Cavendish at this store were retailing at $3.50/kg - neat presentation but some small minor scars, light sap etc on a few clusters

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg were backward in condition; Kids packs at $2.50 and Red Tips $4.90/kg also with some slightly minor skin marking. Organic clusters also on offer.



  • Count 23 NZ Hass priced at $1.19 each. Fruit was of mixed maturity. Packed 27th December - therefore fruit age is 16 days?

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) were priced at $4.49ea


  • Hass were on display- NZ Hass Avocados were priced at $1.19 each - majority of which were yielding to pressure.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $4.49ea.


  • Skylark Count 23 Hass at $1.19ea and 6 piece packs at $4.49 each - a better mix of maturity on offer.

  • Fruit packed 13th December therefore 30 days old



  • On offer Count 20 NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark (packed 18th December, 25 days old) on offer priced at $1.20ea. A few pieces with skin marking including skin blemish and and possible temperature injury Store was neat and displays well presented.

  • 5 piece packs at $3.90ea


  • NZ Skylark Count 23 Hass Avocados ticketed $1.20 ea . A mix of maturities - a presence of nodule damage and skin scars visible. Fruit packed 13th December therefore fruit age was 30 days.

  • Coles 5 piece packs retailing at $3.90ea - using NZ fruit, very low stock which is understandable with cessation of line due to Covid impacts.


  • On offer count 20 NZ Hass priced at $1.20ea. Fruit packed date 9th December so age is 35 days. Fruit predominantly firm to very firm. A few pieces with skin marking and possible temperature damage.

  • $3.90 on the Coles 5 packs.



  • Customers were greeted with a full display of neatly arranged count 20 WA Avocado Collective and Team NZ Avocado Hass with ticket price of $1.40 ea. WA Fruit packed 29th December so fruit age was 14 days old. Fruit yielding to gentle pressure.

  • 5 piece packs supplied by Seeka NZ at $4.50ea and Odd Bunch 1kg packs at $4.50 each (one only).


  • Another neat display of WA Collective Avocado fruit in count 25, priced at $1.20 a piece Fruit ripeness - a mix of maturities on offer.

  • Avocado 5 pack $4.50ea


  • WA The Avocado Collective Hass Avocados in count 20 packed December 29 so fruit age is 13 days, with ticket price of $1.50ea. Fruit yielding to slightly firm.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.50ea


Retail Market Week 1




The heat, sunshine and rain have been a constant in the last week in far north Queensland. Morning temperatures have continued to be rather balmy across all NQ regions with early a.m. temps falling within a range of 18.1 to 23.7C; day time temperatures have been pushing close to a top of 40C with a range of 23.3 to 39.1C. In terms of rainfall up to last Wednesday all major North Qld growing regions received moderate to heavy falls with Tully seeing 130mm and Innisfail receiving 139mm throughout the week; whilst both Walkamin and Mareeba received approximately 80mm each. Late in the week there is a tropical low off the coast of the far north which we are all keeping a very close eye upon. Updates to be provided if anything eventuates from this. Cavendish banana bunch age is now at 14-15 weeks, a couple of blocks still at 16 weeks, with fruit quality generally found to be good overall in the packshed. With the warm days coupled with the rainfall the rate of fruit growth has certainly quickened and it is important for all farms to stay on top of girth measurements to ensure overall fruit length and girth is not exceeding specification.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $1.99 to $2.49/kg this week. The markets all have good supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $6-$20 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

Cavendish in general this week presented well. Fruit was presenting quite cleanly though there was a presence of low level minor dry scar; rust thrip damage; bronzing; small rub marks; light bat/bird marking and sap staining seen. Colour was generally good with more plentiful supplies of fruit ready to eat.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s ticket price at $3.49/kg; whilst Coles offered fruit at $3.00-$3.90/kg depending upon store location and Woolies also offered fruit at $3.00 - $3.90/kg.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for the past few weeks were as follows:

  • Week 50 - 583,708 trays which was a 23% increase on Week 49 - WA production accounted for 75% of this; NZ contributed 20% and 5% came from Tristate; Central NSW and Tamorine/N Rivers

  • Week 51 - 528,812 trays which was a 9% decrease on Week 50 - WA production accounted for 74% of this, NZ 20% and the balance as per Week 50.

  • Week 52 - 335,628 trays which was a 37% decrease on Week 51 - WA production accounted for 63%; NZ 33% and the remaining 4% from Tristate and Central NSW.

  • The average despatch figures for the past four week period has been 492,549 trays per week.

  • It is forecast that a total of 466K trays will be despatched this week nationally.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $0.99- $1.50 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $1.29-$2.00/piece depending upon quality/size. Within the markets things have remained relatively unchanged, premium trays of WA hass are selling in the range of $15 -$20/tray depending upon size and quality of each line; whereas premium NZ fruit is fetching $12-$15 (anything with colour or out-of-date spec is selling for $6-$10).  Pricing for class one fruit has remained stable (main sales) is ranging $6 -$14 per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $5 to $14 (2nds) --$14-$25/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. 

With the primary production state continuing to be Western Australian it is pertinent to consider the weather in this region. The weather in the south west corner of WA has started to warm up a little with early morning minimum temps ranging 9.8 to 18.6C and daytime maximum temps of 23.2 to 37.1C. The Manjimup region did not have any rain in the last week. The available meteorological data for the Pemberton region shows early mornings warmer with temps of 15.0-20C; the days have also warmed up with averages of 28-34C with a total rainfall of 0.6mm.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing with pricing being the main variable in the major supermarkets based upon store location; sizing stocked and banner. The majority of stores this week were stocking NZ stock, though one of the Woolworths stores visited had Australian hass on offer. Hass fruit age in all stores was found to be ranging 25 to 33 days.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld featured Hass avos in their weekly catalogue with a ticket price for Hass of $0.99ea;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.20 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass also ticketed at $1.20 to $1.50ea. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with a higher percentage of fruit being very firm compared to fruit on shelf just prior to Christmas.

Shhh!…. the Shepard Avocados are almost ready.

For those who love the creamy texture of the Shepard and appreciate the fact that the flesh does not oxidise when cut, then you will be very pleased to know that the North Queensland Shepard crop is looking GOOD - fruit is presenting cleanly, size is variable with approximately 3 to 4 flower sets experienced on most farms so the 2022 season is looking very promising indeed. We are aiming to commence harvest mid-February after dry matter testing confirms fruit maturity is ready.


Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $3.49/kg - some heavier marking on a few clusters including bronzing, rust thrip marking, scarring and rub - fruit colour was generally good but a few clusters green at this store.

  • Lady Finger bananas at $5.99/kg, in hands that customers had to pull apart - again bronzing was an issue.


  • A full display of Cavendish were priced at $3.49/kg with fruit presenting well.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg - good colour and bloom.


  • Cavendish Bananas at $3.49/kg, all fruit on the backward side, bat/bird marking present and minor scarring.

  • No Lady Fingers stocked



  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge with fruit selling at $3.90/kg and kids packs were also ticketed at $3.90/kg (all definitely eat later in terms of condition). Some clusters with light bat marking; skin scars and splits.

  • Organic at $5.00/kg - only 5 bananas form the display.


  • Cavendish displayed on an end at this store were ticketed at $3.90/kg - A better mix of condition at this store though some very full and long fingers found. Again some light bat marking, sap stains and bronzing developing. Kids Packs also ticketed at $3.90.

  • Ladyfingers at $7.90/kg with signs of developing bronzing and Red Tips at $4.90/kg.

  • Interestingly, Organic clusters on special at $2.00/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas were displayed on the barge at $3.00/kg- whilst Kids banded clusters were $3.00. A few clusters with light rub marking observed but in general a well presented display



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.50/kg. The majority of fruit presented well and free of marking. Fruit supplied by Mackays; Howe Farming; Wadda Farms and Laureli Gold - with packed dates of 20-21st Dec - so fruit age up to 17 days.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg; Kids packs $2.50ea (some minor skin marking found on these clusters) and Red tips ticketed at $4.50/kg. Organic clusters $5.50/kg presented very cleanly.


  • Cavendish were priced at $3.90/kg - fruit presented quite clean, odd cluster with some light scarring/rub. Kids banded clusters selling at $2.50 - odd clusters with bat/bird marking. Rohan Collins was the main fruit on display packed 21st December.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg - all predominantly backward in condition, Red Tips at $4.50/kg and Organics at $5.50/kg. All lines could do with a refill.


  • Cavendish at this store were retailing at $3.50/kg - neat presentation but some small minor scars (some bat marking) light sap etc on a few clusters

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg exhibiting minor rub & greening, Kids packs at $2.50 and Red Tips $4.50/kg also with some slightly minor skin marking. Organic were also on display at this store for $5.50/kg



  • Count 23 NZ Hass priced at 99C each as featured in the Aldi Catalogue for this week. Fruit was predominantly all very firm.

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) were priced at $4.49ea


  • Hass were on display- NZ Hass Avocados were priced at 99C each. Fruit packed 6th December therefore fruit age was 30 days. Loose hass featured in front page of Aldi catalogue. Again very firm to the touch.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $4.49ea.


  • Hass at 99c and 6 piece packs at $4.49 each - a better mix of maturity on offer.



  • On offer NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark on offer priced at $1.20ea. A few pieces with skin marking including sun blemish; pepper spot and bruising.

  • 5 piece packs at $3.90ea


  • NZ Skylark Count 20 Hass Avocados ticketed $1.20 ea . A mix of maturities - a presence of nodule damage and skin scars visible. Fruit packed 2nd December therefore fruit age was 33 days.

  • Coles 5 piece packs retailing at $3.90ea - using NZ fruit.


  • On offer count 23 NZ Hass priced at $1.20ea. Fruit packed date 3rd December so age is 32 days. Fruit predominantly firm to very firm.

  • $3.90 on the Coles 5 packs.



  • Customers were greeted with a full display of neatly arranged count 16 Team Avocado Hass with ticket price of $1.50 ea. Fruit packed 10th December so fruit age was 26 days old.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.00ea and Odd Bunch 1kg packs on special at $4.00 each.


  • Another neat display of Team Avocado NZ fruit in count 18, priced at $1.40 a piece Fruit ripeness - predominantly firm. Did find the odd piece with skin blemish.

  • Avocado 5 pack $4.00ea and Odd Bunch 1kg for $4/bag. All stock firm.


  • WA The Avocado Collective Hass Avocados in count 20 packed 11th December so fruit age is 25 days, with ticket price of $1.20ea. Fruit yielding to slightly firm.


Retail Market Week 51


Best wishes to you for the festive season. We hope that you each have the opportunity to relax and enjoy this time with family and friends. We would also like to sincerely thank you for your support of Rock Ridge Fresh throughout what can only be explained as a challenging time for all and we very much look forward to working with you again in 2022.



The heat and sunshine have been a constant in the last week in far north Queensland. Morning temperatures have continued to be rather balmy across all NQ regions with early a.m. temps falling within a range of 18.5 to 22C; day time temperatures have also been steady in the last week ranging 30.2 to 34.5C. In terms of rainfall up to last Wednesday all major North Qld growing regions received minimal rainfall with Tully seeing 2.2mm and Innisfail receiving 6mm throughout the week. Cavendish banana bunch age remains at 15- 16 weeks on our farm currently, with fruit quality found to be good overall in the packshed. With the warm days the rate of fruit growth is certainly quickening and it is important for all farms to stay on top of girth measurements to ensure overall fruit length and girth is not exceeding specification.

The forecast for this week is expected to be in a range of 420-450,000 cartons and the week between Christmas and New Year to be in the vicinity of 300-320,000 ctns in light of public holidays. Independent retailers were selling bananas at $1.99 to $2.49/kg again this week. The markets all have plentiful supplies of cavendish with fruit selling at $4-$15 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

Cavendish in general this week presented well. Fruit was presenting quite cleanly though there was a presence of some quite long fingers, and low level minor dry scar; small rub marks; light bat/bird marking and sap staining seen. Colour was generally good with more plentiful supplies of fruit ready to eat.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s ticket price at $3.49/kg; whilst Coles offered fruit at $3.00-$3.90/kg depending upon store location and Woolies also offered fruit at $3.00 - $3.90/kg.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



With the office of Australian Avocados closing for Christmas from 20th December through until early in the New Year there is no update of national production figures available. We will catch up on this information once their office resumes activity in early January 2022. It is needless to say however, that Western Australia will maintain the lead in production throughout this period and the forecast for Wk 51 is for 480k trays; Wk 52 390K trays and Wk01/22 440k trays in production.  New Zealand’s contribution will continue throughout this period as well.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $0.99- $1.20 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $0.99-$2.00/piece depending upon quality/size. Within the markets things have remained relatively unchanged, premium trays of WA hass are selling in the range of $15 -$20/tray depending upon size and quality of each line; whereas premium NZ fruit is fetching $12-$15 (anything with colour or out-of-date spec is selling for $6-$10).  Pricing for class one fruit has remained stable (main sales) is ranging $6 -$14 per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $5 to $14 (2nds) --$14-$26/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. 

With the primary production state being Western Australian it is pertinent that we consider the weather in this region. The weather in the south west corner of WA has finally started to warm up a little with early morning minimum temps ranging 6.9 to 13.4C and daytime maximum temps of 17.7 to 29.3C. The Manjimup region experienced a total rainfall of 8.2mm last week. The available meteorological data for the Pemberton region shows whilst early mornings are still quite cool with temps of 7.0-16.9C; the days are warm with averages of 22.8-27.2C with a total rainfall of 8.6mm.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing and pricing in all three major supermarkets varied a little depending upon store location; sizing stocked and banner. The majority of stores this week were stocking NZ stock, though all three of Woolworths stores visited had Australian hass on offer. Fruit age in all stores was found to be ranging 12 to 30 days.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld continued to offer a ticket price for Hass of $0.99ea;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.20 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass also ticketed at $1.20ea. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with a range of 20-90% coloured on offer and ripeness ranging from soft; to yielding to very firm.


Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $3.49/kg - some heavier marking on a few clusters including bronzing, bat marking, scarring and rub - even a couple of clusters starting to spot - fruit colour was generally good but a few clusters with dull bloom at this store.


  • A full display of Cavendish were priced at $3.49/kg with some clusters exhibiting minor skin marking including rub, scarring, neck injuries- majority of clusters with a tinge of green in colour though a few clusters also found to be spotting.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg - bronzing developing and rub marking detracting from appearance of some clusters.



  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge with fruit selling at $3.00/kg and kids packs were also ticketed at $3.00/kg. Some clusters with a somewhat dull appearance and long fingers.

  • No other variety presented in this store


  • Cavendish displayed on an end at this store were ticketed at $3.90/kg - A better mix of condition at this store though some very full and long fingers found. Kids Packs also ticketed at $3.90.

  • Ladyfingers at $7.90/kg with signs of developing bronzing and Red Tips at $4.90/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas were displayed on the barge at $3.00/kg- whilst Kids banded clusters were $3.00. A few clusters with light rub marking observed but in general a well presented display

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg - bronzing, rub and bruising evident and Red tips also had light skin marking at $4.90/kg.



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.00/kg. Fruit presented well presented - more Eat Now stock, Eat Later section in need of a refill.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg - a percentage of the stock quite green; Kids packs $2.50 ea and Red tips ticketed at $5.50/kg. Organic clusters $5.50/kg presented very cleanly.


  • Cavendish were priced at $3.90/kg - fruit presented quite clean, odd cluster with some light scarring/rub. Noted some superficial crown end mould present. Kids banded clusters selling at $2.50 - odd clusters with bat/bird marking.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg - all predominantly backward in condition, Red Tips at $4.50/kg and Organics at $5.50/kg. All lines presented well.


  • Cavendish at this store were retailing at $3.00/kg - very neat presentation but some small minor scars (some bat marking) on a few clusters but the best bloom of all stores today.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg exhibiting minor rub & skin marking, Kids packs at $2.50 and Red Tips $4.50/kg also with some slightly minor skin marking.



  • Count 23 NZ Hass priced at 99C each - fruit supplied by Avoco NZ/Skylark.

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) were priced at $4.49ea


  • Hass were on display- NZ Hass Avocados were priced at 99C each - whilst quite a number of pieces had tree colour, in terms of ripeness fruit was very firm or just starting to yield. Fruit packed 25th November therefore fruit age was 28 days. Loose hass featured in a small image bottom of front page of Aldi catalogue.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $4.49ea.



  • On offer NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark on offer priced at $1.20ea. All displayed fruit very firm.

  • Avocados were back on the store specials board at the entrance to the store.


  • NZ Skylark Count 23 Hass Avocados displayed on the first end opposite the Deli which is just inside the entry to the department ticketed $1.20 ea . A mix of maturities - a presence of nodule damage and skin scars visible. Fruit packed 22nd November therefore fruit age was 30 days.

  • Coles 5 piece packs retailing at $3.90ea - using NZ fruit.


  • On offer count 25 NZ Hass priced at $1.20ea. Fruit packed date 22nd November so age is 30 days. Fruit predominantly firm to very firm.

  • $3.90 on the Coles 5 packs.



  • Customers were greeted with a full display of neatly arranged count 25 Aussie Orchards hass with ticket price of $1.20 ea. Good purple/black hue to skin with fruit nicely yielding to just firm - so perfect for customers to take home and use same day or next, depending upon intended use. Fruit packed 10th December so fruit age was 12 days old.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.00ea and Odd Bunch 1kg packs on special at $4.00 each.


