2023 Week - 39
In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows:
· Week 38, 2023 - The industry saw a 18.03% increase on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 407,409 trays harvested and transported ( approx. 50,000 more trays) on Week 37, 2023 production. Hass variety supplying 403,365 trays harvested in addition to 4,044 trays of assorted other varieties also in this week’s reported figures. Western Australia leads production and still on the increase with 39.97% of the total volume this week, then Tristate with 37.21%, South Qld with 10.31%, Central NSW with 9.30%; and lastly Tamborine and Northern Rivers, Sunshine Coast/North Qld/New Zealand with the remaining 3.21%.
· It is forecast that a total of 425K trays will be despatched this week nationally. Hass harvest figures forecast for the next two to three weeks thereafter are expected to range between 425K and 460K per week. The current four week average dispatch figure now sits at 390,493 trays. There is still an abundant supply of smaller hass in all markets (Counts 25/28/30/32/34) which is putting pressure on all markets. Fruit of quality and size (Count 14/16) is fetching a slight premium. Retail sales of prepack options appear to be somewhat slower whilst piece prices offer such value and customers can freely choose the quantity they wish to purchase.
In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows - Aldi Qld with $1.19ea on Hass; Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.20ea, and Woolworths had Hass selling competitively also at $1.20ea.
For this weeks sales pricing please see the info below….

Below: Coles Displays from Indooroopilly, Sunnybank Hills and Middle Range Toowoomba
Coles stores had multiple growers Hass Avocados at $1.20ea.
1kg I’m Perfect at $4.50ea and 5 piece packs at $5.00/pack.
Overall good condition, some fruit with bruising but overall good colour and presentation.
Below: Aldi Displays from Indooroopilly, Sunnybank Hills and Middle Range Toowoomba
Hass @ $1.19 each.
1kg Avocado nets at $3.99ea as Aldi Super Savers.
5 piece packs priced at $4.49ea.
Below: Woolworths Displays from Indooroopilly, Sunnybank Hills and Middle Range Toowoomba
Stores stocked Hass, priced at $1.20ea.
5 piece prepacks at $4.50ea. 1kg prepacks priced at $4.50ea.
National Banana harvest figures don’t appear to have changed greatly over the last couple of weeks with more significant increases in production not anticipated for another 4-5 weeks. Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 14.0 - 19.8 C across all major growing regions and day time temperatures have remained warmer ranging 22.1 - 32.5 C. Minimal rain fell across the entire North Qld growing regions this week with Mareeba and Walkamin receiving 2.0-4.6mm; and falls across Innisfail and Tully significantly more this week with 79.8-97.8mm!
Cavendish this week were found to have relatively good bloom, some stores with minor defects noted including rub marking and bruising.
Retail ticket pricing saw a spike in Queensland on bananas which had remained relatively unchanged for a period: Aldi had their banana ticket price at $3.99/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.50/kg; and Coles were offering fruit at $4.50/kg.
Below: Coles Indooroopilly, Sunnybank Hills and Middle Range Toowoomba
Cavendish were priced at $4.50/kg and Kids packs were at $4.50ea.
The majority of fruit had good bloom but noticing some sooty mould, scarring, rub marking and some minor bat/bird damage. Some clusters had slight bruising. Note in one store, full cartons on display, plastic wrap still covering fruit with full colour.
Lady Fingers were priced at $5.90-8.00/kg, Red Tips at $5.50/kg. Organic at $6.00ea.
Below: Aldi Indooroopilly, Sunnybank Hills and Middle Range Toowoomba
Stores had Cavendish @ $3.99/kg.
Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg.
Below: Woolworths Indooroopilly, Sunnybank Hills and Middle Range Toowoomba
Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.50/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $2.50.
Lady fingers were priced at $7.00/kg, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $5.50/kg.