Retail Market Week 37
In the past week the morning temperatures are starting to warm up within a range of 14.5 to 20.1C across the major growing regions in North Qld; whilst day time temperatures have ranged 22.1 to 32.5C. In terms of rainfall all regions have been relatively dry this week in Mareeba and Walkamin but all other NQ growing regions have experienced 18-20mm each for the week. Now that the weather is warming bunch age will gradually decrease in terms of how long it takes the bunch to form and fill-out or if you prefer, as the sunlight hours increase together with warmer temperatures growth will hasten - we are now seeing bunch age range 15-16 weeks on farm.
Most lines of displayed fruit were exhibiting small minor skin marks, some with light bat/bird marking; neck creases and a presence of sap stains as well as a little sooty mould found on a few lines. Colour was generally good through out with stores offering both coloured and semi-coloured fruit (a few of these were a little greener than semi-coloured though). Still seeing some fruit with dull bloom on show in stores. Signage continued to be displayed in both Coles and Woolworths stores alerting their customers of the impact of cold winter temperatures on bananas during growth resulting in a dull bloom, yet fruit is still sweet to eat.
Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied between the major supermarkets with Aldi offering fruit at $3.49/kg; Coles with fruit ticketed at $3.00/kg and Woolworths at $3.50/kg in the stores visited this week.
Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays
The figures released this week saw yet another change of guard with respects to the lead in production with Western Australia contributing 29% of the total national harvest of some 320 807 trays last week; followed by Tristates at 27%; Central NSW with 18%; South Qld contributing 13%; and New Zealand contributing 7%. The remaining 6% came from a combination of the following regions Sunshine Coast, Tamborine/Northern Rivers; Central Qld and North Qld. This production figure represents an 19% decrease on week prior and was 18% lower than what was forecast for the week. All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $0.99- $1.30 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $0.49 - $1.00/piece. Within the markets, premium trays of hass are selling in the range of $10 -$16/tray depending upon size and quality of each line. Pricing for class one fruit (main sales) is ranging $1 -$8 per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $1 to $5 (2nds) --$10-$20/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size.
The national production of Hass this week is forecast to be in the vicinity of 420,000 to 430,000 trays and then the forecast shows figures ranging in the range of 420-450,000 trays per week for the next three weeks thereafter. You will note that WA have contributed 29% of the national volume last week which equates to approximately 93,000 trays. The weather in the south west corner of WA has been rather cool across the last week with early morning minimum temps ranging 2.7 to 9.2C and daytime maximum temps of 12.6 to 20.3C. The Manjimup region experienced 34mm of rain up to last Sunday and then it has been relatively dry throughout the remainder of this week though another front has been forecast so we may see more rain late this week.
Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing and pricing in all three major supermarkets varied a little depending upon store location.
In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows: Aldi Qld had Hass still at $0.99ea; Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.20 each; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass also ticketed at $1.20 ea. The majority of fruit on shelves, was found to be coloured or developing skin colour and yielding to gentle pressure.
Prepack formulations on offer by all major supermarkets provide an opportunity to move greater volumes in a single purchase. Aldi were offering their 6 piece nets on special at $4.99 ea ; Coles had their 5 piece pack at $5.50 ea and 1kg I’m Perfect packs selling at $3.90ea; whilst Woolworths had the 5 pack on offer for $4.50 and the 1kg Odd Bunch ticketed at $3.50/bag on special.
Courtesy Avocados australia
Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados
Cavendish Bananas were priced at $3.49/kg - minor skin marking (including bat/bird marks) present on displayed fruit and around half the fruit on display was green
Lady Fingers in hands stocked so that customers have to pull off the number they require, ticketed at a keen $5.99/kg.
Cavendish were priced at $3.49/kg with some clusters exhibiting skin marking
Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg.
Cavendish Bananas were priced at $3.49/kg - minor skin marking present, sap stains, bat/bird marking and a few neck injuries were present.
Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg - ladyfingers were clustered and exhibited some minor skin marking.
Cavendish bananas were displayed at $3.00/kg and kids packs at $3.00/kg, fruit presented with a section that were semi coloured which would be ready to eat in a few days and coloured fruit
Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg, with rub marking and bruising, low on stock
Cavendish at this store were ticketed at $3.00/kg - only semi coloured fruit on display and both sides of the banana barge were in need of a refill; kids packs were the same retail price - one pack only on display.
Red tips at $5.50/kg - 2 singles only on display, Ladyfingers also at $7.90/kg had bronzing, rub and minor skin marking.
