Retail Market Week 23




The weather in the past week has seen a few drizzles of rain ranging from a few mills per day to 4-8mm particularly around Innisfail and Walkamin, less in the Tully region and relatively dry throughout Mareeba. The temperature range has also continued to cool with morning temperatures ranging 14 to 19.3C in all regions and daytime temperature ranges of 22.1 to 28.9C. With the cooling of the seasonal weather this slows the growth rate and pushes the average bunch age out as fruit takes a little longer to form and reach maturity. When field temperatures drop below 10C is when we normally start seeing underpeel discolouration which results in fruit appearing somewhat dull - this is as a result of temporary sap flow cessation in the colder growing conditions.

The national cut for last week was 10% lower than the previous week at just 359K cartons so supply is again slightly under pressure. It is expected to be similar next week, within a range of 360-380K cartons. Our harvest team continue to be proactively cutting fruit that is slightly thinner in girth in order to prevent too much bronzing damage - we are continuing to grade out 10-15% with heavier marking. With the cooling of overnight and morning temperatures and slightly shorter days we will see production slow somewhat in the coming weeks - we are now harvesting fruit with 16-17 weeks bunch age. We know when we are packing out more large fruit (200-220mm) that winter is upon us - we are packing somewhere close to 10% of our crop as large currently.

Quality on shelf this week showed a degree of improvement with less minor skin marking overall, colour was generally good and bloom overall generally still bright though it won’t be long until the fruit is showing the effects of our cooler winter growing conditions.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland is indicative of the shorter supply with cavendish retail tickets still all above $4/kg. The offer varied between the major supermarkets with Aldi offering fruit at $4.49/kg; Woolworths at $4.50/kg and Coles also offering fruit at $4.50 to $4.90/kg at the stores visited this week. 

Banana Store Prices.JPG


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



This week we saw North Qld return to leading avocado production accounting for 51% of the total harvest of some 403,392 trays last week; followed by Central Qld with 47%;  and the remaining 2% came from combined regions of South Qld and Sunshine Coast.  This production figure represents a 9% increase on week prior and also a 9% increase on what was forecast for this period.  As of today, there is still a significant volume of fruit in all markets and we expect current pricing to be maintained.     All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass at $1- $1.29 per piece, which from a customer’s perspective represents astounding value. Avocado market sales for premium trays are in the range of $12 -$16/tray.  Pricing for class one fruit (main sales) is ranging $5 --$10 per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $5 --$30/ctn depending upon grade, quality and count size. 

The national production of Hass this week is forecast to be in the vicinity of 360,000 - 370,000 trays and then is forecast to be in the vicinity of 340K/week in the following fortnight. 

Presentation in Qld stores this week was somewhat mixed in terms of quality; whilst there is a strong focus on the Hass variety as the main display, there was a continued presence of Greenskin’s Gmax avocado varietal in all three majors and in most instances the Gmax was at a higher ticket price than the Hass. A degree of nodule damage/rub present on a number of lines. What is missing at all stores during this time of price promotion is a percentage of the display that is ripe and ready for use - majority of fruit is firm and will still require another 2 to 3 days before it is ready to enjoy which in some cases will equate to lost sales opportunities, especially for the new category purchaser, who may be tempted by price but do not know enough about the fruit.

This week we saw more activity amongst the Prepack formulations on offer by all major supermarkets with an opportunity to move greater volumes in a single purchase. Aldi were offering their 6 piece nets on special at $5.99 ea; Coles had their 5 piece pack at $5.50 ea and 1kg I’m Perfect packs selling at $6.50ea; whilst Woolworths had the 5 pack on offer for $6.50 and the 1kg Odd Bunch ticketed at just $5.50/bag.

Price has continued to be the driving factor! In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Greenskin Gmax Avos and Hass at $1.29ea;  Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass and Greenskin Gmax Avos ticketed at $1.o0 ea for Hass and $2.00 ea on the Gmax; whilst Coles in Qld continued their Hass promo at $1 per piece meanwhile selling the Greenskin Gmax Avos at $2.00 each.

Avocados Australia are continuing their marketing campaign with the airing of “Our Green Gold” television commercials through until the end of June which are being supported by social media, digital advertising and public relations activity. Keep a look out for anything Green and Gold that avocados could declare governance over or at least be associated with!

Avocado Store Pricing 2.JPG


Left to Right: Woolworths Shepards, Aldi Shepards and Coles Shepard and Hass Avocados



Courtesy of avocados australia




  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $4.49/kg - a degree of skin marking, but overall in good condition

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $6.99/kg


  • Cavendish were priced at $4.49 with condition of fruit included a percentage being dull in appearance.

  • Lady Fingers were presented quite averagely, priced at $6.99/kg and Lil Snakcers packs were priced at $3.99


  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $4.49/kg - relatively clean display - some minor neck damage, bat scars and rub marking visible.

  • Lady Fingers were price at $6.99 with minor rub marking and scarring.



