Retail Market Week 17
The national banana cut last week decreased by almost 38,000 cartons to a total of 406,557 cartons harvested. The weather in the past week has seen continued showery weather, overcast skies and cooler temperatures which is negatively impacting growth rates in North Qld. Temperatures have been milder with minimum temperatures ranging 17.5-22.9C and maximum day temps of 24 to 28.7C. Rainfall since last Wednesday has seen Walkamin receive a further 37mm; Mareeba a further 57mm; Tully another 340mm; and Innisfail another 380mm all of which will impact fruit bloom and will continue to hinder each farms ability to harvest so national production is expected to remain steady or possibly decline to within the range of 390,000 to 400,000 cartons this week.
On our own farm we have been dealing with continuing to grade out bat damage - this protected species has caused significant damage this year. Now in light of recent and prevailing weather we are seeing growth rates slow with average bunch age increasing from 15 weeks to 16, and if cool, wet weather persists this will very soon be out to 17 weeks - which utlimately means reduced output from the farm. The other defect we are starting to see an increase in with the wet weather and increasing bunch age is bronzing - we will most certainly be trying to grade out what is visible at time of pack, but this is a progressive defect that worsens as the fruit ripens and matures.
Quality on shelf this week has improved slightly with definitely less visible bat marking (more sporadic) , on some lines there is a presence of rust thrip damage, minor neck injuries and general skin marking including point scarring and rub.
Retail ticket pricing in Queensland for cavendish varied between the major supermarkets with Aldi offering fruit at $3.49/kg; Woolworths at $4.00/kg and Coles offering fruit between $1.99 and $3.90/kg dependent upon the store locality.
Left to Right: Aldi; Coles and Woolworths Cavendish Displays
North Qld maintains the lead in avocado production accounting for 55% of the total harvest of some 201,877 trays last week; followed by Central Qld with 43%; and the remaining 2% coming from combined regions of Central NSW; South Qld and Sunshine Coast. Whilst this production figure represents a 29% decrease on last week it has to be expected with the weather conditions that have prevailed over the last 7 to 10 days. Pricing continues to be quite stable within the market place. Australian Shepard main sales for premium are in the range of $20 -$30/tray. Pricing for class one fruit (main sales) is ranging $14 --$20 per tray; whilst the bulk market has been experiencing prices for premium in the range of $40 --$45/ctn and for class one and 2nd bulks $10 --$30/ctn.
North Qld Shepard avocados are forecast to be lighter again this week with around 100,000 to 120,000 trays forecast. The forecast for the next two week period shows the tray volume dropping to 70K and then 30K as this season for this variety is nearing its end. Conversely the production of Hass this week was forecast to be 128,000 trays and then is forecast to lift to 250K and then 290K for the following fortnight. These figures will be impacted by local weather conditions - rain was present at the beginning of this week with some farms, including our own, electing not to harvest during the wet to minimise the development of nodule damage. However, whilst not beaming sunshine, the weather has improved slightly and has been fine since Wednesday so we have commenced our 2021 Hass harvest. Dry matter test results conducted to date are ranging 22.9 to 25.1% on large fruit - so we are spot picking large fruit from a few blocks. The longer term forecast is for further rain - so harvesting may be interrupted from time to time, but we will keep you all abreast of developments on a week-by-week basis.
Presentation in stores this week was again generally good with fruit having good shape and glossy skins. We did find a few count 28’s that were a little misshapen and a few with either bruises or rots.
Prepack formulations offer a great opportunity for both the retailer and the customer alike - offering real value and an opportunity to move greater volumes in a single purchase. Aldi were offering their 6 piece nets at $7.49 ea; Woolworths had the 5 pack on offer for $7.50 and the 1kg Odd Bunch ticketed at just $7/bag whilst Coles had both their 5 piece pack and 1kg I’m Perfect packs selling at $8.90ea.
In terms of Shepard retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows: Aldi Qld price was the most competitive at $1.79 per single piece; Woolworths Qld had prominently positioned instore displays of Shepards ticketed between $1.80 ea to $2.00 ea depending upon store location; whilst Coles in Qld continued their offer of Shepards $2 each or 3 for $5.00. It should also be noted that a couple of the Aldi stores visited had commenced stocking new season Hass supplied by Purple Skins - this fruit as you will see in photos had noticeable nodule damage (it had obviously been picked whilst the fruit has been wet) and was rock hard - ticket price was $1.59 each.
