2024 Week - 12




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 11, 2024 - The industry saw a 6.19% increase on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 501,012 tray equivalents harvested and transported (approx 30,000 more tray equivalents) on Week 10, 2024 production. The national harvest included 375,997 Shepard tray equivalents along with WA Hass variety supplying 106,602 tray equivalents together with 18,413 trays of assorted other varieties in this week’s reported figures. The total despatch this week of 501,012 tray equivalents saw approximately 129K in either bulk format/processing; 50K were exported which left just shy of 322K tray equivalents for the domestic market.

North QLD has well and truly taken lead production with the Shepard variety accounting for 59% of the total production volume this week, then Western Australia with Hass avocado supply accounting for 20.73%, Central QLD not far behind accounting for a further 19.69% (Shepard production), and other varietals from Central NSW accounting for 0.46% and Tristate with 0.13%.

·       It is forecast that a total of some 523,000 tray equivalents will be despatched this week (Week 12) nationally. This figure can be broken down by variety with the Shepard variety expected to represent some 374,000 tray equivalents whilst Hass will contribute approximately 122,000 of this total. Shepard harvest figures are expected to be increasing within a range of 373K to 415K over the next three weeks, whilst Hass harvest figures are forecast to be steadily declining from 122K this week down to 90K over the next three weeks.

In terms of Avocado retail in the major supermarkets in Qld we saw shelf prices as follows - Aldi Shepards this week with shelf tickets at $1.49 each;  Coles Qld had Shepard avocados ticketed at $1.80ea, and Woolworths with Greenskin Shepards at $1.50ea.

Below: Independent at Mt Gravatt Central

  • Stocking large WA Hass (Delroy fruit) 2 for $6.00 or $3.49ea - mix of maturities on offer.

  • Stocking new season Shepard Avos 2 for $5.00 or $2.99ea, again large sizes on offer, fruit very firm.


Below: Coles Displays from Carindale, Mt Gravatt and Cannon Hill

  • Coles stores had primarily Shepards on display in sizes 20-25 at $1.80ea. Quality generally was good across the board.

  • 5 piece packs at $5.50ea and 1kg packs at $5.00ea.

  • Fruit packed dates ranging 29th Feb to 8th March so fruit age ranging 12 to 20 days.


Below: Aldi Displays from Carindale, Mt Gravatt and Cannon Hill

  • Shepards @ $1.49 each all Ct23/25. Fruit with pack dates of 6th to 7th March meaning fruit age 13 to 14 days. Predominantly Greenskins fruit, some pieces found with lenticel damage and rots forming.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $4.49ea on promo and featured in their weekly catalogue.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $5.49ea.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Carindale, Mt Gravatt and Cannon Hill

  • Shepard avos in Ct23 primarily from Greenskins were retailing at $1.50ea. Packed dates of 5th and 6th March meaning fruit was 14 to 15 days old.

  • Odd Bunch 1kg packs at $6.00ea and 5 piece packs at $6.00ea - both contained shepards.




Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 17.5 - 24.5 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 24.7 - 33.6 C. There has been a significant increase in terms of rainfall in most regions this week with falls of 65.4 - 69.7mm across Mareeba and Walkamin; and falls across Innisfail and Tully regions of 312.0mm - 316.0mm throughout the week, all of which will continue to impact fruit quality and shelf life.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland for cavendish bananas this week was as follows: Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.99/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.00-4.50/kg; and Coles were offering fruit at $4.00-4.50/kg in the stores visited. Banana quality in stores varied, most displays had good bloom, with a percentage of green or dull fruit also.


Below: Coles Carindale, Mt Gravatt and Cannon Hill

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.00-4.50/kg and Kids packs were at $4.00ea.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.90/kg, Red Tips at $5.50/kg. Organic at $6.00ea.

  • Generally good bloom this week.


Below: Aldi Carindale, Mt Gravatt and Cannon Hill

Stores had Cavendish @ $3.99/kg - generally good bloom, odd dull cluster.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $4.99/kg - green stock in stores this week.


Below: Woolworths Carindale, Mt Gravatt and Cannon Hill

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.00-4.50/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $2.50.

  • Lady fingers were on special priced at $5.90/kg - fruit generally presented cleanly, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.00/kg.

2024 Week - 11




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 10, 2024 - The industry saw a 6.24% increase on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 469,976 tray equivalents harvested and transported (approx 29,000 more tray equivalents) on Week 9, 2024 production. The national harvest included 309,928 Shepard tray equivalents along with WA Hass variety supplying 159,719 tray equivalents together with 329 trays of assorted other varieties in this week’s reported figures. The total despatch this week of 469,976 tray equivalents saw approximately 103K in either bulk format/processing; almost 57K were exported which left just shy of 310K tray equivalents for the domestic market.

North QLD has well and truly taken lead production with the Shepard variety accounting for 56.52% of the total production volume this week, then Western Australia with Hass avocado supply accounting for 33.25%, a few shepards also coming from Central QLD accounting for a further 9.37%, and other varietals from Central NSW accounting for 0.59% and Tristate with 0.27%.

·       It is forecast that a total of some 496,000 tray equivalents will be despatched this week (Week 11) nationally. This figure can be broken down by variety with the Shepard variety expected to represent some 326,000 tray equivalents whilst Hass will contribute approximately 144,000 of this total. Shepard harvest figures are expected to be increasing within a range of 326K to 372K over the next three weeks, whilst Hass harvest figures are forecast to be steadily declining from 144K this week down to 100K over the next three weeks. With the volume of hass still on the market, there have been retailers stocking both hass and shepard, and some who elect to only stock one or the other. This has meant a softening of the market especially in relation to Shepard pricing, however this appears to be changing. In the next week, if today is any indication, the tray pricing on premium which has been in the vicinity of $16-$20 this week in Brisbane should lift up to $18-$22 per tray in Brisbane and stronger in the southern markets.

In terms of Avocado retail in the major supermarkets in Qld we saw shelf prices as follows - Aldi Shepards this week with shelf tickets at $1.49 each;  Coles Qld had Shepard avocados ticketed at $1.50ea, and Woolworths were retailing dual lines also: WA Hass selling at $1.70ea and Greenskin Shepards at $1.50ea - albeit one anomaly of $1.00ea on Shepards in one store visited believed to be a markdown as the quality of the Greenskin Shepards on display was very ordinary.

a number of independents are still primarily selling hass, this example found this week, larger sized fruit 3 for $7.00.


Below: Coles Displays from Carindale, Indooroopilly and Garden City

  • Coles stores had primarily Shepards on display in sizes 20-25 at $1.50ea. Quality generally was goo across the board, a little lenticel noted and the odd body rot.

  • 5 piece packs at $6.00ea and 1kg packs at $6.00ea.


Below: Aldi Displays from Carindale, Indooroopilly and Garden City

  • Shepards @ $1.49 each all Ct23/25. Some stores with no loose stock on display at all. All supplied by Greenskins - lenticel and rot present in some displays. Fruit with pack dates of 26th to 28th February meaning fruit age ranging 14 to 16 days.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $5.49ea. Some breakdown within the packs.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $5.49ea.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Carindale, Indooroopilly and Garden City

  • Stores stocked Count 18-20 Hass were priced at $1.70ea. Whilst the Shepard avos in Ct23/25 from Greenskins were retailing at $1.50ea in most stores, one store had them at $1.00ea.

  • Odd Bunch 1kg packs at $6.00ea and 5 piece packs at $6.50ea - both contained shepards.




Last week saw a cut of 395k cartons for the total number of cartons of Cavendish harvested and transported for Week 10 which was a slight increase on Week 9’s harvest of some 14k cartons. Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 19.9 - 24.5 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 27.1 - 30.9 C. There has been an increase in terms of rainfall in some regions this week with 27.0 - 43.7mm across Mareeba and Walkamin; and falls across Innisfail and Tully regions with 234.2mm - 329.0mm throughout the week all of which will continue to impact fruit quality and shelf life.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland for cavendish bananas this week were as follows: Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.99/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.00/kg; and Coles were offering fruit at $4.00/kg in the stores visited. Banana quality in stores varied, most displays had good bloom, impact of weather is being seen ie some heat stress and a presence of sooty mould on a few lines.


Below: Coles Carindale, Indooroopilly and Garden City

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.00/kg and Kids packs were at $4.00ea.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.90/kg, Red Tips at $5.50/kg. Organic at $6.00ea.

  • Generally good bloom, some odd clusters found to be dull.


Below: Aldi Carindale, Indooroopilly and Garden City

Stores had Cavendish @ $3.99/kg - generally good bloom, odd dull cluster.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $4.99/kg - low stock or no stock in stores this week.


Below: Woolworths Carindale, Indooroopilly and Garden City

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.00/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $2.50.

  • Lady fingers were on special priced at $8.00/kg - fruit generally presented cleanly, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.00/kg.

2024 Week - 10




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 9, 2024 - The industry saw a 1.53% increase on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 440,651 tray equivalents harvested and transported (approx 8,000 more tray equivalents) on Week 8, 2024 production. The harvest included Hass variety supplying 234,930 tray equivalents and 205,326 Shepard tray equivalents along with 395 trays of assorted other varieties in this week’s reported figures. Of the overall total, 87K tray equivalents were sent to processing; 65K tray equivalents were exported; leaving just over 289K tray equivalents for the domestic market.