  • Another neat display of WA fruit in count 18-25, priced at $1.20 a piece Fruit ripeness - firm to yielding - good mix on offer. Did find the odd sun burnt piece. Fruit packed 29th Nov to 1st Dec - so fruit age ranged from 21 to 23 days.

  • Avocado 5 pack $4.00ea and Odd Bunch 1kg for $4/bag. All stock firm.


  • WA The Avocado Collective Hass Avocados in count 18 packed 30th November so fruit age is 23 days, with ticket price of $1.20ea. Fruit yielding to slightly firm.

  • 5 piece packs of Australian/NZ Hass ticketed at $4.00ea


Retail Market Week 50




The heat keeps building in the far north week on week. Over the past week the morning temperatures have continued to be rather balmy in North Qld with all regions early a.m. temps falling within a range of 17.8 to 24C; day time temperatures have been steadily creeping up the barometer in the last week ranging 30.3 to 35.3C. In terms of rainfall up to last Wednesday all major North Qld growing regions were experienced light to moderate falls of 5.4 to 20mm. Cavendish banana bunch age remains at 15- 16 weeks on our farm currently, with fruit quality found to be good overall in the packshed. With the warm days the rate of fruit growth is certainly quickening and it is important for all farms to stay on top of girth measurements to ensure overall fruit length and girth is not exceeding specification.

The national cut last week was 469,376 cartons which is a reduction of almost 27,000 on the previous week but still solid production. The forecast for this week is expected to be in a range of 420-440,000 cartons. Independent retailers were selling bananas at $1.99 to $2.49/kg again this week. The markets all have plentiful supplies of cavendish with fruit selling at $4-$15 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

Cavendish in general this week presented well. Fruit was presenting quite cleanly though there was a presence of some quite long fingers, and low level minor dry scar; small rub marks; light bat/bird marking and sap staining seen. Colour was generally good with more plentiful supplies of fruit ready to eat.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s ticket price at $2.99/kg; whilst Coles offered fruit at $2.98-$3.00/kg depending upon store location and Woolies offered fruit at $3.00/kg.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



The figures released this week saw Western Australia really take ownership of the the lead in production contributing a whopping 88% of the total national harvest of some 474,928 trays last week; followed by New Zealand at 6%. The remaining 6% came from a combination of Tristates; Central NSW and Tamborine/Northern Rivers. This production figure represents a decrease of some 75,000 less trays on the week prior and was equivalent to a decline of 13.7%.  New Zealand’s contribution has been impacted by major shipping delays - so at some point their market share will kick by comparison to this week. Whilst talking supplies from other countries, Chile also have reported a bumper crop and are exporting again to Australia with their first shipment of an estimated 21 tonne due to arrive in Sydney late December. It will be interesting to monitor the reception to this fruit since we will still have plentiful supplies of Australian grown fruit, as well as NZ fruit on shore.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $0.99- $1.20 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $0.99-$2.00/piece depending upon quality/size. Within the markets things have remained relatively unchanged, premium trays of WA hass are selling in the range of $15 -$20/tray depending upon size and quality of each line; whereas premium NZ fruit is fetching $12-$15 (anything with colour or out-of-date spec is selling for $6-$10).  Pricing for class one fruit has remained stable (main sales) is ranging $6 -$14 per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $5 to $14 (2nds) --$14-$28/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. 

The national production of Hass this week is again forecast to be in the vicinity of 500 - 510,000 trays and then the forecast is for figures ranging 480,000 trays then 390,000 trays across Christmas and New Year. The last four week period has seen an average national dispatch of 519,926 trays per week.

You will note that WA have contributed their highest proportion of the national volume to date last week (88%) which equates to approximately 418,000 trays which now becomes their biggest week of the WA season to date. The weather in the south west corner of WA has finally started to warm up a little with early morning minimum temps ranging 6.6 to 20.3C and daytime maximum temps of 19.8 to 36.8C. The Manjimup region experienced a total rainfall of 5mm last week. The available meteorological data for the Pemberton region shows whilst early mornings are still quite cool with temps of 6.8-9C; the days are warm with averages of 20.4-23.9C with a total rainfall of 5.9mm. Whilst availability of staff due to ongoing Covid issues has been limiting our ability to harvest, this week on farm we had a few issues with the Compac grader which resulted in lost packing time of a day but that will be made up with packing on the weekend.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing and pricing in all three major supermarkets varied a little depending upon store location; sizing stocked and banner. The majority of stores this week were stocking NZ stock, though 1 of the 3 Woolworths stores visited had WA hass on offer. Fruit age in all stores was found to be ranging 14 to 34 days.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had increased their ticket price for Hass to $0.99ea;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.00 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass also ticketed at $1.20ea. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with a range of 20-60% coloured on offer and ripeness ranging from soft; to yielding to very firm.

National Avocado Weekly Dispatch Vs Forecast


Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $2.99/kg - some heavier marking on a few clusters including bronzing, rub - even a couple of clusters starting to spot - fruit colour and bloom were good at this store.

  • Ladyfingers selling at $5.99/kg - stocked in hands which customers have to pull apart Generally very clean in presentation.


  • A full display of Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg with some clusters exhibiting minor skin marking including rub, scarring, neck injuries- some clusters with a tinge of green in colour.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg - sold in hands, so customers can pull apart. Again a little bronzing and rub detracting from appearance of some clusters.



  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge with fruit selling at $3.00/kg and kids packs were also ticketed at $3.00/kg. Some clusters with a somewhat dull appearance and long fingers.

  • Ladyfingers $7.90/kg and Red Tips $4.90/kg.


  • Cavendish displayed on an end at this store were ticketed at $3.00/kg - A better mix of condition at this store though some very full and long fingers found, odd cluster found with a bruised finger. Kids Packs also ticketed at $3.00. Still evidence of bat damage being found. Evidence of early stage, superficial crown end mould developing.

  • Organic clusters and singles ticketed at $3.48/kg - majority of which had marked skins. Also ladyfingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.90/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas were displayed on the barge at $2.98/kg- perhaps to match Aldi in the centre - whilst Kids banded clusters were $3.00. A few clusters with light rub marking observed but in general a well presented display

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg - heavily bronzed and Red tips at $4.90/kg. Organic at $3.48 - 3 only singles on shelf.



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.00/kg. Fruit presented well presented - more Eat Now stock, Eat Later section in need of a refill.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg - a percentage of the stock quite green; Kids packs $2.50 ea and Red tips ticketed at $5.50/kg. Organic clusters $5.50/kg presented very cleanly.


  • Cavendish were priced at $3.00/kg - fruit presented quite clean in terms of skin marks growers included Justeatum and Howe Farming supplied by Mackays- odd cluster with some light scarring/rub. Kids banded clusters selling at $2.50.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg, Red Tips at $4.50/kg and Organics at $5.50/kg. All lines presented well.


  • Cavendish at this store were supplied by Mackays, retailing at $3.00/kg - some small minor scars (including bat marking) on a few clusters - relatively small Eat Later section with the majority of fruit being Eat Now - fairly neat and uniform display

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg exhibiting minor rub & skin marking, Kids packs at $2.50 and Red Tips $4.50/kg also with some slightly minor skin marking. Organic clusters $5.50/kg



  • Count 23 NZ Hass packed 22nd November priced at 99C each - fruit supplied by Avoco NZ/Skylark. Fruit was very firm. Fruit with packed on date of 22nd November therefore fruit age is 23 days.

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) were priced at $4.49ea


  • Hass were on display- NZ Hass Avocados were priced at 99C each - whilst quite a number of pieces had tree colour, in terms of ripeness fruit was very firm or just starting to yield.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $4.49ea.



  • On offer NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark on offer priced at $1.00ea. A high percentage of fruit with colour to the skin - just yielding to firm.

  • $4.50 on the 5 piece packs - also NZ fruit.

  • Avocados were back on the store specials board at the entrance to the store.


  • NZ Skylark Hass Avocados displayed on a table top on entry to the department as well as an end unit ticketed $1.00 ea . A mix of maturities - a presence of nodule damage visible and an odd piece with ridging. Fruit packed date 18th November so fruit age is 27 days. Odd piece found with sun damage.

  • Coles 5 piece packs retailing at $4.50ea - using NZ fruit.


  • On offer count 20 NZ Hass priced at $1.00ea. Fruit packed date 18th November so age is 27 days. Fruit predominantly firm to very firm.

  • $4.50 on the Coles 5 packs.



  • Customers were greeted with a full display of neatly arranged count 25 with ticket price of $1.20 ea. Good purple/black hue to skin with fruit nicely yielding to just firm - so perfect for customers to take home and use same day or next, depending upon intended use.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.00ea and Odd Bunch 1kg packs on special at $4.00 each.


  • A display of NZ and WA fruit in count 20-25, priced at $1.20 a piece Fruit ripeness - firm to yielding - good mix on offer. WA fruit in count 25 packed 25th November supplied by The Avocado Collective was 20 days old; Team Avo NZ count 23 packed 11th Nov so 34 days old and Aussie Orchards fruit (Mooball) packed 1st Dec just 14 days old.

  • Avocado 5 pack $4.00ea and Odd Bunch 1kg for $4/bag. All stock firm.


  • WA The Avocado Collective Hass Avocados in count 25 packed 24th November so fruit age is 21 days, with ticket price of $1.20ea. Odd piece with some sun damage.

  • 5 piece packs of Australian/NZ Hass ticketed at $4.00ea and Organic priced at $3.50 with a lone offering.


Retail Market Week 49




As expected over the past week the morning temperatures have continued to be warm up in North Qld with all regions early a.m. temps falling within a range of 18.4 to 23.6C; whilst day time temperatures have been on the rise in the last week ranging 31.1 to 34.8C. In terms of rainfall up to last Wednesday all major North Qld growing regions were relatively dry with low falls of 0.2 to 2.6mm experience in some areas. Cavendish banana bunch age remains at 15- 16 weeks on our farm currently, with fruit quality found to be good overall in the packshed. With the warm days the rate of fruit growth is certainly quickening and it is important for all farms to stay on top of girth measurements to ensure overall fruit length and girth is not exceeding specification.

The national cut last week was 496,249 cartons with another week of solid production representing an increase of 4406 ctns on the previous week. The forecast for this week is expected to be in a range of 490-510,000 cartons. Independent retailers were selling bananas at $1.99 to $2.49/kg again this week. The markets all have plentiful supplies of cavendish with fruit selling at $4-$15 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

Cavendish in general this week presented well. Fruit was presenting quite cleanly though there was a presence of some quite long fingers, and low level minor dry scar; small rub marks; light bat/bird marking and sap staining seen. Colour was generally good with more plentiful supplies of fruit ready to eat.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s ticket price at $2.99/kg; whilst Coles offered fruit at $3.00 to $3.50/kg depending upon store location and Woolies offered fruit at $3.00/kg.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



The figures released this week saw Western Australia maintain the lead in production contributing 74% of the total national harvest of some 550,153 trays last week; followed by New Zealand at 22%; Tristates at 2.8%; Central NSW with 4%. The remaining 1.2% came from Tamborine/Northern Rivers and Central NSW. This production figure represents a very slight increase of some 57,000 additional trays on the week prior and was 16% higher than what was forecast for the week. 

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $0.99- $1.40 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $0.99-$2.00/piece depending upon quality/size. Within the markets things have remained relatively unchanged, premium trays of WA hass are selling in the range of $15 -$20/tray depending upon size and quality of each line; whereas premium NZ fruit is fetching $12-$15 (anything with colour or out-of-date spec is selling for $6-$10).  Pricing for class one fruit has remained stable (main sales) is ranging $6 -$14 per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $5 to $14 (2nds) --$14-$28/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. 

The national production of Hass this week is forecast to be in the vicinity of 510,000 trays and then the forecast is for figures ranging 505,000 trays then 460,000 and 420,000 per week through until the start of the New Year. (I can’t quite believe we will be starting 2022 in a matter of a few weeks) The last four week period has seen an average national dispatch of 522,282 trays per week.

You will note that WA have contributed a larger percentage of the national volume last week (74%) which equates to approximately 407,113 trays which is the biggest week of the WA season to date. The weather in the south west corner of WA has finally started to warm up a little with early morning minimum temps ranging 9.6 to 13.4C and daytime maximum temps of 21.6 to 35.2C. The Manjimup region was free of rain last week. The available meteorological data for the Pemberton region shows whilst early mornings are still quite cool with temps of 7.8-10C; the days are warm with averages of 22-34.4C. This Western Australian region also had dry weather across the week. Whilst the weather has been on our side, availability of staff due to ongoing Covid issues has been limiting our ability to harvest - we are trying our best to ensure the programmed orders are being filled.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing and pricing in all three major supermarkets varied a little depending upon store location; sizing stocked and banner. The majority of stores this week were stocking NZ stock, though 1 of the 3 Woolworths stores visited had WA hass on offer. Fruit age in all stores was found to be ranging 14 to 29 days.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had increased their ticket price for Hass to $0.99ea;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.00 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass also ticketed at $1.20ea - $1.40ea for larger sized fruit. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with a range of 30-70% coloured on offer and ripeness ranging from soft; to yielding to very firm.

National Avocado Weekly Dispatch Vs Forecast

courtesy avocados australia


Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $2.99/kg - very minor skin marking present - fruit colour and bloom were good at this store though display was somewhat jumbled.

  • Ladyfingers selling at $5.99/kg - stocked in hands which customers have to pull apart - odd hand with light bronzing between fingers developing - also some fingers were very full.


  • Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg with some clusters exhibiting minor skin marking including rub, scarring, neck injuries- some clusters quite green in colour. Some clusters very long in length.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg. Being sold in hands for customers to pull apart.



  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge positioned opposite one of the fridge units with fruit selling at $3.00/kg and kids packs were also ticketed at $3.00/kg. The majority of the display (both sides of the barge were backward in condition - display in need of a refill. Odd cluster with developing crown end mould.


  • Cavendish displayed on the banana barge at this store were ticketed at $3.50/kg - A better mix of condition at this store though some very full and long fingers found. Kids Packs also ticketed at $3.50. Still evidence of bat damage being found.

  • Organic clusters $5.00/kg


  • Cavendish bananas were displayed at $3.00/kg and Kids banded clusters also at $3.00. A few clusters with light rub marking observed but in general a well presented display - some clusters found with very long fingers. Banana display unit needed sweeping to remove some of the flower ends.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg and Red tips at $4.90/kg. Odd ladyfinger cluster with heavy rub.



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.00/kg. Fruit was generally in good condition and neatly displayed. Random small bat/bird marks present.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg; Kids packs $2.50 ea (but no stock on display) and Red tips ticketed at $4.90/kg. Organic clusters $5.50/kg presented very cleanly.


  • Cavendish (Howe Farming/Mackays) were priced at $3.00/kg - fruit presented quite clean in terms of skin marks- odd cluster with some light scarring/rub. Kids banded clusters selling at $2.50. A small spillover floor display. Fruit packed 24 and 25th November meaning fruit age was 13-14 days.

  • All other specialty lines in the category were wrapped around the display from cavendish - Lady Fingers at $7.50/kg, Red Tips at $4.50/kg and Organics at $5.50/kg. All lines presented well though ladyfingers found with developing bronzing, sap staining and skin marking.


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $3.00/kg - some small minor scars on a few clusters - relatively small Eat Later section with the majority of fruit being Eat Now - fairly neat and uniform display

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg exhibiting minor rub & skin marking, Kids packs at $2.50 and Red Tips $4.50/kg also with some slightly minor skin marking. Organic clusters $5.50/kg



  • Count 23 NZ Hass packed 9th November (Fruit age therefore was 29 days) priced at 99C each - fruit supplied by Avoco NZ/Skylark. A mix of maturities on offer.

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) were priced at $4.49ea


  • Hass were on display- count 23 NZ Hass Avocados were priced at 99C each - the majority of fruit had full purple black skin colour and was yielding to gentle pressure.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $4.49ea.



  • On offer NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark on offer priced at $1.00ea.

  • $4.50 on the 5 piece packs - also NZ fruit.

  • Avocados were back on the store specials board at the entrance to the store.


  • NZ Skylark Hass Avocados displayed on a table top (single layers in trays) on entry to the department as well as an end unit ticketed $1.00 ea . A mix of maturities as both the end unit and tabletop displays but majority of fruit was quite firm - a presence of nodule damage visible and an odd piece with ridging.

  • Coles 5 piece packs retailing at $4.50ea - using NZ fruit.


  • On offer count 25 NZ Hass priced at $1.00ea. Majority of fruit on the end had moderate to full purple-black skin colour and was either just yielding or ready to eat.

  • $4.50 on the Coles 5 packs.



  • Customers were greeted with a full display of neatly arranged WA’s The Collective Avocados count 25 with ticket price of $1.20 ea. A mix of fruit ripens available with fruit found to be yielding to gentle pressure through to firm. Fruit packed 24th November so fruit age was 14 days.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.00ea and Odd Bunch 1kg packs on special at $4.00 each.


  • A two sided A Frame display of NZ Team Avocados and Avoco fruit in either count 18/20, packed 12 November (26 days old) priced at $1.40 a piece Fruit ripeness - firm to yielding - good mix on offer. Three different shelf messages for customers to take note of including the idea of trying smashed avocado with some Turkey this Christmas!

