2024 Week - 34




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 33, 2024 - The industry saw a massive 36.94% decrease on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 265,419 tray equivalents harvested and transported (approx 150,000 less tray equivalents) on Week 32, 2024 production. It is important to note that of the 265K tray equivalents harvested in Week 33 - almost 67K were in the form of bulks/processing; another 28K were exported which left only 170K tray equivalents for the domestic market. With supplies down to this level the central markets around the country will be under pressure and prices are expected to be on the rise for all grades. Whilst this week we saw tops of $34-$36/trays for premiums, the talk in the markets late this week is that pricing is expected to lift to $36-$40/tray on premium fruit next week!!

Production across the country saw North Queensland lead the production table accounting for 26.85% of the total volume, Central NSW accounting for a further 18.88%, followed by Central Queensland accounting for 16.65%, WA/NT with 16.21% and finally Southern Queensland, Tristate and TNR with harvests accounting for 13.74%; 4.26% and 1.24% respectively. With North Qld and Central Qld definitely on the downhill slope of their season in respects to harvests this will mean the other growing regions will steadily increase week on week, but in light of past growing conditions, seasonality and weather events, production in these regions is expected to be down on previous years. In short, this will mean demand will be stronger than supply, which is great news for growers!

·       It is forecast that a total of some 369,000 tray equivalents will be despatched this week (Week 34) nationally, with the majority of this obviously being hass. Production for the next three week period thereafter, is expected to fall within the range of 296 to 353K tray equivalents per week.

In terms of Avocado retailing in the major supermarkets in Qld this week we saw shelf prices as follows - Aldi’s Hass this week shelf tickets at $1.79 each;  Coles Qld stores visited had Hass avos at $2.50ea, and Woolworths Qld with Hass at $2.50ea.


Below: Coles Displays from Browns Plains, Sunnybank Hills and Everton Park

  • Coles stores had Hass on display in size 20-23 at $2.50ea supplied by Rockridge; Cherry Creek; Costa, Simpson and Dorian.

  • 5 piece packs at $7.50ea and 1kg packs at $6.90ea.


Below: Aldi Displays from Browns Plains, Sunnybank Hills and Stafford

  • Hass @ $1.79ea as Super Savers all Ct23/25. Fruit packed 13th August meaning fruit age from date of pack is 8 days.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $5.49ea and 5 piece packs at $5.99ea.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Browns Plains, Sunnybank Hills and Stafford

  • Hass avos in Ct20/23/25 were retailing at $2.50. Fruit packed 8 to 10th August meaning fruit is 11 to 13 days old.

  • Odd Bunch 1kg packs at $6.90ea and 5 piece packs at $7.50ea.




The total national banana harvest figure for Week 33 was 375,803 cartons which was 5.8% increase on the week prior or an additional 20K cartons on Week 32. Weather patterns in the major growing regions are continuing to warm a little and despite a rather constant occurrence of rain we have had somewhat of a reprieve this week. Temperatures in the far north have seen early A.M. temperatures fall within a range of 11.3 - 20.8 C across all major growing regions which is a touch warmer than last week; and day time temperatures ranging 22.9 - 30.5 C. Rainfall in North Qld banana growing regions this week saw Mareeba and Walkamin experiencing falls of 1.0 - 5.6mm each; however heavier falls were still being experienced across Innisfail and Tully regions with recordings of up to 70mms! Throw a full moon into the mix and this helps somewhat with growth, especially when we consider the overcast conditions in some of the regions in recent times.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland for cavendish bananas has remained stable this week with pricing as follows: Aldi’s banana ticket price at $4.49/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.50/kg; and Coles were offering fruit at $4.50-4.90/kg in the stores visited.


Below: Coles Browns Plains, Sunnybank Hills and Everton Park

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.50-4.90/kg. Also at $4.50-4.90/kg were the kids packs.

  • Red Tips at $5.50/kg. Lady Fingers at $7.90/kg. Organic at $6.50/kg.

  • Most blooms were relatively good though a mix of duller fruit is present. Some lines with split peel found on show.


Below: Aldi Browns Plains, Sunnybank Hills and Stafford

Stores had Cavendish @ $4.49/kg. Most with good colour, some minimal marking.

  • Havana Bananas back in some stores this week at $3.99/kg - green in some stores and others needing restocking.


Below: Woolworths Browns Plains, Sunnybank Hills and Stafford

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.50/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $3.90. Occasional cluster found to have split peel.

  • Red tips were at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.50/kg. Ladyfingers were $8/kg.