Retail Market Week 39 - 2022
National transport figures for last week declined by 4% to 416,341 cartons (some 17,500 ctns less than last week). This is rather surprising by all accounts however having said this, the next full moon is not that far off - the 9th October to be exact, so we can expect to see a lift in this figure in the not too distant weeks. In this last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures ranged 16.5 - 20.9 C across the growing regions - whilst day time temperatures were considerably warmer ranging 28.2 to 31.5C -as the days gradually lengthen and the barometer starts to climb we will see fruit growth rates comparatively increase. In terms of rainfall, all major growing regions in the north received almost no rain bar Mareeba receiving just 0.2mm. Cavendish banana bunch age is currently at 17 weeks with this expected to be back to 16-17 weeks by mid-October; as the weather continues to warm. We continue to see the presence of underpeel chill after previous winter growing periods of cold overnight and morning lows. Whilst this does impact the fresh appeal of the banana, it in no way negatively impacts the flavour or eating quality of the fruit - in fact, winter grown fruit is normally a little sweeter as it takes longer to grow. We expect to see the presence of underpeel chill and hence dull bloom through until at least the end of November, maybe even extending into December.
Independent retailers were selling bananas at $2.29 to $3.69/kg this week. The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $16-$32 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.
The presentation of Cavendish presented this week continue to reflect the impact of cold growth periods throughout winter with fruit of less bright appearance present in varying degrees. There was a presence of minor dry scar; speckle; small rub marks, speckle and sap staining. There is still the odd few clusters with split peel present and in one store sooty mould was also observed.
Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas was fairly uniform this week in comparison to the week prior with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.49/kg; whilst Woolies offered fruit at $3.50/kg in stores frequented and Coles also offered fruit at $3.50-$4.00/kg dependant upon location visited. Fruit was presented neatly on assigned displays, there was a presence of dull fruit to varying degrees, on show in all outlets again this week as can be expected for the next few months.
Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays
In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows:
· Week 38 - A total of just 285,035 trays were harvested and transported last week which represents a significant decline of 21% ( approx. 73,600 less trays) on Week 37, 2022 production. This week we saw Central NSW climb to the top contributing 30% of the total volume; followed by Tristate at 22%; South Qld at 16% followed closely WA at 14%; whilst NZ and Central Qld only supplied 8% each of the overall total. The remaining 2% is made up of contributions from North Qld, Tamborine, Sunshine Coast and Northern Rivers.
· It is forecast that a total of 252K trays will be despatched this week nationally. The Hass forecast for the next two to three weeks is for supplies to be strengthening with volumes of approximately 345K to 390K trays per week expected. For the first time in quite a while, the current four week average dispatch has stayed below 400K at 353,388 trays.
Major supermarkets were again relatively close in monetary terms in their offering this week for avocado pricing with premium Hass ticketed at $1.49 to $1.80ea - no real change from last week. Market pricing in Brisbane and Sydney has continued to firm, which is great news for growers, prices range $24-$28 with main sales $26-$28 ( the odd $30/tray fore real glamour fruit). In Victoria, the increased supply of quality WA fruit has seen pricing of $30-$34/tray for premium fruit; $26-$30 on other Australian grown hass. Prices for class one fruit have been falling within a range of $14 -$20/tray. There have been some class one and second bulks on the market this week with prices ranging $10-$20.
We are continuing to supply Hass grown in the SE corner of Qld from the region of Blackbutt. Temperatures in this region have been a touch warmer this week with overnight/early morning temps ranging 7-14.5C and daytimes warming up to 21-27C whilst rain has continued its presence this week with a total of 20-34mm across the region. Our Packing team are working tirelessly to ensure fruit quality is within specification each week - we are continuing to find a slightly higher presence of nodule damage with continued wet weather, with the more heavily marked pieces being removed from the packs to ensure fruit is in spec. Main fruit sizing continues to fall within Ct 20-23. All going well supply from this district should see us through to mid-late October. Our growers from SW NSW, more specifically in the region of Barham are also working hard to ensure specifications - supplies expected for another two to three weeks.
Hass Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing. Fruit age ranged 12 to 33 days from packed date on tray labels that were visible. It should be noted we saw the first of the New Zealand fruit on Woolworths shelves this week and Aldi had NZ hass for the second week in Brisbane.