  • Avocado 5 pack $4.00ea


  • NZ Team Hass Avocados in count 18 packed 13th November (fruit age 25 days) with ticket price of $1.40ea

  • 5 piece packs of Australian/NZ Hass ticketed at $4.00ea


Retail Market Week 48




As expected over the past week the morning temperatures have continued to be warm up in North Qld with all regions early a.m. temps falling within a range of 20.5 to 24.6C; whilst day time temperatures have been on the rise in the last week ranging 29.4 to 33.3C. In terms of rainfall up to last Wednesday all major North Qld growing regions experienced rainfall levels between 38 and 44mm respectively. Cavendish banana bunch age remains at 16 weeks on our farm currently, with fruit quality found to be good overall in the packshed. With the warm days the rate of fruit growth is certainly quickening and it is important for all farms to stay on top of girth measurements to ensure overall fruit length and girth is not exceeding specification.

The national cut last week was 491,843 cartons. The forecast for this week is expected to be in a range of 490-510,000 cartons. Independent retailers were selling bananas at $1.99 to $2.49/kg again this week. The markets all have plentiful supplies of cavendish with fruit selling at $4-$14 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

Cavendish in general this week presented well. Fruit was presenting quite cleanly though there was a percentage of oversize both in terms of girth and length found on all supermarket shelves. Low level minor dry scar; small rub marks; light bat/bird marking and sap staining were seen. Colour was generally good with more plentiful supplies of fruit ready to eat and brighter bloom than in recent times.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s ticket price at $2.99/kg; whilst Coles offered fruit at $3.00 to $3.50/kg depending upon store location and Woolies offered fruit at $3.00 to 3.50/kg varying with store location.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



The figures released this week saw Western Australia maintain the lead in production contributing 70% of the total national harvest of some 493,406 trays last week; followed by New Zealand at 22%; Tristates at 2.5%; Central NSW with 4%. The remaining 1.5% came from Tamborine/Northern Rivers and South Qld. This production figure represents a very slight increase of some 600 additional trays on the week prior and was 16% higher than what was forecast for the week. 

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $0.99- $1.19 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $0.99-$2.00/piece depending upon quality/size. Within the markets things have remained relatively unchanged, premium trays of WA hass are selling in the range of $15 -$20/tray depending upon size and quality of each line; whereas premium NZ fruit is fetching $12-$15 (anything with colour or out-of-date spec is selling for $6-$10).  Pricing for class one fruit has remained stable (main sales) is ranging $6 -$14 per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $6 to $14 (2nds) --$14-$28/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. 

The national production of Hass this week is forecast to be in the vicinity of 472,000 trays and then the forecast is for figures ranging 490-505,000 trays per week through until Christmas. The last four week period has seen an average national dispatch of 503,974 trays per week.

You will note that WA have contributed a larger percentage of the national volume last week (70%) which equates to approximately 345,384 trays which was 4K fewer trays than the week prior. The weather in the south west corner of WA has finally started to warm up a little with early morning minimum temps ranging 7.6 to 17.2C and daytime maximum temps of 19.5 to 33.2C. The Manjimup region was free of rain last week. The available meteorological data for the Pemberton region shows warm daytime averages of 19.2-32C; they too have had a drier week with just 1mm falling across the week. Whilst the weather has been on our side, availability of staff due to ongoing Covid issues has been limiting our ability to harvest - we are trying our best to ensure the programmed orders are being filled.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing and pricing in all three major supermarkets varied a little depending upon store location; sizing stocked and banner. The majority of stores this week were stocking NZ stock, though 2 of the 3 Woolworths stores visited had WA hass on offer. Fruit age in all stores was found to be ranging 22 to 30 days.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had increased their ticket price for Hass to $0.99ea;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.00 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass also ticketed at $1.00ea. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with a range of 40-80% coloured on offer and ripeness ranging from soft; to yielding to very firm.

National Avocado Weekly Dispatch Vs Forecast


Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $2.99/kg - minor skin marking present - fruit colour and bloom were good at this store.

  • Ladyfingers selling at $5.99/kg - stocked in hands which customers have to pull apart - fruit exhibited a degree of rub and bronzing.


  • Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg with some clusters exhibiting minor skin marking - some very long clusters present exceeding spec.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg. Being sold in hands for customers to pull apart.



  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge positioned opposite one of the fridge units with fruit selling at $3.00/kg and kids packs were also ticketed at $3.00/kg. The majority of the display (both sides of the barge were backward in condition as in eat later.. Generally clean with just small areas of rub, light sap stains etc observed. Kids packs varied in condition.

  • Red Tips were selling at $4.90/kg with some clusters starting to spot; whilst the ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg - a few clusters exhibiting minor bruising on the outer whorl.


  • Cavendish displayed on the banana barge at this store were ticketed at $3.00/kg - A better mix of condition at this store though some very full fingers found. Fruit had good colour and presented fairly cleanly. Kids Packs also ticketed at $3.00.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg (odd cluster spotting) and Ladyfingers at $7.90/kg - both lines presented well..


  • Cavendish bananas were displayed at $3.50/kg and Kids banded clusters also at $3.50. A few clusters with light rub marking observed but in general a well presented display - some clusters found with very full fingers. Still a little bat marking around too.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg and Red tips at $5.50/kg - both lines presented well.



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.00/kg. Fruit was generally in good condition though the display was in need of a refill, very little eat later stock on display. Kids packs $2.50 each.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.50/kg and Red tips ticketed at $4.90/kg; Organic clusters $5.50/kg.


  • Cavendish were priced at $3.00/kg - fruit presented quite clean in terms of skin marks- odd cluster with some light scarring/rub. Fruit displayed in their correct area ie eat later and eat now.

  • All other specialty lines in the category were wrapped around the display from cavendish - Lady Fingers at $7.50/kg, Red Tips at $4.50/kg and Organics at $5.00/kg. All lines presented well, though a few clusters of ladyfingers exhibiting developing bronzing.

  • Store was well presented and had a festive feel.


  • Cavendish grown by Mackays packed 22nd November at this store were priced at $3.50/kg - some small minor scars/rub seen on a few clusters - relatively small Eat Later section with the majority of fruit being Eat Now - fairly neat and uniform display of single layer.

  • Lady Fingers from Costas ticketed at $7.90/kg exhibiting minor rub & skin marking, Kids packs at $2.50 and Red Tips $4.50/kg also with some minor skin marking, a couple of clusters starting to spot. Organic clusters $5/kg - with a few that were only semi-colour..



  • Count 23/25 NZ Hass priced at 99C each - fruit supplied by Avoco NZ/Skylark. Majority of fruit was quite firm.

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) were priced at $4.99ea - these were on special and featured in the Aldi catalogue this week.


  • Hass were on display- count 23 NZ Skylark Hass Avocados were priced at 99C each - the majority of fruit had full purple black skin colour and was yielding to gentle pressure.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $4.99ea.



  • On offer NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark on offer priced at $1.50ea or 3 for $4.00. Whilst skin colour was developing - fruit on offer was a mix of firm green to only just yielding. Fruit packed 3rd November so fruit age was 28 days.

  • $4.90 on the 5 piece packs - also NZ fruit.


  • NZ Count 25 Hass Avocados displayed on a table top (single layers in trays) and on an end unit ticketed $1.50 ea or 3 for $4.00- supplied by Avoco/Skylark. A mix of maturities as both the end unit and tabletop displays had fruit with varying skin colour and firmness - though a higher percentage of ready to eat fruit at this Coles store.

  • Coles 5 piece packs retailing at $4.90ea - using NZ fruit.


  • On offer count 25 Skylark NZ Hass priced at $1.50ea or 3 for $4.00. Majority of fruit on the end had strong colour and was yielding and ready to eat; whereas fruit on the table top display at the store entry had good developing purple/black skin colour and found to be firm to yielding. A percentage of the fruit packed 1st November so aged up to 30 days.

  • $4.90 on the Coles 5 packs - all packs contained fruit with colour.



  • Customers were greeted with a full display of neatly arranged WA Hass Avocados count 28 with ticket price of $1.00 ea. A mix of fruit ripeness available with fruit found to be yielding to gentle pressure through to firm. Fruit age at this stores was 22 days.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.50ea and Odd Bunch 1kg packs on special at $3.50 each.


  • A blend of Australian WA Hass Avocados count 28 supplied by The Avocado Collective priced at $1.00 a piece along with Team NZ Hass in count 16’s. Fruit ripeness - firm to yielding - good mix on offer

  • Odd Bunch 1kg Packs were $3.50 ea on special; Avocado 5 pack $4.50ea.


  • NZ Team count 18 Hass Avocados with ticket price of $1.00 or $1.40 ea, ticketed at both prices?

  • Both the 1kg Odd Bunch and 5 piece packs of Australian/NZ Hass ticketed at $4.00ea.


Retail Market Week 47




As expected over the past week the morning temperatures have continued to be warm up in North Qld with all regions early a.m. temps falling within a range of 16.4 to 23.9C; whilst day time temperatures have been on the rise in the last week ranging 29.3 to 35.7C. In terms of rainfall up to last Saturday both Innisifail and Tully had between 25 and 39mm respectively, since Saturday however it has been dry in these two regions. Walkamin and Mareeba have only experienced very light, isolated showers. Cavendish banana bunch age remains at 16 weeks on our farm currently, with fruit quality found to be good overall in the packshed. With the warm days the rate of fruit growth is certainly quickening and it is important for all farms to stay on top of girth measurements to ensure overall fruit length and girth is not exceeding specification. I am pleased to report that in relation to our ladyfingers the extra measures implemented on farm are starting to pay dividend. In an effort to reduce bronzing we are continuing to cut fruit a little thinner and we are continuing to cut bunches with reduced hang time - this will be an ongoing practise as we make our way around the farm and throughout the summer to assist in reducing maturity bronzing. As explained last week, to assist with reducing the sap staining as increased sap flow rates are synonymous with the warmer months of the year., we have made alterations to the packing line so that the hands are clustered at the beginning of the line to allow fruit more time in the trough to assist in stemming the sap flow and we have introduced tissue paper on the crowns and an additional sheet of paper in the carton to absorb any additional sap that may continue to flow to try and keep the fruit appearance clean - in the last fortnight arrival quality assessments are proving these measures successful and there has been less sap issues on arrival.

The national cut last week was again well in excess of 500K, with another week of solid production with a total of 532,936 cartons representing an increase of 51,186 ctns on the previous week. The forecast for this week is expected to be in a range of 510-530,000 cartons. Independent retailers were selling bananas at $1.99 to $2.49/kg again this week. The markets all have plentiful supplies of cavendish with fruit selling at $4-$14 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

Cavendish in general this week presented well. Fruit was presenting quite cleanly though there was a percentage of oversize both in terms of girth and length found on all supermarket shelves. Low level minor dry scar; small rub marks; light bat/bird marking and sap staining were seen. Colour was generally good with more plentiful supplies of fruit ready to eat and brighter bloom than in recent times.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s ticket price at $2.99/kg; whilst Coles offered fruit at $2.50 to $3.50/kg depending upon store location and Woolies offered fruit at $3.00 to 3.50/kg varying with store location.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



The figures released this week saw Western Australia maintain the lead in production contributing 71% of the total national harvest of some 492,802 trays last week; followed by New Zealand at 18%; Tristates at 4%; Central NSW with 4%. The remaining 3% came from Tamborine/Northern Rivers and South Qld. This production figure represents an increase of 3% (just over 14,000 additional trays) on the week prior and was 13% higher than what was forecast for the week. 

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $1.00- $1.19 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $0.99-$2.00/piece depending upon quality/size. Within the markets things have remained relatively unchanged, premium trays of WA hass are selling in the range of $15 -$20/tray (very good quality getting up to $22) depending upon size and quality of each line; whereas premium NZ fruit is fetching $12-$15 (anything with colour or out-of-date spec is selling for $6-$10).  Pricing for class one fruit has remained stable (main sales) is ranging $6 -$14 per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $6 to $14 (2nds) --$14-$28/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. 

The national production of Hass this week is forecast to be in the vicinity of 430,000 trays and then the forecast is for figures ranging 460-497,000 trays per week through until Christmas. The last four week period has seen an average national dispatch of 481,863 trays per week.

You will note that WA have contributed a larger percentage of the national volume last week (71%) which equates to approximately 349,889 trays which was 10K fewer trays than the week prior - again weather has played a part with a few more light to moderate showers throughout the past week. The weather in the south west corner of WA has continued to be cool though with early morning minimum temps ranging 6.3 to 13.7C and daytime maximum temps of 17.2 to 29.3C. The Manjimup region experienced a light 13.6mm of rain. The available meteorological data for the Pemberton region shows that it has been experiencing cool mornings with lows of 7.1-14.2C and warmer daytime averages of 19.1-25.1C; they too have had a drier week with only a fall of 16mm cumulatively across the week. Despite these figures not sounding much by way of North Qld comparison, the lay of the land and soil types means this volume does tend to make it wet underfoot and therefore more different for machinery etc.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing and pricing in all three major supermarkets varied a little depending upon store location; sizing stocked and banner. The majority of stores this week were stocking NZ stock, though 1 of the 3 Woolworths stores visited had WA hass on offer. Fruit age in all stores was found to be ranging 20 to 28 days.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had increased their ticket price for Hass to $1.19ea;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.00 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass also ticketed at $1.00ea. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with a range of 40-95% coloured on offer and ripeness ranging from soft; to yielding to very firm.

National Avocado Weekly Dispatch Vs Forecast


Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $2.99/kg - minor skin marking present - fruit colour and bloom were good at this store.

  • Ladyfingers selling at $5.99/kg - stocked in hands which customers have to pull apart - fruit exhibited a degree of rub and bronzing.


  • Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg with some clusters exhibiting minor skin marking - some very long clusters present exceeding spec.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg. Being sold in hands for customers to pull apart - well presented fruit.



  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge positioned opposite one of the fridge units with fruit selling at $2.50/kg and kids packs were also ticketed at $2.50/kg. The majority of the display (both sides of the barge were backward in condition as in eat later.. Generally clean with just small areas of rub, light sap stains etc observed. Kids packs varied in condition.

  • Red Tips were selling at $4.90/kg with some clusters starting to spot; whilst the ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg - a few clusters exhibiting minor bruising on the outer whorl.


  • Cavendish displayed on the banana barge at this store were ticketed at $3.50/kg - A better mix of condition at this store though some very full fingers found. Fruit had good colour and presented fairly cleanly. Kids Packs also ticketed at $3.50.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg (odd cluster marked) and Ladyfingers at $7.90/kg - both lines presented well..


  • Cavendish bananas were displayed at $2.50/kg and Kids banded clusters also at $2.50. A few clusters with light rub marking observed but in general a well presented display - some clusters found with very full fingers.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg and Red tips at $4.90/kg - both lines presented well.



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.00/kg. Fruit was generally in good condition though the majority was semi colour in condition with very little Eat Now stock on display. Random small bat/bird marks present. Growers featured in the display were a mix of Wadda’s; Collins; Howe Farming; and Dicko’s.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.50/kg and Red tips ticketed at $4.90/kg - but no stock on display as yet.


  • Cavendish (Howe Farming/Mackays/Justeatum/Wadda/Collins) were priced at $3.50/kg - fruit presented quite clean in terms of skin marks- odd cluster with some light scarring/rub. Again the presence of some very full fruit/clusters. Kids banded clusters selling at $2.50. A lot of fruit in the spillover floor display.

  • All other specialty lines in the category were wrapped around the display from cavendish - Lady Fingers at $7.50/kg, Red Tips at $4.50/kg and Organics at $5.00/kg. All lines presented well though ladyfingers found with developing bronzing, sap staining and skin marking.

  • Store was well presented and had a festive feel.


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $3.00/kg - some small minor scars/rub seen on a few clusters - relatively small Eat Later section with the majority of fruit being Eat Now - fairly neat and uniform display of single layer.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg exhibiting minor rub & skin marking, Kids packs at $2.50 and Red Tips $4.50/kg also with some minor skin marking, a couple of clusters starting to spot. Organic clusters $5/kg - with a few that were only semi-colour..



  • Count 23/25 NZ Hass priced at $1.19 each - fruit supplied by Avoco NZ/Skylark. A mix of maturities on offer. Fruit packed 28th October therefore age is 27 days.

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) were priced at $4.99ea - these were on special and featured in the Aldi catalogue this week.


  • Hass were on display- count 23 NZ Skylark Hass Avocados were priced at $1.19 each - the majority of fruit had full purple black skin colour and was yielding to gentle pressure. Fruit packed 28th October so was 27 days old.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $4.99ea.



  • On offer NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark count 20/23 packed 28th Oct so fruit age is 27 days; on offer priced at $1.00ea. Mounded display on a table top aligning entry to the store and also on the second end - fruit on offer was a mix of firm green to yielding fruit on top layers - display’s like this tend to cause bruising to lower layers as customers rummage through. Fruit packed 19th October so 29 days old.

  • $4.90 on the 5 piece packs - also NZ fruit.


  • NZ Count 25 Hass Avocados displayed on a table top (single layers in trays) and on an end unit ticketed $1.00 ea- supplied by Avoco/Skylark. A mix of maturities as both the end unit and tabletop displays had fruit with varying skin colour and firmness. Fruit packed 29th October therefore fruit age was 26 days old.