Western Australia continues to lead production with hass at 52.36% of the total volume this week, then North QLD with fresh Shepard avocado supply accounting for 43.62%, with a few shepards also coming from Central QLD with 2.88%, and other varietals from Central NSW accounting for 0.91% and Tristate with 0.23%.

·       It is forecast that a total of some almost 472,000 tray equivalents will be despatched this week (Week 10) nationally. This figure can be broken into Hass which will be approximately 138,000 whilst the Shepard variety is expected to take the lead with 334,000 tray equivalents. Hass harvest figures forecast for the next two-three weeks thereafter are expected to steadily decline range between 115K down to 98k tray equivalents per week. Meanwhile, we are excited to see our Shepard volumes increasing with the next two to three week production from the North Qld region increasing from 334,000 up to 386,000 tray equivalents during this timeframe.

In terms of Avocado retail - this is the first week we see all three major supermarkets with Shepards on shelf and in prepack form. Pricing in Qld saw shelf prices as follows - Aldi Qld changed over to Shepards this week with shelf tickets at $1.49 each ;  Coles Qld had Hass and Shepard ticketed at $1.50ea, and Woolworths were retailing dual lines also: Hass selling at $1.70ea and Greenskin Shepards at $1.50ea.


Below: Coles Displays from Carindale, Loganholme and Garden City

  • Coles stores had primarily Shepards on display with the odd few trays of Hass Avocados still in stock in sizes 23/25 at $1.50ea. Greenskins and Costa Shepards found exhibiting some lenticel damage and body rots.

  • 5 piece packs at $6.50ea and 1kg packs at $6.00ea. Organic at $3.90ea.


Below: Aldi Displays from Carindale, Loganholme and Garden City

  • Shepards @ $1.49 each all Ct23/25. Some stores with no loose stock on display at all. Shepards featured in this week’s catalogue “heralding the new season”.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $5.49ea.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $5.49ea.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Carindale, Loganholme and Garden City

  • Stores stocked Count 18-20 WA Hass with packed dates of 19th to 21st Feb so fruit age was 14-16 days , were priced at $1.70ea. Whilst the Shepard avos in Ct23/25 from Greenskins were packed 15th to 20th Feb with fruit age of 15-20 days were retailing at $1.50ea. A few pieces were found to have shrivelled skins, with body rots forming.

  • Odd Bunch 1kg packs at $6.00ea and 5 piece packs at $6.50ea - both contained shepards. Organic Hass at $3.90ea.




WE are still waiting on figures from ABGC for the total harvested and transported in Week 9. Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 20.4 - 24.7 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 28.6 - 32.6 C. There has finally been somewhat of a reprieve in terms of the rainfall with only 0.6 - 12.6mm across Mareeba and Walkamin; whilst moderate falls continued across the regions of Innisfail and Tully with 88.2 - 93.4mm.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland for cavendish bananas this week was as follows: Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.99/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $3.50/kg; and Coles were offering fruit at $4.00/kg. Banana quality in stores varied, most displays had good bloom and fruit was found to only have minimal bruising and light scarring.


Below: Coles Carindale, Loganholme and Garden City

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.00/kg and Kids packs were at $4.00ea.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.90/kg, Red Tips at $5.50/kg. Organic at $6.00ea.

  • Generally good bloom, some odd clusters found to be dull. Some of the red tips displays were found to be spotting.

  • Posma ladyfingers found with “sooty mould”? blotchy marking.


Below: Aldi Carindale, Loganholme and Garden City

Stores had Cavendish @ $3.99/kg - generally good bloom, odd dull cluster.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $4.99/kg - no stock.


Below: Woolworths Carindale, Loganholme and Garden City

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $3.50 to $4.00/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $2.50.

  • Lady fingers were on special priced at $5.90/kg - fruit generally presented cleanly, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.00/kg.

Independent Retailer…. Loganholme….

2024 Week - 9




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 8, 2024 - The industry saw a 19.59% decrease on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 433,869 tray equivalents harvested and transported (approx 100,000 less tray equivalents) on Week 7, 2024 production. Hass variety supplying 306,643 tray equivalents harvested in addition to 126,031 Shepard and 1,195 trays of assorted other varieties also in this week’s reported figures. Of the total production for the week, it is interesting to note that a little over 94,000 tray equivalents were actually packed as bulks or sent to processing; some 65,000 tray equivalents were exported which left a little over 274,000 for domestic market trade.

Western Australia continues to lead production with hass at 69.55% of the total volume this week, then North QLD with fresh Shepard avocado supply accounting for 27.43%, with a few shepards also coming from Central QLD with 1.61%, and other varietals from Central NSW accounting for 0.92% and Tristate with 0.48%.

·       It is forecast that a total of some almost 476,000 tray equivalents will be despatched this week (Week 9) nationally. This figure can be broken into Hass which will be approximately 227,000 whilst the Shepard variety is expected to take the lead with 249,000 tray equivalents. Hass harvest figures forecast for the next two-three weeks thereafter are expected to steadily decline range between 142K down to 88k tray equivalents per week. Meanwhile, we ae excited to see our Shepard volumes increasing with the next two to three week production from the North Qld region increasing from 248,000 up to 365,000 tray equivalents during this timeframe.

The major supermarkets are either finishing off their WA Hass commitments this week or are looking at stocking both varietals on shelf, hence in the stores visited we didn’t come across a great deal of Shepards this week.

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows - Aldi Qld still stocking only Hass at $1.49 each ;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.70ea, and Woolworths were retailing dual lines: Hass selling at $1.70ea and Greenskin Shepards at $1.70ea.


Below: Coles Displays from Sunnybank Hills and Garden City

  • Coles stores had multiple suppliers of Hass Avocados in sizes 23/25 at $1.50ea.

  • 5 piece packs at $6.50ea and 1kg packs at $6.00ea. Organic at $3.90ea.


Below: Aldi Displays from Sunnybank Hills and Garden City

  • Hass @ $1.49 each all Ct23/25.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $5.49ea.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $5.49ea.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Sunnybank Hills and Garden City

  • Stores stocked Count 23-25 Hass, priced at $1.70ea. Greenskins at $1.70ea also.

  • Odd Bunch 1kg packs at $5.50ea. Organic at $3.90ea.




Week 8 saw 384,676 cartons of Cavendish sent. Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 21.0 - 26.6 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 27.0 - 32.2 C. There was a slight increase again in terms of rainfall with 107.8 - 209.0mm across Mareeba and Walkamin; and even more of an increase in falls across Innisfail and Tully with 363.0 - 371.6mm. Despite the continued rain, the weather is still very humid and grow rates are strong.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland for cavendish bananas this week was as follows: Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.49/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.00/kg; and Coles were offering fruit from $2.30/kg to $4.00/kg dependent upon the store location. Banana quality in stores varied, most displays had good bloom and fruit was found to only have minimal bruising and light scarring.


Below: Coles Sunnybank Hills and Garden City

  • Cavendish were priced at $2.30-4.00/kg and Kids packs were at $3.50ea.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg, Red Tips at $5.50/kg. Organic at $6.00ea.

  • Generally good bloom, some odd clusters found to be dull. Some of the red tips displays were found to be spotting.


Below: Aldi Sunnybank Hills and Garden City

Stores had Cavendish @ $3.49/kg - generally good bloom, odd dull cluster.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.49/kg.


Below: Woolworths Sunnybank Hills and Garden City

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.00/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $2.50.

  • Lady fingers were priced at $8.00/kg, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.00/kg.


2023 Week - 51







In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 50, 2023 - The industry saw a 1.43% decrease on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 566,289 tray equivalents harvested and transported (approx 10,000 more tray equivalents) on Week 49, 2023 production. Hass variety supplying 551,958 tray equivalents harvested in addition to 14,331 trays of assorted other varieties also in this week’s reported figures. It is important to note that there were almost 48,000 tray equivalents of this total production that were exported and 120,000 tray equivalents that were despatched as bulks/Processing (smaller sizes/class one or seconds) which leaves a total of some 399,000 trays for the domestic market.

Western Australia continues to lead production with 87.83% of the total volume this week, then NZ with 4.89%, Tristate 4.42% and Central NSW with 2.80%. The weather over the last week in and around Manjimup and Pemberton has been relatively dry with early morning minimum temperatures ranging 9.8 to 14.7C; heating up during the day to a maximum range of 25.5 to 32.2C. December has been a dry month, only in the last couple of days has the region seen isolated showers of up to 1mm - this has been conducive to good avocado weather but placing importance on regular irrigation. Quite the opposite in far North Queensland with the significant rain event associated with Ex-Cyclone Jasper has potential ramifications on the 2024 North Queensland shepard avocado crop - this is basically a watch and wait situation, as we monitor tree health in any low lying regions that were inundated with flood waters. With reference to this last point, Rock Ridge Farms planned geographical spread, sees us positioned in a much better situation than others.

·       It is forecast that a total of 526K hass tray equivalents will be despatched this week (Week 51) nationally. Hass harvest figures forecast for the next two weeks thereafter are expected to range between 330K and 500K tray equivalents per week.

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows - Aldi Qld Hass at 99c each ;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.20ea, and Woolworths had Hass selling at $1.20ea.

For this weeks sales pricing please see the info below….


