Retail Market Week 16 - 2022
Last week we saw the total banana industry production reduce slightly to 403K cartons, which represented a decrease of 2,300 cartons on the week prior. The weather patterns are showing signs of change with slightly cooler mornings and peaks under 30C in the far North this week. Morning temperatures have been be a touch cooler across all NQ regions with early a.m. temps falling within a range of 17.1- to 22C; whilst day time temperatures have been similar to last week with a top of just 30C -within a range of 26.1 to 30C across the week. In terms of rainfall, all major North Qld growing regions receiving light to moderate falls with increasing precipitation predicted for late this week. Both Innisfail and Tully regions received 58.8mm down to 53.6mm throughout the week with falls of up to 100mm predicted from Friday. Walkamin and Mareeba had much lighter rainfall ranging 3.4mm to 5.8mm for the week. Cavendish banana bunch age is still in the vicinity of 14-15 weeks, with fruit quality generally found to be good overall in our packshed though we continue to grade out some light scarring. As we are now in the autumnal season the weather will continue to gradually cool and we will see bunch age increase over the coming weeks and months.
Independent retailers were selling bananas at $1.99 to $2.99/kg this week. The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $12-$22 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.
The presentation of Cavendish presented reasonably well, in fact if making a generalised statement across all major banners there was considerable improvement with cleaner fruit with good bloom. There was still a presence of minor dry scar; minor neck damage; as well as bronzing; bruising; small rub marks and sap staining but less significant in comparison to the the preceding four week period. Colour was generally good; though notably Aldi stores seemed to have a higher proportion of semi-colour fruit at all three stores visited this week.
Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas with little variance this week in comparison to the week prior and amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $2.99/kg; whilst both Woolies and Coles offered fruit at $3.00-$3.50/kg depending upon location visited.
Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays
In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows:
· Week 15 - 340,043 trays harvested and consigned this week which represents a 12% decrease ( or some 44,581 less cartons) on Week 14 -2022 production – North Qld maintains the lead in production accounting for 68% of this; followed by Central Qld with 23%; then WA at 5%; 3% from Central NSW and the remaining 1% coming from South Qld.
· The average industry dispatch per week over the last four week period has been 406,370 trays.
· It is forecast that a total of 270K trays will be despatched this week nationally, lower volumes indicating that the Shepard season is nearing its end but also been impacted by reduced harvestable days due to Easter and Anzac day public holidays, The week after the forecast is for a further 200K Shepard trays to be harvested nationally.
Whilst we are not quite there yet, it is important to look ahead to the new season, should I say TRUE Hass Avocado projections for the next few weeks according to industry figures supplied by Avocados Australia by week number with forecasts as follows: Week 15W/E 15/4 - 36K; Week 16 W/E 22/4 - 63K; Week 17 W/E 29/4 - 136K; Week 18 W/E 6/5- 214K; Week 19 W/E 13/5 - 258K. By these industry projections, fruit supplies from Week Ending 13th May will be starting to reach numbers that will ensure a consistent supply of Hass.
All major supermarkets are selling premium Shepards’ at $1.19 to $1.20ea . Hass, new season NQ fruit, were found at Woolworths stores selling these at $1.50-$1.80 per piece and Coles for $1.20, though there is a difference in size of fruit; whilst independents were selling larger class one NQ Hass for $2.00/piece or 3 large pieces for $5 and loose Shepards at $0.99 cents each and a 4 piece prepack for $2.99 - depending upon variety/quality/size. Hass pricing remained steady with a top now of $18/tray and a range of $14 -$18/tray for premium. Shepard’s are only fetching a top of $10.00-$13.00/tray for premiums in the market; with class one Shepards’ back to $6-$9/tray and Bulks $7 to $15 depending upon grade and quality.
The weather in North Qld for our Shepard crop has seen daytime temperatures ranging 17.1 to 30.2C with light rain at the start of the week and increasing rain towards the latter part of the week with predicted falls of 50-100mm across this coming weekend. A number of our growers have finished picking their Shepard crop and are preparing for their Hass season. Rock Ridge will be be harvesting Shepard again this coming week in an effort to complete our Shepard season, though we may have a very light pick into the first full week of May in order to complete this task. We are aiming to commence our Hass harvest either late this week or early the following week.
Whilst we have seen early season or autumn Hass on the market for some weeks, true hass crop is looking good - we have sent fruit off for dry matter testing this week from different farms with results ranging 22.3 to 24.1%. The industry guideline is to reach a minimum of 23% dry matter to ensure fruit maturity, so whilst a couple of farms are ready to commence harvest, others will have further fruit samples sent for dry matter testing in another couple of weeks.
Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing. Pricing this week varied greatly across major supermarkets - as well as a variation noted in the sizing stocked by each banner. Fruit age for Shepards age ranged 9 to 20 days; whilst new season Hass tended to be around 12-14 days old. Both Woolworths stores and Coles stores are stocking NQ Autumn varieties of Hass as well as the green skin Shepards; with half of the display devoted to each varietal in most cases. Woolworths offer the different varieties at different price points; whilst Coles are offering both varieties at the same price point.