  • Coles 5 piece packs retailing at $4.90ea - using NZ fruit.


  • On offer count 25 Skylark NZ Hass priced at $1.00ea. Majority of fruit on the end had strong colour and was yielding and ready to eat; whereas fruit on the table top display at the store entry had good developing purple/black skin colour and found to be firm to yielding. A percentage of the fruit packed 27th October so aged up to 28 days.

  • $4.90 on the Coles 5 packs - all packs contained fruit with colour.



  • Customers were greeted with a full display of neatly arranged Team NZ Avocados count 18/20 with ticket price of $1.00 ea. A mix of fruit ripenss available with fruit found to be yielding to gentle pressure through to firm.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.50ea and Odd Bunch 1kg packs on special at $3.50 each.


  • Australian WA Hass Avocados count 23 supplied by The Avocado Collective (packed 4th Nov so age 20 days) priced at $1.00 a piece Position of A Frame display unit was just inside store entrance to greet customers - both sides of this display containing avocados. Fruit ripeness - firm to yielding - good mix on offer

  • Odd Bunch 1kg Packs were $3.50 ea on special; Avocado 5 pack $4.50ea with only four packs on display at time of visit.


  • NZ Team Hass Avocados with ticket price of $1.00 ea. The majority of fruit had purple black skin colour; fruit was yielding to firm.

  • 5 piece packs of Australian/NZ Hass ticketed at $4.50ea


Retail Market Week 46




As expected over the past week the morning temperatures have continued to be warm up in North Qld with all regions early a.m. temps falling within a range of 19.2 to 25C; whilst day time temperatures have been on the rise in the last week ranging 27.2 to 36.3C. In terms of rainfall this week most major regions in the far north have been remained relatively dry until yesterday with falls of 2.2 to 36mm on Thursday. Cavendish banana bunch age remains at 16 weeks on our farm currently, with fruit quality found to be good overall in the packshed. Our ladyfingers have been experiencing a degree of bronzing in recent weeks and sap staining. Increased sap flow rates are synonymous with the warmer months of the year. In an effort to reduce bronzing we are cutting fruit a little thinner and from this week cutting fruit with reduced hang time - this will be continuing practise as we make our way around the farm and throughout the summer to assist in reducing maturity bronzing. As explained last week, to assist with reducing the sap staining, we have made alterations to the packing line so that the hands are clustered at the beginning of the line to allow fruit more time in the trough to assist in stemming the sap flow and we have introduced tissue paper on the crowns and an additional sheet of paper in the carton to absorb any additional sap to try and keep the fruit appearance clean - in the last week we are already seeing benefits in relation to this issue.

The national cut last week whilst finally back under the 500K’s, on top of recent weeks it was yet another week of solid production with 481,750 cartons representing a decrease of 60,105 ctns on the week prior. The forecast for this week to be in a range of 475-490,000 cartons. Independent retailers were selling bananas at $1.99 to $2.49/kg this week.

Cavendish in general this week presented well. Overall less marking which is pleasing with findings of minor dry scar; small rub marks; light bat/bird marking still being seen. Colour was generally good with more plentiful supplies of fruit ready to eat and brighter bloom than in recent times.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s ticket price at $2.99/kg; whilst Coles offered fruit at $2.50-$3.50/kg and Woolies offered fruit at $2.50/kg in the centres visited.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



The figures released this week saw Western Australia maintain the lead in production contributing 74% of the total national harvest of some 478,703 trays last week; followed by New Zealand at 14%; Tristates at 4%; Central NSW with 4%. The remaining 3% came from Tamborine/Northern Rivers and South Qld. This production figure represents an increase of 2% (just over 9,600 additional trays) on the week prior and was 7% higher than what was forecast for the week. 

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $1.19- $1.50 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $0.89-$2.00/piece depending upon quality/size. Within the markets things have remained relatively unchanged, premium trays of WA hass are selling in the range of $15 -$20/tray (very good quality getting up to $22) depending upon size and quality of each line; whereas premium NZ fruit is fetching $12-$15 (anything with colour or out-of-date spec is selling for $6-$10).  Pricing for class one fruit has remained stable (main sales) is ranging $6 -$14 per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $6 to $14 (2nds) --$14-$28/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. 

The national production of Hass this week is forecast to be in the vicinity of 435,000 trays and then the forecast is for figures ranging 440-460,000 trays per week through until the middle of December. The last four week period has seen an average national dispatch of 453,694 trays per week. If the targets projected by the industry are to be met a weekly average dispatch of 510,000 trays needs to be met from now through until the end of February 2022.

You will note that WA have contributed a larger percentage of the national volume last week (74%) which equates to approximately 354,240 trays which has been their biggest week thus far in the 2021 season - again weather has been on their side, though there has been a few light showers over the last day or two. The weather in the south west corner of WA has continued to be cool though the past week with early morning minimum temps ranging 6.1 to 13C and daytime maximum temps of 18.6 to 28C. The Manjimup region experienced a light 0.6mm of rain over the last two days. The available meteorological data for the Pemberton region shows that it has been experiencing cool mornings with lows of 7.2-14.2C and warmer daytime averages of 18.6-27.6C; they too have had a drier week with only a fall of 2.2mm yesterday.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing and pricing in all three major supermarkets varied a little depending upon store location; sizing stocked and banner. The majority of stores this week were stocking NZ stock, though 2 of the 3 Woolworths stores visited had WA hass on offer. Fruit age in all stores was found to be ranging 22 to 33 days.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had increased their ticket price for Hass to $1.19ea;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.50 ea or a multibuy offer of 3 for $4.00; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass also ticketed at $1.00-$1.20ea. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with a range of 40-85% coloured on offer and ripeness ranging from very soft; to yielding to very firm.

National Avocado Weekly Dispatch Vs Forecast

image courtesy of avocados australia


Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $2.99/kg - minor skin marking present and the majority of fruit was semi to backward in condition. Some very long clusters present.

  • Ladyfingers selling at $5.99/kg - stocked in hands which customers have to pull apart - fruit was very clean.


  • Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg with some clusters exhibiting minor skin marking; again the majority of fruit tended to be semi colour in relation to condition.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg. Being sold in hands for customers to pull apart - very clean and well presented fruit.



  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge positioned opposite one of the deli fridge units were selling at $2.50/kg and kids packs were also ticketed at $2.50/kg. Some very long fingers on display. Bruising and rub marking observed on the cavs. Kids packs varied in condition.

  • Red Tips were selling on special at $3.90/kg with some clusters starting to spot; whilst the ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg - a few clusters exhibiting maturity bronzing.


  • Cavendish displayed on the banana barge at this store were ticketed at $3.50/kg - some small skin marks present. Fruit had good colour and presented fairly cleanly. Kids Packs also ticketed at $3.50.

  • Red Tips at on special at $3.90/kg again with some clusters starting to spot and Ladyfingers (4 only clusters ) at $7.90/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas were displayed at $2.50/kg and Kids banded clusters also at $2.50. A few clusters with light marking observed but in general a well presented display.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg (some of this was still in hands); and Red tips on special at $3.90/kg with some light skin bruising and rub.



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $2.50/kg. Fruit was generally in good condition though a little bat/bird marking visible - and displayed in its relevant section ie Eat Now and Eat Later.

  • Ladyfingers at $6.90/kg (some with light rub); Kids banded clusters at $2.50; and Red tips for $4.00/kg.


  • Cavendish (Howe Farming/Mackays/Justeatum) packed 4th November, were priced at $2.50/kg - fruit presented quite clean in terms of skin marks- odd cluster with some light scarring/rub. Kids banded clusters selling at $2.50.

  • All other specialty lines in the category were displayed further along display from cavendish - Lady Fingers at $6.90/kg, Red Tips at $4.50/kg (stock was spotting) and Organics at $4.00/kg.

  • Store was well presented and had a festive feel.


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $2.50/kg - some small minor scars/rub seen on a few clusters. More eat later fruit than eat now on display - both areas needed refilling.

  • Lady Fingers at $6.90/kg exhibiting minor skin marking, Kids packs at $2.50 and Red Tips $4.50/kg. Organic clusters $5/kg.



  • Count 25 NZ Hass priced at $1.19 each - fruit supplied by Avoco NZ/Skylark. A mix of maturities on offer. Fruit packed 20th October therefore age is 28 days.

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) were priced at $4.99ea


  • Hass were on display- count 23 NZ Hass Avocados were priced at $1.19 each - the majority of fruit had full purple black skin colour and was yielding to gentle pressure. Fruit packed 19th October so was 29 days old.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $4.99ea.



  • On offer NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark count 25 packed 18th Oct; on offer priced at $1.50ea OR multibuy offer 3 for $4 . Displayed on a table top aligning entry to the store and also on the second end - fruit on offer was a mix of firm green to soft full colour. Fruit packed 19th October so 29 days old.

  • $4.90 on the 5 piece packs - also NZ fruit.


  • NZ Count 25 Hass Avocados displayed on a table top and on an end unit ticketed $1.50ea OR multibuy offer 3 for $4 - supplied by Avoco/Skylark. A mix of maturities as the end had full colour fruit and fruit on the table top display had developing skin colour and some pieces that were quite soft. Fruit packed 15th October therefore fruit age was 33 days old.

  • Coles 5 piece packs retailing at $4.90ea - using NZ fruit.


  • On offer count 23 Skylark NZ Hass priced at $1.50ea OR multibuy offer 3 for $4. Majority of fruit had good developing purple/black skin colour and found to be yielding end display and table top display aligning entry. A percentage of the fruit packed 15th October so aged up to 33 days.

  • $4.90 on the Coles 5 packs - all packs contained fruit with colour.



  • Customers were greeted with a full display of WA Avocados count 25 with ticket price of $1.20 ea. The majority of this fruit was yielding to gentle pressure. Fruit packed 26th October so 22 days old.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.50ea and Odd Bunch 1kg packs at $3.50 each.


  • Australian WA Hass Avocados count 25 supplied by The Avocado Collective (packed 26th Oct so age 22 days) priced at $1.20 a piece Fruit ripeness - firm to yielding - good mix on offer

  • Odd Bunch 1kg Packs were $3.50 ea; Avocado 5 pack $4.50ea but no stock on display of this line.


  • Count 28 WA Hass Avocados with ticket price of $1.20 ea. The majority of fruit had developing purple black skin colour; fruit was firm to yielding.

  • 5 piece packs of Australian/NZ Hass ticketed at $4.50ea and Odd Bunch 1kg packs ticketed at $3.50 a bag.


Retail Market Week 45




As expected over the past week the morning temperatures have continued to be warm up in North Qld with all regions early a.m. temps falling within a range of 17.7 to 24C; whilst day time temperatures have been marginally milder than last week ranging 27 to 33.1C. In terms of rainfall this week most major regions in the far north have been relatively dry with light falls of 0.2 to 2.4mm. Innisfail has experienced a little more rain with a total fall of 13mm across the week. Cavendish banana bunch age has come back to 16 weeks on our farm currently, with fruit quality found to be good overall in the packshed. Our ladyfingers have been experiencing a degree of bronzing in recent weeks and sap staining. Increased sap flow rates are synonymous with the warmer months of the year. In an effort to reduce bronzing we are cutting fruit a little thinner and to assist with reducing the sap staining, we have made alterations to the packing line so that the hands are clustered at the beginning of the line to allow fruit more time in the trough to assist in stemming the sap flow and we have introduced tissue paper on the crowns and an additional sheet of paper in the carton to absorb any additional sap to try and keep the fruit appearance clean.

The national cut last week was again another high production week with 541,855 cartons which was a decrease of 5051 ctns on the week prior. The forecast for this week to be in a range of 500-520,000 cartons. This should see continued promotional activity in the banana space next week on retail shelves. Independent retailers were selling bananas at $1.99 to $2.49/kg this week.

Cavendish in general this week presented well. Overall less marking which is pleasing with findings of minor dry scar; small rub marks; light bat/bird marking still being seen. Colour was generally good with more plentiful supplies of fruit ready to eat and brighter bloom than in recent times.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s ticket price at $2.49/kg; whilst Coles offered fruit at $2.50-$3.00/kg and Woolies offered fruit at $3.00/kg in the centres visited.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



The figures released this week saw Western Australia maintain the lead in production contributing 61% of the total national harvest of some 469,066 trays last week; followed by New Zealand at 22%; Tristates at 5.5%; Central NSW with 5%;  and South Qld contributing 5%. The remaining 1.5% came from Tamborine/Northern Rivers. This production figure represents an increase of 19% (just over 73,000 additional trays) on the week prior and was 5% higher than what was forecast for the week. 

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $1.00- $1.50 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $0.49-$2.00/piece depending upon quality/size. Within the markets things have remained relatively unchanged, premium trays of WA hass are selling in the range of $15 -$20/tray (very good quality getting up to $22) depending upon size and quality of each line; whereas premium NZ fruit is fetching $12-$15 (anything with colour or out-of-date spec is selling for $6-$10).  Pricing for class one fruit has remained stable (main sales) is ranging $6 -$14 per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $6 to $14 (2nds) --$14-$28/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. 

The national production of Hass this week is forecast to be in the vicinity of 446,000 trays and then the forecast is for figures ranging 435-460,000 trays per week through until the end of November. The last four week period has seen an average national dispatch of 451,675 trays per week. If the targets projected by the industry are to be met a weekly average dispatch of 510,000 trays needs to be met from now through until the end of February 2022.

You will note that WA have contributed 61% of the national volume last week which equates to approximately 286,130 trays which is more than last week in part due to the weather being a little more friendly giving growers a couple of extra days to pick and pack. The weather in the south west corner of WA has continued to be cool though the past week but it has been drier with only a couple of isolated showers across the week, whilst early morning minimum temps ranging 4.5 to 9.3C and daytime maximum temps of 14.4 to 22.4C. The Manjimup region experienced 2.8mm of rain last Sunday up until Wednesday just gone. The available meteorological data for the Pemberton region shows that it has been cool with lows of 5-10.2C and daytime averages of 18.7-21.1C; they too have had less rain in the last week with a fall of 5.4mm on Monday and dry since. Parts of the orchards are still drying out underfoot which continues to hamper the picking process and limits vehicle access but at least things seem to be on the improve for now. Some of the WA growers are struggling to find homes for their seconds which would normally go to foodservice businesses but due to the volumes being produced and status of current markets; this fruit is going to waste according to this story released by the ABC:

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing and pricing in all three major supermarkets varied a little depending upon store location; sizing stocked and banner. The majority of stores this week were stocking NZ stock, though 2 of the 3 Woolworths stores visited had WA hass on offer. Fruit age in all stores was found to be ranging 22 to 29 days.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had increased their ticket price for Hass to $1.19ea;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.00 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass also ticketed at $1.00-$1.20ea. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with a range of 20-100% coloured on offer and ripeness ranging from very soft; to yielding to very firm.

National Avocado Weekly Dispatch Vs Forecast



Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $2.49/kg - minor skin marking present and the majority of fruit was semi to backward in condition.

  • Ladyfingers selling at $5.99/kg .


  • Cavendish were priced at $2.49/kg with some clusters exhibiting minor skin marking; again the majority of fruit was semi to backward in condition.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg. Little bronzing noted.


  • Cavendish were priced at $2.49/kg - again condition of fruit was backward not offering customers fruit to eat now.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg - again clusters found with bronzing and rub marking.



  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge positioned opposite the deli counter were selling at $3.00/kg and kids packs were also ticketed at $3.00/kg. Some very long fingers sneaking into the packs. Bruising and rub marking observed. Kids packs varied in condition. Banana barge needed a clean and refilling.

  • Red Tips were selling at $4.90/kg whilst the ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg


  • Cavendish displayed on the banana barge at this store were ticketed at $3.00/kg - some small skin marks present. Fruit had mixed bloom but presented fairly cleanly - a few clusters with rust thrip damage. Kids Packs also ticketed at $3.00.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg, Organic at $4.00 and Ladyfingers (3 only clusters that varied greatly in size) at $7.90/kg. Organic banana overwrap trays selling at $7.50/kg containing 3 bananas each.


  • Cavendish bananas were displayed on the banana barge at $2.50/kg and Kids banded clusters also at $2.50. A few clusters with light marking observed.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg (some of this was still in hands); and Red tips presented well and priced at $4.90/kg.



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $2.50/kg. A very neat and well presented display. Fruit was generally in good condition - and displayed in its relevant section ie Eat Now and Eat Later; some clusters with very light scarring.

  • A full banana category on offer with Organic clusters priced at $5.00/kg; Ladyfingers at $7.50/kg (some of these were only semi condition); Kids banded clusters at $2.50; and Red tips for $4.50/kg.


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $3.00/kg - fruit presented quite clean in terms of skin marks- odd cluster with some scarring/rub and major bruising. Kids banded clusters selling at $2.50.

  • All other specialty lines in the category were displayed in baskets - Lady Fingers at $7.50/kg, Red Tips at $4.50/kg and Organica at $5.00/kg. Depending upon how many times customers pick up and put down in the basket there is opportunity for a higher resulting level of skin marking.


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $2.50/kg - some small minor scars/rub seen on a few clusters. More eat later fruit and eat now on display.

  • One only cluster of Lady Fingers at $6.90/kg exhibiting minor skin marking, Kids packs at $2.50 and Organic clusters $5.00/kg.



