2022-Week -25




In a nutshell the national production figures for last week were as follows

·    Week 24 - 426,044 trays harvested and consigned this week which represents an increase of 6% ( or some 24,000 additional trays) on Week 23, 2022 production – North Qld maintains the lead in production accounting for 51% of this; followed by Central Qld with 44%; 4% from South Qld and the remaining 1% is made up of a contribution from Central NSW and Northern Rivers/Tamborine and Sunshine Coast.

·       It is forecast that a total of 375K trays will be despatched this week nationally. The Hass forecast for the next two weeks to three weeks shows a steady decline starting at 370k down to 320K trays per week. The current four week average dispatch as of this week is 434,182 trays.

All major supermarkets are selling premium Hass  at $1.20 to $1.60ea .  Hass market pricing is comparable to last week, with prices ranging between $13-$17/tray for premium and a range of $9 -$12/tray for class one.  There continues to be very few bulk Hass on the market currently as what is available is being used for prepacking to service the supermarkets predominantly.

The weather in North Qld for our avocado crop has seen daytime temperatures ranging 10.6 to 25.5C with no rain this week at all. Fruit quality from our packing shed has been good, still seeing some light lenticel damage but we continue to grade out anything with heavier marking to ensure fruit is in spec. We are still experiencing a significant proportion of our crop being count 16’s - we sure do know how to grow them big!

Avocado display presentation in Qld stores this week was generally pleasing though some of the hass had a presence of light to moderate lenticel/nodule damage relating to recent rain in the growing region. Fruit age ranged 9 to 16 days. 

In terms of Avocado retail pricing in Qld shelf prices were as follows:  Aldi Qld had Hass and Gmax avos selling this week at a ticket price of $1.39ea;  Coles Qld had NQ Hass ticketed at $1.20ea and Gmax selling at $2.00ea; whilst Woolworths Qld had larger counts Hass selling at $1.40-$1.60/piece depending upon store location and Gmax selling at $2.50ea.  The fruit on shelves varied in condition with maturity ranging just yielding to soft (especially amongst the hass, any piece with a dull hue and sun blemish tended to be quite soft). 



Below: Coles Displays inc Bundaberg Sugarland Centre

  • Coles stores had Hass avocados priced at $1.20ea and were also stocking Greenskins Gmax avos selling at $2.00 ea. Fruit was well presented - all 7-14 days old and just yielding to firm with respects to maturity. Growers seen this week were Blue Lagoon (supplied by Delroy’s), Costa Farms; other stickered lines as well as the Greenskins GMAX. A light to moderate level of lenticel damage noted on some lines.

  • 1kg I’m Perfect packs at $4.90 to $6.50ea and 5pks selling for $5.00 to$7.50ea.


Below: Aldi Displays inc Bundaberg Sugarland Centre

  • Dorian Consultancy and Ferraro Farming Hass; Purpleskin Hass and Greenskin Gmax fruit in counts 23/25 loose @ $1.39 each.

  • Fruit age ranging 8 to 14 days.

  • 5 piece Hass nets at $5.99 and 1kg market packs also at $5.99ea.


Below: Woolworths Displays inc Bundaberg Sugarland Centre, Cooparoo and Fairfield

  • Stores had count 18/20 Howe Farming; Simpson Farms(Tinaroo Falls); and Purpleskin Hass avocados at $1.40 each and Count 14 Greenskin Gmax avocados at $2.50 each. Fruit packed dates of 6th to 9th June so All avocados 12-16 days old - some fruit is yielding to gentle pressure. A low level presence of nodule damage found mainly on the hass.

  • 1kg Prepacks priced at $6.00/net and 5 piece packs priced at $6.50ea.




National transport figures for last week was 377,376 cartons, some 10,000 less than the week prior. In the last week, morning temperatures have been noticeably cooler falling within a range of 12.5- to 20.5C; whilst day time temperatures have been a touch warmer with a top of 27C -within a range of 20 to 27C across the week which for NQld is associated with our winters.  In terms of rainfall, all major North Qld growing regions except Innisfail, had very little rain throughout the week, Innisfail however had a moderate fall of 22.6mm. Cavendish banana bunch age is still in the vicinity of 15-16 weeks, with fruit quality generally good overall in our packshed though we continue to grade out some light scarring. Fruit bloom at this stage is still bright but as the weather continues to cool; not only will we will see bunch age increase over the coming weeks but we may now start seeing a dulling/greying of fruit appearance. This is due to cold temperatures (usually under 10C for a few hours) causing a slowing or temporary cessation of sap flow which results in the sub-epidermal layer browning/greying which reflects outward through the peel, the result is fruit with dull bloom and in more extreme cases the fruit looks grey.

Independent retailers were selling bananas at $1.49 to $1.99/kg this week.  The markets all have moderate supplies of cavendish relative to demand with fruit selling at $2-$22 per carton, dependent upon quality and quantity each agent has.

The presentation of Cavendish presented reasonably well and fruit generally exhibiting good bloom - few odd clusters starting to show a presence of dull peel but believed not to be due to growing conditions at this stage. There was a presence of minor dry scar; minor neck damage; as well as bronzing; bruising; small rub marks and sap staining.  Colour was generally good.

Retail ticket pricing in Queensland on bananas has come back a little this week in comparison to the week prior and amongst the major supermarkets with Aldi’s banana ticket price at $1.79/kg; whilst both Woolies offered fruit at $1.80 to $2.50/kg and Coles offered fruit at $1.80 to $3.00/kg depending upon location of the stores visited.


Below: Coles Bundaberg, Cooparoo and Fairfield Displays

  • Cavendish was priced at $1.80/kg. 750g Kids packs at $2.50ea.

  • Quality across stores was quite good though some clusters found with minor skin marking. Red Tips had what appeared to be sooty mould.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $7.90/kg. Red Tips at $4.90/kg. Organic Bananas $4.90/kg


Below: Aldi Bundaberg, Cooparoo and Fairfield Displays

  • Stores had Cavendish @ $1.79/kg- there was a small presence of some green fruit, very light skin marking and excellent bright bloom of the cavs on display.

  • Lady Fingers were priced at $5.99/kg. Riper fruit was quite heavily marked.


Below: Woolworths Bundaberg, Cooparoo and Fairfield Displays

  • Woolworths had Cavendish bananas priced at $1.80- 3.00/kg, Lil Sana kids banded clusters at $2.50. Displays were generally well presented whilst again some minor neck damage and light skin marking - a few odd clusters found spotting.

  • Lady fingers were priced at $7.90/kg, Red tips were priced at $4.90/kg and Organic Clusters $5.50/kg