2024 Week - 46
In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows:
· Week 45, 2024 - The industry experienced a 1.49% decrease in production on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 521,849 tray equivalents harvested and transported (approx 8,000 more tray equivalents) on Week 44, 2024 production. It is interesting to note that of this total a little over 81K units were in the form of bulks/processing; 30K units were exported which left just over 410K units for domestic sale.
Production across the country saw WA/NT continue their lead in production - accounting for 63.86% of the total volume, followed by NZ accounting for a further 17.26%, then Central NSW accounting for 12.49%, Tristate with 6.33% and finally Southern Queensland accounting for 0.06% of the total production for the week. Local weather conditions around our growing areas of Manjimup and Pemberton have seen cooler/overcast days this week with temps ranging in the early mornings between 5-9C and days warming up to 18/19C with between 1-11mm of rainfall on a daily basis, which is slowing the harvest task a little.
· It is forecast that a total of some 529,000 tray equivalents will be despatched this week (Week 46) nationally, with the majority of these being hass. Production for the next three week period thereafter, is expected to fall within the range of 442 to 479K tray equivalents per week.
In terms of Avocado retailing in the major supermarkets in Qld this week we saw stable shelf prices as follows - Aldi’s Hass this week shelf tickets at $2.49 each featuring them in their weekly catalogue; Coles Qld stores visited had Hass avos at $2.50ea, and Woolworths Qld with Hass at $2.50ea.
Supermarket confirmed AVOCADO pricing……
Quoted Market pricing….
Below: Coles Displays from Indooroopilly and Toowong(Qld) and Eaton WA
Coles stores had both NZ Hass and Avocado Collective WA Hass in size 20-25 at $2.50ea. Australian fruit with packed on dates of 16th October - therefore fruit age was 20 days.
5 piece packs at $9.90ea and 1kg packs at $8.90ea. Organic at $3.80ea.
Below: Aldi Displays from Indooroopilly and Toowong(Qld) and Bunbury WA
NZ Hass from @ $1.99ea all Ct23/25 and promoted in their weekly catalogue.
1kg Avocado nets at $7.99ea and 5 piece packs at $7.99ea.
Below: Woolworths Displays from Indooroopilly and Toowong (QLD) and Bunbury WA
Mix of Australian and NZ Hass avos primarily in Ct20/23/25 on display were retailing at $2.50.
Odd Bunch 1kg packs at $8.90ea and 5 piece packs at $9.90ea. Organic packs at $7.90ea.
National Banana transport figures for week 45 were 397,381 cartons which down by 2.2% on the cut for the previous week. Weather patterns in the major growing regions saw less rain this week and warmer temps, particularly in the day with humidity on the increase as well. Temperatures in the far north have seen early A.M. temperatures fall within a range of 13.4 - 20.5 C across all major growing regions; and day time temperatures ranging 29.3 - 33.6 C. Rainfall in North Qld banana growing regions this week was none existent with: Mareeba and Walkamin receiving 0mm of rain; and Innisfail and Tully regions also with 0mm of rain this week.
Quality is a still varied and there is a visible improvement on the last few weeks - less bat/bird marking; still a little rub marking, and bloom has definitely improved. From our walks around the market and what has been seen on store shelves, we believe the worst of the dull winter fruit has almost come to an end and within the next week, just perhaps we will be saying it is bloomin” bright!
Retail ticket pricing in Queensland for cavendish bananas has remained stable this week with pricing as follows: Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.99/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.00/kg; and Coles were offering fruit at $3.00/kg in the stores visited.
Below: Coles Indooroopilly and Toowong (QLD) and Eaton WA
Cavendish were priced at $4.50/kg. Also at $4.50/kg were the kids packs.
Red Tips at $5.90/kg. Lady Fingers at $6.90/kg. Organic at $6.50/kg.
Most blooms were relatively good though a mix of duller fruit is present.
Below: Aldi Indooroopilly and Toowong(QLD) and Bunbury WA
Stores had Cavendish @ $3.99/kg. Most with good colour, some minimal marking.
Havana Bananas back in some stores this week at $3.99/kg - good colour mostly, some stores with green fruit.
Below: Woolworths Indooroopilly and Toowong(QLD) and Bunbury WA
Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.00/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $3.50.
Red tips were at $5.90/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.50/kg. Ladyfingers were $8/kg.