  • Count 25 NZ Hass priced at $1.19 each - fruit supplied by Avoco NZ/Skylark. A mix of maturities on offer. Fruit packed 12th October therefore age is 29 days.

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) were priced at $4.99ea


  • Hass were on display- count 23/25 NZ Hass Avocados were priced at $1.19 each - the majority of fruit had full purple black skin colour and was yielding to gentle pressure. Again fruit packed 12th October so was 29 days old.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $4.99ea - additional display space devoted to this line whilst on special.


  • Hass were on display- count 23 NZ Hass Avocados were priced at $1.19 each. Despite some developing skin colour majority of fruit was still firm.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $4.99ea



  • On offer NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark count 20/23; on offer priced at $1.00ea . Displayed on a table top aligning entry to the store and also on the second end - fruit on the end display was predominantly full colour and tended to be soft. The table top also had fruit with strong purple black skin hue. Fruit packed 12th October so 29 days old.

  • $4.90 on the 5 piece packs - also NZ fruit.

  • $4 per piece for organic hass avocados - fruit very soft


  • NZ Hass Avocados displayed on a table top and on an end unit ticketed $1.00ea - supplied by Avoco/Skylark. A mix of maturities as the end had full colour fruit and fruit on the table top display had developing skin colour and was firm.

  • Coles 5 piece packs retailing at $4.90ea - using NZ fruit.

  • Organic Avos ticketed at $4.00 a piece - stock with dark purple/black skin hue.


  • On offer count 20 Skylark NZ Hass priced at $1.00ea. Majority of fruit had good developing purple/black skin colour and found to be yielding end display and table top display aligning entry. Fruit packed 12th to 15th October so age ranges 26 to 29 days.

  • $4.90 on the Coles 5 packs - all packs contained fruit with colour.

  • Organic loose Hass available at $4.00ea



  • Customers were greeted with a full display of WA Avocados count 25 with ticket price of $1.20 ea. The majority of this fruit was firm, with early stage developing skin colour. Fruit packed 20th October so 21 days old.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.50ea and Odd Bunch 1kg packs at $4.00 each.


  • Australian WA Hass Avocados count 25 supplied by The Avocado Collective and count 23 Team Avocado NZ Hass (packed 19th Oct so age 22 days) priced at $1.00 a piece Fruit ripeness - firm to yielding - good mix on offer

  • Odd Bunch 1kg Packs were $4.00 ea; Avocado 5 pack $4.50ea

  • Organic large 12 counts selling at $3.50 each individually banded - fruit was very hard.


  • Count 28 WA Hass Avocados with ticket price of $1.00 ea. The majority of fruit had developing purple black skin colour; fruit was firm to yielding.

  • 5 piece packs of Australian/NZ Hass ticketed at $4.50ea and Odd Bunch 1kg packs ticketed at $4.00 a bag.


Retail Market Week 44




In the past week the morning temperatures have definitely warmed up in North Qld with all regions early a.m. temps falling within a range of 18 to 23.3C; whilst day time temperatures are giving us a glimpse of summer ranging 28.9 to 35.4C. In terms of rainfall this week all other major regions in the far north have been dry again this week. Banana bunch age has come back to 16 weeks on our farm currently, with fruit quality found to be good overall in the packshed.

The national cut last week was again another high production week with 546,906 cartons which was a decrease of 17087 ctns on the week prior. The forecast for this week to be in a range of 500-520,000 cartons. This should see continued promotional activity in the banana space next week on retail shelves. Independent retailers were selling bananas at $1.99 to $2.49/kg this week.

Cavendish in general this week presented well. Overall less marking which is pleasing with findings of minor dry scar; small rub marks; light bat/bird marking still being seen. Colour was generally good with more plentiful supplies of fruit ready to eat and brighter bloom than in recent times - one Aldi store did have some clusters with dull bloom.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s ticket price lifting after last week’s special to $2.99/kg; whilst both Coles and Woolies offered fruit at $3.00/kg in the centres visited.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



The figures released this week saw Western Australia maintain the lead in production contributing 60% of the total national harvest of some 394,796 trays last week; followed by New Zealand at 18%; Tristates at 8%; Central NSW with 7%;  and South Qld contributing 7%. The remaining 1% came from Tamborine/Northern Rivers. This production figure represents a small 16% decrease (just over 77,000 fewer trays) on the week prior and was 18% lower than what was forecast for the week. 

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $0.99- $1.50per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $0.99-$2.00/piece depending upon quality/size. Within the markets things have remained relatively unchanged, premium trays of WA hass are selling in the range of $15 -$20/tray (very good quality getting a little $22) depending upon size and quality of each line; whereas premium NZ fruit is fetching $10-$15 (anything with colour or out-of-date spec is selling for $6-$10).  Pricing for class one fruit has remained stable (main sales) is ranging $6 -$14 per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $6 to $14 (2nds) --$14-$30/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. 

The national production of Hass this week is forecast to be in the vicinity of 445,000 trays and then the forecast is for figures ranging 440-460,000 trays per week through until the middle of November. The last four week period has seen an average national dispatch of 422,880 trays per week. If the targets projected by the industry are to be met a weekly average dispatch of 510,000 trays needs to be met from now through until the end of February 2022.

You will note that WA have contributed 60% of the national volume last week which equates to approximately 236,877 trays which is less than last week with this being put down to recent weather - showery days with water tending to sit in the paddock making it difficult for machinery and hence picking has slowed. The weather in the south west corner of WA has been cool with further showery days thrown into the mix over the last week, whilst early morning minimum temps ranging 4.5 to 10.0C and daytime maximum temps of 14.9 to 22.7C. The Manjimup region experienced 14mm of rain in the last week up till Wednesday, with more rain forecast again for late in the week. The available meteorological data for the Pemberton region shows that it has been cool with lows of 6.6-8.2C and daytime averages of 14.9-?C; they too have had rainfall across the week with a total fall of 16mm so far. This continued rainfall has the orchards being wetter underfoot which is hampering the picking process and limiting vehicle access - our own farm didn’t pick for the first three days this week. In addition to this, growers are very aware of the increased possibility of nodule damage if fruit is picked and transited during rainfall so been electing not to pick on wet days to ensure fruit quality on shelf, hence the available supply coming from WA last week and this week has been noticeably reduced.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing and pricing in all three major supermarkets varied a little depending upon store location; sizing stocked and banner. The majority of stores this week were stocking NZ stock, though 2 of the 3 Woolworths stores visited had WA hass on offer. Fruit age in all stores was found to be ranging 22 to 29 days.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had returned to a ticket price for Hass of $0.99ea;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.50 ea for multibuy offer of 3 for $4; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass also ticketed at $1.00-$1.20ea. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with a range of 15-90% coloured on offer and ripeness ranging from very soft; to yielding to very firm.

Prepack formulations on offer by all major supermarkets provide an opportunity to move greater volumes in a single purchase. Aldi were offering their 6 piece nets on special at $4.99ea ; Coles had their 5 piece pack at $4.90 ea; whilst Woolworths had the 5 pack on offer for $4.50 and where stocked the 1kg Odd Bunch ticketed at $4.00/bag.

National Avocado Weekly Dispatch Vs Forecast

image courtesy of Avocados australia


Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $2.99/kg - minor skin marking present

  • Ladyfingers selling at $5.99/kg - size of fingers were very long.


  • Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg with some clusters exhibiting minor skin marking and some sap staining, fruit bloom was mixed with some clusters being somewhat dull.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg.


  • Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg with some clusters exhibiting minor rub and scarring, fruit condition was good.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg - again clusters found with rub marking throughout.



  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge positioned opposite the deli counter were selling at $3.00/kg and kids packs were also ticketed at $3.00/kg. Kids packs varied in condition.

  • Red Tips were selling at $4.90/kg whilst the ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg


  • Cavendish displayed on the banana barge at this store were ticketed at $3.00/kg - some small skin marks present. Fruit had bright bloom. Kids Packs also ticketed at $3.00.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg, Organic at $4.00 and Ladyfingers at $7.90/kg. Organic banana overwrap trays selling at $7.50/kg.


  • Cavendish bananas were displayed on the banana barge at $3.00/kg and Kids banded clusters also at $3.00. A few clusters with light bat/bird marking observed.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg (minimal stock); and Red tips - a single finger on display priced at $4.90/kg.



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.00/kg. A very neat and well presented display. Fruit was generally in good condition - and displayed in its relevant section ie Eat Now and Eat Later; some clusters with very light scarring including bat marking and small dry scars.

  • A full banana category on offer with Organic clusters priced at $5.00/kg; Ladyfingers at $7.50/kg; Kids banded clusters at $2.50; and Red tips for $4.50/kg.


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $3.00/kg - fruit presented quite clean in terms of skin marks- odd cluster with some scarring/rub. Fruit still being set up and topped up - early morning visit.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.50/kg but no stock on display as yet, Red Tips at $4.50/kg, these had good bloom


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $3.00/kg - some small minor scars/rub seen on a few clusters.

  • Lady Fingers at $6.90/kg with a number of clusters exhibiting minor skin marking, Red Tips at $4.50/kg; Kids packs at $2.50 and Organic clusters $5.00/kg.



  • Count 23 NZ Hass priced at 99c each - fruit supplied by Freshmax and Avoco NZ/Skylark. A mix of maturities on offer. Loose hass were displayed in a three tray x two deep area within the produce aisle.

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) were priced at $4.99ea


  • Hass were on display- count 23/25 NZ Hass Avocados were priced at 99c each - the majority of fruit had full purple black skin colour and was yielding to gentle pressure. Fruit supplied by Avoco, Pack date of 5th October therefore fruit was 29 days old.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $4.99ea.


  • Hass were on display- NZ Freshmax/DBM Hass Avocados were priced at 99c each. A good mix of condition in terns of ripeness.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $5.99ea ??



  • On offer NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark count 20/23; on offer priced at $1.50ea or multibuy offer of 3 for $4.00. Displayed on a table top aligning entry to the store and also on the second end - fruit on the end display was predominantly full colour and tended to be soft. The table top also had fruit with strong purple black skin hue. Packed date of 5th October - therefore fruit was 29 days old.

  • $4.90 on the 5 piece packs - also NZ fruit.

  • $4 per piece for organic hass avocados - fruit very soft


  • NZ Hass Avocados displayed on a table top and on an end unit ticketed $1.50ea or multibuy offer of 3 for $4.00 - supplied by Avoco/Skylark. A mix of maturities. Fruit on display had developing skin colour and was firm. Packed date of 5th October therefore fruit age sat at 29 days.

  • Whilst present, stock of other lines being filled and staff member was sitting empty cartons on stop of avocado table top display.

  • Coles 5 piece packs retailing at $4.90ea - using NZ fruit.

  • Organic Avos ticketed at $4.00 a piece - very ripe stock.


  • On offer Skylark NZ Hass priced at $1.50ea or on multibuy offer 3 for $4.00. Majority of fruit had good developing purple/black skin colour and found to be yielding.

  • $4.90 on the Coles 5 packs - all packs contained fruit with colour.



  • Customers were greeted with a full display of WA Avocados count 23 with ticket price of $1.00 ea. The majority of this fruit was firm, with developing skin colour.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.50ea and Odd Bunch 1kg packs at $4.00 each.


  • Australian WA Hass Avocados count 23 supplied by The Avocado Collective priced at $1.00 a piece - fruit packed 12th October therefore fruit age at 22 days. Fruit ripeness - firm to yielding - good mix on offer

  • Odd Bunch 1kg Packs were $4.00 ea but marked down to $2.68ea!! Still plenty of shelf life in the product.


  • Count 20 Team Avocado NZ Hass Avocados with ticket price of $1.00 ea. The majority of fruit had developing purple black skin colour; fruit was firm to yielding.

  • 5 piece packs of Australian/NZ Hass ticketed at $4.50ea and Odd Bunch 1kg packs ticketed at $4.00 a bag.


Retail Market Week 43




In the past week the morning temperatures have definitely warmed up in North Qld with all regions early a.m. temps falling within a range of 16.9 to 23.3C; whilst day time temperatures are giving us a glimpse of summer ranging 30.5 to 33.6C. In terms of rainfall this week Walkamin experienced the highest falls for the week with a total of 46mm whilst all other major regions in the far north have been dry again this week. Banana bunch age has come back to 16 weeks on our farm currently, with fruit quality found to be good overall in the packshed.

The national cut last week was again a BIG WEEK with another whopping 563,993 cartons which was a small increase of 1808 ctns on what was a big week prior. The forecast for this week to be in a range of 500-520,000 cartons. This should see continued promotional activity in the banana space next week on retail shelves.

Cavendish in general this week presented well. The usual minor marking with findings of dry scar; rub marks; some neck damage; and a small degree of bat/bird marking still being seen. A little more sap staining being seen this week. Colour was generally good with more plentiful supplies of fruit ready to eat and brighter bloom than in recent times.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s ticket price lifting after last week’s special to $2.99/kg; whilst Coles had fruit at $3 to $3.50/kg and Woolies offered fruit at $3.00/kg in the centres visited.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



The figures released this week saw Western Australia maintain the lead in production contributing 63% of the total national harvest of some 472,212 trays last week; followed by New Zealand at 17%; Tristates at 9%; Central NSW with 5%;  and South Qld contributing 5%. The remaining 1% came from a combination of the following regions Sunshine Coast, and Tamborine/Northern Rivers. This production figure represents a small 1% increase on the week prior and was 7% higher than what was forecast for the week.  All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $1.00- $1.30per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $1.00-$2.00/piece depending upon quality/size. Within the markets things have remained relatively unchanged, premium trays of WA hass are selling in the range of $14 -$20/tray (very good quality getting a little $22) depending upon size and quality of each line; whereas premium NZ fruit is fetching $10-$15 (anything with colour or out-of-date spec is selling for $6-$10).  Pricing for class one fruit has remained stable (main sales) is ranging $6 -$14 per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $6 to $14 (2nds) --$14-$25/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. 

The national production of Hass this week is forecast to be in the vicinity of 480,000 trays and then the forecast is for figures ranging in the range of 430-440,000 trays for the first few weeks of November. You will note that WA have contributed 63% of the national volume last week which equates to approximately 297,494 trays which has been their biggest week of the season to date. The weather in the south west corner of WA has been cool with a few showery days thrown into the mix last week, whilst early morning minimum temps ranging 4.0 to 10.9C and daytime maximum temps of 15.2 to 22.6C. The Manjimup region experienced 11mm of rain in the last week up till Wednesday, with more rain forecast again for later in the week. Pemberton region has also been cool with lows of 6.6-10.5C and daytime averages of 14.9-24.9C; they too have had rainfall across the week with a total fall of 21mm. Growers are very aware of the increased possibility of nodule damage if fruit is picked and transited during rainfall so structure their week to minimalize the effect that the weather may have.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing and pricing in all three major supermarkets varied a little depending upon store location; sizing stocked and banner. The majority of stores this week were stocking NZ stock with fruit age ranging 19 to 29 days;

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Hass at $1.29ea;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.00 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass also ticketed at $1.20-$1.30ea. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with a range of 30-100% coloured on offer and ripeness ranging from very soft; to yielding to very firm - in a couple of stores it was all or nothing by way of extremes.

Prepack formulations on offer by all major supermarkets provide an opportunity to move greater volumes in a single purchase. Aldi were offering their 6 piece nets on special at $5.99ea ; Coles had their 5 piece pack at $4.90 ea; whilst Woolworths had the 5 pack on offer for $4.50 and where stocked the 1kg Odd Bunch ticketed at $4.00/bag.


Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $2.99/kg - minor skin marking present on 50% of clusters - only half the stepped display area covered.

  • Ladyfingers selling at $5.99/kg - size of fingers were very long.


  • Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg with some clusters exhibiting minor skin marking and some sap staining, fruit bloom was bright.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg.


  • Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg with some clusters exhibiting minor rub and scarring, fruit condition a little mixed.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg - again clusters found with rub marking throughout.



  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge positioned opposite the deli counter were selling at $3.50/kg and kids packs were also ticketed at $3.50/kg. Minor skin marking found on a couple of clusters including neck damage, rub marking and minor bruising. Kids packs varied in condition.

  • Red Tips were selling at $4.90/kg and these had a degree of skin marking on the outer whorl whilst the ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg were cleaner in presentation but on the backward side.


  • Cavendish displayed on the banana barge at this store were ticketed at $3.00/kg - some small skin marking but an improvement on recent weeks. Fruit had bright bloom. Two only Kids Packs also ticketed at $3.00.

  • Also part of the category - Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Ladyfingers at $7.90/kg - the fingers in particular having good presentation.


  • Cavendish bananas were displayed on the banana barge at $3.00/kg and Kids banded clusters also at $3.00. The majority of the display was semi-colour in terms of condition.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg; and Red tips with some rub marking; scarring and sugar spotting priced at $4.90/kg.



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.00/kg. Fruit was generally in good condition - and displayed in its relevant section ie Eat Now and Eat Later; some clusters with very light scarring including bat marking and sap stains.

  • A full banana category on offer with Organic clusters priced at $5.50/kg; Ladyfingers at $6.90/kg; Kids banded clusters at $2.50; and Red tips for $4.50/kg. Plenty of fruit on the floor in front of the main display.


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $3.00/kg - fruit presented quite clean in terms of skin marks- odd cluster with some scarring/rub.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.50/kg with some light rub and Red Tips at $4.50/kg.


