Retail Market Week 6 - 2022




The weather patterns of heat, sunshine and plentiful rain have again been a constant again this week in far north Queensland. Morning temperatures have continued to be rather balmy across all NQ regions with early a.m. temps falling within a range of 19 to 24.6C; day time temperatures have been pushing close to a top of 34.4C with a range of 26.2 to 34.4C. In terms of rainfall up to Wednesday all major North Qld growing regions received moderate to heavy falls with Tully receiving the most rain with some 201mm; Innisfail receiving 167mm; Walkamin receiving 112mm; and Mareeba with a total of 112mm falling across the week. Cavendish banana bunch age is now at 14-15 weeks, with fruit quality generally found to be good overall in the packshed. With the warm days coupled with the rainfall will continue to promote hastened fruit growth so it is important for all farms to stay on top of girth measurements to ensure overall fruit length and girth is not exceeding specification.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $2.49 to $3.49/kg this week. The markets all have good supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $10-$26 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

Cavendish in general this week presented reasonably well. Whilst we saw a presence of heat stress fruit on most shelves there seemed to be more on both the Aldi and Coles displays this week. With the extremes of heat in the various growing regions over the last month; depending farm location, elevation and the irrigation programme being followed etc some farms have a percentage of heat stressed plants which subsequently produce heat stressed bunches. To minimise the impact of heat stress on plants, Rockridge ensures irrigation programmes are adjusted and undertaken at suitable times of the day. Fruit at these stores had a presence of low level minor dry scar; rust thrip damage; bronzing; small rub marks; rub marking and sap staining. Colour was generally good with more plentiful supplies of fruit ready to eat.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $2.49/kg; Woolies offered fruit at $3.00/kg and Coles offered fruit at $3.50 to $3.90/kg.


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows:

  • Week 5 - 514,277 trays harvested and consigned this week which represents a significant decrease of 17%( or some 101,925 trays) on Week 4 2022 production - WA production accounted for 76% of this; NZ contributed 10% (again shipping delays have impacted this proportional supply); 9% from NQ (new season Shepards) and the remaining 5% came from Central NSW.

  • The average industry dispatch per week over the last four week period has been 548,056 trays, which if continued will see the industry fall short by approximately 200K trays for the season’s original forecast.

  • It is forecast that a total of 546K trays will be despatched this week nationally.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $1.19- $1.50 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $1.50-$2.00/piece or 3 large pieces for $5 depending upon quality/size. Within the markets we have seen a slight lift in Hass pricing with premium trays of WA hass are selling in the range of $18 -$24/tray depending upon size and quality of each line; whereas premium NZ fruit is fetching $16-$20.  Pricing for class one fruit has remained stable (main sales) is ranging $10 -$16per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $8 to $16 (2nds) --$18-$28/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size. The markets are receiving the early North Qld Shepards with some farms electing to commence spot picking their larger Shepards ; supplies on the market are of good quality though there is sadly the presence of a couple of lines that are immature; talking to a number of agents indicates that demand for Shepards is somewhat lacking at this point with plentiful supplies of Hass still available.

With the primary production state continuing to be Western Australian it is pertinent to consider the weather in this region. The weather in Manjimup has seen early somewhat milder morning minimum temps ranging 9.6 to 20.2C and daytime maximum temps of 20.4 to 41.9C. The weather this week saw some real extremes in terms of maximum temperatures reached with only 11.4mm since the previous Monday. The available meteorological data for the Pemberton region shows milder early mornings temps of 11.2-13.7C; unfortunately there were no recordings for day time temperatures in this region this week though there was 17.1 mm of rain recorded since the previous Monday. We have noted the presence of a little more nodule damage in the last couple of weeks and we are trying to evaluate if the severe periods of dry heat we are experienced are a potential cause?? Our WA season is almost at an end, so whilst we are keen to investigate our theories on the relationship of extreme field heat as a causation effect relatable to nodule damage, we may run out of time this season.

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing with pricing being the main variable in the major supermarkets based upon store location; sizing stocked and banner. The majority of stores this week were stocking NZ stock, with Hass fruit age in all stores was found to be ranging 15 to 27 days. A number of Woolworths stores were found to be stocking both Hass and new season Shepards; with half of the display devoted to each varietal. Interestingly, the Shepards were positioned in prime position, ie first visible line in the department and at one store visited (Kenmore) the number of pieces sold by 9.15am on the Wednesday morning were 22 x Shepards and 23 x Hass; both ticketed at $1.50ea.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld Hass avos selling with a ticket price of $1.19ea; Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.20 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass (large sizes) ticketed at $1.30 to $1.50ea depending upon fruit size and store location. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to firm.

Shhh!…. the Shepard Avocados are here….

