Retail Market Week 2 - 2022
The national cut for Week 1 of 2022 was 466,615 cartons which represented a 53.6% increase on the week prior or an additional 162,993 cartons. The heat, sunshine and rain have been a constant again this week in far north Queensland. Morning temperatures have continued to be rather balmy across all NQ regions with early a.m. temps falling within a range of 20.5 to 24.7C; day time temperatures have been pushing close to a top of 36C with a range of 27.6 to 36C. In terms of rainfall up to Wednesday all major North Qld growing regions received moderate to heavy falls with Tully seeing 100mm and Innisfail receiving 102mm throughout the week; whilst both Walkamin and Mareeba received approximately 78mm each. Cavendish banana bunch age is now at 14-15 weeks, a couple of blocks still at 16 weeks, with fruit quality generally found to be good overall in the packshed. With the warm days coupled with the rainfall the rate of fruit growth has certainly quickened and it is important for all farms to stay on top of girth measurements to ensure overall fruit length and girth is not exceeding specification.
Independent retailers were selling bananas at $2.49 to $3.49/kg this week. The markets all have good supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $6-$20 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.
Cavendish in general this week presented well. Fruit was presenting quite cleanly though there was a presence of low level minor dry scar; rust thrip damage; bronzing; small rub marks; rub marking and sap staining seen. Colour was generally good with more plentiful supplies of fruit ready to eat. A presence of some dull fruit found throughout - suggest this is from the elevated heat in the growing regions over the last fortnight.
Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied this week amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s ticket price at $3.49/kg; whilst Coles offered fruit at $3.48-$3.50/kg depending upon store location and Woolies also offered fruit at $3.50/kg.
Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays
In a nutshell the national production figures for last week was as follows:
Week 1 - 335,159 trays which was a slight decrease on Week 52, 2021 production - WA production accounted for 87% of this; NZ contributed 6% and the remaining 7% came from a combination of the following regions: Tristate; Central NSW and Tamorine/N Rivers.
The average industry dispatch per week over the last four week period has been 456,907 trays, which if continued will see the industry fall short by approximately 700-800K trays for the season.
There was a significant disparity for what was forecast to be arriving from NZ last week and what actuated by some 100,000 trays - this can only be put down to shipping delays.
It is forecast that a total of 545K trays will be despatched this week nationally.
All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $1.19- $1.50 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit also for $1.29-$2.00/piece or 3 large pieces for $5 depending upon quality/size. Within the markets things have remained relatively unchanged, premium trays of WA hass are selling in the range of $16 -$22/tray depending upon size and quality of each line; whereas premium NZ fruit is fetching $14-$18 (anything with colour or out-of-date spec is selling for $6-$10). Pricing for class one fruit has remained stable (main sales) is ranging $6 -$14per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $5 to $14 (2nds) --$14-$25/ctn for premium bulks depending upon grade, quality and count size.
With the primary production state continuing to be Western Australian it is pertinent to consider the weather in this region. The weather in the south west corner of WA has started to warm up a little with early morning minimum temps ranging 11 to 15.6C and daytime maximum temps of 22.5 to 31.2C. The Manjimup region did not have any rain in the last week. The available meteorological data for the Pemberton region shows early mornings warmer with temps of 11.5-?C; the days have also warmed up with averages of 30-32C with no rain for the week.
Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing with pricing being the main variable in the major supermarkets based upon store location; sizing stocked and banner. The majority of stores this week were stocking NZ stock, though all three of the Woolworths stores visited had Australian hass on offer. Hass fruit age in all stores was found to be ranging 16 to 30 days.
In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows: Aldi Qld featured Hass avos in their weekly catalogue with a ticket price for Hass of $1.19ea; Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.20 ea; and Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass also ticketed at $1.20 to $1.50ea. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with a higher percentage of fruit being very firm compared to fruit on shelf just prior to Christmas.
Shhh!…. the Shepard Avocados are almost ready.
For those who love the creamy texture of the Shepard and appreciate the fact that the flesh does not oxidise when cut, then you will be very pleased to know that the North Queensland Shepard crop is looking GOOD - fruit is presenting cleanly, size is variable with approximately 3 to 4 flower sets experienced on most farms so the 2022 season is looking very promising indeed. We are aiming to commence harvest mid-February after dry matter testing confirms fruit maturity is ready.
Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados
Cavendish Bananas were priced at $3.49/kg - some heavier marking on a few clusters including bronzing, rust thrip marking, scarring and rub - fruit colour was generally good though a few clusters were quite dull (perhaps heat affected). Some very long clusters present. Also one double finger found.