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $3.00/kg - some minor bat marking seen on a few clusters. Mainly fruit in the Eat Later section.

  • Lady Fingers at $6.90/kg with a number of clusters exhibiting minor skin marking, Red Tips at $4.50/kg; Kids packs at $2.50 and Organic clusters $5.50/kg.



  • Count 23 NZ Hass priced at $1.29 each - fruit supplied by Freshmax and Avoco NZ/Skylark. Loose hass were displayed in a three tray x two deep area within the produce aisle.

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) were priced at $5.99ea


  • Hass were on display- count 23/25 NZ Hass Avocados were priced at $1.29 each - the majority of fruit had full purple black skin colour and was yielding to quite soft. Fruit supplied by Avoco,

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $5.99ea.


  • Hass were on display- count 23 NZ Freshmax/DBM Hass Avocados were priced at $1.29 each. A good mix of condition in terns of ripeness.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $5.99ea



  • On offer NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark count 20/23; on offer priced at $1.00ea. Displayed on a table top aligning entry to the store and also on the second end - fruit on the end display was full colour and tended to be soft. The table top had fruit with green skin colour through to purple black. Fresh fruit being stacked on table top at time of visit packed 28th Sept meaning fruit age is 29 days.

  • $4.90 on the 5 piece packs - also NZ fruit.

  • $4 per piece for organic hass avocados - top fruit very soft and a couple of pieces rotting.


  • NZ Hass Avocados displayed on a table top and on an end unit ticketed $1.00ea - supplied by Avoco/Skylark. A mix of maturities.

  • Coles 5 piece packs retailing at $4.90ea - using NZ fruit.


  • On offer NZ Hass priced at $1.00ea. Fruit displayed on an end. Majority of fruit had good purple/black skin colour and found to be yielding..

  • $4.90 on the Coles 5 packs - all packs contained fruit with colour.



  • First image below was taken upon entering store. Customers were greeted with a full display of Team Avocado NZ Hass Avocados count 18 with ticket price of $1.30 ea supplied by JH Leavy and Co, complete with spillover. Tray labels applied by JH Leavy on some trays showed fruit packed 8th October therefore fruit age of 19 days but other trays with Team applied label showed fruit packed 28th Sept so fruit age was 29 days. The majority of this fruit was firm, though skin colour was developing in some trays.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.50ea and Odd Bunch 1kg packs at $4.00 each.

  • Avocado mini 550g pack was an organic offering - no price ticket could be found.


  • Australian WA Hass Avocados count 23 supplied priced at $1.20 a piece. Finding the majority of this display was a deep purple black in terms of skin colour and very soft.


  • Count 20 Team Avocado NZ Hass Avocados with ticket price of $1.20 ea. The majority of fruit had developing purple black skin colour; fruit was firm to yielding.

  • 5 piece packs of Australian/NZ Hass ticketed at $4.50ea being supplied by Simpsons and Team Avo.


Retail Market Week 42




In the past week the morning temperatures have definitely warmed up in North Qld with all regions early a.m. temps falling within a range of 17.4 to 20.9C; whilst day time temperatures are giving us a glimpse of summer ranging 30.9 to 36.7C. In terms of rainfall this week Walkamin experienced the highest falls for the week with a total of 46mm whilst Mareeba received 27mm, Innisfail 12mm with Tully being relatively dry this week. If the warm weather experienced over the last week continues then bunch age will be coming back but it is still sitting at 16-17 weeks on farm currently.

The national cut last week was a whopping 562,185 cartons which was a solid increase of 130,632 ctns on the week prior. The forecast for this week to be in a range of 500-520,000 cartons. This will no doubt see continued promotional activity in the banana space next week.

Cavendish in general this week presented better. Less marking in general though fruit is still were exhibiting small minor skin marks, some neck damage; and a small degree of bat/bird marking still being seen. Colour was generally good with more plentiful supplies of fruit ready to eat and brighter bloom than in recent times.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi running a Eastern seaboard catalogue special with fruit priced at at $1.99/kg; Both Coles and Woolies stores in the centres visited rallied to meet this special and had ticketed prices of $2.00-$3.00/kg depending upon store location and proximity to an Aldi store


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



The figures released this week saw Western Australia maintain the lead in production contributing 57% of the total national harvest of some 470,624 trays last week; followed by New Zealand at 16%; Tristates at 11%; Central NSW with 9%;  and South Qld contributing 5%. The remaining 2% came from a combination of the following regions Sunshine Coast, and Tamborine/Northern Rivers. This production figure represents a staggering 33% increase on week prior and was also 4% higher than what was forecast for the week.  All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $1.10- $1.50per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $1.00-$2.00/piece depending upon quality/size. Within the markets things have remained relatively unchanged, premium trays of WA hass are selling in the range of $14 -$20/tray (very good quality getting a little $22) depending upon size and quality of each line; whereas premium NZ fruit is fetching $10-$15 (anything with colour or out-of-date spec is selling for $6-$10).  Pricing for class one fruit has remained stable (main sales) is ranging $6 -$14 per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $6 to $14 (2nds) --$14-$25/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. 

The national production of Hass this week is forecast to be in the vicinity of 420,000 to 440,000 trays and then the forecast is for figures ranging in the range of 500-530,000 trays for the last week of October followed by a couple of weeks of between 420-440K per week for the next fortnight thereafter. You will note that WA have contributed 57% of the national volume last week which equates to approximately 268,000 trays. The weather in the south west corner of WA has experienced rain most days in the last week, whilst early morning minimum temps ranging 7.2 to 13.6C and daytime maximum temps of 16.1 to 27.2C. The Manjimup region experienced 19.2mm of rain in the last week up till Wednesday, with more rain expected late week. Pemberton region has been a little cooler with lows of 6-12.2C and daytime averages of 17.3-27.2C; they too have had rainfall across the week with a total fall of 22mm. Growers are very aware of the increased possibility of nodule damage if fruit is picked and transited during rainfall so structure their week to minimalize the effect that the weather may have.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing and pricing in all three major supermarkets varied a little depending upon store location and banner. NZ stock was older fruit with age ranging 27-29 days; whilst Woolworths stores had a percentage of Australian fruit and therefore fruit was fresher with fruit age ranging 10 to 19 days.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Hass at $1.29ea;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.50 ea or 3 for $4.00; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass also ticketed at $1.10-$1.30ea. The majority of fruit on shelves, was found to be coloured or developing skin colour and yielding to gentle pressure.

Prepack formulations on offer by all major supermarkets provide an opportunity to move greater volumes in a single purchase. Aldi were offering their 6 piece nets on special at $5.99ea ; Coles had their 5 piece pack at $4.90 ea; whilst Woolworths had the 5 pack on offer for $4.50 and the 1kg Odd Bunch ticketed at $3.90/bag on special.

information courtesy of avocados australia


Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were ON SPECIAL, priced at $1.99/kg - minor skin marking and some fruit green

  • Ladyfingers selling at $5.99/kg.


  • Cavendish were priced at $1.99/kg with some clusters exhibiting skin marking; fruit bloom tended to be slightly dull.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg. A number of clusters with minor rub marking.


  • Cavendish were priced at $1.99/kg with some clusters exhibiting skin marking, still seeing some bat/bird marking on random clusters.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg - again clusters found with rub marking throughout.



  • Cavendish bananas were selling at $2.00/kg and kids packs at $2.00/kg - display on both sides of the barge were in need of a refill. Minor skin marking found on a couple of clusters including rust thrip, bronzing and small scars. Kids packs varied in condition with a few having quite dull bloom and skin marking.

  • Red Tips were selling at $4.90 in an off location metal wash tub with false bottom and ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg but not stock within this display.


  • Cavendish at this store were ticketed at $3.00/kg - 40-50% semi coloured fruit on display; kids packs were the same retail price.

  • Red Tips, exhibiting moderate to heavy skin marking, selling at $4.90/kg, Ladyfingers at $7.90/kg, this line having cleaner presentation.


  • Cavendish bananas were displayed on the banana barge at $2.00/kg and Kids banded clusters also at $2.00 (but no stock on display). Fruit bloom was bright. Display in need of a refill.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg with some rub marking and scarring; and Red tips (one only cluster) at $4.90/kg.



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $2.00/kg. Fruit was generally in good condition - most of the display tended to be semi condition in terms of colour stage ; some clusters with light scarring including bat marking.

  • A full banana category on display with Organic clusters priced at $5.50/kg; Ladyfingers at $7.50/kg and Kids banded clusters on special at $2.50. Red tips also on display for $4.50/kg.


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $2.00/kg - fruit presented quite clean in terms of skin marks- odd cluster with some scarring/rub.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.50/kg with some light rub and Red Tips at $4.50/kg.


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $2.00/kg - some minor skin marking on a few clusters and there tended to be a mix of fruit across the eat now and eat later sections.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.50/kg with a number of clusters exhibiting minor skin marking, Red Tips at $4.50/kg; Kids packs at $3.00 and Organic clusters $5.50/kg.



  • Count 23 NZ Hass priced at $1.29 each - fruit supplied by Avoco NZ/Skylark. Packed date of 22nd Sept thereby meaning fruit was 28 days old. Loose hass were displayed in two areas within the produce aisle.

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) were priced at $5.99ea


  • Hass were on display- count 23/25 NZ Hass Avocados were priced at $1.29 each - loose fruit available in various stages of ripeness. Fruit supplied by Freshmax/DBM, packed 21st Sept thereby fruit is 29 days old. Whilst a good percentage of the fruit was just yielding there were also some pieces that were very firm on display.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $5.99ea.


  • Hass were on display- count 23 NZ Freshmax/DBM Hass Avocados were priced at $1.29 each. A good mix of condition in terns of ripeness.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $5.99ea



  • On offer NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark count 23/25; multibuy offer priced at 3 FOR $4.00 or selling singularly at $1.50ea. Displayed on the first end closest to the bakery and also on a table top (fruit on this display green and very firm).

  • Fruit packed 21st Sept therefore fruit is 29 days old - a good mix of fruit maturity on display but also a presence of both some soft and very firm fruit.

  • $4.90 on the 1kg packs - also NZ fruit.

  • $4 per piece for organic hass avocados - top fruit very soft and somewhat hollow.


  • NZ Hass Avocados displayed on an end unit ticketed 3 for $4.00 or $1.50ea - supplied by Avoco/Skylark. A mix of maturities; a few pieces with skin blemishing and sun damage.

  • Coles 5 piece packs retailing at $4.90ea.


  • On offer NZ Hass on multibuy offer priced at 3 FOR $4.00 or selling singularly at $1.50ea. Fruit displayed on an end. Good mix of fruit maturity on offer.

  • $4.90 on the Coles 5 packs - only three packs on display.



  • WA Hass Avocados count 28 with ticket price of $1.10 ea supplied by Avocado Collective. Some tray labels showed fruit packed 1st October therefore fruit aged up to 19 days old. The majority of this fruit was quite soft to touch and needed to be used/eaten.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.50ea, Odd Bunch 1kg packs on special at $3.90 each and organic loose hass ticketed at $3.50ea.


  • Australian Hass Avocados count 23 supplied by Giofrelle’s priced at $1.20 a piece. The display was neat, fruit packed 10th October so fruit age is 10 days. Fruit maturity was just yielding to firm in terms of ripeness.

  • Five piece nets supplied by Simpsons and one other vendor were sound and ticketed at $4.50ea.


  • Larger Count 16/18 Australian Hass Avocados from Giofrelle Growers with ticket price of $1.30 ea. The majority of fruit had purple black skin colour, and fruit was soft to yielding. a few pieces with some sun bleaching and odd piece with shape deformity.

  • 5 piece packs of Australian/NZ Hass ticketed at $4.50ea being supplied by Simpsons; Team Avo and one other vendor.


Retail Market Week 41




In the past week the morning temperatures having finally started warming up in North Qld again in all regions within a range of 16.1 to 20.7C; whilst day time temperatures have ranged 29 to 31.4C. In terms of rainfall all regions have been relatively dry this week with the exception of Walkamin which has experienced light rainfall most days again totaling 40mm for the week. If the warm weather experienced over the last week continues then bunch age will be coming back but it is still sitting at 16-17 weeks on farm currently.

The national cut last week was 431,553 cartons which was a slight increase of 584 ctns on the week prior. The forecast for this week to be in a range of 430-450,000 cartons.

Most lines of displayed fruit were exhibiting small minor skin marks, some with light sap staining; bat/bird marking still being seen; and a lesser degree of rust thrip damage. Colour was generally good with more plentiful supplies of fruit ready to eat and brighter bloom than in recent times .

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi still offering fruit at $2.49/kg; Coles with fruit ticketed at $3.50/kg and Woolworths at $3.50/kg in the stores visited this week. 


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



The figures released this week saw Western Australia maintain the lead in production contributing 48% of the total national harvest of some 353,889 trays last week; followed by New Zealand at 18%; Tristates at 12%; Central NSW with 12%;  and South Qld contributing 8%. The remaining 2% came from a combination of the following regions Sunshine Coast, Tamborine/Northern Rivers; and Central Qld. This production figure represents a 16% decrease on week prior and was also 16% lower than what was forecast for the week.  All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $1.10- $1.50per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $1.00-$2.00/piece depending upon quality/size. Within the markets things have improved a little with volumes being somewhat tidier, premium trays of WA hass are selling in the range of $14 -$20/tray (very good quality getting a little $22) depending upon size and quality of each line; whereas premium NZ fruit is fetching $10-$15 (anything with colour or out-of-date spec is selling for $6-$10).  Pricing for class one fruit has also improved (main sales) is ranging $6 -$14 per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $6 to $14 (2nds) --$14-$25/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. 

The national production of Hass this week is forecast to be in the vicinity of 390,000 to 420,000 trays and then the forecast is for figures ranging in the range of 400-420,000 trays per week for the next three weeks thereafter. You will note that WA have contributed 48% of the national volume last week which equates to approximately 170,000 trays. The weather in the south west corner of WA has experienced rain most days in the last week, whilst early morning minimum temps ranging 4.2 to 10.1C and daytime maximum temps of 14.9 to 19.2C. The Manjimup region experienced 25mm of rain in the last week up till Tuesday. Pemberton region has been a little cooler with lows of 2.6-8.8C and daytime averages of 18-19.2C; they too have had rainfall across the week with between 36-40mm for the week with the majority falling on two days. Growers are very aware of the increased possibility of nodule damage if fruit is picked and transited during rainfall so structure their week to minimalise the effect that the weather may have.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing and pricing in all three major supermarkets varied a little depending upon store location and banner. Stores with solely NZ stock tended to have ripe to over ripe displays with stock feeling very soft and hollow - lot of older fruit around.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Hass at $1.19ea;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.50 ea or 3 for $4.00; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass also ticketed at $1.10-$1.20ea. The majority of fruit on shelves, was found to be coloured or developing skin colour and yielding to gentle pressure.

Prepack formulations on offer by all major supermarkets provide an opportunity to move greater volumes in a single purchase. Aldi were offering their 6 piece nets on special at $4.99ea ; Coles had their 5 piece pack at $4.90 ea; whilst Woolworths had the 5 pack on offer for $4.50 and the 1kg Odd Bunch ticketed at $3.90/bag on special.


Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados

courtesy of australian avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $2.49/kg - minor skin marking (including rub and sap stains) present on displayed fruit and some fruit green,

  • Ladyfingers selling at $5.99/kg.


  • Cavendish were priced at $2.49/kg with some clusters exhibiting skin marking, around 30% semi-condition.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg. A number of clusters with rub marking and superficial bruising.


  • Cavendish were priced at $2.49/kg with some clusters exhibiting skin marking, around 35% semi condition. Still seeing some bat/bird marking on random clusters.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg.



  • Cavendish bananas were selling at $3.50/kg and kids packs at $3.50/kg. Minor skin marking found on a couple of clusters including rust thrip, bronzing and small scars. Kids packs varied in condition with a few having quite dull bloom and skin marking.


  • Cavendish at this store were ticketed at $2.50/kg - 20-30% semi coloured fruit on display; kids packs were the same retail price

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg, Ladyfingers at $7.90/kg small displays almost in need of a top up.


  • Cavendish bananas were displayed on the banana barge at $2.99/kg and Kids banded clusters also at $2.99. Finding small dry scars, bat marking and some rub marking on clusters randomly throughout the display. Fruit bloom was bright.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg with some rub marking and scarring; and Red tips at $4.90/kg.



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.00/kg. Fruit was generally in good condition - most of the display tended to be semi condition in terms of colour stage ; some clusters with light scarring including bat marking.

  • A full banana category on display with Organic clusters priced at $4.50/kg; Ladyfingers at $7.50/kg and Kids banded clusters on special at $2.50. Red tips also on display for $4.50/kg.


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $3.00/kg - a percentage of eat later stock displayed in the area marked eat later but Eat Now stock needing a top up, fruit presented quite clean in terms of skin marks- odd cluster with some scarring/rub.

  • Kids packs at $3.00/kg; Lady Fingers at $7.50/kg with some light rub and Red Tips at $4.50/kg.


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $3.50/kg - some minor skin marking on a few clusters. Dried banana chips also displayed in this category display.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.50/kg with a number of clusters exhibiting minor skin marking, Red Tips at $4.50/kg; Kids packs at $2.50 and Organic clusters $5.00/kg.