Left to Right: Woolworths Shepards, Aldi Shepards and Coles Shepards Avocados
Cavendish Bananas were priced at $3.49/kg - a degree of skin marking, neck damage and rust thrip present and a high proportion of the fruit was backward in condition
Lady Fingers were priced at $6.99/kg and Lil snackers kids packs were $2.99
Cavendish were priced at $3.49 and were slightly backward, with some minor skin marking including bat scratches.
Lil Snackers packs were priced at $2.99
Lady Fingers were of good colour and condition, presented in hands, priced at $5.99/kg
Cavendish displayed in a single layer on tiered steps priced at $3.49/kg with fruit being relatively good in colour but exhibiting minor skin marking and neck injuries.
Lil Snackers packs were priced at $2.99
Cavendish bananas were displayed at $1.99/kg and kids packs at $4.00/kg
Lady Fingers were also available at $7.90/kg - both clusters had good colour and were clean.
All varieties had a presence of backward fruit and minor skin marking, stock was extremely low
Cavendish at this store were displayed well at $3.90/kg
Lady Fingers were priced $7.90/kg, kids packs were $3.50 and organic variety were $5.00/kg Red Tips also present but no price ticket visible.
Most fruit had good colour and presented well, approximately 20% backward fruit; a small quantity of cavendish did exhibit a degree of skin marking.
Cavendish were priced at $3.50 with kids packs priced the same
Cavendish had decent colour and bloom, however kids packs were green and understocked
Lady Fingers were on display at $7.90, these needed to be refilled
Cavendish bananas priced at $4.00/kg- odd cluster will dull bloom and skin marking included bat marking, neck injury and odd splitting peel.
Little Sana banded packs were priced at $4.00/kg and presented beautifully, Red tips at $5.00/kg with some marking
Cavendish at this store were priced at $4.00/kg with kids packs priced at $4.00
In the cavendish variety there were a few backward clusters, a few with neck damage or sap staining but generally good colour/bloom
Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg were quite backward; whilst organic variety $5.00/kg had good colour
Cavendish were priced at $4.00/kg and kids packs the same
Red tip variety and organics at $5.00/kg
Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg - well stickered but again backward condition.
Some stock was semi condition, odd cluster backward
Shepard Avos count 25 from Greenskins, stock presented in tray priced at $1.79
Hass were also in stock from Purple Skins, count 23 packed 16th April (12 days old) priced at $1.59ea - fruit was rock hard and had quite a degree of nodule damage.
6 piece packs of Shepards were priced at $7.49
Fruit had slight marking but in general was well presented
Count 23 Obie Shepard Avocados were priced at $1.59, packed 13th April (15 days old) supplied by Deluca Banana Marketing via Mackays.
6 piece packs were on display for $7.49
Count 25 Shepard Avocados supplied by Green Skins packed 20th April therefore 8 days old, avos were priced at $1.79ea and Count 25 Hass avocados were at $1.59 again with some nodule damage.
6 piece packs were $7.49/net
Stock had good colour, some with minimal marking
Count 28 Howe Farming Shepards selling at $2.00ea or on multibuy offer 3 for $5.00, quality of these were good.
Avocado I’m Perfect 1kg packs were on display for $8.90 and 5 piece Shepard nets also for $8.90ea.
Shepard avos on multibuy offer 3 for $5.00 or singularly for $2.00
‘I’m Perfect’ 1kg packs were priced at $8.90/net as were 5 piece packs, all stock had good colour and minimal marking
Howe Farming Shepard variety were priced $2.00ea or multibuy 3 for $5.00, this was displayed on the ‘special’ sign at the front of the store
‘I’m Perfect’ 1kg packs were priced at $8.90 as well as the 5 piece packs at the same price
Count 20 (Simpson) packed 9th April - stock age 19 days and Count 23 (Gunnado) shepard avocados packed 14th April - stock age 14 days on display and priced at $1.80ea presented well, though Simpson stock did have some lenticel.
5 piece Hass Nets at $7.50ea, organic packs at $8.00, 1kg packs at $7.00
Count 16 Shepard avocados were displayed well at $2.00ea (packed 15th April so 13 days old)
5 piece packs were $7.50ea and both 1kg Odd Bunch as well as the 3 piece Large Hass packs were priced at $7.00ea
Shepard avocados were priced at $1.90, cross merchandised with a basket of lemons; most fruit had good colour and firmness, some with marking - suppliers included Gunnado and Simpson
Avocado Odd Bunch 1kg packs at $7.00