Lady Finger bananas at $5.99/kg, in hands that customers had to pull apart - mostly green in colour
A full display of Cavendish were priced at $3.49/kg with fruit presenting well. Display was very full, few clusters found with rub, scarring and light bronzing.
No Lady Fingers stocked
Cavendish Bananas at $3.49/kg, about half of the fruit was on the backward side, bat/bird marking present and minor scarring.
Lady Finger bananas at $5.99/kg
Cavendish bananas displayed on the banana barge with fruit selling at $3.48/kg and kids packs were ticketed at $3.50/kg. Some clusters with light scarring - fruit did appear dull in appearance and there were some very long clusters extending well beyond shelving perimetre. Kids banded clusters too were very long - XL fruit had been used for these packs???
Red Tips at $4.90/kg with odd cluster spotting and Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg with a couple of random clusters heavily marked.
Cavendish displayed on a smaller barge at this store were ticketed at $3.50/kg - A better mix of condition at this store though some very full and long fingers found. Again some light rub marking, sap stains and scarring - odd bruise and one puncture wound observed. Kids Packs also ticketed at $3.50.
Cavendish bananas were displayed on the barge at $3.50/kg- whilst Kids banded clusters were also $3.50. With respect to the Kids banded clusters - again XL fruit had been used and well oversize for range. A few clusters with light rub marking observed and some very dull clusters present.
Organic priced at $3.48/kg
Cavendish bananas priced at $3.50/kg. The majority of fruit presented well and fairly free of marking - small rub, light scars - bloom was better, though still a presence of some dull clusters.. A little superficial crown mould developing.
Ladyfingers ticketed at $7.90/kg; Kids packs $2.50ea (some minor skin marking found on these clusters) and Red tips ticketed at $4.90/kg. Organic clusters $5.50/kg presented very cleanly.
Cavendish were priced at $3.50/kg - fruit presented quite clean, odd cluster with some light scarring/rub. Display was very neat. Kids banded clusters selling at $3.50 - odd clusters with bat/bird marking.
Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg ( a few clusters with marked skins), Red Tips at $4.90/kg and Organics at $5.50/kg.
Cavendish at this store were retailing at $3.50/kg - neat presentation but some small minor scars, light sap etc on a few clusters
Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg were backward in condition; Kids packs at $2.50 and Red Tips $4.90/kg also with some slightly minor skin marking. Organic clusters also on offer.
Count 23 NZ Hass priced at $1.19 each. Fruit was of mixed maturity. Packed 27th December - therefore fruit age is 16 days?
6 piece packs of Hass (from NZ) were priced at $4.49ea
Hass were on display- NZ Hass Avocados were priced at $1.19 each - majority of which were yielding to pressure.
6 piece packs NZ Hass were on offer for $4.49ea.
Skylark Count 23 Hass at $1.19ea and 6 piece packs at $4.49 each - a better mix of maturity on offer.
Fruit packed 13th December therefore 30 days old
On offer Count 20 NZ Hass supplied by Avoco Skylark (packed 18th December, 25 days old) on offer priced at $1.20ea. A few pieces with skin marking including skin blemish and and possible temperature injury Store was neat and displays well presented.
5 piece packs at $3.90ea
NZ Skylark Count 23 Hass Avocados ticketed $1.20 ea . A mix of maturities - a presence of nodule damage and skin scars visible. Fruit packed 13th December therefore fruit age was 30 days.
Coles 5 piece packs retailing at $3.90ea - using NZ fruit, very low stock which is understandable with cessation of line due to Covid impacts.
On offer count 20 NZ Hass priced at $1.20ea. Fruit packed date 9th December so age is 35 days. Fruit predominantly firm to very firm. A few pieces with skin marking and possible temperature damage.
$3.90 on the Coles 5 packs.
Customers were greeted with a full display of neatly arranged count 20 WA Avocado Collective and Team NZ Avocado Hass with ticket price of $1.40 ea. WA Fruit packed 29th December so fruit age was 14 days old. Fruit yielding to gentle pressure.
5 piece packs supplied by Seeka NZ at $4.50ea and Odd Bunch 1kg packs at $4.50 each (one only).
Another neat display of WA Collective Avocado fruit in count 25, priced at $1.20 a piece Fruit ripeness - a mix of maturities on offer.
Avocado 5 pack $4.50ea
WA The Avocado Collective Hass Avocados in count 20 packed December 29 so fruit age is 13 days, with ticket price of $1.50ea. Fruit yielding to slightly firm.
5 piece packs at $4.50ea