2024 Week - 30




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·       Week 29, 2024 - The industry saw a 10.02% increase on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 475,346 tray equivalents harvested and transported (approx 45,000 more tray equivalents) on Week 28, 2024 production. The national harvest included Hass variety supplying the entire 475,346 tray equivalents in this week’s reported figures.

Production across the country saw Central Queensland resume the lead in production accounting for 53.87% of the total volume, North Queensland accounting for a further 30.37%, then a growing supply from Central NSW accounting for 6.30%, South Queensland with 5.10% and finally WA/NT, TNR and Sunshine Coast with harvests accounting for 2.25%; 1.19% and 0.92% respectively.

·       It is forecast that a total of some 424,000 tray equivalents will be despatched this week (Week 30) nationally, all of which is expected to be hass. Production for the next three week period thereafter, is expected to fall within the range of 355 to 434K tray equivalents per week. North Qld and Central Queensland are expected to continue supplying the majority of available fruit through until early to mid August, even though supply has slowly started to come from the other major growing regions: including Central NSW, Tri-states and WA.

In terms of Avocado retail in the major supermarkets in Qld and Adelaide this week we saw shelf prices as follows - Aldi’s Purpleskin and Avolution Hass this week with shelf tickets at $1.99 each;  Coles Qld stores visited had Rock Ridge Hass avos at $1.80ea, and Woolworths Qld with Purpleskin and Howe Farming supplied Hass at $2.20ea.


Below: Coles Displays from Carindale, Browns Plains and Indooroopilly

  • Coles stores had Hass on display in size 20-25 at $1.80ea. Fruit with packed dates of 11th July therefore fruit age is 13 days from pack.

  • 5 piece packs at $4.90ea and 1kg packs at $4.50ea.

  • Organic avos at $3.80ea.


Below: Aldi Displays from Carindale, Browns Plains and Indooroopilly

  • Purpleskin and Avolution supplied Hass @ $1.99 each all Ct20/25. Packed dates of 11th to 16th July therefore fruit age is 8 to 13 days from pack.

  • 1kg Avocado nets at $4.69ea and 5 piece packs at $5.49ea.


Below: Woolworths Displays from Carindale, Browns Plains and Indooroopilly

  • Hass avos in Ct20/23/25 primarily from Purpleskins and Howe Farms were retailing at $2.20ea. Packed dates of 10th to 13th July meaning fruit age is 11 to 14 days from pack.

  • Odd Bunch 1kg packs at $5.50ea and 5 piece packs at $4.90ea.




Whilst we are still waiting on the banana industry transport figures for fruit harvested in Week 29, what we see in stores can give us an idea of what’s happening within the industry. Starting with the weather, patterns for the last week in the far north have seen early A.M. temperatures fall within a range of 4.4 - 19.0 C across all major growing regions; and day time temperatures ranging 20.0 - 26.2 C. Most of the North Qld banana growing regions had very minimal rain this week with Mareeba and Walkamin experiencing falls of 0-0.6mm; whilst slightly more fell across Innisfail and Tully regions with 11.2-12.8mms. With cool temperatures overnight/early morning, we will no doubt continue to see the impact on fruit bloom and also resulting in slower growth rates, pushing bunch age out. This winter to date, has sent a number of colder mornings early in the season, combined with overcast days, which has taken us a little by surprise, and can be seen in the resulting crops.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland for cavendish bananas has remained stable this week with pricing as follows: Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.99/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a ticket price of $4.50/kg; and Coles were offering fruit at $4.00/kg in the stores visited.


Below: Coles Carindale, Browns Plains and Indooroopilly

  • Cavendish were priced at $4.00/kg and Kids packs were at $4.00ea.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg, Red Tips at $5.50/kg.

  • Organic at $6.00/kg.


Below: Aldi Carindale, Browns Plains and Indooroopilly

Stores had Cavendish @ $3.99/kg.

  • Havana Bananas back in some stores this week at $3.99/kg.


Below: Woolworths Carindale, Browns Plains and Indooroopilly

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.50/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $3.50.

  • Lady fingers were priced at $8.00/kg, Red tips were at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.50/kg.