In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows: Aldi Qld had NZ Hass selling this week at a ticket price of $1.49ea in store; Coles Qld had Central and SE Qld Hass ticketed at $1.50ea depending upon store location, whilst Woolworths had both Central Qld grown Hass and NZ Hass selling at $1.70 to $1.80/piece depending upon store location and size of fruit. The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to just about ready to eat. Aldi seemed to have a much higher percentage of quite ripe fruit on shelf this week.
Left to Right: Woolworths Hass; Aldi Shepard and Coles Hass Avocados
A full display of Cavendish Bananas ticketed at $3.49/kg. Some really quite dull clusters present, with speckle and skin marking.
Costa Lady Fingers at $5.99/kg
A display of Cavendish were priced at $3.49/kg. A mix of colour on this display including some semi-colour in terms of condition - majority of display had dull bloom with small skin marks and some rust thrip damage.
Costa Lady Fingers - some clusters with bat marking, were priced at $5.99/kg.
A display of Cavendish were priced at $3.49/kg- a low level presence of some light minor skin marks noted. Semi-colour fruit was quite backward.
Costa Lady Fingers on display for $5.99/kg. Sold in hands for customers to break apart.
Cavendish bananas displayed at $3.50/kg - fruit was displayed in single layer on each step, slightly dull in colour and bloom this week. Some dull clusters with multiple small skin marks. Kids packs at $3.50/kg.
‘Eco’ Red Tips at $5.50/kg and Lady Fingers on special for $5.90/kg - these presented well in terms of colour and skin appeal.
Cavendish on display priced at $4.00/kg , as Kid’s packs also at $4.00. Majority of fruit was semi-colour, some clusters with heavy speckle and sooty mould.
Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $5.50/kg.
Cavendish on display priced at $3.50/kg some clusters with small skin defects, rust thrip damage. Kids packs at $3.50/kg.
All lines needed restocking in this store.
Cavendish priced at $3.50/kg - display tidy. Kids packs at $3.00ea. Fruit presented cleanly, few small skin marks.
Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg. Organic bananas at $6.00/kg.
Cavendish bananas priced at $3.50/kg - a relatively neat display but with a lot of spillover stock- a low level presence of minor scarring - odd cluster found with split peel.
Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg - couple of clusters with minor bruising; Red Tips at $5.50/kg and Organic at $6.00/kg.
Cavendish priced at $3.50/kg, Kids packs at $3.00ea. Fruit presented cleanly, few small skin marks.
Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and Red Tips at $5.50/kg.
NZ Hass Avocados count 23’s and 25’s at $1.49ea - loose stock very ripe. Packed dates of 25th August there stock is 33 days old.
Hass 5 piece at $4.99ea and 1kg Net packs at $5.99ea. These lines also contained a high percentage of ripe stock.
Freshmax NZ Hass Avocados Count 23/25 - firm fruit - priced at $1.49 ea.
1kg at $5.79ea, stock was ripe, on special and 5 piece packs also at $5.99ea.
Skylark NZ Hass in count 23 available for sale at $1.49ea. Packed date 28th August, so fruit age is 31 days old. Most fruit was ripe.
5 piece packs selling at $5.99ea and 1kg packs at $5.79ea - again this line was ripe.
Ct 23 Australian Hass Avocados from Tree-2-Me packed by Avorama- ticketed at $1.50ea. All fruit presented well - good selection of maturities available for customers. One piece found with puncture wound.
5 piece packs at $4.90 and 1kg packs at $7.90.
Count 25/28 Australian Hass very neatly presented and ticketed at $1.50ea.
Good mix of condition.
Loose Count 25 Hass from Costas priced at $1.50ea, packed 20th Sept, age ranges 8 to 15 days.
1kg IM Perfect packs priced at $5.90ea and 5 piece packs at $7.90ea..
Hass in count 23-25’s were ticketed at $1.70ea, displayed on A Frame double sided display just inside the entrance to the produce department.
Both prepacks were priced at $5.90ea.
Team NZ Hass supplied by the Darling Group packed 30th August (29 days old) as well as Avolution Australian hass packed 15th Sept (13 days old)- Count 20/23 Hass Avocados ticketed at $2.00 each. Mix of maturities on offer.
5 piece prepacks by Simpsons at $6.90ea and 1kg packs at $5.90ea.
Avolution Australian Hass Ct 25 and Darling Group NZ Ct 20 Hass ticketed at $1.70ea, displayed on one side of an A Frame display opposite the entrance to the produce department.
Prepacks: 1kg packs at $5.90ea. 5 piece packs at $5.90ea supplied by Simpsons were very ripe and soft. Organic at $3.50ea.