Below: Coles Displays from Carindale, Loganholme and Indooroopilly

  • Coles stores had multiple suppliers of Hass Avocados in sizes 20/23 at $1.20ea. Pack dates ranging 1st December to 7th December so fruit age ranging 13 to 19 days.

  • 1kg I’m Perfect at $4.50ea and 5 piece packs at $5.00ea.

  • Organic at $3.90ea.


Below: Aldi Displays from Carindale, Loganholme and Indooroopilly

  • Hass @ 99c each all Ct23/25. Pack dates 6th December to 13th December so fruit age ranging 7 to 14 days.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $3.99ea.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $4.49ea.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Carindale, Loganholme and Indooroopilly

  • Stores stocked Count 23/25 Hass, priced at $1.20ea. Pack dates ranging 30th November to 4th December so fruit age is 16 to 20 days old.

  • Prepacks ranged from $4.50-5.00ea.




The national harvest figures for last week have not been released as yet with the impact of Ex- Tropical Cyclone Jasper in terms of rainfall, subsequent flooding, road closures and diverted routes this has impacted the volume of fruit that has been able to get away. Whilst the rain has eased and the flooding has subsided in some areas; the impact is still being felt. Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 17.9 - 24.4 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 25.7 - 31.0 C. There was a significant increase in terms of the rainfall experienced due to the tropical low in the region resulting in falls of 481.8 - 600.1mm across Mareeba and Walkamin; and falls across Innisfail and Tully within 545.6 - 548.6mm. There are a number of major roads, including the Palmerston Hwy, that suffered significant damage as a result of the sheer volume of water in the region which are not expected to be repaired for at least a month.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on cavendish bananas was as follows: Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.99/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.00-4.50/kg; and Coles were offering fruit at $4.00/kg. Banana quality in stores varied, most better bloom than last week with only minimal bruising and light scarring.


Below: Coles Carindale, Loganholme and Indooroopilly

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.00-4.50/kg and Kids packs were at $4.00-4.50ea.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg, Red Tips at $4.50/kg. Organic at $6.00ea.


Below: Aldi Carindale, Loganholme and Indooroopilly

Stores had Cavendish @ $3.99/kg - good bloom.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.49/kg.


Below: Woolworths Carindale, Loganholme and Indooroopilly

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.00-4.50/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $3.50.

  • Lady fingers were priced at $8.00/kg, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.00/kg.


2023 Week - 50




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 49, 2023 - The industry saw a 18.74% increase on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 574,520 tray equivalents harvested and transported (approx 107,000 more tray equivalents) on Week 48, 2023 production. Hass variety supplying 550,472 tray equivalents harvested in addition to 24,048 trays of assorted other varieties also in this week’s reported total figures. It is important to note that there were almost 104,000 tray equivalents of this total production that were exported and 120,000 tray equivalents that were despatched as bulks (smaller sizes/class one or seconds) which leaves a total of some 350,000 trays for the domestic market.

Despite a slight uplift in trays available on the domestic market there has not been a great deal of change in terms of pricing being touted within the markets on the eastern seaboard, still seeing main sales of $18-$22 for premium trays, larger sizing up to $24/tray on exceptional quality; class one fruit $12-$15 per tray and with the range of bulks available, anything from $5-$20/carton.

Western Australia continues to lead production with 86.53% of the total volume this week, then Tristate 6.31%, NZ 4.42% and Central NSW with 2.73%. It is worth noting here that the significant rain event in far north Queensland associated with Ex-Cyclone Jasper has potential ramifications on the 2024 North Queensland avocado crop. There is a strong possibility of significant flooding in low lying areas, trees that are sitting in water for too long may die - we will of course continue to monitor this and report again next week.

·       It is forecast that a total of 522K hass tray equivalents will be despatched this week (Week 50) nationally. Hass harvest figures forecast for the next two weeks thereafter are expected to range between 470K and 530K tray equivalents per week.

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows - Aldi Qld Hass at $1.19ea ;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.20ea, and Woolworths had Hass selling at $1.30ea.

For this week’s sales pricing please see the info below….


Below: Coles Displays from Coorparoo, Loganholme and Indooroopilly

  • Coles stores had multiple suppliers of Hass Avocados in sizes 23/25 at $1.30ea.

  • 1kg I’m Perfect at $4.50ea and 5 piece packs at $4.50ea.

  • Organic at $3.90ea.


Below: Aldi Displays from Coorparoo, Loganholme and Indooroopilly

  • Hass @ $1.19ea all Ct23/25.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $3.49ea.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $3.99ea.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Coorparoo, Loganholme and Indooroopilly

  • Stores stocked Count 23/25 Hass, priced at $1.20-1.30ea. A festive feel starting in some departments of stores frequented.

  • Prepacks ranged from $4.50-5.00ea.




The national harvest figures for last week have not been released as yet but with the threat and arrival of Tropical Cyclone Jasper. Prior to the Cyclone making land fall just north of Cairns there were quite a number of growers based in Tully; Innisfail and Mareeba all working overtime to ensure any banana bunches that were ready for harvest were cut and packed in case of the worst scenario, so the market is expected to be heavier in terms of supply next week or two. Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 18.4 - 24.3 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 27.2 - 35.8 C. Slightly less rainfall across Mareeba and Walkamin receiving 8.6 - 13.4mm; and falls across Innisfail and Tully with more, 68.8 - 85.2mm. Significant rain is expected to continue for the remainder of this week with flooding a potential.

Bom update Thursday a.m.: Ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper has weakened overnight after it crossed the coast at Wujal Wujal, north of Cairns, on Wednesday. Cyclone warnings have been revoked with the system no longer of tropical cyclone intensity. Strong winds were felt across the Cairns region, with recorded gusts of up to 120 kilometres per hour. The main concern now is the amount of rain associated with the tropical low.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on cavendish bananas was as follows: Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.99/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.00-4.90/kg; and Coles were offering fruit at $4.00/kg. Banana quality in stores varied with findings of some minor bruising; light scarring and splitting peel noted within most supermarket displays.


Below: Coles Coorparoo, Loganholme and Indooroopilly

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.00-4.50/kg and Kids packs were at $4.00-4.50ea.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg, Red Tips at $4.50/kg. Organic at $6.00ea.


Below: Aldi Coorparoo, Loganholme and Indooroopilly

Stores had Cavendish @ $3.99/kg. Multiple stores had green fruit this week, but good bloom otherwise.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $4.99 - 5.99/kg.


Below: Woolworths Coorparoo, Loganholme and Indooroopilly

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.00-4.90/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $3.50.

  • Lady fingers were priced at $6.00/kg, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.00/kg.


2023 Week - 49




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 48, 2023 - The industry saw a 3.30% increase on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 466,858 trays harvested and transported (approx 15,000 more tray equivalents) on Week 47, 2023 production. Hass variety supplying 459,390 tray equivalents harvested in addition to 7,468 trays of assorted other varieties also in this week’s reported figures. Western Australia continues to lead production with 87.98% of the total volume this week, then NZ with 5.88%, Tristate and Central NSW both with 3.07% each.

Interestingly, of this 466,858 tray equivalents harvested and transported, approximately 80,000 tray equivalents were bulks and almost 64,000 tray equivalents were exported therefore leaving just under 323,000 tray equivalents for the domestic market supply. Central market pricing lifted this week by $2-$4/tray on premium larger sized fruit (14/16/18/20) selling $18-$22 main sales with a few market agents reporting a top of $24/tray on exceptional quality; whilst count 23/25 were selling at $16-$21/tray depending upon quality. Class one trays main sales of $11-$14/tray.

·       It is forecast that a total of 497K trays will be despatched this week (Week 49) nationally. Hass harvest figures forecast for the next two weeks thereafter are expected to range between 500K and 520K tray equivalents per week with a much lighter pick to arrive in the week between Christmas and New Year with many packing sheds opting to pick and pack on a reduced number of days throughout this period.

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows - Aldi Qld Hass at $1.19ea ;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.20ea, and Woolworths had Hass selling at $1.30ea.

For this weeks sales pricing please see the info below….


Below: Coles Displays from Carindale, Chermside and Garden City

  • Coles stores had multiple suppliers of Hass Avocados in sizes 23/25 at $1.20ea.

  • 1kg I’m Perfect at $4.50ea and 5 piece packs at $4.50ea.

  • Organic at $3.90ea.


Below: Aldi Displays from Carindale, Chermside and Garden City

  • Hass @ $1.19ea all Ct23/25.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $3.99ea.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $3.99ea - Aldi Super Savers.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Carindale, Chermside and Garden City

  • Stores stocked Count 23/25 Hass, priced at $1.30ea. A festive feel starting in some departments of stores frequented.

  • Prepacks ranged from $4.00-$4.50ea.




The national harvest figures for last week have not been released as yet but with the threat of a Tropical Cyclone off the coast, quite a number of growers based in Tully and Innisfail have been busy this week ensuring they cut a little more fruit than they would normally in case the worst happens, so the market is expected to be heavier than expected in the next week or two. Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 19.1 - 25.0 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 32.0 - 36.7 C. A decent increase in rainfall across the entire North Qld growing regions this week with Mareeba and Walkamin receiving 31.6 - 90.2mm; and falls across Innisfail and Tully with less, 0.8 - 3.0mm; whilst this has been welcomed, the amount of rain that is potentially associated with the tropical low off the coast and prevailing winds could cause more harm than good.