  • Count 25 NZ Hass stock priced at $1.19 each - fruit supplied by Avoco NZ/Skylark.

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) were priced at $4.99ea


  • Hass were on display- count 23/25 NZ Hass Avocados were priced at $1.19 each - loose fruit available in various stages of ripeness.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $4.99ea as advertised in the Aldi catalogue.


  • Hass were on display- count 23 NZ Freshmax Hass Avocados were priced at $1.19 each - packed 21st Sept so fruit is 22 days old and very soft - a few pieces feeling hollow.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $4.99ea



  • On offer NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark count 23; multibuy offer priced at 3 FOR $4.00 or selling singularly at $1.50ea.

  • Fruit packed 16th Sept therefore fruit is 27 days old - a good mix of fruit maturity on display but also a presence of some very soft fruit.

  • $4.90 on the 1kg packs - also NZ fruit.


  • NZ Hass Avocados displayed on the table top unit and on an end in trays close to front entrance of the store at 3 for $4.00 or $1.50ea - supplied by Avoco/Skylark. A mix of maturities; a few pieces with skin blemishing and sun damage.

  • Coles 5 piece packs retailing at $4.90ea.


  • On offer NZ Hass on multibuy offer priced at 3 FOR $4.00 or selling singularly at $1.50ea. Fruit displayed on a table top display along glassed store entry and also on an end. Good mix of fruit maturity on offer.

  • $4.90 on the Cokles 5 packs.



  • NZ Hass Avocados count 20 with ticket price of $1.20 ea supplied by Team Avocado. Some tray labels showed fruit packed 13th Sept therefore fruit aged up to 30 days old. Good selection of fruit ready to eat and ready in a day or two.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.50ea, Odd Bunch 1kg packs on special at $3.90 each


  • Australian Hass Avocados count 20 priced at $1.20 a piece supplied by Team Avocado. The display was neat, fruit packed 10th September so fruit age is 33 days. Fruit maturity in terms of ripeness was mixed.


  • Count 23/25 Australian Hass Avocados from WA Collective Growers (packed 16th Sept) and Giofrelle’s with ticket price of $1.10 ea. The majority of fruit had purple black skin colour, and fruit was soft to very soft.

  • 5 piece packs of Australian/NZ Hass ticketed at $4.50ea being supplied by Simpsons; Team Avo and one other vendor.

  • Odd Bunch 1kg packs - decent display selling at $3.90ea


Retail Market Week 40




In the past week the morning temperatures having finally started warming up in North Qld again in all regions within a range of 15.4 to 20.6C; whilst day time temperatures have ranged 25.6 to 36.5C. In terms of rainfall all regions have been relatively dry this week with the exception of Walkamin which has experienced light rainfall most days totally 40mm for the week. If the warm weather experienced over the last week continues then bunch age will be coming back but it is still sitting at 15-17 weeks on farm currently.

The national cut is forecast for this week to be in a range of 440-460,000 cartons.

Most lines of displayed fruit were exhibiting small minor skin marks, some with light sap staining; bat/bird marking still being seen; rust thrip damage; as well as neck creases found on a few lines on shelf. Colour was generally good ie brighter than in recent times though in a number of stores there seemed to be a higher presence of semi-coloured fruit. Whilst fruit bloom has definitely improved over recent weeks, there is still a low level presence of fruit with dull bloom on show in a few stores.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi offering fruit at $2.49/kg; Coles with fruit ticketed at $2.50 - $3.50/kg and Woolworths at $2.50-$3.50/kg in the stores visited this week. 


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



The figures released this week saw Western Australia maintain the lead in production contributing 39% of the total national harvest of some 420,754 trays last week; followed by New Zealand at 25%; Tristates at 17%; Central NSW with 10%;  and South Qld contributing 7%. The remaining 2% came from a combination of the following regions Sunshine Coast, Tamborine/Northern Rivers; and Central Qld. This production figure represents a 4% increase on week prior and was 9% higher than what was forecast for the week.  All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $0.99- $1.50per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $1.00-$2.00/piece depending upon quality/size. Within the markets, premium trays of hass are selling in the range of $12 -$18/tray (very good quality getting a little $18) depending upon size and quality of each line.  Pricing for class one fruit (main sales) is ranging $2 -$9 per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $2 to $12 (2nds) --$12-$20/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. 

The national production of Hass this week is forecast to be in the vicinity of 420,000 to 430,000 trays and then the forecast is for figures ranging in the range of 400-420,000 trays per week for the next three weeks thereafter. You will note that WA have contributed 39% of the national volume last week which equates to approximately 164,000 trays. The weather in the south west corner of WA has experienced rain most days in the last week, whilst early morning minimum temps ranging 3.2 to 11.9C and daytime maximum temps of 12.4 to 16.9C. The Manjimup region experienced 32mm of rain in the last week. Pemberton region has also had further rainfall though BOM is a little scare of data. Growers are very aware of the increased possibility of nodule damage if fruit is picked and transited during rainfall so structure their week to minimalise the effect that the weather may have.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing and pricing in all three major supermarkets varied a little depending upon store location and banner.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Hass at $0.99ea;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.50 ea or 3 for $4.00; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass also ticketed at $1.10ea. The majority of fruit on shelves, was found to be coloured or developing skin colour and yielding to gentle pressure.

Prepack formulations on offer by all major supermarkets provide an opportunity to move greater volumes in a single purchase. Aldi were offering their 6 piece nets on special at $4.99ea ; Coles had their 5 piece pack at $4.90 ea; whilst Woolworths had the 5 pack on offer for $4.50 and the 1kg Odd Bunch ticketed at $3.90/bag on special.

image courtesy of avocados australia


Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $2.49/kg - minor skin marking (including rub and sap stains) present on displayed fruit


  • Cavendish were priced at $2.49/kg with some clusters exhibiting skin marking

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg. A number of clusters with maturity bronzing.



  • Cavendish bananas were on special displayed at $2.50/kg and kids packs at $2.50/kg, fruit presented with the majority being of semi coloured condition. Minor skin markind found on a couple of clusters.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg and Red Tips were priced at $4.90/kg with minor skin marking.


  • Cavendish at this store were ticketed at $2.50/kg - 20-30% semi coloured fruit on display; kids packs were the same retail price

  • Organic Packs at $4.50/kg, Ladyfingers at $7.90/kg


  • Cavendish bananas were displayed at $2.50/kg and Kids banded clusters also at $2.50. Finding small dry scars and some rub marking on clusters randomly throughout the display.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90 and Red tips at $4.90



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $2.50/kg- displayed in the relevant section ie EAT NOW and EAT LATER sections. Fruit was generally in good condition - fruit bloom was generally bright; some clusters with light scarring and neck injuries.

  • A full banana category on display with Organic clusters priced at $5.00/kg; Ladyfingers at $7.50/kg and Kids banded clusters on special at $2.50. Red tips also on display for $5.50/kg.


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $2.50/kg - a percentage of eat later stock displayed in the area marked eat later but no Eat Now stock on display, fruit presented quite clean in terms of skin marks.

  • Kids packs at $2.50/kg with quite of number of these being heavily marked (potentially carry over stock); Lady Fingers at $7.50/kg with some light rub and Red Tips at $5.50/kg.

  • Organic clusters selling at $5.50/kg in the Organic section at this store.


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $3.50/kg - some minor skin marking on a few clusters.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.50/kg only minimal stock, Red Tips at $5.50/kg; Kids packs at $2.50 (heavily marked) and Organic clusters (very clean and present well) on special at $5.00/kg



  • Count 25 NZ Hass stock priced at $1.20 each - fruit supplied by Avoco NZ/Skylark and Freshmax (DBM).

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) were priced at $3.90ea


  • Hass were on display- count 23/25 NZ Hass Avocados were priced at 99c each - fruit still predominantly green and hard.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $4.99ea



  • On offer NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark count 23; multibuy offer priced at 3 FOR $4.00 or selling singularly at $1.50ea.

  • Fruit packed 10th Sept therefore fruit is 26 days old.

  • $4.90 on the 1kg packs - also NZ fruit.


  • A mix of Australian and NZ Hass Avocados count 25, display in trays on an end close to front entrance of the store at 3 for $4.00 or $1.50ea - supplied by Avoco/Skylark and Giofrelle’s.

  • Coles 5 piece packs retailing at $4.90ea. Organic loose hass - only 7 on display selling at $4.00ea - fruit was very ripe.


  • Australian Hass supplied by Nature’s and other growers selling at $1.20ea.

  • 5 piece packs were priced at $5.50 ea.



  • Australian Hass Avocados count 23/25 with ticket price of $1.20 ea supplied by Gill Farms Mildura (Marbiz/Simpsons); Green Nugget (Clarks) and a WA grower The Avocado Collective. Some tray labels showed fruit packed 15th to 21st Sept therefore fruit age 15 to 21 days old. Good selection of fruit ready to eat and ready in a day or two.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.50ea, Odd Bunch 1kg packs on special at $3.50 each


  • Australian Hass Avocados count 23/25 priced at $1.10 a piece supplied by Marbiz/Simpson’s and Nature’s fruit. The display was neat but in need of up a top up of trays at the rear of the unit. Fruit packed 20-21st Sept so fruit age is 15-16 days.

  • This store also had 5 piece Australian hass avocado packs for $4.50 ea - supplied by Simpsons.


  • Count 23 Australian Hass Avocados from Giofrelle’s with ticket price of $1.20 ea. The majority of fruit had green skin colour, approx 25% had developing skin colour. Odd piece found with heavy scarring.

  • 5 piece packs of Australian Hass ticketed at $4.50ea being supplied by Simpsons and one other vendor.


Retail Market Week 39




In the past week the morning temperatures dropped a little again in all regions within a range of 10.2 to 22.3C across the major growing regions in North Qld; whilst day time temperatures have ranged 23.7 to 31C. In terms of rainfall all regions have been relatively dry this week though since Tuesday both Innisfail and Tully have had 22mm and 6mm respectively however Walkamin had an average of 4-8 mm per day. Bunch age will gradually decrease in terms of how long it takes the bunch to form and fill-out but it is still sitting at 15-17 weeks on farm.

The national cut for last week was just over 423,000 cartons which was a 4% decrease on the week prior which equates to some 17,872 ctns less. The forecast for this week is 430-445,000 cartons to be cut nationally.

Most lines of displayed fruit were exhibiting small minor skin marks, some with light bat/bird marking still being seen; rust thrip damage; neck creases and a presence of sap stains found on a few lines on shelf. Colour was generally good ie brighter than in recent times though in a number of stores there seemed to be a higher presence of semi-coloured fruit. Whilst fruit bloom has definitely improved over recent weeks, there is still a low level presence of fruit with dull bloom on show in a few stores.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas was uniform amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi offering fruit at $3.49/kg; Coles with fruit ticketed at $3.50 - $4.00/kg and Woolworths at $3.50-$4.00/kg in the stores visited this week. 


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



The figures released this week saw Western Australia maintain the lead in production contributing 36% of the total national harvest of some 403,787 trays last week; followed by New Zealand at 24%; Tristates at 19%; Central NSW with 10%;  and South Qld contributing 8%. The remaining 3% came from a combination of the following regions Sunshine Coast, Tamborine/Northern Rivers; and Central Qld. This production figure represents a 10% decrease on week prior and was 8% lower than what was forecast for the week.  All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $1.19- $1.20 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $1.00-$2.00/piece depending upon quality/size. Within the markets, premium trays of hass are selling in the range of $10 -$16/tray (very good quality getting a little $18) depending upon size and quality of each line.  Pricing for class one fruit (main sales) is ranging $2 -$9 per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $1 to $5 (2nds) --$10-$20/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. 

The national production of Hass this week is forecast to be in the vicinity of 390,000 to 410,000 trays and then the forecast is for figures ranging in the range of 420-440,000 trays per week for the next three weeks thereafter. You will note that WA have contributed 36% of the national volume last week which equates to approximately 145,000 trays. The weather in the south west corner of WA has been rather cool across the last week with early morning minimum temps ranging 5.1 to 10.7C and daytime maximum temps of 14.7 to 19C. The Manjimup region experienced 12mm of rain since last Sunday. Pemberton region has also had further rainfall though BOM is a little scare of data. Growers are very aware of the increased possibility of nodule damage if fruit is picked and transited during rainfall so structure their week to minimalise the effect that the weather may have.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing and pricing in all three major supermarkets varied a little depending upon store location.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Hass still at $1.19ea;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.20 -$1.30? each; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass also ticketed at $1.20ea. The majority of fruit on shelves, was found to be coloured or developing skin colour and yielding to gentle pressure.

Prepack formulations on offer by all major supermarkets provide an opportunity to move greater volumes in a single purchase. Aldi were offering their 6 piece nets on special at $4.99 - $5.99 ea ; Coles had their 5 piece pack at $5.50 ea; whilst Woolworths had the 5 pack on offer for $4.50 and the 1kg Odd Bunch ticketed at $3.90/bag on special.

image courtesy of avocados australia


Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $3.49/kg - minor skin marking (including thrip, rub and sap stains) present on displayed fruit and approximately one third of the fruit on display was semi-coloured.

  • Lady Fingers ticketed at a keen $5.99/kg.


  • Cavendish were priced at $3.49/kg with some clusters exhibiting skin marking - approximately half of the display was semi colour in condition. Stock carried from the previous day was heavily marked.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg. A number of clusters with maturity bronzing.



  • Cavendish bananas were displayed at $4.00/kg and kids packs at $4.00/kg, fruit presented with the majority being of semi coloured condition. Minor skin marking and major rust thrip damage found on a couple of clusters.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg and Red Tips were priced at $4.90/kg with minor skin marking.


  • Cavendish at this store were ticketed at $4.00/kg - 40% semi coloured fruit on display; kids packs were the same retail price

  • Red tips at $4.90/kg, Ladyfingers at $7.90/kg


  • Cavendish bananas were displayed at $3.50/kg and Kids banded clusters also at $3.50. Again majority of display was semi-coloured fruit. Finding rust thrip damage, sap staining, rub and neck injuries throughout the display. Note both the kids banded packs and the ladyfingers were only semi condition.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90 and Red tips at $4.90



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $5.00/kg- displayed in the relevant section ie EAT NOW and EAT LATER sections. Fruit was generally in good condition - fruit bloom was generally bright; some clusters with light scarring and neck injuries.

  • A full banana category on display with Organic clusters priced at $5.00/kg; Ladyfingers at $7.50/kg and Kids banded clusters on special at $2.50. Red tips also on display for $5.50/kg.


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $3.50/kg - a percentage of eat later stock displayed in the area marked eat now, fruit presented quite clean in terms of skin marks.

  • Kids packs at $2.50/kg with quite of number of these being heavily marked (potentially carry over stock); Lady Fingers at $7.50/kg with some light rub and Red Tips at $5.50/kg.


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $3.50/kg - some minor skin marking on a few clusters.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.50/kg however no stock, Kids packs at $2.50 and Organic on special at $5.00/kg



  • Count 25 NZ Hass stock priced at $1.19 each - fruit supplied by Avoco NZ/Skylark and Freshmax (DBM).

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) were priced at $4.99ea


  • Hass were on display- count 25 NZ Hass Avocados were priced at $1.19 each, from Skylark’s Avoco. Stock packed 2nd September so age is approximately 26 days.

  • 6 piece packs Hass were on offer for $5.99ea Pleased to see shelf price ticket and product swing tags finally match with “Product of New Zealand”.



  • On offer NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark count 23 priced at $1.30ea or $1.20 ea - confusing price signage with different displays stating different unit pricing - approximagely 80% of all fruit whether on table top display or shelf display was of purple black colour or developing skin colour with a range of maturities. Stock packed 1st September so 27 days old.

  • $5.50 on the 1kg packs - also NZ fruit.


  • A mix of Australian and NZ Hass Avocados count 25, display in trays on an end close to front of the store at $1.20ea - supplied by Avoco/Skylark and Giofrelle’s.


  • NZ Hass supplied by Avoco/Skylark selling at $1.20ea displayed on the second end (approx 90% of pieces had skin colour - a good mix of maturities on offer). Fruit packed 31st Aug through to 2nd Sept therefore age is ranging 26 to 28 days.

  • 5 piece packs were priced at $5.50 ea.



  • Australian Hass Avocados count 23 with ticket price of $1.20 ea supplied by Giofrelle’s.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.50ea, 1kg packs on special at $3.50 each


  • Australian Hass Avocados priced at $1.20 a piece also Giofrelle’s fruit. The fruit was well presented, one piece found with heavy skin scarring, appeared to be selling well.

  • This store also had 5 piece Australian hass avocado packs for $4.50 ea and Odd Bunch 1kg nets for $3.90ea.


  • Count 23 NZ Hass Avocados from Team Avocados with ticket price of $1.20 ea. The majority of fruit had green skin colour, approx 15% had developing skin colour. Fruit packed 31st August therefore it was 28 days old.

  • 5 piece packs of Australian Hass ticketed at $4.50ea being supplied by Simpsons and one other vendor and 1kg Odd Bunch nets on special for $3.90ea.


Retail Market Week 38




In the past week the morning temperatures dropped a little in all regions within a range of 12.2 to 17.3C across the major growing regions in North Qld; whilst day time temperatures have ranged 24.8 to 28.7C. In terms of rainfall all regions have been relatively dry including Mareeba as well as Innisfail and Tully with only minor falls however Walkamin had an average of 6-8 mm per day. Bunch age will gradually decrease in terms of how long it takes the bunch to form and fill-out but it is still sitting at 15-16 weeks on farm.