Cavendish bananas were displayed at $3.00/kg and Kids banded clusters also at $3.00. Again majority of display was semi-coloured fruit.
Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90 and Red tips at $5.50
Cavendish bananas priced at $3.50/kg- fruit based on condition was being displayed in the relevant section ie EAT NOW and EAT LATER. Fruit was generally in good condition - some dull clusters present; some clusters with rust thrip damage, light bat/bird marking.
A full banana category on display with Red tips priced at $4.00/kg and Organic Clusters at $5.50/kg; Ladyfingers at $7.50/kg and Kids banded clusters on special at $2.50.
Cavendish at this store were priced at $3.50/kg - stock was displayed in the correct sections, fruit presented quite clean in terms of skin marks.
Kids packs at $2.50/kg were heavily marked; Lady Fingers at $7.50/kg with some light rub and scarring of skin also a few clusters found to have splitting peel.
Cavendish at this store were priced at $3.00/kg - some minor skin marking on a few clusters.
Lady Fingers at $7.50/kg with maturity bronzing evident, Red tips at $4.00/kg some of the clusters exhibiting sooty mould, Kids packs at $2.50 and Organic at $5.50/kg
Independent Retailer - Garden City
Cavendish at $2.49/kg
Count 25 NZ Hass stock priced at 99c each, some of the stock packed 21st August (25 days old) - fruit supplied by Avoco NZ
6 piece packs of Hass were priced at $4.99ea note incorrect ticketing on display - swing tag states Product of NZ whilst price ticket states Product of Australia?
Hass were on display- count 25 NZ Hass Avocados were priced at 99c each, packed 19th August so these were 27 days old from Skylark’s Avoco and also supplied by Freshmax DBM.
6 piece packs Hass for $4.99ea were on offer - incorrect ticketing on display - swing tag states Product of NZ whilst price ticket states Product of Australia?
Count 25 Hass supplied by Avoco - Skylark; stock packed 17th August so 29 days old and priced at 99c each. Fruit was quite soft.
6 piece packs of Hass were priced at $4.99ea - incorrect ticketing on display - swing tag states Product of NZ whilst price ticket states Product of Australia? Prepacks contained Seeka fruit.
Giofrelle Avocados count 23 priced at $1.20ea - primarily all fruit whether on table top display or shelf display was of purple black colour and softening to very soft. Stock appeared to be packed 1st September meaning it was 14 days old.
5 piece packs ticketed at $5.50ea but display area was empty.
Organic Hass Avocados available singularly for $4.00 ea - quality of these is a marked improvement on previous lines.
Hass Avocados count 23, display in trays on an end close to front of the store at $1.20ea - supplied by Giofrelle’s packed 1st September meaning the fruit is 14 days old.
5 piece packs at $5.50 were also displayed on the same end.
Loose organic Hass avocados selling for $4.00 were of good quality .
Interestingly, this store had NQ Hass Avocados Count 25 and 28 supplied by Simpson Farms (grower - Dorian - was one of DBM/Freshmax Brisbane’s) loose selling at $1.20ea displayed on the second end (approx 65% of pieces had skin colour and a percentage were softening/soft). This stock was packed 27th August meaning it was 19 days old.
5 piece packs were priced at $5.50 however there was no stock, same with 1kg packs priced at $3.90 - no stock.
Hass Avocados supplied by Giofrelle’s with ticket price of $1.20 ea - displayed on the A frame display unit opposite entry to produce department. Fruit was packed on 5th Sept so just 10 days old.
Count 23/25 Hass supplied by multiple growers including Marbiz; Natures Fruit Company and Churinga Orchards and Giofrelles with assorted packed dates of 31st August so 15 days old to 2nd Sept so 13 days old. Fruit priced at $1.20 a piece. Majority were clean and presented wel though a few soft pieces amongst display. Majority of fruit had purple black skin colour and was yielding to gentle pressure.
1kg Odd Bunch packs were priced at $3.90 ea while 5 piece nets were $4.50 each.
Produce team members had bagged up more forward fruit with a bag sticker/label of 2 for the price of one.
This store also had loose organic hass avocados for $3.50 ea - product was ripe. Netted bags of organic hass with no price ticket to be found.
Count 23 Hass Avocados supplied by Green Nugget and Heather’s (Grower B&M Trousdell) (packed 2nd September so fruit is 13 days old) with ticket price of $1.20 ea. Two separate display areas. A little rub marking/nodule damaged found on a few pieces.
5 piece packs supplied by Simpson Farms ticketed at $4.50ea.
Independent retailer
Hass avocados - nice quality fruit prepacks at just $2.49 each.