Retail Market Week 30
In the past week the morning temperatures have cooled with a range of 10.5 to 17.2C across the major growing regions in North Qld; whilst day time temperatures have ranged 25 to 32.8C Mareeba, Innisfail and Tully have all been relatively dry in the last week; whilst Walkamin districts received a total of 4-5mm/day across the week. With the continuation of rather mild weather, there has not been a great deal of change with respect to bunch age this week - so we are still ranging 16-17 weeks on farm. Growth rates are steady, fruit is taking a little longer to fill out and we expect the bunch age to push out by a further week as the overnight/morning temps continue to drop.
The national cut for last week was a little over 419K cartons. This figure represented an increase of 7.31% on the previous week. The national cut for this week is expected to be similar, within a range of 395-420K cartons. Our harvest team continue to be proactively cutting fruit that is slightly thinner in girth in order to prevent too much bronzing damage - we are continuing to grade out 10-15% with heavier marking.
There was a noticeable difference between lines on shelf this week at the major supermarkets - some lines with heavy bronzing on some clusters; others with a presence of bruising, light sap staining and minor skin marking. Colour was generally good. Signage found on display in both Coles and Woolworths stores alerting their customers of the impact of cold winter temperatures on bananas during growth resulting in a dull bloom, yet fruit is still sweet to eat.
Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas varied between the major supermarkets with Aldi offering fruit at $3.49-$3.99/kg; both Coles and Woolworths at $3.50-$4.00/kg in the stores visited this week.
Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays
The figures released this week saw Central Qld maintaining the lead in terms of avocado production accounting for 52% of the total harvest of some 401,961 trays last week; followed by North Qld with 24%; South Qld at 10%; Central NSW 6% and WA at 5%. The remaining 3% came from a combination of the following regions Sunshine Coast, Tamborine; Northern Rivers and Tristate. This production figure represents an 6% increase on week prior and was 12% higher than what was forecast for this period. All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $1.19- $1.50 per piece, whilst independents were selling class one fruit at $1.00/piece. Sales have slowed somewhat this week in stores - this may be due to the slight ticket price increase or due to the fact that there are still a number of locations in lockdown. Within the markets, avocado sales for premium trays are in the range of $14 -$24/tray depending upon size and quality of each line, the top of $24 is rare, the true top price being within $20-$22 for most sales. Pricing for class one fruit (main sales) is ranging $6 --$15 per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $5 (2nds) --$28/ctn depending upon grade, quality and count size.
The national production of Hass this week is forecast to be in the vicinity of 390,000 - 400,000 trays and then the forecast shows a slight increase by approximately 10-20K per week for the next three weeks. You will note that WA have contributed 5% of the national volume this week which equates to approximately 20,000 trays - this is just the start of what has been touted to be their biggest season on record. The weather in the south west corner of WA has not been great over the past month with rain experience on 27 of the last 30 days; bouts of really cold; strong winds and the odd storm thrown in are certainly giving growers a few headaches. At this stage however, we are pleased to inform that damage has been minimal to our supply base in this region. Weather forecasts for the next couple of months, if this can be believed, is for more of the same so we will have to keep an eye on things and provide an update if anything should change.
Presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing. The humble Hass avocado is the star attraction as it appears that the Gmax has completed its season.
Prepack formulations on offer by all major supermarkets offer an opportunity to move greater volumes in a single purchase. Aldi were offering their 6 piece nets on special at $4.99 ea; Coles had their 5 piece pack at $4.90 ea and 1kg I’m Perfect packs selling at $3.90ea; whilst Woolworths had the 5 pack on offer for $5.90 and the 1kg Odd Bunch ticketed at a super $3.90/bag.
Price has moved up marginally this week in some stores. In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows: Aldi Qld had Hass back at $1.19ea; Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass ticketed at $1.20-$1.50 ea; whilst Coles in Qld had Hass at a piece price of $1.20 each. The majority of fruit on shelves is firm, with a low level of fruit that can be selected to eat that day or the next.
Left to Right: Woolworths Hass, Aldi Hass and Coles Hass Avocados
Cavendish Bananas were priced at $3.99/kg - minor skin marking present on displayed fruit.
Lady Fingers were priced at $6.99/kg - fruit was of very good condition but presented in hands which customers need to pull apart.
Cavendish were priced at $3.49/kg with colour and bloom of fruit being good
Lady Fingers were priced at $6.99 - some clusters were slightly green and had rub marking.
Cavendish bananas were displayed at $3.50/kg and kids packs at $3.50/kg, some clusters in semi- condition.
Lady Fingers were also available at $7.90/kg and red tips were $5.00/kg
Cavendish at this store were ticketed at $4.50/kg and kids packs were the same.
Red tips at $5.00/kg, Ladyfingers at $7.90/kg with some marking
Cavendish were priced at $3.50/kg as were kids packs - some light bronzing an minor skin marking observed. Good display of kids cluster packs.
Lady Fingers were available at $7.90/kg and Red tips at $5.00/kg
Cavendish were well stocked and in good condition at $4.50/kg - a little light rub marking but bloom and colour were attractive. There was a small section of the display that appeared to be carry over fruit from the previous day’s trade that was more heavily marked on the front side of the banana barge.