In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows: Aldi Qld had Shepard avos selling at a hot ticket price of $0.99ea; Coles Qld had both NQ Shepards and new season Autumn Hass ticketed at $1.20 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays Shepards at $1.00-$1.40ea and new season NQ Hass ticketed at $1.50-$1.80ea, depending upon location. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to firm. There was a notable increase in skin marking and bruising this week as noted in each store visited below. There was a greater proportion of Hass yielding to gentle pressure in comparison with Shepards in general.
Left to Right: Top Woolworths Shepard and Woolworths Hass'; Bottom left -Aldi Shepard and Right -Coles Shepard Avocados
A full display of Cavendish Bananas ticketed at $2.99/kg - Neck injury and scarring common - a few clusters found to be spotting. Fruit bloom was good.
Lady Fingers at $5.99/kg, in clusters for customers.
A display of Cavendish were priced at $2.99/kg. approximately 60% of the display were semi-colour in condition - fruit was reasonably clean though some light sap stains and small marks found.
Lady Fingers priced at $5.99. These were also slightly green.
A full display of Cavendish priced at $2.99/kg. Most stock at this store was semi-colour in condition, in both Cavendish and Lady Finger lines. Light skin marking could be found but generally fruit was presenting much better than in recent weeks in this chain.
Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.
Cavendish bananas displayed at $3.00/kg - a fairly well presented display; some minor skin marking but generally good bloom.
Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg.
Cavendish displayed at $3.50/kg - a predominance of semi colour fruit on this dispaly - a few clusters with slightly dull hue. Kid’s packs also at $3.50.
Red tips at $4.90/kg, Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg - both of these lines presented well.
Cavendish bananas, display priced at $3.00/kg. A presence of skin marking including, sap stains, small skin scars, superficial and major bruising observed - but again an improvement on recent weeks.
Red tips in stock at $4.90/kg, a few clusters quite green, Organic at $4.90/kg and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg.
Cavendish priced at $3.00/kg - fruit presented quite cleanly, odd cluster with scarring; definite eat now and eat later sections found on this display. Kids packs at $2.50ea. Display was neat.
Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.90/kg. Organic Variety at $4.50/kg.
Cavendish bananas priced at $3.50/kg - small rub, light scar and neck damage - bloom was good. Kids packs at $2.50ea.
Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg.
Red Tips priced at $4.90/kg and Organic variety at $4.50/kg.
Display of Cavendish in single layer, needing a refill, were priced at $3.00/kg. Display was predominantly clean.
Lady Fingers priced at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $4.90/kg. Organics were also in stock at $4.50/kg - a few clusters found to be spotting.
Count 18 Shepards from Greenskins priced at $0.99 each.
5 piece Shepard packs (supplied by Simpsons) introduced recently to the Aldi range priced at $4.49ea whilst the original 1kg Market Buy packs priced at $3.99ea.
Count 25 Shepards supplied from Simpson Farms packed 6th April (14 days old) were on display - priced at $0.99 each. Whilst a large percentage of the fruit displayed well, there was a presence of fruit with rots, bruising, nodule damage and a few pieces suffering dehydration and thereby shrivelling.
1kg packs at $3.99ea and 5 piece packs at $4.49ea.
Count 25 Shepards with supplies from Simpsons on display and selling well - priced at $0.99 each. Packed date of 1st April so fruit age 19 days. A presence of lenticel damage, some copper residue and dehydration noted.
5 piece Shepard packs were ticketed at $4.49ea and 1kg Market Buy packs at $3.99ea.
Count 25 Shepard Avocados supplied by various growers were presented on a table top display and an end, ticketed at $1.20ea.
I’m Perfect 1kg packs priced at $4.90ea.
On offer new season Shepards, from a mix of suppliers including Howe Farming and Cardorin’s priced at $1.20ea and Autumn Hass also at $1.20ea. Presented on a table top display and on an end. Found a few pieces with bruising and skin marking.
Two displays of loose Shepard Avocados and Autumn Hass at this store in sizes 23 and 25’s - ticketed at $1.20 ea - table top and first end opposite entry. Fruit was firm to yielding in terms of maturity. Fruit grown and supplied by Simpsons (own tray and Manbulloo ( a few bruises and a cut to skin noticed on this label)) Australian Produce Partners (Obie) and Costas (Adil) - packed on dates ranged considerably with fruit packed 31st March through to 11th April so fruit age ranged 9 days to 20 days.
$4.90 on 1kg packs and $3.90 for 5 piece packs.
Howe Farming Shepards and Purpleskin Hass, both in count 20’s, were ticketed at $1.40 and $1.80ea respectively, displayed on A frame displays just inside the entrance to the produce department. Packed on date 7th April so age 13 days. We did find a number of softer pieces throughout the early season hass and appearance of some pieces were not appealing.
1kg packs at $4.50ea.
Count 20 Purpleskin Hass Avocados for $1.80 each, some with superficial markings. Greenskin Shepard displayed on special at $1.40ea - this display was great. Both lines presented well and packed from 6th-11th April, meaning an age range of 9-14 days.
5 piece packs priced at $5.00ea and 1kg at $4.50ea.
A display of Count 23/20 Purpleskin Avocado Hass packed 5th April (15 days old) priced at $1.30 a piece according to header board signage but $1.50ea on bin signage. Simpson Farm and Howe Farming Shepards both in count 25’s priced at $1.00ea (these were selling well/low in stock) a packed on 6th and 7th April so 13 to 14 days old.
5 piece packs were priced at $5.00ea and 1kg packs were priced at $4.50ea.