2023 Week - 48




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 47, 2023 - The industry saw a 9.86% increase on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 451,170 trays harvested and transported (approx 45,000 more tray equivalents) on Week 46, 2023 production. Hass variety supplying 337,348 tray equivalents harvested in addition to 3789 trays of assorted other varieties also in this week’s reported figures. Western Australia continues to lead production with 82.77% of the total volume this week, then NZ with 6.85%, Tristate with 5.26% and Central NSW with 5.04%. Whilst this may well sound like a significant amount of fruit, we need to dig down deeper into what represents the 451K trays. This week there was just over 60,000 bulk units packed which equates to approx. 110,000 trays and almost 58,000 trays exported, so this only leaves approximately 283,000 trays for the Australian domestic market.

·       It is forecast that a total of 432K trays will be despatched this week (Week 48) nationally. Hass harvest figures forecast for the next two to three weeks thereafter are expected to range between 430K and 500K per week. In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows - Aldi Qld Hass at $1.19ea ;  Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.30ea, and Woolworths had Hass selling at $1.20ea. The markets have remained relatively stable with premium fruit fetching $18-$20/tray (main sales), for superior quality up to $22.00/tray; whilst class one fruit is ranging $10-$14/tray (main sales) depending upon size. The major chains whilst they didn’t lift pricing this week, will be lifting their pricing for W/C 5/12/23 by $1-$3/tray depending upon size and location being supplied.

A little update on the growing conditions in WA recently… with higher than normal temperatures at this time of year, somewhat of a heatwave has already taken on a heavy toll on the new fruit set for the 2024/2025 season, with a number of farms reporting fruit drop in the realms of 30-60% which will significantly impact the size of next years crop.

For this weeks sales pricing please see the info below….


Below: Coles Displays from Carindale, Cannon Hill and Garden City

  • Coles stores had multiple suppliers of Hass Avocados in sizes 23/25 at $1.30ea. Fruit packed dates ranging 10 to 14th November so fruit age ranged 15 to 19 days. Starting to see a festive feel to some departments.

  • 1kg I’m Perfect at $4.50ea and 5 piece packs at $4.50/pack.

  • Organic at $3.90ea.


Below: Aldi Displays from Carindale, Cannon Hill and Garden City

  • Hass @ $1.19ea all Ct23/25. Packed dates of 12th to 19th November so fruit age ranged 10 to 17 days.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $3.99ea.

  • 5 piece packs priced at $4.99ea.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Carindale, Cannon Hill and Garden City

  • Stores stocked Count 25 Hass, priced at $1.20ea. Packed dates 1st to 7th November observed, hence fruit age ranging 22 to 28 days. A festive feel starting in some departments of stores frequented.

  • 5 piece prepacks at $5.00ea. 1kg prepacks priced at $4.00ea.




The national harvest for last week declined somewhat to 411,197 cartons, representing a 2.18% increase on the week prior, just shy of 10,000 more cartons. Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 19.4 - 23.5 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 27.2 - 33.3 C. A slight increase in rainfall across the entire North Qld growing regions this week with Mareeba and Walkamin receiving 3.4-9.7mm; and falls across Innisfail and Tully with even more at 22.0-68.6mm.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on cavendish bananas was as follows: Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.99/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.00-4.50/kg; and Coles were offering fruit at $4.00/kg. Banana quality in stores varied with findings of some minor bruising; light scarring and skin splitting noted within most supermarket displays.


Below: Coles Carindale, Cannon Hill and Garden City

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.00/kg and Kids packs were at $4.00ea. Some stores with low stock.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.50/kg on special, Red Tips at $5.50/kg. Organic at $5.00ea.


Below: Aldi Carindale, Cannon Hill and Garden City

Stores had Cavendish @ $3.99/kg. Multiple stores had fruit with splitting skin, but good colour otherwise.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.


Below: Woolworths Carindale, Cannon Hill and Garden City

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.00-4.50/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $2.50.

  • Lady fingers were priced at $6.00/kg, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.00/kg.