Most lines of displayed fruit were exhibiting small minor skin marks, some with light bat/bird marking still being seen; rust thrip damage; neck creases and a presence of sap stains found on a few lines on shelf. Colour was generally good ie brighter than in recent times though in a number of stores there seemed to be a higher presence of semi-coloured fruit (a few of these were a little greener than semi-coloured). Still seeing a low presence of fruit with dull bloom on show in stores. Signage continued to be displayed in both Coles and Woolworths stores alerting their customers of the impact of cold winter temperatures on bananas during growth resulting in a dull bloom, yet fruit is still sweet to eat.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas was uniform amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi offering fruit at $3.49/kg; Coles with fruit ticketed at $3.50/kg and Woolworths at $3.50-$4.00/kg in the stores visited this week. 


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



The figures released this week saw Western Australia maintain the lead in production contributing 33% of the total national harvest of some 449,010 trays last week; followed by New Zealand at 23%; Tristates at 20%; Central NSW with 13%;  and South Qld contributing 9%. The remaining 2% came from a combination of the following regions Sunshine Coast, Tamborine/Northern Rivers; and Central Qld. This production figure represents a 40% increase on week prior and was 5% higher than what was forecast for the week.  All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $1.19- $1.30 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $1.00-$2.00/piece depending upon quality/size. Within the markets, premium trays of hass are selling in the range of $10 -$16/tray depending upon size and quality of each line.  Pricing for class one fruit (main sales) is ranging $2 -$9 per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $1 to $5 (2nds) --$10-$20/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. 

The national production of Hass this week is forecast to be in the vicinity of 430,000 to 440,000 trays and then the forecast is for figures ranging in the range of 420-450,000 trays per week for the next three weeks thereafter. You will note that WA have contributed 33% of the national volume last week which equates to approximately 148,000 trays. The weather in the south west corner of WA has been rather cool across the last week with early morning minimum temps ranging 2.4 to 9.9C and daytime maximum temps of 12.0 to 17.4C. The Manjimup region experienced 27mm of rain up to last Sunday and whilst it has been relatively dry for the start of this week the skies are grey and overcast and from Sunday on, daily rainfall is predicted for the next week. The Pemberton region has already experienced rainfall this week and again more is forecast. So this means picking and packing may be interrupted next week.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing and pricing in all three major supermarkets varied a little depending upon store location.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Hass still at $1.19ea;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.20 each; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass also ticketed at $1.20 - $1.30ea - even though a couple of stores had old price signage up at $1 ea on our visits - this was soon remedied. The majority of fruit on shelves, was found to be coloured or developing skin colour and yielding to gentle pressure.

Prepack formulations on offer by all major supermarkets provide an opportunity to move greater volumes in a single purchase. Aldi were offering their 6 piece nets on special at $4.99 ea ; Coles had their 5 piece pack at $5.50 ea; whilst Woolworths had the 5 pack on offer for $4.50 and the 1kg Odd Bunch ticketed at $3.90/bag on special.

Courtesy of avocado australia


Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $3.49/kg - minor skin marking (including bat/bird marks) present on displayed fruit and around half the fruit on display was green

  • Lady Fingers in hands stocked so that customers have to pull off the number they require, ticketed at a keen $5.99/kg.


  • Cavendish were priced at $3.49/kg with some clusters exhibiting skin marking

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg.


  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $3.49/kg - minor skin marking present, sap stains, bat/bird marking and a few neck injuries were present.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg - ladyfingers were clustered and exhibited some minor skin marking.



  • Cavendish bananas were displayed at $3.50/kg and kids packs at $3.50/kg (one only pack on display), fruit presented with the majority being of semi coloured condition. Minor skin marking and major rust thrip damage found on a couple of clusters.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg but no stock and Red Tips were priced at $5.50/kg with minor skin marking.


  • Cavendish at this store were ticketed at $3.50/kg - 90% semi coloured fruit on display - currently being refilled and tidied not positon of bottom layer of barge with two clusters deep and positioning can encourage bruising on the outer whorls; kids packs were the same retail price and had more colour. Cavendish were Reidy’s Bananas packed 2nd Sept.

  • Red tips at $5.50/kg, Ladyfingers at $7.90/kg, both Red Tips and Lady Fingers were considerably green though there were some clusters with colour on the bottom layer.


  • Cavendish bananas were displayed at $3.50/kg and Kids banded clusters also at $3.50. Again majority of display was semi-coloured fruit.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90(no stock) and Red tips at $5.50(needing refilling)



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.50/kg- displayed in the relevant section ie EAT NOW and EAT LATER - minimal stock in the eat later section and a little of this was in the eat now area. Fruit was generally in good condition - fruit bloom was generally bright; some clusters with rub marking, light bat/bird marking.

  • A full banana category on display with Red tips priced at $5.50/kg; Ladyfingers at $7.50/kg and Kids banded clusters on special at $2.50.


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $3.50/kg - a percentage of eat later stock displayed in the area marked eat now, fruit presented quite clean in terms of skin marks.

  • Kids packs at $2.50/kg exhibited some rub marking; Lady Fingers at $7.50/kg with some light rub and Red Tips at $5.50/kg.

  • Note the product information cards, one for each line with a QR code by which shoppers can access more product information and recipes.


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $4.00/kg - some minor skin marking on a few clusters.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.50/kg with maturity bronzing and multiple small skin marks evident, Red tips at $5.50/kg majority of which were semi condition, Kids packs at $2.50 and Organic at $5.50/kg


  • Cavendish at $2.99/kg and Lady Fingers at $5.99/kg, some marking on all fruit



  • Count 25 NZ Hass stock priced at $1.19 each, some of the stock packed 23rd August (30 days old) - fruit supplied by Avoco NZ and Skylark

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) were priced at $4.99ea - Shelf price tag still says Product of Australia whilst swing tag states Product of New Zealand.


  • Hass were on display- count 23 & 25 NZ Hass Avocados were priced at $1.19 each, from Skylark’s Avoco. Stock packed 23rd to 27th August so age is ranging 26 to 30 days.

  • 6 piece packs Hass were on offer for $4.99ea - same issue with shelf label stating Product of Australia whilst swing tags state Product of NZ.


  • Count 23 & 25 Hass supplied by Avoco - Skylark and Freshmax (DBM); priced at $1.19 each. Fruit was firm to soft. Packed dates of 23rd to 30th August. One tray of count 23’s packed 12th Sept.

  • 6 piece packs of Hass were priced at $4.99ea - same issue with shelf label stating Product of Australia whilst swing tags state Product of NZ.



  • On offer a mix of NZ and Australian fruit. Avoco and Skylark Avocados count 20 + Giofrelle Australian Hass Count 23 priced at $1.20ea - primarily all fruit whether on table top display or shelf display was of purple black colour or developing skin colour with a range of maturities. NZ Stock packed 23rd August so 30 days old and Australian stock packed 8th September meaning it was 14 days old.


  • Hass Avocados count 23, display in trays on an end close to front of the store at $1.20ea - supplied by Avoco/Skylark packed 26th August meaning the fruit is 27 days old.

  • 5 piece packs at $5.50 were also displayed on the same end - contained Australian Hass, needed restocking.


  • NZ Hass supplied by Avoco/Skylark selling at $1.20ea displayed on the second end (approx 50% of pieces had skin colour - a good mix of maturities on offer).

  • 5 piece packs were priced at $5.50 - filled with Australian Hass - a well presented display.



  • Hass Avocados count 23 supplied by Googa’s with ticket price of $1.00 ea - displayed on the front of the A frame display unit opposite entry to produce department; though the smaller shelf price ticket same side and on the reverse side of the display top right, had fruit at $1.20 ea. Fruit was packed on 10th Sept so just 12 days old.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.50ea


  • Large counts 16/18 Hass supplied by NZ Team Avocados, fruit priced at $1.30 a piece. The fruit was well presented both sides and selling well. Fruit packed 24th August so 29 days old.

  • This store also had 5 piece Australian hass avocado packs for $4.50 ea and Odd Bunch 1kg nets fo $3.90ea.


  • Count 23 NZ Hass Avocados from Team Avocados with ticket price of $1.20 ea. The majority of fruit had developing skin colour.

  • 5 piece packs of Australian Hass ticketed at $4.50ea and 1kg Odd Bunch nets for $3.90ea.

Independent retailer - FRESH SENSATIONS CAPALABA

Hass avocados - nice quality fruit at 2 for $4.00


Retail Market Week 37




In the past week the morning temperatures are starting to warm up within a range of 14.5 to 20.1C across the major growing regions in North Qld; whilst day time temperatures have ranged 22.1 to 32.5C. In terms of rainfall all regions have been relatively dry this week in Mareeba and Walkamin but all other NQ growing regions have experienced 18-20mm each for the week. Now that the weather is warming bunch age will gradually decrease in terms of how long it takes the bunch to form and fill-out or if you prefer, as the sunlight hours increase together with warmer temperatures growth will hasten - we are now seeing bunch age range 15-16 weeks on farm.

Most lines of displayed fruit were exhibiting small minor skin marks, some with light bat/bird marking; neck creases and a presence of sap stains as well as a little sooty mould found on a few lines. Colour was generally good through out with stores offering both coloured and semi-coloured fruit (a few of these were a little greener than semi-coloured though). Still seeing some fruit with dull bloom on show in stores. Signage continued to be displayed in both Coles and Woolworths stores alerting their customers of the impact of cold winter temperatures on bananas during growth resulting in a dull bloom, yet fruit is still sweet to eat.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied between the major supermarkets with Aldi offering fruit at $3.49/kg; Coles with fruit ticketed at $3.00/kg and Woolworths at $3.50/kg in the stores visited this week. 


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



The figures released this week saw yet another change of guard with respects to the lead in production with Western Australia contributing 29% of the total national harvest of some 320 807 trays last week; followed by Tristates at 27%; Central NSW with 18%;  South Qld contributing 13%; and New Zealand contributing 7%. The remaining 6% came from a combination of the following regions Sunshine Coast, Tamborine/Northern Rivers; Central Qld and North Qld. This production figure represents an 19% decrease on week prior and was 18% lower than what was forecast for the week.  All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $0.99- $1.30 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $0.49 - $1.00/piece. Within the markets, premium trays of hass are selling in the range of $10 -$16/tray depending upon size and quality of each line.  Pricing for class one fruit (main sales) is ranging $1 -$8 per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $1 to $5 (2nds) --$10-$20/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. 

The national production of Hass this week is forecast to be in the vicinity of 420,000 to 430,000 trays and then the forecast shows figures ranging in the range of 420-450,000 trays per week for the next three weeks thereafter. You will note that WA have contributed 29% of the national volume last week which equates to approximately 93,000 trays. The weather in the south west corner of WA has been rather cool across the last week with early morning minimum temps ranging 2.7 to 9.2C and daytime maximum temps of 12.6 to 20.3C. The Manjimup region experienced 34mm of rain up to last Sunday and then it has been relatively dry throughout the remainder of this week though another front has been forecast so we may see more rain late this week.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing and pricing in all three major supermarkets varied a little depending upon store location.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Hass still at $0.99ea;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.20 each; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass also ticketed at $1.20 ea. The majority of fruit on shelves, was found to be coloured or developing skin colour and yielding to gentle pressure.

Prepack formulations on offer by all major supermarkets provide an opportunity to move greater volumes in a single purchase. Aldi were offering their 6 piece nets on special at $4.99 ea ; Coles had their 5 piece pack at $5.50 ea and 1kg I’m Perfect packs selling at $3.90ea; whilst Woolworths had the 5 pack on offer for $4.50 and the 1kg Odd Bunch ticketed at $3.50/bag on special.

Courtesy Avocados australia


Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $3.49/kg - minor skin marking (including bat/bird marks) present on displayed fruit and around half the fruit on display was green

  • Lady Fingers in hands stocked so that customers have to pull off the number they require, ticketed at a keen $5.99/kg.


  • Cavendish were priced at $3.49/kg with some clusters exhibiting skin marking

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg.


  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $3.49/kg - minor skin marking present, sap stains, bat/bird marking and a few neck injuries were present.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg - ladyfingers were clustered and exhibited some minor skin marking.



  • Cavendish bananas were displayed at $3.00/kg and kids packs at $3.00/kg, fruit presented with a section that were semi coloured which would be ready to eat in a few days and coloured fruit

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg, with rub marking and bruising, low on stock


  • Cavendish at this store were ticketed at $3.00/kg - only semi coloured fruit on display and both sides of the banana barge were in need of a refill; kids packs were the same retail price - one pack only on display.

  • Red tips at $5.50/kg - 2 singles only on display, Ladyfingers also at $7.90/kg had bronzing, rub and minor skin marking.


  • Cavendish bananas were displayed at $3.00/kg and Kids banded clusters also at $3.00. Again majority of display was semi-coloured fruit.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90 and Red tips at $5.50



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.50/kg- fruit based on condition was being displayed in the relevant section ie EAT NOW and EAT LATER. Fruit was generally in good condition - some dull clusters present; some clusters with rust thrip damage, light bat/bird marking.

  • A full banana category on display with Red tips priced at $4.00/kg and Organic Clusters at $5.50/kg; Ladyfingers at $7.50/kg and Kids banded clusters on special at $2.50.


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $3.50/kg - stock was displayed in the correct sections, fruit presented quite clean in terms of skin marks.

  • Kids packs at $2.50/kg were heavily marked; Lady Fingers at $7.50/kg with some light rub and scarring of skin also a few clusters found to have splitting peel.


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $3.00/kg - some minor skin marking on a few clusters.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.50/kg with maturity bronzing evident, Red tips at $4.00/kg some of the clusters exhibiting sooty mould, Kids packs at $2.50 and Organic at $5.50/kg

Independent Retailer - Garden City

  • Cavendish at $2.49/kg



  • Count 25 NZ Hass stock priced at 99c each, some of the stock packed 21st August (25 days old) - fruit supplied by Avoco NZ

  • 6 piece packs of Hass were priced at $4.99ea note incorrect ticketing on display - swing tag states Product of NZ whilst price ticket states Product of Australia?


  • Hass were on display- count 25 NZ Hass Avocados were priced at 99c each, packed 19th August so these were 27 days old from Skylark’s Avoco and also supplied by Freshmax DBM.

  • 6 piece packs Hass for $4.99ea were on offer - incorrect ticketing on display - swing tag states Product of NZ whilst price ticket states Product of Australia?


  • Count 25 Hass supplied by Avoco - Skylark; stock packed 17th August so 29 days old and priced at 99c each. Fruit was quite soft.

  • 6 piece packs of Hass were priced at $4.99ea - incorrect ticketing on display - swing tag states Product of NZ whilst price ticket states Product of Australia? Prepacks contained Seeka fruit.



  • Giofrelle Avocados count 23 priced at $1.20ea - primarily all fruit whether on table top display or shelf display was of purple black colour and softening to very soft. Stock appeared to be packed 1st September meaning it was 14 days old.

  • 5 piece packs ticketed at $5.50ea but display area was empty.

  • Organic Hass Avocados available singularly for $4.00 ea - quality of these is a marked improvement on previous lines.


  • Hass Avocados count 23, display in trays on an end close to front of the store at $1.20ea - supplied by Giofrelle’s packed 1st September meaning the fruit is 14 days old.

  • 5 piece packs at $5.50 were also displayed on the same end.

  • Loose organic Hass avocados selling for $4.00 were of good quality .


  • Interestingly, this store had NQ Hass Avocados Count 25 and 28 supplied by Simpson Farms (grower - Dorian - was one of DBM/Freshmax Brisbane’s) loose selling at $1.20ea displayed on the second end (approx 65% of pieces had skin colour and a percentage were softening/soft). This stock was packed 27th August meaning it was 19 days old.

  • 5 piece packs were priced at $5.50 however there was no stock, same with 1kg packs priced at $3.90 - no stock.



  • Hass Avocados supplied by Giofrelle’s with ticket price of $1.20 ea - displayed on the A frame display unit opposite entry to produce department. Fruit was packed on 5th Sept so just 10 days old.


  • Count 23/25 Hass supplied by multiple growers including Marbiz; Natures Fruit Company and Churinga Orchards and Giofrelles with assorted packed dates of 31st August so 15 days old to 2nd Sept so 13 days old. Fruit priced at $1.20 a piece. Majority were clean and presented wel though a few soft pieces amongst display. Majority of fruit had purple black skin colour and was yielding to gentle pressure.

  • 1kg Odd Bunch packs were priced at $3.90 ea while 5 piece nets were $4.50 each.

  • Produce team members had bagged up more forward fruit with a bag sticker/label of 2 for the price of one.

  • This store also had loose organic hass avocados for $3.50 ea - product was ripe. Netted bags of organic hass with no price ticket to be found.


  • Count 23 Hass Avocados supplied by Green Nugget and Heather’s (Grower B&M Trousdell) (packed 2nd September so fruit is 13 days old) with ticket price of $1.20 ea. Two separate display areas. A little rub marking/nodule damaged found on a few pieces.

  • 5 piece packs supplied by Simpson Farms ticketed at $4.50ea.

Independent retailer

Hass avocados - nice quality fruit prepacks at just $2.49 each.