According to the 10am media release on BOM…

As of 10am AEST today Severe Tropical Cyclone Jasper, situated 1320 km east northeast of Cairns, remains as a category 3 cyclone. Jasper is expected to strengthen further to a high end category 4 cyclone overnight and possibly a category 5 cyclone on Friday.

Jasper is slowly moving south to southwest towards the far northeast of the Coral Sea.

Over the weekend, Jasper is likely to weaken and move west towards the Queensland coast. While the timing and severity of a costal impact remains highly uncertain, the highest risk of a cyclone impact lies between Cooktown and Mackay, including Cairns and Townsville mid next week.

The Bureau will issue regular updates to help keep communities informed as the situation evolves over the coming days.

Communities in these areas are advised to review their cyclone plan.

All farms are on alert; keeping a constant eye on BOM for a better idea of where, when and if this tropical low will make land contact.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on cavendish bananas was as follows: Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.99/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.00-4.90/kg; and Coles were offering fruit at $4.00/kg. Banana quality in stores varied with findings of some minor bruising; light scarring and splitting peel noted within most supermarket displays.


Below: Coles Carindale, Chermside and Garden City

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.00/kg and Kids packs were at $4.00ea. Some stores with low stock.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.50/kg on special, Red Tips at $5.50/kg. Organic at $6.00ea.


Below: Aldi Carindale, Chermside and Garden City

Stores had Cavendish @ $3.99/kg. Multiple stores had fruit with splitting skin, but good colour otherwise.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.


Below: Woolworths Carindale, Chermside and Garden City

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.00-4.90/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $3.50.

  • Lady fingers were priced at $6.00/kg, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.00/kg.


2023 Week - 48




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 47, 2023 - The industry saw a 9.86% increase on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 451,170 trays harvested and transported (approx 45,000 more tray equivalents) on Week 46, 2023 production. Hass variety supplying 337,348 tray equivalents harvested in addition to 3789 trays of assorted other varieties also in this week’s reported figures. Western Australia continues to lead production with 82.77% of the total volume this week, then NZ with 6.85%, Tristate with 5.26% and Central NSW with 5.04%. Whilst this may well sound like a significant amount of fruit, we need to dig down deeper into what represents the 451K trays. This week there was just over 60,000 bulk units packed which equates to approx. 110,000 trays and almost 58,000 trays exported, so this only leaves approximately 283,000 trays for the Australian domestic market.

·       It is forecast that a total of 432K trays will be despatched this week (Week 48) nationally. Hass harvest figures forecast for the next two to three weeks thereafter are expected to range between 430K and 500K per week. In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows - Aldi Qld Hass at $1.19ea ;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.30ea, and Woolworths had Hass selling at $1.20ea. The markets have remained relatively stable with premium fruit fetching $18-$20/tray (main sales), for superior quality up to $22.00/tray; whilst class one fruit is ranging $10-$14/tray (main sales) depending upon size. The major chains whilst they didn’t lift pricing this week, will be lifting their pricing for W/C 5/12/23 by $1-$3/tray depending upon size and location being supplied.

A little update on the growing conditions in WA recently… with higher than normal temperatures at this time of year, somewhat of a heatwave has already taken on a heavy toll on the new fruit set for the 2024/2025 season, with a number of farms reporting fruit drop in the realms of 30-60% which will significantly impact the size of next years crop.

For this weeks sales pricing please see the info below….


Below: Coles Displays from Carindale, Cannon Hill and Garden City

  • Coles stores had multiple suppliers of Hass Avocados in sizes 23/25 at $1.30ea. Fruit packed dates ranging 10 to 14th November so fruit age ranged 15 to 19 days. Starting to see a festive feel to some departments.

  • 1kg I’m Perfect at $4.50ea and 5 piece packs at $4.50/pack.

  • Organic at $3.90ea.


Below: Aldi Displays from Carindale, Cannon Hill and Garden City

  • Hass @ $1.19ea all Ct23/25. Packed dates of 12th to 19th November so fruit age ranged 10 to 17 days.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $3.99ea.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $4.99ea.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Carindale, Cannon Hill and Garden City

  • Stores stocked Count 25 Hass, priced at $1.20ea. Packed dates 1st to 7th November observed, hence fruit age ranging 22 to 28 days. A festive feel starting in some departments of stores frequented.

  • 5 piece prepacks at $5.00ea. 1kg prepacks priced at $4.00ea.




The national harvest for last week declined somewhat to 411,197 cartons, representing a 2.18% increase on the week prior, just shy of 10,000 more cartons. Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 19.4 - 23.5 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 27.2 - 33.3 C. A slight increase in rainfall across the entire North Qld growing regions this week with Mareeba and Walkamin receiving 3.4-9.7mm; and falls across Innisfail and Tully with even more at 22.0-68.6mm.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on cavendish bananas was as follows: Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.99/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.00-4.50/kg; and Coles were offering fruit at $4.00/kg. Banana quality in stores varied with findings of some minor bruising; light scarring and skin splitting noted within most supermarket displays.


Below: Coles Carindale, Cannon Hill and Garden City

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.00/kg and Kids packs were at $4.00ea. Some stores with low stock.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.50/kg on special, Red Tips at $5.50/kg. Organic at $5.00ea.


Below: Aldi Carindale, Cannon Hill and Garden City

Stores had Cavendish @ $3.99/kg. Multiple stores had fruit with splitting skin, but good colour otherwise.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.


Below: Woolworths Carindale, Cannon Hill and Garden City

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.00-4.50/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $2.50.

  • Lady fingers were priced at $6.00/kg, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.00/kg.


2023 Week - 47




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 46, 2023 - The industry saw a 6.6% decrease on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 406,705 trays harvested and transported (approx 28,000 less trays) on Week 45, 2023 production. Hass variety supplying 402,998 trays harvested in addition to 3,707 trays of assorted other varieties also in this week’s reported figures. Western Australia continues to lead production with 86.77% of the total volume this week, then Tristate with 5.85%, Central NSW with 5.00%, New Zealand with 2.25%, and South QLD with the last 0.09%. All markets are well supplied with fruit with pricing coming back this week by $1-$2/tray on most sizes. Whilst the national harvest was down 6.6% there is still plenty of fruit in the system to meet demand. Demand is expected to increase in the next few weeks with the approach to Christmas and with the warmer weather. It is very pleasing to see some cafe’s etc adding avocado’s in a number of their menu options… Like the Jamaica Blue chain menu seen below.

·       It is forecast that a total of 421K trays will be despatched this week nationally. Hass harvest figures forecast for the next two to three weeks thereafter are expected to range between 420K and 460K per week. In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows - Aldi Qld Hass at $1.29ea ;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.30ea, and Woolworths had Hass selling at $1.00-1.30ea.

For this weeks sales pricing please see the info below….


Below: Coles Displays from Chermside, Mt Ommaney and Garden City

  • Coles stores had multiple suppliers of Hass Avocados in sizes 23/25 at $1.30ea including Costa’s; Delroy’s and Avocado Collective. Packed dates ranged 31st Oct to 9th November meaning fruit age ranged 13 to 22 days.

  • 1kg I’m Perfect at $4.50ea and 5 piece packs at $4.50/pack.

  • Organic at $1.90ea - all full purple/black in colour and ready to eat.


Below: Aldi Displays from Chermside, Mt Ommaney and Garden City

  • Hass @ $1.29ea all Ct23/25 WA grown fruit. Packed 1st November, fruit age is therefore 21 days.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $3.99ea.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $4.99ea.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Chermside, Mt Ommaney and Garden City

  • Stores stocked Count 25 Hass, priced at $1.00-1.30ea. Fruit packed dates of 30th Oct through to 4th November therefore fruit age ranging 18-22 days - all WA grown fruit this week at stores visited.

  • 5 piece prepacks at $4.00ea. 1kg prepacks priced at $4.50ea. Organic avos $2.90ea.




The national harvest for last week declined somewhat to 402,252 cartons, representing a 4.26% decrease on the week prior, just shy of 18,000 less cartons. Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 14.1 - 23.4 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 29.5 - 35.9 C. Minimal rain fell across the entire North Qld growing regions this week with Mareeba and Walkamin receiving 0mm; and falls across Innisfail and Tully only slightly more at 1.0-2.4mm. The dry conditions continue and the average day temp is on the rise with summer fast approaching.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on cavendish bananas was as follows: Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.99/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.50/kg; and Coles were offering fruit at $4.00/kg.


Below: Coles Chermside, Mt Ommaney and Garden City

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.00/kg and Kids packs were at $4.00ea. Evidence of sap staining and bat damage on a few clusters.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg (bronzing of some lines), Red Tips at $4.50/kg. Organic at $4.20ea.


Below: Aldi Chermside, Mt Ommaney and Garden City

Stores had Cavendish @ $3.99/kg. Quite green in colour in some stores this week again - a few clusters found to develop sugar spots; odd bruising also noted.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg supplied by Costas with very full fingers.


Below: Woolworths Chermside, Mt Ommaney and Garden City

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.00/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $2.50.

  • Lady fingers (bronzing showing up on some displays) were priced at $6.00-7.00/kg, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.00/kg.


