Retail Market Week 21




The national cut for last week pushed just over 400,543 cartons which was an increase of 6.89% or some 25,827 cartons on the week prior. The weather in the past week has seen rainfall in a number of regions across all North Qld - the heaviest falls ranging 10 to 24mm per day in the last week particularly in Innisfail and Tully; 5mm per day in Walkamin and isolated showers around Mareeba. The temperatures have continued to be milder with morning temperatures ranging 15 to 21.2C and daytime temperature ranges of 20.6 to 27.5C. With the cooling of the seasonal weather this slows the growth rate and pushes the average bunch age out, we are now harvesting at 16 weeks and expect this to push out to 17 weeks in another week or so. National production is expected to be within the region of 390 to 415,000 cartons this coming week.

Whilst there is still a presence of bat marking, it is significantly less and we are pleased to say that finally we believe we have turned a corner towards better quality fruit. The harvesting team have been proactively cutting fruit slightly thinner in order to prevent bronzing damage and as already stated average bunch age is now at 16 weeks. With the cooling of overnight and morning temperatures and slightly shorter days we will see production slow somewhat in the coming weeks. Our packing crew in the shed have been vigilant in continuing to grade out excessive bat scratching and visible bronzing defects to ensure fruit is within spec on arrival to our customers.

Quality on shelf this week was varied - some lines presented very well with minimal marking and good colour; whilst others were dull, with evidence of bronzing, sap staining, rub marking, neck damage and of course still a little bat/bird marking as you do doubt see in the photos included.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland is indicative of the shorter supply with cavendish retail tickets all above $4/kg. The offer varied between the major supermarkets with Aldi offering fruit at $4.49/kg; Woolworths at $4.50 to $4.90/kg and Coles offering fruit at $4.50 to $4.90/kg dependent upon the store locality. 


Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays



North Qld  is not ready to let go of the lead in avocado production accounting for 56% of the total harvest of some 473,181 trays last week; followed by Central Qld with 43%;  and the remaining 1% came from combined regions of South Qld and Sunshine Coast.  This has been the biggest production week in North Qld’s avocado growing history to date and it represents a 3% increase on week prior and a 22% increase on what was forecast for this period.  With the surge in volume of fruit in all markets, pricing has accordingly crashed and is expected to be in the teens for both premium and class one if not by late this week, then definitely by early next.    Avocado market sales for premium trays last week were in the range of $20 -$24/tray. This is expected to be $14-$18/tray week starting 31st May. Pricing for class one fruit last week (main sales) has been ranging $13 --$17 per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $30 --$40/ctn towards the end of this week and for class one and 2nd bulks $10 --$18/ctn. 

Whilst a number of growers from what we have heard elected to not pick last week, or in some cases were told not to by their agents this is unfortunately only offers a temporary bandaid. The situation the industry finds itself in is one that has been building over a number of weeks with a large volume of fruit stockpiled in the system and the heavy pick the week prior has exacerbated the unstable pricing situation we find ourselves in. At this time, the fruit is in a better position hanging on the tree rather than in a tray, so if you do need to pick, go steady until we see if some of the super specials on offer will help clear of some of the existing volume. Having said that, Rock Ridge Fresh has been and continues to run tidy as we provide our customers with a volume that we intend to supply for the coming week and try to keep as close as possible to harvesting just what is needed.

Presentation in Qld stores this week was good with a greater focus on the Hass variety as the main display, but we have also again seen the Greenskin Gmax avocado varietal in all three majors this week - displays seen of this variety to date do not have any consumer information pertaining to how this variety ripens or what it looks like as it ripens.

Prepack formulations continue for be a value offer and an opportunity to move greater volumes in a single purchase. Aldi were offering their 6 piece nets at $5.99 ea on promo; Woolworths had the 5 pack on offer for $6.50 - $7.50 and the 1kg Odd Bunch ticketed at just $6 to $7/bag depending upon location; whilst Coles had both their 5 piece pack $6.50 ea and 1kg I’m Perfect packs selling at $8.90ea.

In terms of Hass retail pricing in Qld last week shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Greenskin Gmax Avos at $1.29 ea and Hass priced at a competitive $1.29 per single piece;  Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Hass and Greenskin Gmax Avos ticketed at $1.50 ea; whilst Coles in Qld continued their offer of Greenskin Gmax Avos and Hass at  $1.50 each or 4 for $5.00 if purchased as a multibuy.  Coles Avocado special was supported with initial radio and press advertising in SE Qld, NSW and Victoria.