  • Cavendish bananas were displayed at $4.90/kg and kids packs at $4.90/kg. The loose cavendish were definitely of better quality than what has been on shelf recently. Kids banded clusters had a few skin marks and some were dull and backward. Organic Bananas were presented on fibreboard trays and overwrapped with clingwrap - ticketed at $6/kg.

  • Lady Fingers were also available at $7.90/kg- minimal fingers on display. Red tips were on display for $5.00/kg


  • Cavendish at this store were ticketed at $4.50/kg and kids packs were the same.

  • Lady Fingers were also available at $7.90/kg, Kids packs at $4.50 and Red tips at $5.00/kg


  • Cavendish were priced at $4.50/kg with kids packs priced the same - again a presence of neck damage and a little bat marking

  • The majority of the Cavendish display had good colour and bloom

  • Lady Fingers were on display at $7.90, these had good colour



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $4.50/kg- a few clusters will dull bloom and minor skin scarring; some odd clusters with heavy sap staining and heavy speckling.

  • Lady Fingers were at $7.90/kg a few clusters with rub marking and a little bat marking

  • Organic variety were priced at $5.90, these were of good quality and Red tips were priced at $5.50, but no stock


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $4.50/kg - Note the new shelf strips that draw customers attention to “ready to eat” and “Eat Later” options. Display was in need of a refill at the time of our visit.

  • On the cavendish display, approx 50% coloured and 50% semi colour condition, a few with light scarring or sap staining but generally good colour/bloom

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg; whilst Lil Sana clusters were at $2.50/kg however there was only minimal stock.


  • Cavendish were priced at $4.50/kg. Fruit very well presented - new shelf strips in place - display just inside store entry to the left - when facing customer is looking out of the store. A mix of colour and semi-condition in the appropriate area of the display.

  • Lady Fingers were clean skinned and had good colour with a ticket price of $7.90/kg - odd cluster with minor marking.

  • Red tips were of good condition and were priced at $5.50 as were Organic variety



  • Purpleskin Hass stock - stock quite ripe and a few pieces heavily marked priced at 99c each and Greenskin Gmax Avos stock presented in tray priced at $1.29c each.

  • 6 piece packs of Hass were priced at $5.99ea.


  • Hass were featured in two locations - one display of 25 Ferraro Hass Avocados supplied by Freshmax were priced at $1.29c and a secondary display also count 25 by a Costa grower. Hass packed 18th May meaning stock is 22 days old.

  • 6 piece packs Hass for $5.99ea were on offer - a few packs on top of the display were quite ripe, carry over stock.


  • Count 25 Purpleskin Hass (exhibiting some nodule damage) priced at $1.29c each and Count 20 Greenskins GMax were priced at $1.29. Prepack of 6 Hass were ticketed at $5.99ea.

  • The majority of fruit was very firm.



  • Jampi Park (Tomasetig) Hass Ct 23 selling on a table top display priced at $1.00ea, quality of these were generally good, though a few found with nodule damage.

  • Coles 5 Packs were on display for $5.50ea


  • Greenskin Gmax Avocados selling at $2.00ea (smaller display) whilst loose Hass (some of which were Ferraro’s - a few of this line had heavier skin marking and some soft spots developing) selling at $1 a piece.

  • 5 piece packs were selling for $5.50 and the 1kg I’m Perfect packs ticketed at $6.90ea.


  • Neatly stacked table top display on entry to store with Hass on offer at $1/piece - a mix of Kureen Farming Ct 28 Hass packed 20th May - fruit 20 days old presenting cleanly and Simpsons Ct 25 Hass packed 26th May so 14 days old but with a heavier nodule damage and skin scars on this line. A secondary display on the end of unit three had a presence of Hass; Greenskin Gmax Avocados at $2 ea and Coles 5 Pack Hass at $5.50 ea.

  • Coles 5 packs ticketed at $5.50ea - stock from three different suppliers and 1kg Im Perfect packs ticketed at $6.90ea.



  • Simpson Farms fruit presented on the display opposite entry to the department with ticket price of $1.00 ea. A presence of rub and nodule damage found throughout most trays.

  • 5 piece Avocado Nets on special at $6.50ea and 1kg at $5.50


  • Ct 20 Hass from Simpson Farms (Tinaroo) packed 25th May so stock is 15 days old priced at $1.00 each. A degree of nodule damage and bruising visible on the Tinaroo fruit.

  • 5 piece packs were at $6.50 supplied by Simpson Farms and 1kg packs on special for $5.50 (a number have been marked down suggesting slower sales on this line whilst loose fruit is so cheap)


  • Purpleskin Hass Ct 20 packed 19th May (21 days old) priced at $1.00ea and Greenskin Gmax avocados priced at $2.00ea (Ct 14 packed 25th May therefore 14 days old). The majority of fruit was firm. A presence of nodule damage and rub on the Hass whilst the Gmax avos with evidence of some lenticel damage.

  • Avocado Odd Bunch 1kg packs on special at $5.50, Simpson supplied 5 packs ticketed at $6.50ea.