2023 Week - 45




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 44, 2023 - The industry saw a 2.91% increase on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 566,481 trays harvested and transported (approx 16,000 more trays) on Week 43, 2023 production. Hass variety supplying 565,579 trays harvested in addition to 902 trays of assorted other varieties also in this week’s reported figures. Western Australia continues to lead production with 78% of the total volume this week, then Tristate with 10.25%, New Zealand with 6.75%, Central NSW with 3.63% and South QLD with the last 1.37%.

·      The central markets are well supplied with fruit, particularly fruit of smaller sizing. The top of $21 to $22/tray on premium fruit is not strong and is expected to come back to a top of $20/tray by early next week. It is forecast that a total of 464K trays will be despatched this week nationally. Hass harvest figures forecast for the next two to three weeks thereafter are expected to range between 465K and 520K per week. In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows - Aldi Qld Hass at $1.29ea in all visited locations;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.30ea, and Woolworths had Hass selling at $1.50ea.

For this weeks sales pricing please see the info below….


Below: Coles Displays from Sunnybank Hills, Garden City and Perth

  • Coles stores had multiple growers Hass Avocados at $1.30ea.

  • 1kg I’m Perfect at $4.00ea and 5 piece packs at $4.50/pack.

  • Organic at $3.90ea.


Below: Aldi Displays from Sunnybank Hills, Garden City and Perth

  • Hass @ $1.29 each.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $3.99ea - Aldi Super Savers.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $3.99-4.99ea depending on location.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Sunnybank Hills, Garden City and Perth

  • Stores stocked Count 23/25 Hass, priced at $1.50ea.

  • 5 piece prepacks at $4.50ea. 1kg prepacks priced at $4.50ea. Organic avos $3.50ea.




The national harvest for last week was a healthy 456,349 cartons, a slight decrease on the week prior, almost 9,000 less cartons. Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 12.3 - 21.0 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 27.3 - 34.9 C. Minimal rain fell across the entire North Qld growing regions this week with Mareeba and Walkamin receiving 0mm; and falls across Innisfail and Tully much the same at 0-0.4mm. The dry period continues, our farm continues to irrigate according to the crops need’s but rainfall would be helpful too!

Cavendish this week generally presented well, though there was notable more skin marking and bruising in the Aldi stores visited this week. Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on cavendish bananas was standardised with: Aldi had their banana ticket price at $4.49/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.50/kg; and Coles were also offering fruit at a price of $4.50/kg.


Below: Coles Sunnybank Hills, Garden City and Perth

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.50/kg and Kids packs were at $4.50ea.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $8.00/kg, Red Tips at $5.50/kg. Organic at $6.00ea.


Below: Aldi Sunnybank Hills, Garden City and Perth

Stores had Cavendish @ $4.49/kg. Quite green in colour in some stores this week- plus considerable bruising, skin marking and neck injuries.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.


Below: Woolworths Sunnybank Hills, Garden City and Perth

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.50/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $2.50.

  • Lady fingers were priced at $6.00/kg, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.00/kg.


2023 Week - 46




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 45, 2023 - The industry saw a huge 23% decrease on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 435,468 trays harvested and transported (approx 130,000 less trays) on Week 44, 2023 production. Hass variety supplying 434,325 trays harvested in addition to 1,143 trays of assorted other varieties also in this week’s reported figures. Western Australia continues to lead production with 81.83% of the total volume this week, then Tristate with 8.07%, New Zealand with 6.35%, Central NSW with 3.46% and South QLD with the last 0.26%.

·      The downturn in volume this week is simply due to a number of farms electing to not harvest at all last week, or only harvesting a couple of smaller blocks to give the central markets a chance to tidy up with respects to the volume of fruit currently within the system.

·       It is forecast that a total of 464K trays will be despatched this week nationally. Hass harvest figures forecast for the next two to three weeks thereafter are expected to range between 420K and 450K per week. In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows - Aldi Qld Hass at 99c each in all visited locations despite loose hass being featured in their catalogue at $1.29ea ;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.30ea, and Woolworths had Hass selling at $1.00ea.

For this weeks sales pricing please see the info below….


Below: Coles Displays from Carindale and Indooroopilly

  • Coles stores had multiple growers Hass Avocados at $1.30ea.

  • 1kg I’m Perfect at $4.00ea and 5 piece packs at $4.50/pack.

  • Organic at $3.90ea.


Below: Aldi Displays from Carindale and Indooroopilly

  • Hass @ 99c each- Aldi Super Savers despite Aldi catalogue featuring them for $1.29ea. Packed date found 25th October so fruit is up to 21 days old.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $3.99ea.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $4.99ea.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Carindale and Indooroopilly

  • Stores stocked Count 20/23/25 Hass, priced at $1.00ea. Fruit packed dates ranging 23rd October to 2nd November so therefore fruit age ranging from 13 days to 23 days.

  • 5 piece prepacks at $5.00ea. 1kg prepacks priced at $4.00ea. Organic avos $3.50ea.




The national harvest for last week declined somewhat to 420,169 cartons, representing a 7.9% decrease on the week prior, just over 36,000 less cartons. Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 14.0 - 21.0 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 28.5 - 31.9 C. Minimal rain fell across the entire North Qld growing regions this week with Mareeba and Walkamin receiving 0mm; and falls across Innisfail and Tully only slightly more at 5.0-6.0mm. Whilst this represents a slight reprieve from the last month of dry weather, farms are hoping there is a little more to come.

Cavendish displays this week differed both in the degree or percentage of colour fruit had and also on the neatness of the presentation - there was a clear winner. Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on cavendish bananas varied by $0.50/kg between some of the majors with: Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.99/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.00/kg; and Coles were offering fruit at $4.50/kg.


Below: Coles Carindale and Indooroopilly

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.50/kg and Kids packs were at $4.50ea.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $8.00/kg, Red Tips at $5.50/kg. Organic at $6.00ea.


Below: Aldi Carindale and Indooroopilly

Stores had Cavendish @ $3.99/kg. Quite green in colour in some stores this week again.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.


Below: Woolworths Carindale and Indooroopilly

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.00/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $2.50.

  • Lady fingers were priced at $6.00/kg, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.00/kg.


2023 Week - 43




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 42, 2023 - The industry saw a 35.55% increase on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 621,174 trays harvested and transported (almost 200,00 more trays) on Week 41, 2023 production. Hass variety supplying 614,347 trays harvested in addition to 6,827 trays of assorted other varieties also in this week’s reported figures. Western Australia leads production and is still on the increase with 69.38% of the total volume this week, then Tristate with 16.09%, Central NSW with 5.38%, South QLD with 4.89%; and lastly Tamborine and Northern Rivers, Sunshine Coast/North Qld/New Zealand with the remaining 4.36%.

·       It is forecast that a total of 529K trays will be despatched this week nationally. Hass harvest figures forecast for the next two to three weeks thereafter are expected to range between 475K and 515K per week. The current four week average dispatch figure now sits at 475,406 trays. With last week’s harvest together with these forecast despatches pricing will be under pressure; independent retailers are trying to secure supplies of larger fruit as a point of difference but with the industry largely dependant upon Tristate and WA supply, there is not significant volume of larger fruit available. It is a great time to focus upon increasing consumption and promoting concepts/recipes for every meal of the day!

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows - Aldi Qld after selling at $0.99ea over the last week supported by a television advertisement they have pushed their retail ticket for Hass up to $1.29ea this week;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.50ea, and Woolworths had Hass selling at $1.30-$1.50ea dependant upon location.

For this weeks sales pricing please see the info below….


Below: Coles Displays from Coorparoo, Indooroopilly and Toowoomba

  • Coles stores had multiple growers Hass Avocados at $1.50ea.

  • 1kg I’m Perfect at $4.50ea and 5 piece packs at $5.00/pack.

  • Organic at $3.90ea.


Below: Aldi Displays from Coorparoo, Indooroopilly and Toowoomba

  • Hass @ $1.29 each.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $3.49ea.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $4.49ea.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Coorparoo, Indooroopilly and Toowoomba

  • Stores stocked Count 20 and 25 Hass, priced at $1.50ea.

  • 5 piece prepacks at $4.00ea. 1kg prepacks priced at $4.50ea.




The national harvest for last week was a healthy 481,910 cartons, a significant increase on the week prior, almost 30,000 additional cartons. Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 13.8 - 22.0 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 27.0 - 35.6 C. Minimal rain fell across the entire North Qld growing regions this week with Mareeba and Walkamin receiving 0-0.2mm; and falls across Innisfail and Tully 0mm also. With the increase this week we can certainly expect the supermarkets to reduce their retail price tickets in the next week.

Cavendish this week were found to have relatively good bloom, some stores had fruit on display with a little minor marking. Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on cavendish bananas was as follows: Aldi had their banana ticket price at $4.49/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.50/kg; and Coles were offering fruit at $4.90/kg.


Below: Coles Coorparoo, Indooroopilly and Toowoomba

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.90/kg and Kids packs were at $4.90ea.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $8.00/kg, Red Tips at $5.50/kg. Organic at $6.00ea.


Below: Aldi Coorparoo, Indooroopilly and Toowoomba

Stores had Cavendish @ $4.49/kg.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.


Below: Woolworths Coorparoo, Indooroopilly and Toowoomba

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.50/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $2.50.

  • Lady fingers were priced at $6.00/kg, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.00/kg.