Noted that the banana display was positioned at the rear of the produce department opposite deli line refrigeration which gives off cold air which may impact fruit.
Red tips were priced at $5.00/kg, Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg and kids packs at $4.50/kg. The Red tips had a dull appearance and were more heavily marked.
Cavendish bananas priced at $3.50/kg- fruit based on condition was being displayed in the relevant section ie EAT NOW and EAT LATER - the eat later had definitely been better shopped. Fruit was generally in good condition apart from a couple of clusters with some rub marking, wet scars and some light sap stains.
Lady Fingers were at $7.90/kg and Kids banded clusters ticketed at $2.50- no stock of either of these varieties on display
Red tips were also ticketed at $5.00/kg but again no stock. Display in urgent need of a refill.
Cavendish at this store (stand alone store) were priced at $3.50/kg - stock was displayed in the correct section, presented well, quite clean - some minor skin marking found.
Red Tips were priced at $5.00/kg; Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg; whilst kids packs were at $2.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $5.50/kg. Not sure if the loose Organics should be displayed side-by-side with the non-organic fruit??
Cavendish were priced at $3.50/kg, the majority on show were in the Eat Now category section
Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg - a number with superficial bruising, rub and a little bronzing.
Kids packs were priced at $3.50./kg and red tips were at $5.00/kg
Cavendish bananas were priced at $3.50/kg, both the Eat Now and Eat Later fruit were well stocked - sap stains were found on a few clusters.
Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90, Red tips were priced at $5.00/kg and kids packs were at $2.50
$2.99 NQ Cavendish Bananas - all with good colour and bloom but fairly clean. Light neck creases and rub marking seen.
$4.99 Lady Fingers with some heavier bronzing and rub. Supplied by DBM.
Count 23 Purple Skins Hass stock priced at $1.19 each. Fruit packed 16th July (12 Days old)
6 piece packs of Hass were priced at $5.49ea.
Hass were on display- count 23 Hass Avocados were priced at $1.19ea - Purpleskin + Simpsons- some pieces were quite ripe and a few with skin marking.
6 piece packs Hass for $5.49ea were on offer.
Hass Count 23’s and 25’s selling on a table top display and an end display from 3 suppliers (Costa (Lava Valley) and Dorian through DBM) priced at $1.20ea, quality of these was somewhat mixed, though a few found with nodule damage - majority of fruit was firm.
1kg I’m Perfect packs at $3.90
5 piece packs at $5.90ea
Hass Avocados loose ( a high percentage of which were supplied by Purpleskins) on a table top display positioned inside at the front of the store as well as displayed on the third end selling at $1.20ea with bananas positioned on the barge unit further down within the department.
5 piece packs were selling for $5.90ea and 1kg packs were priced at $3.90
Count 23 and 25 Hass were priced at $1.00ea displayed on an end unit - a few pieces with rub/nodule damage. Fruit supplied by Simpsons included their own fruit plus Green Nugget from Blackbutt. Fruit was of good quality. Also two trays of Gmax on display at this store selling at $2ea.
1kg I’m Perfect packs at $3.90; 5 piece packs at $4.90.
Count 25/28 Hass Avocados supplied by Simpson’s; Dorian and Golden Triangle were priced at $1.20ea - fruit packed between 16th to 20th July meaning they were 8 to 12 days old.
5 packs at $5.90 and 1kg packs at $3.90 at this store.
Some fruit was of lower quality- bruising and rots present - appeared to be carryover fruit from previous days sale ie Purpleskin.
Count 20/25 Hass Avocados positioned on the display opposite entry to the department with ticket price of $1.50 ea, packed 14th and 20th July making them 8-14 days old . This line presented well though a few pieces found with nodule damage and odd piece with bruising. Suppliers were Simpsons and Googa Farms.
5 piece packs ticketed at $5.90ea and 1kg Odd Bunch at $4.90 ea
Count 28 Tinaroo Falls fruit and Simpson Hass (packed 21st July, so 7 days old) priced at $1.30 each. Also some Sunny Bluff and Green Nugget fruit featured. Majority were clean, odd piece with minor skin marking.
5 piece nets were $5.90each, 1kg Odd Bunch packs were priced at $4.00 ea
Organic Avos were priced at $2.90, this store also had Avo Fresh Spread at $5.50
Count 20 Hass from Googa Farms and Simpsons presented on the display opposite entry to the department with ticket price of $1.50 ea.
Five piece nets supplied by Simpsons selling at $4.90ea whilst the 1kg Odd Bunch nets were ticketed at $3.90ea.
Simpson Farms Hass Avocados were priced at $1.20 - a mix of maturity on offer.
5 piece packs were priced at $5.90 - a few packs were well coloured and soft with BB 29/07/21,
INDEPENDENT STORE - Westfield Coomera outside Coles
Count 18 Hass Avocados priced at $1.00ea, minimal marking/damage - little ridging noted - class one fruit - good mix of maturity on offer for customer selection.