For those who love the creamy texture of the Shepard and appreciate the fact that the flesh does not oxidise when cut, then you will be very pleased to know that the North Queensland Shepard season is finally underway. A few of our farms have had dry matter tests undertaken in the last week upon their new season Shepards ( a range of sizes were submitted for testing); with results ranging 20.9% to 26.2%. This is very promising indeed and should present customers with an excellent eating experience. This is just want we want - a positive experience so that repeat purchases are encouraged. Armed with this information, our own farms will commence harvest next week, with spot picking of larger sizes at this stage - a slow start so that we can test all systems and train new staff members.

Some of the region has been experiencing more than their fair share of rain in the last two-three weeks (ranging 79 to 110mm), we are hoping this is well and truly passed by the time we are due to commence picking, so that nodule damage and body rots do not become a potential issue.


Left to Right: Woolworths Shepard, Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $2.49/kg - some marking on a few clusters including bronzing, rust thrip marking, scarring and rub - fruit colour was generally good.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg - in hands customers had to pull apart.


  • A full display of Cavendish were priced at $2.49/kg with fruit presenting with minimal marking. Display was full, few clusters found with rub, but otherwise good range of colour and bloom.

  • No Lady Fingers in stock.


  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $2.49/kg with minimal marking.

  • Lady Fingers were displayed at $5.99/kg - these were in hands customers had to pull apart.




  • Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge with fruit selling at $3.90/kg, Kids packs were also priced at $3.90/kg.

  • Red Tips at $4.90/kg, Organics at $5.50/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg.


  • Cavendish displayed at $3.50/kg. Some light rub marking - but generally good bloom at this store.

  • Kids packs also at $3.50ea, good colour.


  • Cavendish bananas displayed at $3.50/kg with some marking, scarring and bruising. A presence of heat stressed fruit found at this store with underpeel discolouration and outward darkened/dull appearance.

  • Red tips in stock at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg - a few clusters with light bat scratching and light bronzing.




  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.00/kg. The majority of fruit presented well and fairly free of marking - small rub, light scars - bloom was good. Packed on 24th Jan - so fruit age 16 days.

  • Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg; Kids packs $2.50ea and Red tips ticketed at $4.90/kg.

  • Organic clusters $5.50/kg presented very cleanly.


  • Cavendish were priced at $3.00/kg - fruit presented quite cleanly, odd cluster with scarring. Display was neat. Kids banded clusters selling at $2.50.

  • Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg, Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Organics at $5.50/kg a few of which appeared dull.


  • Cavendish bananas priced at $3.00/kg with good bloom and some with light marking - couple found with superficial development of crown mould.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $7.90/kg (some clusters with rub and developing maturity bronzing), Red tips at $4.90/kg and Organic variety at $5.50/kg.




  • Count 23 NZ Skylark Hass priced at $1.19 each on special. Displayed in two locations. Fruit was of mixed maturity. Packed 13th January - therefore fruit age is 26 days.

  • 6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) on special were priced at $4.49ea.


  • Hass were on display- Count 23 NZ Skylark Hass Avocados packed 17th January (22 days old) were priced at $1.19 each - majority of which were just yielding to gentle pressure.

  • 6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $4.49ea.


  • Count 23 NZ Skylark Hass priced at $1.19 each, packed 17th January therefore fruit is 24 days old.

  • 6 piece packs of NZ Hass were priced at $4.49ea.




  • On offer NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark on offer priced at $1.20ea. A neat and well stocked display though the majority of fruit was quite firm.

  • 5 piece packs at $5.50ea.


  • NZ Skylark Count 25 Hass Avocados ticketed $1.20 ea . A mix of maturities - Fruit packed 10th January therefore fruit age was 28 days.

  • Coles 5 piece packs retailing at $5.50ea - using NZ fruit.


  • Count 25 Hass Avocados ticketed at $1.20ea, packed 13th January, which means fruit was 27 days old.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $5.50ea.




  • Both Count 18 WA Avocado Collective Hass AND Count 20 Greenskin Shepard Avocados with ticket price of $1.50 ea displayed on A frame displays just inside the entrance to the produce department. The shepards were positioned on the front of the display unit which greeted customers as they entered the store and included a spillover display. Fruit packed - Hass packed 19th; Sheps packed 31st January so fruit age was 9-19 days old. Fruit yielding to gentle pressure. Isolated findings of body rot on new season Shepards.

  • 5 piece packs of Hass at $5.50ea and Organic packs at $4.00ea.


  • Another neat display of both NZ Team Avocado Hass in count 20 and Greenskin Shepards count 23, priced at $1.50 a piece Fruit ripeness - a mix of maturities on offer.

  • Fruit packed: Hass packed 25th January - Shepards packed 1st February so fruit age is 8-10 days.

  • A few stings found amongst the Shepard display.


  • Hass and Shepards both with ticket price of $1.20ea, Hass packed 25th January meaning fruit was 16 days old and Shepards packed 1st Feb so 8 days old - shepards were very firm, again a presence of a few stings in this variety.

  • 5 piece packs at $5.50ea, a special in comparison to last week ($6.00/pack).

  • Organic 5 mini packs of Hass ticketed at $7.50 ea