2023 Week - 42




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 41, 2023 - The industry saw a 10.14% increase on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 458,271 trays harvested and transported ( 40,000 more trays) on Week 40, 2023 production. Hass variety supplying 456,487 trays harvested in addition to 1,784 trays of assorted other varieties also in this week’s reported figures. Western Australia leads production and is still on the increase with 65.41% of the total volume this week, then Tristate with 19.86%, South Qld with 6.02%, Central NSW with 4.93%; and lastly Tamborine and Northern Rivers, Sunshine Coast/North Qld/New Zealand with the remaining 3.79%.

·       It is forecast that a total of 529K trays will be despatched this week nationally. Hass harvest figures forecast for the next two to three weeks thereafter are expected to range between 530K and 545K per week. The current four week average dispatch figure now sits at 421,965 trays. The market has held firm this week and in some cases lifted by a further $1/tray on some sizing which has been pleasing, however with the volumes forecast for the next few weeks, we will be watching closely to see how this impacts sale prices.

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows - Aldi Qld with $0.99 -1.19ea on Hass;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.50ea, and Woolworths had Hass selling competitively also at $1.20ea.

For this weeks sales pricing please see the info below….


Below: Coles Displays from Garden City, Indooroopilly and Morningside

  • Coles stores had multiple growers Hass Avocados at $1.50ea.

  • 1kg I’m Perfect at $4.50ea and 5 piece packs at $5.00/pack.

  • Overall good condition, some fruit with bruising but overall good colour and presentation.

  • Organic at $3.90ea.


Below: Aldi Displays from Garden City, Indooroopilly and Cannon Hill

  • Hass @ $0.99-1.19 each. Catalogue special for loose at $0.99ea with packed dates from 29th Sept meaning fruit is 19 days old.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $3.99ea.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $4.49ea.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Garden City, Indooroopilly and Morningside

  • Stores stocked Count 20 and 25 Hass, priced at $1.20ea with Eat Later packed dates of 7th to 10th October so fruit is 8 to 11 days old and Eat Now packed dates of 26th Sept so fruit is up to 22 days old.

  • 5 piece prepacks at $4.90ea. 1kg prepacks priced at $4.00ea.




The national harvest for last week was a healthy 456,791 cartons which equates to significant 24.4% increase on the week prior, or almost 90,000 additional cartons. Whilst not as sharp an increase as what was experienced back in 2021 for the same week, the current production pattern appears to be mimicking the latter half of 2021 … so we will watch with interest to see how it continues. Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 13.3 - 20.5 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 27.3 - 35.1 C. Minimal rain fell across the entire North Qld growing regions this week with Mareeba and Walkamin receiving 0-0.2mm; and falls across Innisfail and Tully significantly less this week with 0mm!

Cavendish this week were found to have relatively good bloom, some stores had fruit on display with a little minor marking including some bat damage; a few displays again had fruit with less colour developed. Ladyfinger quality on show was generally pleasing though there is competition amongst the supermarkets with Aldi selling at $5.99/kg; Woolies at $6-$7.00/kg and Coles with retail ticket pricing at $8.00/kg.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on cavendish bananas was as follows: Aldi had their banana ticket price at $4.49/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.50/kg; and Coles were offering fruit at $4.90/kg.


Below: Coles Garden City, Indooroopilly and Morningside

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.90/kg and Kids packs were at $4.90ea.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $8.00/kg, Red Tips at $5.50/kg. Organic at $6.00ea.


Below: Aldi Garden City, Indooroopilly and Cannon Hill

Stores had Cavendish @ $4.49/kg.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.


Below: Woolworths Garden City, Indooroopilly and Morningside

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.50/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $2.50.

  • Lady fingers were priced at $7.00/kg, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.00/kg.


2023 Week - 41




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 40, 2023 - The industry saw a 2.46% increase on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 416,075 trays harvested and transported ( 10,000 more trays) on Week 39, 2023 production. Hass variety supplying 412,487 trays harvested in addition to 3,588 trays of assorted other varieties also in this week’s reported figures. Western Australia leads production and is still on the increase with 53.80% of the total volume this week, then Tristate with 28.06%, South Qld with 7.75%, Central NSW with 6.75%; and lastly Tamborine and Northern Rivers, Sunshine Coast/North Qld/New Zealand with the remaining 3.64%.

·       It is forecast that a total of 420K trays will be despatched this week nationally. Hass harvest figures forecast for the next two to three weeks thereafter are expected to range between 420K and 440K per week. The current four week average dispatch figure now sits at 385,748 trays. With the slight softening of harvest figures over recent weeks this has given the markets time to clear and prices are finally showing signs of lifting by $1-$2 per tray on premium and class one stock. Bulks are still quite heavy due to the large volume of small fruit this season and so no real change expected in this area.

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows - Aldi Qld with $1.19ea on Hass;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.50ea, and Woolworths had Hass selling competitively also at $1.30ea.

For this weeks sales pricing please see the info below….


Below: Coles Displays from Garden City, Indooroopilly and Newfarm

  • Coles stores had multiple growers Hass Avocados at $1.50ea.

  • 1kg I’m Perfect at $4.50ea and 5 piece packs at $5.00/pack.

  • Overall good condition, some fruit with bruising but overall good colour and presentation.


Below: Aldi Displays from Garden City, Indooroopilly and Newstead

  • Hass @ $1.19 each.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $3.99ea.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $3.99ea as Aldi Super Savers.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Garden City, Indooroopilly and Newstead

  • Stores stocked Count 20 and 25 Hass, priced at $1.30ea. Packed date of 22nd September.

  • 5 piece prepacks at $4.90ea. 1kg prepacks priced at $4.00ea.




Not a great deal of change in terms of industry production in the last week, hoping this starts to change in another 3 or so weeks post the super moon just over a week and a half ago. During the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 14.8 - 21.1 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 25.6 - 32.2 C indicating that summer is on the way - though with the weather patterns of late, nothing is certain. Minimal rain fell across the entire North Qld growing regions this week with Mareeba and Walkamin receiving 0-1.0mm; and falls across Innisfail and Tully significantly more this week with 33.2 - 48.4mm!

Cavendish this week were found to have relatively good bloom however a higher percentage than normal were backward in colour on retail shelves which is common when supplies are under pressure. A little sap staining, bruising and minor skin marking observed. Ladyfinger displays were light in some stores, often needing to be refilled.

Retail ticket pricing saw a spike in Queensland on bananas which had remained relatively unchanged for a period: Aldi had their banana ticket price at $4.49/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.50/kg; and Coles were offering fruit at $4.90/kg.


Below: Coles Garden City, Indooroopilly and Newfarm

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.90/kg and Kids packs were at $4.90ea.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $8.00/kg, Red Tips at $5.50/kg. Organic at $6.00ea.


Below: Aldi Garden City, Indooroopilly and Newstead

Stores had Cavendish @ $4.49/kg.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.


Below: Woolworths Garden City, Indooroopilly and Newstead

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.50/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $2.50.

  • Lady fingers were priced at $6.00-7.00/kg, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.00/kg.


2023 Week - 40




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 39, 2023 - The industry saw a 0.32% decrease on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 406,105 trays harvested and transported ( only 1,000 less trays) on Week 38, 2023 production. Hass variety supplying 401,923 trays harvested in addition to 4,182 trays of assorted other varieties also in this week’s reported figures. Western Australia leads production and still on the increase with 46.12% of the total volume this week, then Tristate with 35.48%, South Qld with 7.87%, Central NSW with 7.31%; and lastly Tamborine and Northern Rivers, Sunshine Coast/North Qld/New Zealand with the remaining 3.23%.

·       It is forecast that a total of 433K trays will be despatched this week nationally. Hass harvest figures forecast for the next two to three weeks thereafter are expected to range between 433K and 450K per week. The current four week average dispatch figure now sits at 385,748 trays. Whilst there has been a little tidy up in the volume of class one trays and a slight increase of up to $1.00 per tray on these across market floors, as a result of the last couple of weeks of lighter harvesting, there is still a heavy supply of small fruit predominantly in bulks which has seen pricing $4.00-$10.00 per carton main sales, premium lines up to $12 main sales.

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows - Aldi Qld with $1.19ea on Hass;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.30ea, and Woolworths had Hass selling competitively at $1.20ea.

For this weeks sales pricing please see the info below….


Below: Coles Displays from Carindale, Forest Lake and Ipswich

  • Coles stores had multiple growers Hass Avocados at $1.20-1.30ea. Fruit packed on dates of 21st to 25th September so fruit age ranged from 9 to 13 days.

  • 1kg I’m Perfect at $4.50ea and 5 piece packs at $5.00/pack. Both $3.00ea at one store?

  • Overall good condition, some fruit with bruising but overall good colour and presentation.


Below: Aldi Displays from Carindale, Forest Lake and Ipswich

  • Hass @ $1.19 each. Packed dates of 25th and 26th September meaning fruit is 8-9 days in age.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $3.99ea as Aldi Super Savers.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $4.49ea.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Carindale, Forest Lake and Ipswich

  • Stores stocked Count 20 and 25 Hass, priced at $1.20ea. Packed dates of 20th and 21st September meaning fruit age is 13 to 14 days.

  • 5 piece prepacks at $4.50-4.90ea. 1kg prepacks priced at $4.00ea.