Left to Right: Woolworths Shepards, Aldi Shepards and Coles Shepard and Hass Avocados

Image courtesty Avocados Australia avodata






  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $4.49/kg - a degree of skin marking, neck damage and rust thrip present and a decent proportion of the fruit was backward in condition

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $6.99/kg


  • Cavendish were priced at $4.49 with skin marking including bat scratches, neck damage whilst condition of fruit included a percentage being dull in appearance. Lil Snackers packs were also priced at $4.49 per 750g pack.

  • Lady Fingers priced at $6.99/kg.


  • Cavendish Bananas were priced at $4.49/kg - a degree of skin marking, neck damage and rust thrip present

  • Lady Fingers were price at $6.99 with half of the fruit being backward



  • Cavendish bananas were displayed at $4.50/kg and kids banded packs at $4.50/kg - stock positioned on a banana barge at the rear of the department opposite the meat refrigerated unit. Kids banded clusters had a few skin marks and some were backward.

  • Lady Fingers were also available at $7.90/kg- minimal fingers on display. Red tips were on display for $5.00/kg

  • All varieties had a presence of minor skin marking and green fruit


  • Cavendish at this store were ticketed at $4.90/kg and kids packs were the same.

  • Lady Fingers were also available at $7.90/kg - many with rub marking and bronzing and Red tips at $5.00/kg

  • Most clusters of fruit were semi condition, approximately 30% had either dull appearance, sooty mould, neck damage etc - the display presented poorly for this centre.


  • Cavendish were priced at $4.90/kg with kids packs priced the same - again a presence of dull fruit, neck damage and a little bat marking - sizing of clusters varied somewhat.

  • Cavendish had decent colour and bloom, however some were slightly green

  • Lady Fingers were on display at $7.90, these had good colour but also were decently marked



  • Cavendish bananas priced at $4.50/kg- a few clusters will dull bloom and minor skin scarring included bat marking, light sap staining.

  • Lady Fingers were at $7.90/kg a few clusters with rub marking and a little bat marking


  • Cavendish at this store were priced at $4.90/kg

  • In the cavendish variety, one display had only a few semi condition clusters, a few with light scarring or sap staining but generally good colour and bloom.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg; whilst Lil Sana clusters were at $4.90/kg


  • Cavendish were priced at $4.90/kg with stock supplied by Mackays Bananas. Fruit generally presented well but a percentage being a little dull in appearance.

  • Lady Fingers were clean skinned and had good colour with a ticket price of $7.90/kg



  • Purpleskin Hass stock presented in tray priced at $1.29ea and Greenskin Gmax Avos stock presented in tray priced at $1.49ea

  • Hass with pack date 7th May (19 days old) count 23

  • 6 piece packs of Hass were priced at $5.99ea


  • Count 23 Greenskin GMAX Avo and and count 25 Costa Hass Avocados were priced at $1.29

  • 6 piece packs Hass for $5.99ea, these were featured in the catalogue this week as ‘On Special’


  • Count 25 Purpleskins and Count 20 Greenskins were both priced at $1.49

  • The majority of fruit was firm, a percentage of the Hass starting to ripen. Nodule damage common on the Gmax Avos.



  • Greenskin Gmax Avos selling and and Hass selling at $1.50ea or 4 for $5.00, quality of these were good. Two displays with a table top display to the right of the entry to the produce department and a secondary display on the end of the second unit.

  • Coles 5 Packs were on display for $6.50ea


  • Greenskin Gmax Avocados and Hass selling at $1.50 singularly or 4 for $5.00 multibuy offer although there was also signage to suggest they were also priced at $2.00 singularly

  • All fruit had good colour and firmness

  • 5 piece packs were selling for $6.50


  • Neatly stacked table top display along entry to store with clear pricing. Both Greenskin Gmax Avocados and Hass present on this display. All lines $1.50 ea or multi buy 4 for $5.00.

  • All stock in this store had good colour and firmness - little nodule damage on the hass.



  • Great presentation of display opposite entry to the department with keen ticket price of $1.50 ea that had been well shopped already.

  • 5 piece Shepard Nets on special at $6.50ea

  • New seasonal Header Cards to mark the start of the Australian Hass season.


  • Both Greenskin Gmax Avocados and Hass Variety from Purpleskin and Blue Sky were priced at $2.00 each! A degree of nodule damage visible on the Purpleskin hass.


  • Hass with spillover and Greenskin Gmax Shepard avocados were priced at $1.50ea, most fruit had good colour and firmness, some with minor skin marking.

  • Avocado Odd Bunch 1kg packs on offer for $7.00

  • New seasonal Hass Header Card and info card erected.