2023 Week - 30
In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows:
· Week 29, 2023 - The industry saw a 20.42% decrease on the previous week’s harvest with a total of 434,280 trays harvested and transported ( approx. 110,000 less trays) on Week 28, 2023 production. Hass variety supplying 433,182 trays harvested in addition to 1,098 trays of assorted other varieties also in this week’s reported figures. As for production, Central Qld is still in the lead with 49.13% of the total volume; South Qld just overtaking North Qld contributing 14.91% of the volume followed by a combined effort of North QLD (13.44%), WA (8.37%), Central NSW (9.11%) and the balance coming from the Sunshine Coast/Tamborine an Northern Rivers (5.04%).
· It is forecast that a total of 440K trays will be despatched this week nationally. Hass harvest figures forecast for the next two to three weeks thereafter are expected to range between 330K and 360K per week. The current four week average dispatch figure now sits at 459,869 trays.
In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows - Aldi Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.19ea but advertised at $1.29ea in their Aldi Super Savers catalogue? with late week advertising on television at $1.19ea; Coles Qld had Hass ticketed at $1.50ea, and Woolworths had Hass selling at a competitive on sale price of $1.20/ea.
For this weeks sales pricing please see the info below….

Below: Coles Displays from Garden City, Carindale and Toowong
Coles stores had Hass Avocados at $1.50ea.
1kg I’m Perfect at $5.50ea and 5 piece packs at $6.50/pack.
Overall good condition, some fruit with bruising but overall good colour and presentation.
Organic variety of avocados also on display for $3.80ea.
Below: Aldi Displays from Garden City, Carindale and Toowong
Avolution and Simpson Hass @ $1.19 each, as Aldi Super Savers this week.
5 piece packs priced at $5.99ea and 1kg packs at $4.99ea.
Below: Woolworths Displays from Garden City, Carindale and Toowong
Stores stocked Purpleskin, Simpson and Lava Valley Hass in counts 16-20, on special, priced at $1.20ea.
Fruit packed 13th July to 14th July, so age ranging 12 days to 13 days.
5 piece prepacks at $6.50ea. 1kg prepacks priced at $4.80ea - this line was also on special.
Week 29 saw the national harvest figure increase slightly to just below 399,000 cartons from 388,000; so again there was little change in the retail landscape. Over the last week in the far north, early A.M. temperatures have ranged 8.0 - 19.0 C across all major growing regions, whilst day time temperatures were warmer ranging 20.0 - 27.0 C. Less rainfall this week with Mareeba and Walkamin receiving 3.2mm and 3.0mm respectively; whilst Innisfail and Tully also received less rain with 20.4 - 34.2mm across the week in each region.
Cavendish presented this week with relatively good bloom. Seeing some dullness of bloom amongst smaller fruit on shelf, particularly kids packs.
Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas remained unchanged on last week and relatively uniform across the three chains as follows: Aldi’s banana ticket price at $3.99/kg; Woolies offered fruit at a competitive ticket price of $4.00/kg; and Coles were offering fruit also competitively at $4.00/kg.
Below: Coles Garden City, Carindale and Toowong
Cavendish were priced at $4.00/kg and Kids packs were at $4.00ea.
The majority of fruit had good bloom. Some clusters green and with slight bruising.
Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg, Red Tips at $5.50/kg. Organic variety priced at $6.00/kg.
Below: Aldi Garden City, Carindale and Toowong
Stores had Cavendish @ $3.99/kg- good bloom this week, an improvement on previous weeks. Some light brusing and skin marking observed, some fruit also had considerable bronzing.
Lady Fingers priced at $5.99/kg. This variety needed restocking at all stores.
Below: Woolworths Garden City, Carindale and Toowong
Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $4.00/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $3.50.
Lady fingers were priced at $8.00/kg, Red tips were priced at $5.50/kg and Organic Clusters at $6.00/kg.