Last week a total of 343,479 cartons were harvested and transported nationally which is a 8.5% decline on the previous week - or some 32,000 cartons less. Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 13.5 - 20.5 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 25.5 - 29.7 C. Minimal rain fell across the entire North Qld growing regions this week with Mareeba and Walkamin receiving 0-0.2mm; and falls across Innisfail and Tully significantly more this week with 6.4 - 17.6mm!

Cavendish this week were found to have relatively good bloom. Also found the presence of bruising and neck damage, along with minor skin marking amongst a few displays.

Retail ticket pricing saw a spike in Queensland on bananas which had remained relatively unchanged for a period: Aldi had their banana ticket price at $4.49/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.50/kg; and Coles were offering fruit at $4.50/kg.


Below: Coles Carindale, Forest Lake and Ipswich

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.50-4.90/kg and Kids packs were at $4.50-4.90ea.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $8.00/kg, Red Tips at $5.50/kg. Organic at $6.00ea.


Below: Aldi Carindale, Forest Lake and Ipswich

Stores had Cavendish @ $4.49/kg.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.


Below: Woolworths Carindale, Forest Lake and Ipswich

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.50/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $2.50.

  • Lady fingers were priced at $7.00/kg, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.00/kg.


2023 Week - 39




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 38, 2023 - The industry saw a 18.03% increase on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 407,409 trays harvested and transported ( approx. 50,000 more trays) on Week 37, 2023 production. Hass variety supplying 403,365 trays harvested in addition to 4,044 trays of assorted other varieties also in this week’s reported figures. Western Australia leads production and still on the increase with 39.97% of the total volume this week, then Tristate with 37.21%, South Qld with 10.31%, Central NSW with 9.30%; and lastly Tamborine and Northern Rivers, Sunshine Coast/North Qld/New Zealand with the remaining 3.21%.

·       It is forecast that a total of 425K trays will be despatched this week nationally. Hass harvest figures forecast for the next two to three weeks thereafter are expected to range between 425K and 460K per week. The current four week average dispatch figure now sits at 390,493 trays. There is still an abundant supply of smaller hass in all markets (Counts 25/28/30/32/34) which is putting pressure on all markets. Fruit of quality and size (Count 14/16) is fetching a slight premium. Retail sales of prepack options appear to be somewhat slower whilst piece prices offer such value and customers can freely choose the quantity they wish to purchase.

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows - Aldi Qld with $1.19ea on Hass;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.20ea, and Woolworths had Hass selling competitively also at $1.20ea.

For this weeks sales pricing please see the info below….


Below: Coles Displays from Indooroopilly, Sunnybank Hills and Middle Range Toowoomba

  • Coles stores had multiple growers Hass Avocados at $1.20ea.

  • 1kg I’m Perfect at $4.50ea and 5 piece packs at $5.00/pack.

  • Overall good condition, some fruit with bruising but overall good colour and presentation.


Below: Aldi Displays from Indooroopilly, Sunnybank Hills and Middle Range Toowoomba

  • Hass @ $1.19 each.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $3.99ea as Aldi Super Savers.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $4.49ea.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Indooroopilly, Sunnybank Hills and Middle Range Toowoomba

  • Stores stocked Hass, priced at $1.20ea.

  • 5 piece prepacks at $4.50ea. 1kg prepacks priced at $4.50ea.




National Banana harvest figures don’t appear to have changed greatly over the last couple of weeks with more significant increases in production not anticipated for another 4-5 weeks. Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 14.0 - 19.8 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 22.1 - 32.5 C. Minimal rain fell across the entire North Qld growing regions this week with Mareeba and Walkamin receiving 2.0-4.6mm; and falls across Innisfail and Tully significantly more this week with 79.8-97.8mm!

Cavendish this week were found to have relatively good bloom, some stores with minor defects noted including rub marking and bruising.

Retail ticket pricing saw a spike in Queensland on bananas which had remained relatively unchanged for a period: Aldi had their banana ticket price at $3.99/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.50/kg; and Coles were offering fruit at $4.50/kg.


Below: Coles Indooroopilly, Sunnybank Hills and Middle Range Toowoomba

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.50/kg and Kids packs were at $4.50ea.

  • The majority of fruit had good bloom but noticing some sooty mould, scarring, rub marking and some minor bat/bird damage. Some clusters had slight bruising. Note in one store, full cartons on display, plastic wrap still covering fruit with full colour.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.90-8.00/kg, Red Tips at $5.50/kg. Organic at $6.00ea.


Below: Aldi Indooroopilly, Sunnybank Hills and Middle Range Toowoomba

Stores had Cavendish @ $3.99/kg.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.


Below: Woolworths Indooroopilly, Sunnybank Hills and Middle Range Toowoomba

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.50/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $2.50.

  • Lady fingers were priced at $7.00/kg, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $5.50/kg.


2023 Week - 38




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 37, 2023 - The industry saw a 10.18% decrease on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 345,168 trays harvested and transported ( approx. 40,000 less trays) on Week 36, 2023 production. Hass variety supplying 343,540 trays harvested in addition to 1,628 trays of assorted other varieties also in this week’s reported figures. Western Australia leads production and still on the increase with 43.52% of the total volume this week, then Tristate with 30.85%, South Qld with 11.98%, Central NSW with 10.37%; and lastly Tamborine and Northern Rivers, Sunshine Coast/North Qld/New Zealand with the remaining 3.28%.

·       It is forecast that a total of 438K trays will be despatched this week nationally. Hass harvest figures forecast for the next two to three weeks thereafter are expected to range between 430K and 460K per week. The current four week average dispatch figure now sits at 413,350 trays. Whilst national production has declined a little again this week, all markets are heavy with stock particularly smaller sizes 28/30/32’s and bulks so lots of competition on pricing unfortunately in a downward trend. Slightly higher pricing can be found in all markets on quality larger sizes - 16/18’s. Quality of supermarket lines continues to be a focus so please ensure you are packing trays etc that are well within spec. We have been experiencing a few underweight trays, please remember to check your tray weights in a range of sizing consistently throughout any packing day, say every 15 minutes, to ensure you are picking up on any variances between blocks etc. and adjust accordingly.

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows - Aldi Qld with $1.19ea on Hass;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.20ea, and Woolworths had Hass selling competitively also at $1.20ea.

For this weeks sales pricing please see the info below….


Below: Coles Displays from Carindale, Garden City and Fairfield

  • Coles stores had multiple growers Hass Avocados at $1.20ea.

  • 1kg I’m Perfect at $4.50ea and 5 piece packs at $5.00/pack.

  • Overall good condition, some fruit with bruising but overall good colour and presentation.


Below: Aldi Displays from Carindale, Garden City and Fairfield

  • Hass @ $1.19 each at most stores as Aldi Super Savers.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $3.99ea.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $4.49ea.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Carindale, Garden City and Moorooka

  • Stores stocked Hass, priced at $1.20ea.

  • 5 piece prepacks at $5.00ea. 1kg prepacks priced at $4.00ea.




Week 37 saw a total despatch of 392,000 cartons which was a decrease of approximately 22,000 on Week 36 harvest. Production levels are not expected to increase significantly for another 4-5 weeks. Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 12.2 - 19.9 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 23.8 - 28.5 C. Minimal rain fell across the entire North Qld growing regions this week with Mareeba and Walkamin receiving 0.4-3.4mm; and falls across Innisfail and Tully significantly more this week with 48.0-71.6mm!

Cavendish this week were found to have relatively good bloom and an overall good appearance. A few minor defects noted including rub marking, minor bruising and neck damage.

Retail ticket pricing saw a spike in Queensland on bananas which had remained relatively unchanged for a period: Aldi had their banana ticket price at $3.99/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.50/kg; and Coles were offering fruit at $4.00/kg.


Below: Coles Carindale, Garden City and Fairfield

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.00-4.50/kg and Kids packs were at $4.00ea.

  • The majority of fruit had good bloom. Some clusters had very slight bruising.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $6.90/kg, Red Tips at $5.50/kg.


Below: Aldi Carindale, Garden City and Fairfield

Stores had Cavendish @ $3.99/kg.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.


Below: Woolworths Carindale, Garden City and Moorooka

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.50/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $2.50.

  • Lady fingers were priced at $8.00/kg, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.00/kg.


2023 Week - 37




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 36, 2023 - The industry saw a 9.59% decrease on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 384,308 trays harvested and transported ( approx. 40,000 less trays) on Week 35, 2023 production. Hass variety supplying 380,309 trays harvested in addition to 3,999 trays of assorted other varieties also in this week’s reported figures. Western Australia leads production and still on the increase with 42.85% of the total volume this week, then Tristate with 27.93%, South Qld with 12.93%, Central NSW with 11.94%; Tamborine and Northern Rivers with 2.16% and the balance coming from the a combination of Sunshine Coast/North Qld/New Zealand (2.20%).

·       It is forecast that a total of 380K trays will be despatched this week nationally. Hass harvest figures forecast for the next two to three weeks thereafter are expected to range between 380K and 450K per week. The current four week average dispatch figure now sits at 433,617 trays. Whilst national production has come somewhat all markets are heavy with stock particularly smaller sizes 28/30/32’s and all bulks. Slightly higher pricing can be found in all markets on quality larger sizes. Quality of supermarket lines is very important at the moment, as with the volume available, they can choose to be picky so ensure your packs are well within spec. We have been experiencing a few underweight trays, please remember to check your tray weights in a range of sizing consistently throughout any packing day, say every 15 minutes, to ensure you are picking up on any variances between blocks etc. and adjust accordingly.

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows - Aldi Qld with $1.19ea on Hass;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.20ea, and Woolworths had Hass selling competitively also at $1.20ea.

For this weeks sales pricing please see the info below….


Below: Coles Displays from Sunnybank Hills, Mt Gravatt and Coorparoo

  • Coles stores had multiple growers Hass Avocados at $1.20ea.

  • 1kg I’m Perfect at $4.00ea and 5 piece packs at $5.00/pack. Organic avocados priced at $3.90ea.

  • Overall good condition, some fruit with bruising but overall good colour and presentation.


Below: Aldi Displays from Sunnybank Hills, Mt Gravatt and Coorparoo

  • Hass @ $1.19 each at most stores, but one store still had them priced at $1.49ea.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $3.99ea.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $4.49ea.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Sunnybank Hills, Mt Gravatt and Coorparoo

  • Stores stocked Hass, priced at $1.20ea.

  • 5 piece prepacks at $4.90ea. 1kg prepacks priced at $4.50ea.




Week 36 saw a total despatch of 414,847 cartons which was a slight decrease of approximately 868 cartons on Week 35 production. Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 14.6 - 22.5 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 24.3 - 29.7 C. Minimal rain fell across the entire North Qld growing regions this week with Mareeba and Walkamin receiving 0.2-2.0mm; and falls across Innisfail and Tully slightly more this week with 25.8-34.4mm!

Cavendish this week were found to have relatively good bloom and an overall good appearance. A few minor defects noted including rub marking, minor bruising and neck damage.

Retail ticket pricing saw a spike in Queensland on bananas which had remained relatively unchanged for a period: Aldi have their banana ticket price at $4.49/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.00/kg; and Coles were offering fruit at $4.50-4.90/kg.


Below: Coles Sunnybank Hills, Mt Gravatt and Coorparoo

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.50-4.90/kg and Kids packs were at $4.50-4.90ea.

  • The majority of fruit had good bloom. Some clusters had very slight bruising.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $8.00/kg, Red Tips at $5.50/kg. Organic variety priced at $6.00/kg.


Below: Aldi Sunnybank Hills, Mt Gravatt and Coorparoo

Stores had Cavendish @ $4.49/kg.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.


Below: Woolworths Sunnybank Hills, Mt Gravatt and Coorparoo

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.00/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $2.50.

  • Lady fingers were priced at $8.00/kg, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.00/kg.


2023 Week - 36




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 35, 2023 - The industry saw a 14.78% decrease on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 425,087 trays harvested and transported ( approx. 70,000 less trays) on Week 34, 2023 production. Hass variety supplying 421,390 trays harvested in addition to 3,697 trays of assorted other varieties also in this week’s reported figures. Western Australia still in the lead in terms of production with 31.87% of the total volume this week, then Tristate with 30.88%, Central NSW with 16.01%; followed by South Qld at 12.98%, Central QLD at 2.88%, and the balance coming from the a combination of Sunshine Coast/Tamborine/North Qld and Northern Rivers (5.38%).

·       It is forecast that a total of 422K trays will be despatched this week nationally. Hass harvest figures forecast for the next two to three weeks thereafter are expected to range between 390K and 440K per week. The current four week average dispatch figure now sits at 465,994 trays. The volume of small fruit on all markets continues to be heavy coming from SE Qld; NSW; Vic and the Tri-states regions - better money is being paid for fruit of larger size (16/18’s) but these seem to be scarce. Competition in the prepacks is fierce as retailers try to find a way to increase the value of their shoppers basket. With the volume of fruit currently available, retailers are focusing on quality; opting for the cleaner lines which are presenting well to entice their customers - this will no doubt be the case for the next few months. On a brighter note, with the weather fast warming up avocados will start to be featured in a wider variety of menus both on the home front and in cafes/restaurants.

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows - Aldi Qld with $1.19ea on Hass;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.30ea, and Woolworths had Hass selling at $1.50ea.

For this weeks sales pricing please see the info below….


Below: Coles Displays from Fairfield, Chermside and Indooroopilly

  • Coles stores had multiple growers Hass Avocados at $1.30ea.

  • 1kg I’m Perfect at $4.50ea and 5 piece packs at $3.84/pack. Organic avocados priced at $3.90ea.

  • Overall good condition, some fruit with bruising but overall good colour and presentation.


Below: Aldi Displays from Fairfield, Chermside and Indooroopilly

  • Hass @ $1.19 each.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $3.99ea.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $3.99ea.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Yerongpilly, Chermside and Indooroopilly

  • Stores stocked Hass, priced at $1.50ea depending on store location.

  • 5 piece prepacks at $5.00ea. 1kg prepacks priced at $4.00ea.




Week 35 saw a total despatch of 415,715 cartons which was a further increase of approximately 22,000 on Week 34 production. Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 10.3 - 15.3 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 25.5 - 29.3 C. Minimal rain fell across the entire North Qld growing regions this week with Mareeba and Walkamin receiving 0mm; and falls across Innisfail and Tully with 0-0.4mm for the week!

Cavendish this week were found to have relatively good bloom and an overall good appearance. A few minor defects noted including rub marking, minor bruising and neck damage.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas remained relatively unchanged since last week and relatively uniform across the three chains as follows: Aldi’s banana ticket price at $4.49/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a competitive ticket price of $4.50/kg; and Coles were offering fruit also competitively at $4.00/kg.


Below: Coles Fairfield, Chermside and Indooroopilly

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.00/kg and Kids packs were at $4.00ea.

  • The majority of fruit had good bloom. Some clusters had rub marking and slight bruising.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $8.00/kg, Red Tips at $5.50/kg. Organic variety priced at $6.00/kg.


Below: Aldi Fairfield, Chermside and Indooroopilly

Stores had Cavendish @ $4.49/kg.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.


Below: Woolworths Yerongpilly, Chermside and Indooroopilly

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.50/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $2.50.

  • Lady fingers were priced at $8.00/kg, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.00/kg.


2023 Week - 35




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 34, 2023 - The industry saw a 17.03% increase on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 498,838 trays harvested and transported ( approx. 70,000 more trays) on Week 33, 2023 production. Hass variety supplying 497,482 trays harvested in addition to 1,356 trays of assorted other varieties also in this week’s reported figures. Western Australia has now well and truly taken the lead with 32.39% of the total volume this week, then Tristate with 23.48%, Central NSW with 20.27%; followed by South Qld at 11.83%, Central QLD at 7.49%, and the balance coming from the a combination of Sunshine Coast/Tamborine/North Qld and Northern Rivers (4.54%).

·       It is forecast that a total of 420K trays will be despatched this week nationally. Hass harvest figures forecast for the next two to three weeks thereafter are expected to range between 410K and 450K per week. The current four week average dispatch figure now sits at 467,721 trays. All markets have a relatively heavy supply of smaller fruit which is increasing clearance time of stocks on hand and competitive activity in the market place to try and strengthen sales.

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows - Aldi Qld with $1.19ea on Hass;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.20-1.50ea, and Woolworths had Hass selling at $1.20-1.50ea.

For this weeks sales pricing please see the info below….


Below: Coles Displays from Carindale, Garden City and Loganholme

  • Coles stores had multiple growers Hass Avocados at $1.20-1.50ea - mainly Ct 23/25.

  • 1kg I’m Perfect at $4.80ea and 5 piece packs at $5.00/pack. Organic avocados priced at $3.90ea.

  • Overall good condition, some fruit with bruising but overall good colour and presentation.


Below: Aldi Displays from Carindale, Garden City and Loganholme

  • Simpson/The Strand/Mayfair Hass Ct 25’s @ $1.19 each.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $3.99ea.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $4.99ea.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Carindale, Garden City and Loganholme

  • Stores stocked The Strand, Purpleskin and Simpson Hass, priced at $1.20-1.50ea depending on store location.

  • 5 piece prepacks at $5.00ea. 1kg prepacks priced at $4.50ea.




Week 34 saw a total despatch of 393,594 cartons which was approximately 36,000 more than Week 33 production. Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 9.5 - 20.4 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 23.0 - 27.0 C. Very slight rainfall across the entire North Qld growing regions this week with Mareeba and Walkamin receiving 3.0 - 5.6 mm respectively; and an increase in falls across Innisfail and Tully with 17.8 - 28.6mm across the week!

Cavendish this week were found to have relatively good bloom and an overall good appearance. A few minor defects noted including rub marking.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas remained relatively unchanged since last week and relatively uniform across the three chains as follows: Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.99/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a competitive ticket price of $4.00/kg; and Coles were offering fruit also competitively at $4.00/kg.


Below: Coles Carindale, Garden City and Loganholme

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.00/kg and Kids packs were at $4.00ea.

  • The majority of fruit had good bloom. Some clusters had very slight bruising.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $8.00/kg, Red Tips at $5.50/kg. Organic variety priced at $6.00/kg.


Below: Aldi Carindale, Garden City and Loganholme

Stores had Cavendish @ $3.99/kg.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.


Below: Woolworths Carindale, Garden City and Loganholme

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.00/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $2.50.

  • Lady fingers were priced at $8.00/kg, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.00/kg.